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Blood is the part of life that is given to those who need it by those who have the resource to
satisfy the need. The love of fellow human and desire to share something of one self is what
signal out of blood donor from the others. Emergency and the patients could have set back if
blood is not available.

A single donation from you can help one or more patients. This is possible because whole
blood is made up of several useful components. These components perform special function
in your body and the of patients who receives your blood. The various blood components are
Red Blood Cells, Platelets, plasma and plasma proteins. Each of these components can be
separated from your donation volume of blood and transfused into a specific patient requiring
the particular component. Thus, it can benefit one unit of blood.

Blood is needed every minute:

a) To replace blood lost because of accidents or diseases.

b) To treat shocks due to injury.
c) For major and minor surgeries including open heat surgeries, transplants etc.
d) For burn victims.
e) For patients suffering from Anemia.
f) During child birth for mother.
g) For exchange transfusion for new born infants.
h) To make blood derivatives which are used to treat medical problem.

An early leading to the establishment of blood bank occurred in 1915. In 1937, the first
hospital blood bank in the United States was established. In creating a hospital laboratory that

and store donor blood, Fantasy originated the team “Blood bank”. With a few year Hospital
and community blood bank were established across the United States of America. Now blood
banks are widely spread across the globe.

In the developed world, most blood are unpaid volunteers who give blood for a community
supply. In poorer countries, established supplies are limited and donor usually give blood
when family or friend need a transfusion. Many donors donate as an act of charity, but some

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are paid and in some cases there are incentive other than money such as paid time off from
work. A donor is evaluated for anything that might make their blood unsafe to use. The
screening include testing for disease that can be transmitted by a blood transfusion, including
HIV and viral hepatitis. The donor is also asked about medical history and given a short
physical examination to make sure that the donation is not hazardous to his or her health.
How often a donor can give varies from days to month based on what he or she donates the
law of the country where the donation takes place.

Introduction to module:
a) Admin login
b) Add Blood donor
c) Add Blood
d) Add Blood Stock
e) Donors Report
f) Blood report
g) Stock Report

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Literature survey

Everything on the earth living or non-living ha an evolution cycle. Like scientist has prove
implemented an evolution cycle from ape of man. In same manner the computer has an
evolution cycle, as technology is improving the computer are becoming more and more
efficient. Similarly, as the computer architecture is improving day by day, it is require
upgrading the previous system according.

As our company is launching this software for the first time. Similarly, software's of different
companies are present in the market and we tried to study those, a brief discussion was
carried out with the project guide to know more details about existing system. After
discussion the various deficiencies in the system was identified these points are noted down
and discussed with project guide again and decide where to make modification over existing

Since we are implementing our software in the new environment and using the present
technology so make more efficient, there was a need to understanding the software's
environment and also about the new technologies. and while implementing the software
various thing has been taken into consideration like software will also be usable for those end
users who don't understand English.

Existing system
An existing system refers to the system that is being followed till now. Presently in almost all
the hospital und blood banks they store all the details in a huge ledger. Whenever an
emergency arises the employees of the blood bank has to go through the huge ledger or a
matching one. In such emergency situation, it’s not advisable to continue with the present
system. Even if the donor details are found are found, the people number or the other contact
details may not be valid or update one.

Drawback of Existing System

a. Time consuming.

b. Updating and Retrieval task are very tedious.

c. More manual work.

d. Easy Customer service is difficult.

e. Lot of paper work result in lot of confusion.

f. Data is not readily available in an emergency situation.

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To avoid all these limitations and make the system working more accurately it needs to be

Proposed system
The Online blood bank management system is user-friendly software. The main objective of
the system is which shows and help you to collect Information about the donor such as the
contact details. It helps in finding out the blood bank details such as donor details, employee
details, etc.

The main objective the proposed system can be enumerated as follows:

a. Patients are easily getting the matching blood.

b. Donor search is possible

c. Matching blood group can be found easily form the table.

d. Employee details and salary generation become easy.

e. Stock details are easily available.

Merits of proposed system

The system is very simple in design and to implement. The system requires very low system
resource and the system will work in almost all Configurations.

A. Security of data
B. Ensure data accuracies.
C. Administrator control the entire system
D. Data storage becomes more effort less.
E. Minimize manual data entry
F. great efficiency
G. User friendly and interactive.
H. Saves lot of time.
I. Retrieve and updating tasks can be performed much faster and easier.

Overview of languages used

The proposed system is developed using visual basic as the front end and MySQL as the back

PHP was originally an acronym for Personal Home Pages, but is now a recursive acronym for
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP was originally developed by the Danish Greenlander Rasmus Lerdorf, and was
subsequently developed as open source. PHP is not a proper web standard but an open-source

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technology. PHP is neither real programming language - but PHP lets you so-called scripting
in your documents.

To describe what a PHP page is, you could say that it is a file with the extension PHP that
contains a combination of HTML tags and scripts that run on a web server.

Programming language have a set of operators that perform arithmetical operations, and other
such as Boolean operators on truth values, and string operators manipulating strings of text.
Computers are mathematical devices, but compilers and interpreters require a full syntactic
theory of all operations in order to parse formula involving any combinations correctly. In
particular they depend on operator precedence rules, on order of operations, that are tacitly
assumed in mathematical writing.

So, operators are special symbols that are used to represent for example simple computations
like addition and multiplication. Most of the operators in VB do exactly what you would
expect them to do, because they are common mathematical symbols. For example, the
operators for adding two integers is +.

Like its procedure, PHP in creating graphical user interfaces. Although the programmer still
has the option of creating controls and setting their properties programmatically (i.e. by hand
writing the code), he usually will create many, if not all of the controls in the interfaces by
selecting items from the toolbox and adding to a particular form. While working with forms,
you can use the toolbox to drag different controls to the form you are designing, resize them
and relocate them using the mouse, and set the controls properties in a corresponding
properties window to quickly develop the user interface. Event handler for each controls most
common event can be quickly created by double-clicking to create a new event handler and
be send to that event handler in the code window.

How MYSQL works

MySQL is a fast, easy-to-use RDBMS being used for many small and big businesses.
MySQL is developed, marketed, and supported by MySQL. AB, which is a Swedish
company. MySQL is becoming so popular because of many good reasons:

 The MySQL software consists of the MySQL server, several utility programs
 that assist in the administration of MySQL databases, and some MySQL
 MySQL is released under an open-source license. So you have nothing to pay to use
 MySQL is a very powerful program in its own right. It handles a large subset of the
functionality of the most expensive and powerful database packages.
 MySQL uses a standard form of the well-known SQL data language.

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 MySQL works on many operating systems and with many languages including PHP.
PERL C, C AVA, etc.
 MySQL works very quickly and works well even with large data sets.
 MySQL is very friendly to PHP, the most appreciated language for web development.
 MySQL supports large databases, up to 50 million rows or more in a table. The
default file size limit for table is 4GB, but you can increase this (if your operating system can
handle it) to a theoretical limit of 8 million terabytes (TB).
 MySQL is customizable. The open-source GPL license allows programmers to
modify the MySQL software to fit their own specific environments. Supporting software that
the MySQL server needs (but you don't need to know about).
The heart of the system is the MySQL server. The MySQL server is the manager of the
database system. Handles all your database instructions. For instance, if you want to create a
new database, you send message to the MySQL server that says "create a new database and
call it new data." The MySQL server then creates a subdirectory in its data directory, names
the new subdirectory new data, and puts necessary files with the required format into the new
data subdirectory. In the same manner, to add data to that database, you send a message to the
MySQL server, giving it the data and telling it where you want the data to be added. You find
out how to write and send messages to MySQL in Part II. Before you can pass instructions to
the MySQL server, it must be running and waiting for requests. The MySQL server is usually
set up so that it starts when the computer starts and continues running all the time. This is the
usual setup for a Web site. However, it's not necessary to set it up to start when the computer
starts. If you need to, you can start it manually whenever you want to access a database.
When it's running, the MySQL server listens continuously for messages that are directed to it.

MySQL triggers allow you to execute stored program code whenever a DML statement is
issued against database table. In MySQL 5.0. triggers can be used to automate
denormalization or logging implementation of data validation in MySQL triggers is more of a
challenge, as in MySQL there Is no easy or straightforward way to raise an error condition or
abort the transaction when validation fails. be remedied when the SIGNAL statement is
implemented in MySQL 5.2. In this chapter we presented a workaround that does allow data
validation triggers to be created in the interim. Although the error text generated far from

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Requirement Analysis
Role of SRS
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is the starting point of the software developing
activity. As system grew more complex it became evident that the goal of the entire system
cannot be easily comprehended. Hence the need for the requirement phase arose. The
software project is initiated by the client needs. The SRS is the means of translating the ideas
of the minds of clients (the inputs) into a formal document. Software Requirement
Specification is the medium though which the client and user needs are accurately specified.
It forms the basis of software development.

The SRS document itself states in precise and explicit language those function and
capabilities a software system must provide as well as states any required constraints by
which the system must abide. The SRS also function as a blueprint for completing a project
with as little cost growth as possible. The SRS is often referred to as the "parent" document
because all subsequent project management documents, such as design specifications,
statements of work, software architecture specifications, testing and validation plans, and
documentation plans, as related to it.

It's important to note that an SRS contains functional and non-functional requirement only:
it’s doesn't offer design suggestions, possible solutions to technology or business issues, or
any other information other than what the development team understands the customers
system requirements to be.

A well-designed, well-written SRS accomplishes four major goals:

a. It provides feedback to the customer. An SRS is the customer's assurance that the
development organization understands the issues or problems to be solved and the software
behaviour necessary to address those problems. Therefore, the SRS should be written in
natural language, in an unambiguous manner that may also include charts, tables, data flow
diagrams, decision tables, and so on.
b. It decomposes the problem into component parts. The simple act of writing down
software requirements in a well-designed format organize information, places borders around
the problem, solidifies ideas, and helps break down the problem into its component parts in
an orderly fashion.

SRS are typically developed during the first stages of "Requirement Development" which is
the initial product development phase in which information is gathered about what
requirements are needed and not. This information gathering stage on-investment (ROI)
analysis or needs analysis of the customer or client current business environment. The actual
specification, then, is written after the requirement have been gathered and analysed.

a. This application is designed to maintain the details of Blood Bank

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b. This software helps in correct maintenances of the details of the blond bank such as
Donor receipt details, equipment details, blood issue details etc.
c. The application allows administrator to access the data and to update the data of the
d. The application is user friendly and provides all the information required.
e. The application must work properly without problems on all targeted devices and
network support.


The purpose of the documents is to describe all external requirements of Online Blood Bank.
It also describes the interfaces for the system. The basic idea the project is to provide the
details available in the blood bank. The main objective of this application is to automate the
complete operations of the blood bank. They need maintain hundreds of thousands of records.
Also searching should be very faster so they can find required details instantly.


This application is built such a way that it should suits for all type of blood banks in future.
So every effort is taken to implements this projects in this blood bank, on successful
implementation in this blood bank, we can target other blood bank in the city.


Front End : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

Back End : MY SQL

Operating System : All Windows Operating System, Linux & Mac Operating


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PROCESSOR : Intel core

RAM : 512 MB

HARD DISK : 20GB or more


KEYWORD : Normal or Multimedia

MOUSE : Compatible mouse



The main purpose of functional requirements is to define all activities or operations that take
place in the system. These are derived through interactions with the users of the system.
Since requirements specification is a comprehensive document and contains a lot of data, it
has been broken down into different stages in this report.


Administrator has all the rights of maintaining all the records of the blood bank and also can
maintain the stock and employee details. Administrator will be responsible for editing and
updating the information of the application. Administrator will only have the access to the



Reliability is the correlation of an item with a hypothetical one, which truly measures what it
is supposed to. Since the true instrument is not available. The program according to the
requirement can perform the intended function

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a. Back-up option for backing up the database etc.

b. Error-handling-exception occurring while accessing database need to be addressed.


Usability refers to the capability of the product to be understood, learned and used and user
friendly to users, when used specified conditions. This section should include all of those
requirements that affect usability.


Maintainability is the ease with which a program/specification can be corrected if an error

occurs desires a change in requirements. Specify attributes of software that relate to the ease
of maintenance of the affect usability.


Performance is measured in terms of the output provided by the application. Requirements

specification plays an important part in the analysis of a system. Only when the requirements
specifications are properly given, it is possible to design a system, which will fit into required

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Data flow diagram notation

The data flow diagram (DFD) is the one of the most important modeling tools. It shows the
use of the pictorially. DFD represent the flow of data between different transformations and
process in the system. The data flow shows logical flow of data, Different notation used in
DFD are:

Function processing
It is represented by Oval. This notation specifies the processing or main transactions.

Data Flow
An arrow line represents it and name of the data is specified by the side of the line as label.
This arrow line is used to indicate data movement.

Data Store
It is represented by one end open rectangle. The databases used in the system are specified by
this notation.

Source or sink
It is represented by a rectangle. It is used for specifying from where data is coming and where
it will reach.

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A computer procedure is a series of operation design to manipulate data to produce a output a
computer System. The procedure may be a single program or a series of programs. The
detailed design of the computer procedure follows acceptance by management of an outline
design proposal. The aim is to design procedure at lower level of detail, which will define the
detailed steps to be taken to produce the specified computer output. When complete, this
procedure definition together with data specification reorganizes for programmer from which
the required programs can be written.

Various tools are being used by system analysis to specify computer procedure. Not all of
them are used here to design this project. Some of the most important tools that have been
used are

a. Entity relationship diagram.

b. Input design.

c. Output design

d. Database design.

Input design
Input design is a part of the overall system design, which requires very careful attention.

Often the collection input data is the most expensive process of the system, in term of both
the equipment used and the number of people involved, it is point of most contact for the user
with the computer system; and it is prone to error. If data going into the system is incorrect,
then the processing and output will magnify their errors.

One of the earlier activities of input design is to determine the nature of the input data. this is
done partially in logical system design but it needs to be made more explicit.

Error avoidance and detection

Every effort must be made to ensure that input data remains accurate from the stage at which
it is recorded and documentation to the stage at which the customer accept it. While every
effort is made to avoid errors during the preparation of errors are likely to be present.

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The user is free from the anxiety of keeping the uniqueness of the primary key since the
system itself generates the primary key for the users.

As soon as the user keys erroneous data it, the system will not accept the data and provide the
appropriate messages.

Data validation
Computer input procedure is also designed to detect errors in the data at a lower level of
details which is beyond the capability of the control procedures. These are combined with
the input process itself.

The validation procedure must be designed to check each record, data item, and certain
criteria against the field by a system analyst or programmer.

Outside design
The specification of the user requirement is the starting for the appraisal of the detailed
physical design must be done with the light of the continuous user involvement. The normal
procedure is to design the output in detail first and then return to work. The output can be in
the form of operational documents, lengthy reports, and replies to queries or summarizing

Output from computer systems are required to provide a permanent copy of the result for
later consultation. Output design can proceed before any data item is yet to be identified and
recorded. There is often a need to provide output at various levels. It is not always desirable
to print or display data as it is held on a computer. The system analyst must make sure that
the system is stored in the output.

In proposed system the user has been provided with many outputs in the form of messages
and alerts so as to help the user enter the correct data.

Reports enhance the application programmer's effort to output the formatted data in a manner
that is practical for the user, 'This also helps create hard copy of valid information.

Architectural design
Architectural design represents the structure of data and program components that are
required to build computer based system. It considers the architectural style that a system
will take, the structure and properties of the component that constitute the system, and the
inter relationship that occurs among all the architectural component of a system.

Although a software engineer can design both and architecture, the job is often allocated to
specialists when large, Complex system are to be built. A database or a data warehouse
designer creates the data architecture of a system. The system architect selects an appropriate

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architectural style for the requirements derived during system engineering and software
requirement analysis.

Architectural design begins with data design and the proceeds to the derivation of one or
more Representations of the architectural structural of the system alternative architectural
style or patterns are analyzed to derive the structure that is best suited to customer
requirements and quality attributes. Once an alternative has been selected, the architectural is
elaborated using an architectural design method. An architectural model encompassing data
architectural and program structure is create during architectural design. In addition,
component properties and relationship are described.

Context Diagram

Blood Bank
Administrator Management Database

Low Level DFD

1 level DFD Administrator

Blood Bank Relational

Management Database

Login details


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High Level DFD

DBMS Donor Details
Admin Login
Contact Us

Admin Details View Donor

View Blood

Add Donor

Add Blood

Blood Details
Add Stock

View Stock

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Database Design

Introduction to database design

Donor Registration

Entry Work

Login Information User name

Basic Information

Confirm Password

Age Blood Group

Gender Date of Birth

Contact Information


Pin Code
E-mail id

Date of Birth
Mobile no

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Database design
Introduction to database

Data base design is concern with the data focus from the perspective of the system designer.
The end product is called a database, a technical blueprint of database.

Database design translates the data model that were developed for the system users during the
definition phase in to data structure supported by the chosen database technology. The goals
of database design are as follows:

a) Database should provide for the efficient storage, update and retrieval of data.
b) A database should be reliable – the storage data should have high integrity to promote
user in that data.
c) A database should be adaptable and scalable to new and unforeseen requirements and

Database design

Table created

Donor Registration Table

Field Type Null Key Default Extra

Username varchar(10) YES NULL
Password varchar(10) YES NULL
Name varchar(10) YES NULL
Age varchar(10) YES NULL
Gender varchar(10) YES NULL
Blood Group varchar(20) YES NULL
State varchar(10) YES NULL
City varchar(10) YES NULL
Pin Code int(10) YES NULL
Mobile no int(10) YES NULL
Email ID varchar(20) YES NULL

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<li class="txt">Cost</li>
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<li class="txt">Stock Type</li>
<li class="inputfield">
<select name="stock_blood_id" class="bar" required/>
<option value=''>Please Select</option><option value='1'>A +ve</option><option
value='4'>A -ve</option><option value='3'>AB +ve</option><option value='2'>B
+ve</option><option value='5'>B -ve</option><option value='6'>O +ve</option><option
value='7'>O -ve</option> </select>
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<li class="txt">Units</li>
<li class="inputfield"><input name="stock_number" id="stock_number" type="text"
class="bar" required value=""/></li>
<ul class="forms">
<li class="txt">Date</li>
<li class="inputfield"><input name="stock_date" id="stock_date" type="text" class="bar"
required value=""/></li>
<ul class="forms">
<li class="txt">Description</li>
<li class="textfield"><textarea name="stock_description" cols="" rows="6"
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<li class="txt">&nbsp;</li>
<li class="textfield"><input type="submit" value="Submit" class="simplebtn"></li>
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function delete_doner(doner_id)

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if(confirm("Do you want to delete the doner?"))

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<td scope="col">Sr. No.</td>
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Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent to find that
whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. This activity results in the actual,
expected and difference between their results. In simple words testing is executing a system
in order to identity any gaps, errors or missing requirements in contrary to the actual desire or

It depends on the process and the associated stakeholders of the project(s). In the IT industry,
large companies have a team with responsibilities to evaluate the developed software in the
context of the given requirements. Moreover, developers also conduct testing which is called
Unit Testing. In most cases, following professionals are involved in testing of a system within
their respective capacities.

 Software Tester.
 Software Developer.
 Project Lead/Manager.
 End User

Different companies have difference designations for people who test the software on the
basis of their experience and knowledge such as Software Tester, Software Quality
Assurance Engineer, and QA Analyst etc.

it is not possible to test the software at any time during its cycle. The next two sections state
when testing should be started and when to end it during the SDLC


White box testing is when the tester has access to the internal data structures and algorithms
including the code that implement these.

Types of white box testing

The following types of white box testing exist:

 API testing (application programming interface) testing of the application using

public and private APls.
 Code coverage creating tests to satisfy some criteria of code coverage (eg. the test
designer can create tests to cause all statements in the program to be executed at least
 Fault injection methods improving the coverage of a test by introducing faults to test
code paths
 Mutation testing methods
 Static testing White box testing includes all static testing.


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Black box testing treats the software as a "black box"-without any knowledge of internal
implementation. Black box testing methods include: equivalence partitioning, boundary value
analysis, all-pairs testing, fuzz testing, model-based testing. exploratory testing and
specification- based testing Specification-based testing:

Specification-based testing aims to test the functionality of software according to the

applicable requirements.1221 Thus, the tester inputs data into, and only sees the output from,
the test object. This level of testing usually requires thorough test cases to be provided to the
tester, who then can simply verify that for a given input, the output value (or behavior), either
"is" or "is not" the same as the expected value specified in the test case Specification-based
testing is necessary, but it is insufficient to guard against certain risks.


Grey box testing (American spelling: gray box testing) involves having knowledge of internal
data structures and algorithms for purposes of designing the test cases, but testing at the user,
or black-box level. Manipulating input data and formatting output do not qualify as grey box,
because the input and output are clearly outside of the "black-box" that we are calling the
system under test. This distinction is particularly important when conducting integration
testing between two modules of code written by two different developers, where only the
interfaces are exposed for test. However, modifying a data repository does qualify as grey
box, as the user would not normally be able to change the data outside of the system under
test. Grey box testing may also Include reverse engineering to determine, for instance,
boundary values or error messages.

Unit testing refers to tests that verify the functionality of a specific section of code, usually at
the function level. In an object-oriented environment, this is usually at the class level, and the
minimal unit tests include the constructors and destructors.

These types of tests are usually written by developers as they work on code (white-
box style), to ensure that the specific function is working as expected. One function might
have multiple tests, to catch corner cases or other branches in the code. Unit testing alone
cannot verify the functionality of piece of software, but rather is used to assure that the
building blocks the software uses work independently of each other.

unit testing is also called component testing.

Integration testing is any type of software testing that seeks to verify the interfaces between
components against a software design. Software components may be integrated in an iterative
way or all together ("big hang"). Normally the former is considered a better practice since it
allows interface issues to be localized more quickly and fixed.

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Integration testing works to expose defects in the interfaces and interaction between
integrated components (modules). Progressively larger groups of tested software components
corresponding to elements of the architectural design are integrated and tested until the
software works as a system.

The main aim of this testing is to verify that the software system does what it was designed
for. The system was tested to ensure that the purpose of automating the Blood bank was
fulfilled. Blood bank management system testing was carried out to ensure the validity of the

The idea of applying this testing strategy was to put the system to a series of tests to ensure
that it performed well and exactly same under all condition.

The test that the system was put were

Recovery Testing

Performance testing

The tests were made on each form for its correctness of accepting the data and storing the
data into the respective tables in the desired form of data type. The algorithm was tested with
the test data t and then with the real data. The tests were made for all types of constraints. The
tests were done in presence of the user so that he/she is familiar with the system that is going
to be introduced, During the testing each objective of the system of the system was tested and
found to be working correctly.

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In the area of communication and revolution, information has been an inevitable component.
Effecting Computing capabilities are therefore utilized. The availability of required
information at the press of a button is something favourable and therefore computers are used
for purpose. Thus, way of potential taping is achieved.

The project “BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” after being tested was
found to be achieved what is meant for. The system is found to be 100% error free and ready
for implementation. Any work may not be always perfect. There may be any errors or
shortcomings in this work. We have taken at most care to ensure that the project works

The system has been designed in such a way that it can be modified with very little
effort which such a need arises in the future, as it follows the struts framework. The system
has been found to work efficiently and effectively. Due to its higher user friendliness, others
may use these documents as a prototype for developing similar application.

The developed software is tested with sample data and outputs obtained in according
to the requirement. Though it could not be claimed that ours is an ideal project, it will meet
the primary requirements of the concern. Even though I have tried my level best to make it a
dream project, due to time constrains I could not add more facilities to it. So, the projects
have to be improved by having modifications as and when the necessity arises in due course.

The project BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is for computerizing the working
in a local blood bank in the town. The software care of all requirements of a blood bank and
is capable to provide easy and effective storage of information related to the blood bank
functioning and its employee’s details.

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Future Enhancement
This project has been developed in very short period of time and have been taken so that this
project is very efficient in its execution there still exists some scope of improvement in our
project. The following are the some of the enhancement that can be added incorporate into
the project.

Help file for work direction can be included. The system as of now does not support any help
facility for the user of the system. A help menu can be provided with a special function key
and help command in main page itself. Help can be either introduced in a separate window, a
reference to a printed manual or one or two line suggestion produced in a fixed screen

Application of the project can be done more attractively. Database management and stock
maintenance module can be added which helps the administrator. This project can also be
modified into a client server application. More security measures can be taken.

Another additive to this project would be regarding the means and channels of
communication through which a donor receives relevant information. The first idea would be
to send an e-mail to the donor on the same e-mail id which was used by him/her to register on
the portal. But then a situation could arrive that the donor is not near to the computer or if
he/she uses a smart phone to access internet the accessibility may get affected as per the
geographic location of the donor and hence the e-mail would not be accessed in desirable
time. So, to conquer the situation we would us the simple and verified method of texting the
door which wouldn’t require much of the resources besides a very basic cell phone that can
connect to cellular network and the relevant information would get passed to the donor in the
stipulated amount of time.

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1. PHP Reference book
2. MySQL Complete reference


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User Manual

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Front page

Login Page


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Add Donor

Add Blood

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Blood Stock

Donor Report

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Blood Report

Stock Report

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Contact Us

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