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MARINE ENGINEERING OFFICER - CLASS IV Part-B SUBJECT; MARINE ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE (GENER December, 20 Instructions to Candidates: i ‘Sixty (60) percent of * marked 20 questions nceded ee fity Gomori the total 50 question ed ‘The total duration ofthe exam is 120 © Nooverwrting of answer is allower in clear legible handwriting in the answers '¢ No question is having raultipl ‘Mark | SNo. —Wliple choice Guest af Pian Carbon Stels ae usualy regarded as being thoze Moyo 2 carton which contain op carbon A0a0% 8.083. . “Your Chet Engineer ha ordered 1000 0 of MG grate marine Sinpapore. Your ships fuel system can handle fuels any uato @ maximum viscosity of 280 cSt, but the ‘bunker barge brought 2 fuel of oF IMG grade with» madmur uscosty of 380 cSt. What will be the action taten by ships staff? {h-You have fo tate the fuel at a per ordered specs or fate the consequences 1. You can take the fuel dnd stl uset hy blending it with MDO ot previously supied Fuel ol Youn tals a note of protest and refute to aceap the fuel a t not as per ordered specs 'D- You carnot use this fuel onboard, but you have to admit that while ordering proper specs. Were not { ‘ven which had led to the consequences |* | The russer movenent ed t 35 degres on ether side cfd ship postion because | ‘the drag force becomes mace than the ft above 35 degree 1 the beating ettoc dominates over the turning effect torque becomes excessive beyend limit above 35 cegree ] ifthe superheat value of thertiostatic expansion valve (rset to0 Tow | A The suction line ofthe compressor wil too hot | & The suction line of the compressor willbe too cold | c the elzcharge ine of the compreseor wil b too hot eset bets ‘Amajer eotraling attorint ary een | eee | 38° | While testing of the bunk mes bya estny Rborator/ ove eons are found Whieh of Dhin |__| he ease in ae piles cvbuste ‘pat cod dicho te 1 Domiaes bang | Enger maine 8 Nene tn tow | | aes | A. opposing apeational dias aor |_| cafe The seh contort Tuell eaigiiean ote | ‘.leanindization ofthe aut of areata material prevent theo ‘indkates the cuatey of energy tlease by buring 3 unt amex ofthe el | |_| isto cetemaring pope smization emportire ef ofl IE] Wien ofthe along A. Deterge 8. lspersant Ta | Rema top for engine wary Fal pars oud i ocstad’ ‘ister carryovor from Balle onboard rough te seem causes || Atzeson ofthe steer pnt machinery B.Low water evel nsie te hoder |__| Csuta-eo af deposits on ne fw se _D Nona ofthe shove 3 | Te vawor on alg ping syn are gener the Flown yo _|¢ Screw down non etn ave FB | Por cman ont | ocece conta? |p bureing 8 27 | Tosa alaiy was on tofindthe presence of rating_C.lnetion__0. Warming se samp of Felie water ate “iy ists peFenmed in oder LA tvsrsidas BSulphates ___C Bearbonates__D. tates Which ofthe followin staervensis FALSE geri pus corre? A Sipser aencation ot ner ens forcaeo tans sa requrement aa Q2)D Q3)D a4)B Qs)A Q6)c 7c Q8)B ajc Q10)-A 1-8 12-C 14-C 15-8 16C 13-C Explosive welding 17D 18D 194 2A 22D 23D 258 27 C bi carbonates 248 20¢ 29) Q30)8 031) 932)8 35B 34c 37A 38C 389A 404 36D 298 33D 2 2122eM

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