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Helen: So Frank, how's the coffee? <So Frank, hows the coffee?>
Frank: I think this could be the best coffee I've ever tasted!
Frank: It might even be the best coffee in the world!
Helen: The best coffee in the world,
Helen: now that's hard to believe even for myself!
Frank: Ok, I admit it I might have exaggerated just a bit,
Frank: but it really is amazing!
Helen: Well, thank you for being so kind!
Frank: So, how's Donald doing? <So, hows Donald doing?>
Frank: Last time I saw him he was grumpier than usual.
Helen: Yes, he can be a bit cranky sometimes.
Helen: To be honest, he's not doing very well.
Frank: I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong?
Helen: The doctors say his eyesight is deteriorating.
Frank: Oh dear, that is terrible.
Helen: Yes, I'm very concerned, I don't know how he will cope.
Frank: Don't worry, Donald is strong and he's been through a lot in his life.
Frank: I'm sure he'll manage.
Helen: I hope you're right, but I can't help worrying about it.
Frank: Have you thought about a nursing home?
Frank: I heard that nonprofit nursing homes
Frank: provide better quality care than other facilities.
Helen: I would rather he didn't end up in a nursing home.
Helen: I think he needs to be around family.
Helen: A nursing home can never be better than a real family.
Helen: Especially a family that he helped create!
Frank: Yes of course, family is very important.
Helen: I just hope we'll be able to manage.
Frank: Well, if there's anything I can do to help, you just ask, OK?
Helen: Thank you so much Frank.
Frank: Anytime. Anyway, it's getting late, I better get going.
Helen: Ok Frank, thanks for stopping by.
Steven: Thank you for the tea and cake.
Judith: You're welcome, how do you like the cake?
Steven: I love it! It's very moist.
Judith: I'm glad you like it.
Steven: How's Frank? I heard about his heart scare.
Judith: He's fine now. The doctors did some tests and everything is fine.
Steven: That's good news.
Judith: Yes, I was very worried at the time.
Steven: I'm sure.
Judith: So how's Alice and the wedding preparation coming along?
Steven: To be honest, I try not to get involved!
Judith: You're a typical man!
Steven: As long as I sign the checks no one seems to care!
Judith: Ha!
Steven: Although I'm a bit worried about how much it'll cost!
Judith: Well, it's her wedding day, it needs to be special.
Steven: Yes, but don't you think that hiring "Doves" is a bit extravagant?
Judith: No, not at all, it sounds wonderful!
Judith: Doves are an English alternative rock band, originating from Cheshire.
Judith: There's nothing like a live band to liven things up.
Judith: Hiring a live band for a wedding offers
Judith: a level of sophistication that's not possible with a D.J.
Steven: Really? You think so?
Judith: Absolutely! There’s nothing quite like seeing a live band.
Judith: It's like being at a concert.
Judith: A live band brings a level of energy that can create
Judith: a wonderful experience for you and your guests.
Judith: A live band creates a party experience that...
Judith: you and your guests will remember for years to come!
Judith: I would most definitely hire a band myself.
Steven: Ok, you convinced me!
Steven: Anyway, I must be leaving, Helen will be expecting me.
Judith: Ok, it was nice seeing you.
Steven: You too, and thanks again for the lovely cake!
Bob: Good morning Madison. Did you watch American Idol on TV last night?
Madison: No, I didn't watch it.
Bob: What?! Are you joking?
Madison: No, it doesn't interest me.
Madison: I think it promotes bad human qualities, such as cruelty and narcissism.
Bob: But, everybody watches it.
Bob: For a certain segment of the population, American Idol provides a form of hope.
Bob: You can't get tired of it,
Bob: considering the number of people entering the talent show.
Bob: It’s fun to watch people sing, especially if they're good!
Bob: You have to admit, it's much better than many other talent shows out there.
Madison: Can I ask you a question?
Madison: What's so fun and interesting about about that?
Bob: Well, never mind then.
Madison: Bob, how's your mother doing? I heard she had a fall?
Bob: Yes she did, she's in the hospital.
Madison: That's terrible! I'm sorry to hear that.
Bob: Yes, but the doctors say she should be OK.
Madison: That's good news right?
Bob: Yes, I'm just a bit worried about how to look after her when she comes out.
Madison: I see, well, have you thought about a nursing home?
Bob: No, I want to keep her close to the family.
Madison: That's nice, is there anyone who can help out?
Bob: My brother said he would help a bit.
Bob: He's better than most people out there.
Madison: Well if you need anyone else, I don't mind helping.
Bob: What? Really? That's so sweet of you, thanks a lot.
Madison: It's my pleasure.
Bob: Anyway, I better get back to work!
Madison: Ok, see you later.
Gordon: Hey Madison, can you give me a hand, please!
Madison: Yes Mr. Winter, what can I do for you?
Gordon: How does this photocopier work?
Madison: It's real easy.
Madison: You just turn it on, and press the copy button.
Gordon: Can you show me by copying this important document for me?
Madison: Certainly, I'll just place the important document in the copier.
Gordon: Ok.
Madison: And press the copy button, like this.
Madison: See it's easy as pie.
Gordon: It doesn't seem to be working?
Madison: No, I'm not sure why, maybe if I press this button
Madison: It might just do the trick.
Gordon: What's that noise? What did you do?
Gordon: Are you sure you know what your doing?
Madison: I'm not sure, maybe if I press this button.
Gordon: What the hell! What's that noise again.
Gordon: Now what have you done?
Madison: I haven't done anything.
Gordon: Well, you have done something! It looks like you've broken it!
Madison: It wasn't my fault! I simply pressed the button.
Gordon: What's happening now? It's still making that strange noise.
Madison: My goodness! It's on fire!
Gordon: Quick get the important document! Then get a fire extinguisher!
Madison: I can't, it's too hot! I'm burning my hands.
Gordon: That document is extremely important.
Madison: I'm sorry, it's not my fault.
Gordon: I'm very disappointed with you. Let's face it you're clearly useless.
Gordon: I'm going to have to fire you.
Madison: What?! Are you giving me the ax?
Madison: Can we even talk this over, after all I've been working here for 10 years.
Gordon: There's no point in talking about this. I already made up my mind.
Gordon: You have thirty minutes to collect your things and vacate the building.
Madison: Well, at least I won't have to put up with your nonsense anymore.
Madison: Good bye to you and good bye to your dead end job!
Gordon: Hey Bob give me a hand with this!
Bob: Yes Mr. Winter, What can I do for you?
Gordon: I'm having problems with my computer, can you help me please?
Bob: Certainly, what seems to be the problem, sir?
Gordon: I've written this important document and I need to save it.
Bob: Ok, that's no problem, just click the disk icon.
Gordon: I can't see it anywhere!
Bob: Here, let me do it for you.
Bob: Huh?!^
Gordon: What happened? Why is the screen black?
Bob: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about,
Bob: there should be a backup copy.
Bob: I'll just power the computer back on.
Gordon: I must remind you that document is extremely important!
Bob: Oh no!^
Gordon: What?^
Bob: The computer says the hard disk is broken.
Gordon: What's the hard disk?
Bob: That's where all the files are stored!
Gordon: WHAT?! Are you saying that all the documents have been destroyed?
Bob: Yes, I'm afraid so, all your files are lost!
Gordon: WHAT THE HELL!! Why did you break the hard disk?!
Bob: Me? It wasn't my fault! How could I break the hard disk?
Gordon: I thought you were a good worker Bob,
Gordon: but clearly I was wrong!
Gordon: Let's face it, you're a failure. You're fired!
Bob: There must be something I can do to make it up to you.
Bob: Can we talk it over, after all I've been working here for 15 years.
Gordon: It's too late for that. I already made up my mind.
Gordon: There's no point in talking. I already found a new employee.
Gordon: He's sharp as a tack!
Bob: Well. At least I won't have to put up with your nonsense anymore.
Bob: Good bye to you and good bye to your dead end job!
Gordon: Hey Steven!
Steven: Yes Gordon, what can I do for you?
Gordon: Could you help me assemble this bookshelf?
Steven: Wow, what a nice bookshelf. Sure, no problem.
Steven: Let's get started.
Gordon: Thanks.
Steven: So, first we need to put these pieces together.
Steven: I'll need a screwdriver and some bolts for that.
Gordon: Ok.
Steven: Then I need to put these bits in.
Steven: There we go, everything is fitting perfectly.
Steven: And last but not least we need to add
Steven: the shelves and screw them to the brackets.
Steven: There we go, it's finished.
Gordon: Ok, that looks great!
Gordon: I couldn't have done a better job myself.
Steven: Thanks boss, it was a piece of cake.
Steven: I'm glad to help!
Gordon: Could you please fill the bookshelf with those books over there?
Steven: Sure, it'll be my pleasure. Let me get those books for you.
Steven: Oh no!
Gordon: What was that noise? What the hell just happened!
Steven: I don't know, the whole bookshelf just fell apart!
Gordon: Just fell apart? Bookselves don't just fall apart!
Gordon: How could you be so stupid?!
Steven: It wasn't my fault! For God's sake!
Gordon: But you put it together!
Steven: Yes but, I did everything correctly.
Gordon: No ifs, ands or buts! I hate to tell you this, but you're fired!
Steven: What, you can't fire me! I have my rights you know.
Gordon: I'm the boss I can do whatever I want!
Steven: I need this job. I have a family you know. I have to work.
Steven: Give me another chance. I deserve a second chance!
Steven: I've been working here for 17 years.
Gordon: I've given you many chances. My decision is final.
Gordon: I'm sorry that this didn't work out.
Steven: But, I deserve another chance.
Gordon: What part of you're fired, canned or sacked don't you understand!?
Gordon: Ok, I've had enough, SECURITY!
Helen: So what are we looking for?
Alice: We need to find some bridesmaid dresses for the wedding.
Helen: Oh yes!
Alice: Mum, what do you think about this dress?
Helen: I'm not sure if the colour is right.
Helen: I don't think the bridesmaids would be happy with them.
Carola: Hello, would you allow me to help you?
Helen: No thank you, we are just having a look.
Carola: Just let me know if you need some help.
Helen: We will, thank you.
Alice: How about this one mom?
Alice: I love the design and color!
Alice: It's bright and creates such a happy and light-hearted atmosphere.
Helen: It sure is beautiful.
Carola: That's lovely, what size did you want?
Helen: We are just looking, thank you.
Carola: Of course, take your time.
Helen: Well, it does look nice.
Alice: Do you think we should get it?
Helen: Excuse me. Would you mind answering a few questions for me?
Carola: Yes, of course ma'am. It would be my pleasure.
Helen: Do you have this dress in sizes eight, ten and twelve?
Carola: Yes we do, do you want to buy three of them?
Helen: Actually we'll need five, two in size eight,
Helen: one size ten and two size twelve.
Carola: That's not a problem, are they for a wedding?
Alice: Yes, it's my wedding. I'm getting married and I'm so excited
Alice: and happy for the wedding preparations.
Alice: I'm engaged to the most precious and wonderful man.
Alice: I still can’t quite believe it.
Carola: Congratulations for your wedding!
Carola: And congratulations on your new life together!
Alice: Thank you, my mom has also been very patient with me these days.
Helen: Thank you darling. It's always a pleasure for me.
Helen: The first time you fall in love, it changes you forever.
Helen: No matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away.
Alice: That's so sweet mom. Thank you for always being there for me.
Alice: You don't know how much it means to me.
Helen: It's my pleasure.
Helen: I'm sorry Alice, I need to go to the bank before it closes.
Helen: I'll meet you at the cafe in an hour?
Alice: Sure, see you later.
Frank: So what are we looking for?
Judith: We need to find some candlesticks.
Frank: Oh yes!
Frank: What do you think about these?
Judith: Yuck, they are disgusting.
Pepita: Hello, can I help you?
Judith: No thank you.
Pepita: Just let me know if you need some help.
Judith: We will.
Frank: How about these?
Judith: Hmm...
Pepita: They are the most popular candlesticks we have here.
Judith: We are just looking, thank you.
Pepita: Of course, take your time.
Judith: They do look nice. We should also get several scented candles.
Judith: Studies show that certain aromatherapy scents can relieve stress,
Judith: enhance mental clarity and concentration.
Frank: Yes, I do remember reading something about that.
Frank: Aromatherapy may help to improve both your physical and emotional wellbeing.
Frank: Do you think we should get the candlesticks?
Judith: Let's talk to the assistant. Excuse me.
Pepita: Yes, how may I help you?
Judith: How many of these do you have in stock?
Pepita: I think we have several? We also have several scented soy candles.
Pepita: They release soothing, health-reinforcing soy into the air,
Pepita: giving your mind and body a great sense of wellbeing.
Judith: We only need two candlesticks at the moment.
Pepita: That's no problem, Would you like them gift wrapped?
Frank: There's no need for that.
Pepita: I'll just go and find the other one in the back.
Frank: I'm sorry, I need to go to the bank before it closes.
Frank: I'll meet you at the cafe in an hour.
Judith: Well, ok then.
Steven: So what are we looking for?
Helen: We need some bread rolls for the barbecue.
Steven: Oh yes!^
Steven: What do you think about these?
Helen: No, I don't like the ones with the seeds.
Emma: Hello, can I help you?
Helen: No thank you. We are just looking.
Emma: Just let me know if you need some help.
Helen: We will.
Steven: How about these?
Helen: Yes, those are perfect but there are only a few left!
Steven: Maybe they have more in the back?
Helen: Excuse me. Do you have anymore of these rolls?
Emma: Yes.
Emma: Yes, we have lots.
Helen: Great, can we have twenty please?
Emma: Sure, I'll just go and find the other ones in the back.
Steven: What are the most typical types of food that people grill at a barbecue?
Helen: Well of course, grilled hamburgers and hotdogs.
Helen: They can also make steak, chicken and fish.
Helen: A lot of people also make baked potatoes, beans and coleslaw.
Steven: Sounds great! I love grilled fish and chicken!
Helen: Let's not forget the charcoal and the special barbecue basting sauce.
Steven: I couldn't agree with you more.
Steven: The meat won't taste very good if we don't baste it with the special sauce.
Helen: That's exactly what I think.
Helen: Basting also helps keep the meat moist, and adds flavor.
Helen: Don't worry basting is also very easy.
Steven: Ok great! I think we've got everything.
Steven: The barbecue will be fantastic!
Steven: I need to meet Frank at the pub,
Steven: can I meet you back at home later?
Helen: Well, OK then. See you later.

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