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Helen: Hello Julia, how are you?
Julia: I'm fine thank you, how are you?
Helen: I'm fine thanks, just waiting for Andrew to come out of school, he's always last.
Julia: Of course, and I'm waiting for Joe, who's always second to last!
Helen: Ha ha. It's been too long since we've had coffee together. We have so much to catch up on!
Julia: Yes, I've missed our talks about politics!
Helen: Did you see the election last night?
Julia: Yes I did! What do you think of the new president?
Helen: I actually think he has some great ideas, that's why I voted for him.
Julia: I'm not sure. don't you know he's in favour of sex education?
Helen: Yes I do. Aren't you in favour of sex education?
Julia: No I'm not, I'm against it.
Helen: Well he has some very good education policies.
Julia: That's important. Children need to have a good education.
Helen: Yes they do. He wants all the schools to have better teachers.
Julia: Well, I'm definitely in favour of that!
Helen: Oh look here come the boys now. Did you drive here?
Julia: Yes, I've got a new car now.
Helen: Oh really? Is it another sports car?
Julia: No, it's a Range Rover.
Helen: That's a good car.
Julia: Yes and it's a beauty to drive!
Helen: Well I've got to go, give me a call and we'll meet up some other time. Bye!
Julia: Nice talking to you, Bye!
Bob: Hey Steven, how are you?
Steven: I'm fine thanks.
Bob: What have you been doing?
Steven: I've just got back from voting in the local election.
Bob: Oh yes, the election! I forgot about that. I just can't decide who to vote for.
Steven: Well, I voted for the current mayor, I think he's very good.
Bob: Doesn't he want to increase the minimum wage?
Steven: Yes, he thinks it's too low.
Bob: Well I'm against that.
Steven: You're against an increase in the minimum wage?
Bob: Yes, I think it will lead to higher taxes.
Steven: Well I'm in favour of increasing the minimum wage.
Bob: The other candidate has very good ideas on education.
Steven: That's a very important area.
Bob: Yes it is, I feel like we need better schools and better teachers.
Steven: I think our current mayor can provide those.
Bob: I'm not so sure. Anyway I have to go, I have to pick up my new car.
Steven: You have a new car? What kind of car did you buy?
Bob: A sportscar, of course! You know how much I love them.
Steven: Lucky you! Helen wouldn't let me buy a sportscar.
Bob: My sympathies! Well I'll see you later.
Steven: Don't forget to vote!
Flavia: Alex! It's good to see you.
Alex: Hi Flavia, how are you?
Flavia: I'm fine, thanks. Where have you been? I've not seen you here in a while.
Alex: Oh I've just been busy with work. Can I have a beer please?
Flavia: Yes, coming right up, here you go.
Alex: Thanks very much.
Flavia: No problem. So what have you been working on?
Alex: I've been writing an article on the election for my website.
Flavia: Oh I see, that's interesting. I voted for Johnson.
Alex: Really? Do you know his views on animal testing?
Flavia: No, is he for or against animal testing?
Alex: He's in favour of animal testing! It's horrible!
Flavia: I didn't know that! I'm against animal testing. I love all animals!
Alex: I voted for Schofield, he has some great ideas on education.
Flavia: That's very important, children should have a good education.
Alex: Yes. This country needs better schools and better teachers.
Flavia: Well I wish I could change my vote!
Alex: Cheer up! You should be happy, I noticed your new car outside.
Flavia: Yes! It's great. I love driving it.
Alex: What make is it?
Flavia: It's a Toyota!
Alex: It looks great, I might buy a sportscar some day...
Helen: What are you watching?
Steven: Oh, I'm just watching the soccer game.
Helen: Who's playing? Is it another team you never watch?
Steven: Manchester United, my favourite team.
Helen: Uh huh, and what's the score?
Steven: 2-0 to Manchester United.
Helen: I see. Is there anything else on the television?
Steven: What? Can't you see I'm watching this?
Helen: But soccer makes me so bored. There's nothing interesting about it.
Steven: Well leave then! Nobody asked you to watch it!
Helen: Oh! That's a nice thing to say to your wife! You're so rude!
Steven: I just want to watch my soccer game!
Helen: Fine! I'm sick and tired of you! Watch what you like, I'm going out!
Steven: That's okay with me. Have a nice trip.
Helen: I might not come back!
Steven: Good, I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the game in peace!
Helen: Goodbye!
Steven: Goodbye!
Frank: Hi Darling.
Frank: Hello!
Judith: Hmm, oh hi.
Frank: What are you watching?
Judith: California Sunrise.
Frank: Oh not that rubbish again!
Judith: It's not rubbish! Shut up.
Frank: What's happening?
Judith: Lance is about to tell his brother that he is his father!
Frank: What?! That doesn't make any sense!
Judith: You are always so rude about the programmes I like!
Frank: So when does this finish?
Judith: It's only just started!
Frank: Hmm... I was hoping to watch the soccer game!
Judith: Tough! I'm watching this.
Frank: Can I just switch over and see what the score is?
Judith: Ok, but hurry up!
Frank: Ok... Urrgh!
Judith: What? Are you losing?
Frank: Yeah, 3-0 and it's not even half time!
Judith: Oh well, you can switch back now!
Frank: Hold on, it looks like we might score.
Judith: Hey! Frank!
Frank: YES! GOAL! Come on you blues!
Judith: Frank, turn over now!
Frank: Hold on, we might get something out of this game after all!
Judith: I hate you so much! I am going to my sister's!
Frank: Ok, see you later honey!
Bob: Hi Madison, come in.
Madison: Hey Bob, are you ready to go out?
Bob: Almost, I was just catching the end of the soccer game.
Madison: Soccer, urgh! I hate soccer!
Bob: You don't support a team?
Madison: Nope, I don't even know any teams! It's not my "sport".
Bob: Well, if it can interest you, Barcelona are playing Real Madrid today.
Madison: What's the score?
Bob: It's 2 to 1 to Barcelona.
Madison: Is that good?
Bob: Yep, it is for me. I support Barcelona.
Madison: Good, shall we go out then?
Bob: What? No, we can't miss the end.
Madison: How long is left?
Bob: Umm... about 30 minutes more or less.
Madison: What? I thought you said it was nearly finished?
Bob: I didn't want you to get annoyed.
Madison: Well I'm annoyed even more now that you lied to me!
Bob: Oh I'm sorry, it's just a very important game, that's all...
Madison: And what about me?
Bob: What about you?
Madison: Am I not important?
Bob: Of course but this is one of the biggest games of the the year!
Madison: That's it, I'm going!
Helen: So Alice, you've nearly finished university!
Alice: I know, I can't wait for the exams to be over!
Helen: What do you think you'll do when you finish?
Alice: Probably have a big party!
Helen: No, I mean in terms of work?
Alice: Oh I don't know, I haven't thought about it much.
Helen: Well, you know it's very important to have a plan.
Alice: I guess... Alex thinks I should apply at the local council.
Helen: That sounds like a good idea.
Alice: I think it would be quite boring. I want to do something exciting.
Helen: What do you have in mind?
Alice: I saw a position the other day at Molecule Research Inc.
Helen: What do they do?
Alice: They develop new materials for use in industry.
Helen: Well, that sounds lovely dear.
Alice: Anyway, I'm not thinking too much about it until after the graduation.
Helen: That'll be a fantastic day, we are going to have a party.
Alice: Oh really?
Helen: Of course, I've been planning it for some time.
Alice: Really? Thanks mum.
Helen: Yep, I've invited all the family for a big barbecue in the garden.
Alice: Oh that sounds wonderful.
Helen: Unfortunately Uncle James won't be able to make it.
Alice: Oh that's a shame, why?
Helen: Well, it's a long story but he has to do community service after being caught drink driving.
Alice: That's terrible!
Helen: Yes it is, let's talk about something else.
Judith: Frank!
Frank: Yes?
Judith: I've got a horrible pain in my stomach.
Frank: Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that. How can I help?
Judith: Can you get me some paracetamol?
Frank: I think it would be better to take you to the hospital.
Judith: Nonsense, I'll be fine.
Frank: I think a check up wouldn't do you any harm. You never know.
Judith: Don't be so dramatic.
Frank: I'm not being dramatic, you shouldn't take your health for granted.
Judith: It's just a tummy pain, stop worrying so much Frank.
Frank: But it could be something serious. Please Judith.
Judith: What's this about? Why are you being so protective?
Frank: Well, my cousin Henry had a stomach pain once.
Judith: And? What happened?
Frank: He didn't think it was serious and didn't go to the hospital.
Judith: What was wrong with him?
Frank: He had a hemorrhage and he almost died.
Judith: Oh, that's terrible, but he's ok now?
Frank: He's still alive but he has to visit the hospital twice a week for the rest of his life.
Judith: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Frank: He also can't work anymore and his wife has to care for him.
Judith: Oh I see. Ok lets go to the hospital then if it would make you feel better.
Steven: Hi Helen.
Helen: Oh hello, you're home early!
Steven: What's going on?
Helen: Oh nothing, nothing at all.
Steven: What's all this?
Helen: It's nothing, just stuff.
Steven: It looks like you're planning a party!
Helen: Oh darn it! I can never keep a secret. I guess I may as well tell you.
Steven: Is it what I think it is...?
Helen: Yes, I was planning a surprise birthday party for you!
Steven: Oh I'm so sorry.
Helen: It's ok.
Steven: So what's the plan?
Helen: Well, I've invited all the family.
Steven: Oh that sounds great! Cousin Jane?
Helen: Yes, even cousin Jane.
Steven: Great! I've not seen her for at least five years.
Helen: I know. The only problem is, I'm not sure she'll be able to make it.
Steven: Oh, why not?
Helen: Well it seems her mother is very ill and needs a lot of looking after.
Steven: Oh dear, I better give her a call and see how she is.
Helen: Yes, I think that would be a good idea.
Steven: Still, at least everyone else will be there?
Helen: Yes, everyone else has said they can come, it should be a great day!
Steven: I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun!

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