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Player Aid

Infantry Armor Artillery Special Forces Cavalry

3 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1
Move: May move Move: May move Move: May move 1 -OR- Move: May move 0-2 Move: May move
0-1 and battle -OR- 0-3 and battle battle hexes and battle 0-3 hexes and
move 2 and not battle
battle Battle: May Armor Battle: Ignore Line Of Battle: May Take
Overrun after Sight - Ignore Terrain Ground after
Battle: May Take successful Close Dice reductions. May successful Close Battle: May
Ground after Assault NOT Take Ground Assault Armor Overrun
successful Close on successful
Assault Armor - Elite Close Assault

French Resistance Sniper No medal awarded if eliminated Engineers Big Guns

3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
Move: May move 0-1 Move: May move 0-2 hexes and Move: May move 0-1 hexes and Battle: Place 3 ‘Crosshair’
hexes and battle -OR- battle battle -OR- move 2 hexes and markers with unit - place a
move 2 hexes and not not battle Crosshair marker on each target
battle Battle: May battle on terrain that is hit but not eliminated or
entry. May not target Armor. No Battle: Close Assault ignores forced to retreat. A Crosshair
Battle: May Take Ground terrain reduction for target. Hits Terrain reductions. May battle on marker gains (+1) battle die in the
after successful Close on symbol, Grenade & Star. Is hex with Wire (at -1 still) and next attack; additional die are not
Assault. May battle on only hit by Grenade (and star remove Wire on same turn. If cumulative. When a target moves
Terrain entry. May retreat from Snipers and Planes). If eligible to battle from Minefield or is eliminated, return the
up to 3 hexes for each Armor is adjacent, must move hex, must clear Mine instead of Crosshair marker to the Big Gun
Flag rolled against them before firing. May retreat up to 3 battling. If the Engineer unit Battery
hexes for each Flag rolled against cannot battle from Minefield hex,
it detonates (see Minefield)

Mobile Artillery Flamethrowers Finnish Ski Troops Landing Craft (LC)

3 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 Move: Start on baseline
ocean hexes. May move 0-2
Move: May move Move: May move 0-3 hexes hexes. Remove after landing
Move: May move 0-1 on beach hex.
and battle -OR- 2 and 0-3 and battle and battle. Terrain
not battle movement restrictions apply
Battle: Max (-1) die Battle: Unit in LC targeted as
reduction for Terrain. Battle: May battle on normal, may retreat in ocean
Battle: Ignore Line Of but may not battle from LC or
Sight - Ignore Terrain May Armor Overrun Terrain entry. May retreat up
after successful to 3 hexes for each Flag when landing; may not move
Dice reductions on landing. LC is not a medal
Close Assault rolled against

Destroyers Aircraft Carriers Depleted Unit Tiger

Weakened or depleted
3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 No Attack; can launch Planes.
units. Don’t count as 3 3 3
Move: May move 0-2 medals unless noted
Move: 0-2 hexes and battle. Never adjacent to otherwise
Beaches hexes. Never adjacent Move: May move 0-3 and
to Beaches. battle
Move: Normal as per unit.
Battle:Destroyed after 3 Grenade hits. Ignore 1
Flag. Starts with 3 ‘Crosshair’ markers - place a Battle: Enemy re-rolls
Battle: Destroyed after Battle: Normal as per dice that hit. Any
Crosshair marker on each target that is hit but 3 Grenade hits. May unit.
not eliminated or forced to retreat. A Crosshair Grenade in re-roll
marker represents (+1) battle die in the next
attack; not cumulative. When target moves or is
1 ignore 1 Flag. Airplanes
can start and land on
destroys Tiger; all other
rolls ignored. May Armor
eliminated, return Crosshair marker to ship Aircraft Carriers Overrun.

Brandenburgers Mortar (SWA) Mortar (SWA) (Late War) Anti-Tank Gun (SWA)
Commandos 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
Move: May move 0-2 hexes and battle. Move: May move 1-2 hexes - Move: May move 0-1 and battle -OR- Move: May move 1-2
OR- battle move 2 and not battle hexes -OR- battle
Battle: If ordered to battle, remove Allied
figure; becomes 3 figure unit. When hit, Battle: Battles like normal Battle: If unit did not move during turn, Battle: Battles like
attacker re-rolls 1 die. Infantry rolled, all infantry except ignore terrain ignore terrain protections and attack an normal infantry except
hits are counted. Any thing else rolled, no protections. Ignore Line Of extra hex (3,2,1,1). Ignore Line Of Star hits Armor. May
hits are counted. Sight. May not Take Ground Sight. May not Take Ground not Take Ground

Anti-Tank Gun (SWA) Machine Gun (SWA) Supply Trucks Half-Tracks

(Late War)
3 2 1 3 2 1 Move: May move 2 2
0-2; +2 on Roads.
Move: May move 0-1 and Move: May move 0-1 and Ordered as Infantry Move: May move 0-2 and battle. Ordered as
battle -OR- move 2 and not battle -OR- move 2 and not Armor
battle battle Battle: May not
battle. Hit like Battle: Hit like Armor. Instead of battling,
Battle: Star hits Armor or Battle: Star hits Infantry if Infantry. May re- may re-supply adjacent units 1/; healed units
vehicle if Anti-Tank unit did Machine Gun unit did not supply adjacent and Half-Track may not battle. May Take
not move during turn. May move during turn. May not units 1/1. Healed Ground but NOT Armor Overrun. Third
not Take Ground Take Ground units may not battle eliminated Half-Track figure counts as medal

Patrol Cars Heavy Anti-Tank Gun Tank Destroyer (TD) Polish Dragoons
(Flak 88mm) 3 2
3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Move: May move 0-4 and battle. Move: May move 0-2 and battle. Move: May move 0-3
Ordered as Infantry Move: May move 1 -OR- hexes and battle
battle Battle: Star hits Armor and vehicles.
Battle: Hit like Infantry. Enemy Hit on Star from non-Infantry enemies.
re-rolls dice that hit. Each Battle: May Armor
Battle: Requires Line Of Ignore all Terrain Dice reductions if TD Overrun on
Grenade in re-roll eliminates Sight - Ignore Terrain Dice did not move during turn. May Take
figure; all other rolls ignored. reductions. Star hits Armor Ground but NOT Armor Overrun. successful Close
May Take Ground but NOT and vehicles. May retreat up to 2 hexes for each Assault. May Ignore 1
Armor Overrun Flag rolled against them. Flag. May retreat up
German or Russian: to 2 hexes per Flag

Jungle Fighters
3 2 1
Move: May move 0-1 and
battle -OR- move 2 and not
battle. Ignore Jungle
movement limitations

Battle: May Take Ground

after successful Close
Assault. No Battle reductions
attacking into Jungle hex
Memoir ’44 Player Aid 1
Version 1.1 - November 2011
Towns -1 -2 Forest -1 -2

Move: Units must stop. Move: Units must stop.

Memoir ’44
base game Battle: No battle on entry. Battle: No battle on entry.
2 2
Hills -1 -1 Steep Hills -1 -1 Cliffs & Bluffs -1 -1
Move: Requires 2 hex move to Move: Requires 2 hex move to get
onto from Beaches. Infantry only.
Battle: Dice reductions only get onto. 1 hex to move down
apply to units attacking from Battle: Dice reductions only apply to
lower terrain Battle: Dice reductions only units attacking from lower terrain. Cliffs
- cannot Take Ground from beach
apply to units attacking from
1 lower terrain 1 Units on same Cliff and height
1 Units on same Hill feature Units on same Hill feature or height

Hedgerows -1 -2 Rivers & Waterways Bridges

Move: Allows entry to River hexes
Move: Units must stop. Enter Move: Impassible Blowing Up Bridges
Option 1: Play Section card matching Bridges
and exit from adjacent hex only section without ordering units. Bridge is
removed, card is not replaced.

Battle: No battle on entry TP pg. 8 Boats: Allows Infantry entry to 1 Option 2:Play Section card matching Bridges
section without ordering units. Roll 2 dice - a
1 River hex. Units must stop. May battle out
2 at -1. May not retreat - Loses boats on exit Star blows Bridge. Replace card normally.

Oceans Beaches Sea Wall -1 -1

Move: When units leave, do not
Move: All movement is limited Move: Maximum movement
remove sandbags
to 1 hex. Cannot retreat onto onto beaches is 2 hexes
Battle: Ignore 1 Flag while
Battle: Units cannot battle
behind Sea Wall
2 0 1
Bunker -1 -2 Wire Sandbags -1 -1 Hedgehogs
Move: Unit must stop -
Move: Infantry only Armor removes on Move: Remove Move: Infantry only
entry when unit exits
Battle: Only original Battle: Ignore 1
owner benefits from Battle: Infantry battles Battle: Ignore 1 Flag
2 Defensive die reduction &
out at -1 die. May
remove wire or battle
Ignore 1 Flag
Road Airfield
Move: If a unit stays on the road If Air Rules are in effect, planes
for the entire move, it can move can take off and land on Airfield
Terrain Pack 1 additional hex. hexes

TP pg.9: Reinforcements: If no units on

0 On Hill -1 -1 Airfield hexes, use one order from Direct
0 from HQ to place an Infantry unit on hex

Railroad Tracks Station -1 -2 Railroad Bridges

Move: Unit must stop. Trains Move: Allows entry to River
Move: Armor and Artillery must stop do not have to stop hexes. Armor & Artillery must
Battle: Armor may Take Ground stop on entry. May still Take
Battle: No battle on entry Ground and Overrun
and Overrun 2 -2
1 1
Locomotive & Wagon Supply Trains Armored Trains

Move: Up to 3 hexes on clear Carries 1 Artillery

track. Retreat along track Or piece on Wagon

Move: When Locomotive is at Station, Move: Train can move up to 3 hexes and Artillery can
Battle: Ignore 1 flag. Hit on still fire
units may de-train into hexes next to Train
Grenade. Wagon destroyed tiles; units may not battle on disembarking
on 3rd hit, Locomotive on 4th. Battle: Artillery fires as regular. Artillery is destroyed
Battle: Cannot battle from Train with Wagon (3 Grenade hits)

Heroic Leader A Battle Star token may represent the Heroic Leader. When in command of an Infantry unit,
Heroic Leader allows the unit to ignore 1 Flag and inspires his men, giving them +1 Battle die when in combat. If the unit is
eliminated, roll 2 Battle dice. If a Star is rolled, the Heroic Leader was killed, giving 1 Victory medal to his opponent. If no Star
is rolled, he survived. Move the Battle Star token to the nearest friendly Infantry unit, which now enjoys the benefits.

Aid Key: = Blocked Line of Sight = Clear Line of Sight -2 = Armor Fires Out -1 = Battle Dice Reduction = Scenario Specific Ref. = Air Check

Memoir ’44 Player Aid 2

Version 1.1 - November 2011
Barracks -1 -2 Cemeteries Churches -1 -2
Move: Units must stop.
Move: Units must stop Battle: Unit may ignore 1 Flag
Battle: No battle on entry.
Battle: No battle on entry Ignore 1 Flag
-2 -2
2 0 2 TP Pg. 8 Spotting - Use Recon 1
for Air Sorties or Air Power

Dams Factory -1 -2 Fortress -1 -2

Move: Impassable to Armor &
Move: Infantry only Move: Units must stop Artillery. Infantry may move in
and battle on the same turn
Battle: Infantry may ignore 1 Battle: No battle on entry
flag. -2 Battle: Ignore all Flags.
1 2 2
Lighthouse -1 -2 Power Plant -1 -2 Mountains -2 -2
Move: Units must stop Move: Units must stop Move: Infantry only - must be
from adjacent hill
Battle: No battle on entry Battle: No battle on entry
Battle: No dice reductions if
-2 TP pg. 8 - Use Recon 1 for Air -2 TP pg. 7 Sabotage - Unit on hex on same ridge. Artillery fires 7
2 Strike or Air Power
2 rolls 2 dice. Stars hit. Becomes
2 hexes from top - 3,3,2,2,1,1,1.

Supply Depot POW Camp -1 -2 Radar Station -1 -2

Move: Units must stop Move: Units must stop
Scenario Specific Battle: No battle on entry. May
ignore 1 Flag Battle: Ignore 1 Flag
TP pg. 11 Supply: If

2 -2 -2
Destroyed, reduce Armor TP pg. 8 Prisoners - When TP pg. 11 Radar: One turn
movement by 1 hex
2 1
Infantry on hex, place marker with advanced notice on Air Power
unit. If unit destroyed, prisoner is lost and Air Sortie or equivalent

Lakes Marshes
Move: Units must stop. Exit High Ground
adjacent. Impassible to Artillery
Move: Impassable. Move: Refer to Flooded
Fields below.
Battle: Armor may not battle on
entry or exit - May Take Ground
1 0
Sighting across 2 or more adjacent
1 into, but no Armor Overrun
Flooded Fields In Flooded field scenarios, any hex that is open Move: All units must stop - may only enter and exit adjacent
Countryside is considered a Flooded Field Hex. High
Ground, Hills, Town Hexes, Roads, and Railroads are Battle: Armor may not battle on entry or exit - May Take Ground into,
1 considered dry ground for game purposes. but no Armor Overrun

Fords & Fordable Rivers Pontoon Bridge

Road Block -1 -1
Move: Allows entry to river Move: Allows entry to River
Move: Infantry only - Unit must hexes
hexes. Units must stop
Battle: Battle out at -1 die Construct: Attack card allows
Battle: Ignore 1 Flag 1 1 construction in that section in
1 place of ordering 3 units

Towns -1 -2
Move: Unit must stop. Enemy must flip mine to reveal Move: Units must stop.
strength. If 0, remove. If other, see battle
Battle: No battle on entry.
Battle: Roll dice equal to value of mine; unit symbol and
grenade score hits, ignore all other symbols. Retreating
1 does not trigger mines 2
Wadis -1 -1 -1
Oasis -1 -1 Palm Forest -1 -2
& Gullies
Move: Unit must stop Move: Units must stop
Move: Enter through open
end only; sides impassable
Battle: Ignore 1 flag. Battle: No battle on entry
TP pg. 3 Recover: An ordered Battle: Infantry and Armor
1 Infantry unit on hex recovers figures
as per Medics and Mechanics 2 1 attack from adjacent only.
Units in Wadis =
North African Desert Rules Armor Overrun rules are amended as follows; On a successful Close Assault, an ordered Armor
unit may move into the vacated hex and may then move 1 additional hex; it may then battle again.

Aid Key: = Blocked Line of Sight = Clear Line of Sight -2 = Armor Fires Out -1 = Battle Dice Reduction = Scenario Specific Ref. = Air Check

Memoir ’44 Player Aid 3

Version 1.1 - November 2011
Field Bunkers -1 -2 Dragon’s Teeth
Move: Infantry only. Infantry may
enter Bunker and battle Move: Infantry only -
Eastern Front Units must stop
Battle: Either side may benefit
from Defensive die reductions &
2 Ignore 1 Flag 1 Battle: No restrictions

City Ruins -1 -2
Winter Village -1 -2 Forest -1 -2
Move: Units must stop.
Move: Units must stop Impassable to Armor and Artillery Move: Units must stop

Battle: No battle on entry Battle: No battle on entry. Ignore Battle: No battle on entry
-2 1 Flag
2 2 2
Ravine Marshes Frozen River
Move: Must stop - Exit adjacent
Move: Infantry only - No Artillery Move: Advancing or Retreating
units roll 2 dice. Lose 1 figure for
Battle: Ignore 1 Flag Battle: Armor may not battle on each Star rolled
entry or exit - May Take Ground
1 = Units in Ravine
1 into, but no Armor Overrun 1
Factory -1 -2 Trenches -1 -1
Move: Unit must stop.
A Camouflaged unit may only be targeted
Move: Units must stop Impassable to Artillery in Close Assault.

Battle: No battle on entry Battle: Infantry may ignore 1 A unit loses its Camouflage if it battles or
-2 Flag. Armor may not battle while moves. Remove the token. Unit returns to
2 1 on hex

Russian Command Rules Move: Allied Armor can only move
up to 2 hexes and battle
The Russian player must place a Command Card under the Commissar Chip. This is the card he
will play next turn. Battle: Axis player can make Air
Strikes with Recon 1 cards; play as
In lieu of playing the Command Card already committed under the Commissar Chip, the Air Sortie for that section if Air Rules
Russian player may choose to play from his hand, Recon 1 or Counter-Attack. The in effect. At least one targeted unit
Command Card stays under the Commissar Chip until it is used next turn. must be in the section ordered;
planes must enter battlefield in
The Russian player may also play Ambush from his hand as per the standard rules section ordered

Jungle -1 -2 Fordable Streams

Move: Unit must stop Move: Units must stop. Can
Take Ground and Armor
Pacific Theater Battle: No battle on entry Overrun
unless moving from adjacent
2 hex. May Take Ground and
Armor Overrun into hex
1 Battle: No combat restrictions

Rice Paddies Fish Ponds Pier

Move: Unit must stop. Exit Move: Unit must stop. Exit adjacent.
adjacent. Impassable to Artillery Impassable to Artillery
Move: Units may only enter from
Battle: Infantry and Armor cannot Land or Beach hex, not Ocean
Battle: Armor cannot battle on battle on entry. Only Infantry may
entry or exit. Armor may only battle on exit. Armor may only Take
1 Take Ground into hex 1 Ground into hex 2
Hill Caves -1 -1 Mountain Caves -2 -2 Rope Bridge
-2 -2 vs. Japanese in caves Move: Infantry only - must be from
Move: Infantry only. Japanese can move adjacent hill. Japanese can move to Move: Allows entry
to empty caves as full turn and still battle empty caves as full turn and still battle to River hexes
Battle: Japanese - must ignore all Flags.
Allied - may seal caves by rolling Star in
Battle: Japanese - must ignore all Flags.
Allied - may seal caves by rolling Star in 1
2 Close Assault, if adjacent hexes empty 2 Close Assault, if adjacent hexes empty

Labor Camp -1 -2 Hospital HQ & Supply Tents

Move: Units must stop PT pg. 5 Healing: An Infantry unit on PT pg. 5 Supply: If the enemy
Hospital hex may recover figures captures your HQ & Supply hex, they
unless there is adjacent enemy unit. choose 1 card at random from your hand to
Battle: No battle on entry. Same as Medics & Mechanics but roll 6 discard. Play with 1 less card until you
-2 dice. May not move or battle same turn they recapture hex. Then draw card to replenish

2 1 are healed 1 your hand

Aid Key: = Blocked Line of Sight = Clear Line of Sight -2 = Armor Fires Out -1 = Battle Dice Reduction = Scenario Specific Ref. = Air Check

Memoir ’44 Player Aid 4

Version 1.1 - November 2011
US Marine Corps Imperial Japanese Army
Gung-Ho! Yamato Damashi Spirit - Infantry must ignore 1 Flag. If
Order 1 more unit than indicated on any Section card played. terrain protects from 1 flag, Infantry must ignore 2 flags.
All Tactic cards that activate 1-4 units, now activate 2-5 units. When in caves, ignore all flags.

Marines counter-attack with +1 ordered unit against Seishin Kyoiku Doctrine - Infantry with 4 figures, in Close
Japanese Command cards. Opposite not true. Assault battle with +1 die.

No effect on Air Power, Air Sortie, Artillery Bombard, Banzai War Cry - Infantry may move 2 hexes to combat into
Barrage, Close Assault, Infantry Assault and Their Finest Close Assault.


Night Attacks
Capturing Equipment
Each turn the Allied When Capturing Equipment rules are in
player rolls 4 dice. Each effect, a Battle Star represents Refer to Airfields in the Terrain Pack section
Star increases visibility. equipment. To pick it up, the
When full daylight is capturing unit must end on the Blowing up Bridges
reached, set chart specified hex. If a unit with equipment
is eliminated, the equipment is left in the Refer to Bridges in the Base Game section
aside; normal visibility
resumes. hex where the unit was killed.

Collapsible Rafts & Boats

Infantry only. Units may enter
Forward Spotting Rivers & Waterways but must Destroy Supplies
stop. Battle out at -1 while in Refer to Supply Depot in the Terrain Pack section
When Forward Spotting Artillery rules are in
boats. Units cannot retreat; lose 1
effect, a player occupying specific hexes can
figure if Flag rolled. Boat lost
use his Artillery units like Big Guns.
when units disembark.

Ergs & Ridges -1 -1 Coastlines

Move: All movement is limited
Move: Units must stop.
Mediterranean to 1 hex unless on a Landing
Craft. Cannot retreat onto
Theater Battle: Dice reductions only
apply to units attacking from Battle: Units cannot battle
lower terrain
2 Units on same Hill feature
British Commonwealth Forces Italian Royal Army
Stiff Upper Lip Motorized Divisions
Move: Impassable A British Commonwealth Force (BCF) Italian ground units may retreat 1, 2, or 3
to all ground units. ground unit that survives a Close Assault hexes when a Flag is rolled against them.
attack and is down to 1 figure may battle-
back with 1 die. The battle-back roll Artillery Bravery
ignores all Terrain Battle dice reductions. All Italian Artillery units may ignore 1 flag
A BCF cannot battle-back after Ambush. rolled against them.
Clearing Road Blocks
An engineer that
moves onto a Road
Block and can still
battle, may remove
it instead of

Reserve Tokens Smoke Screen Abatis

Only if LOS crosses Smoke Screen Move: Infantry only -
These tokens Units in Smoke can see out and be
seen. Units must stop and
make up a players
Campaign move no further that
Book #1 Reserve Pool and When indicated, place tokens
on any three adjacent
1 turn
are used to bring continuous hexes. Lasts 2 turns: Battle: Infantry
reserves onto the 1) Smoke Side Up, turn over after turn battles out at -1 die.
board during a 2) Sun Side Up, remove after turn May remove Abatis
campaign. No Movement or Battle restrictions.
or battle

Paradrop Armor Breakthrough

Same rules as Sainte-Mère Église. When the Armor Breakthrough rule is in effect:
Drop designated number of figures onto the board from about 1 foot (base Once during a specified scenario, a player
game lid on edge). If any figure lands on impassable terrain, is touching an may deploy new Armor Units onto the board. The new units must enter
occupied hex, or is off the board in any way, the figure is removed at no the opponent’s baseline unless stated otherwise. The turn they enter, Armor
medal cost. If a figure lands safely, add three more figures to make a full units may not move. They may battle and Take Ground, but not Armor
unit. New units may not battle or move the turn they land. Overrun. Units retreat as normal, toward the controlling player’s baseline.

Aid Key: = Blocked Line of Sight = Clear Line of Sight -2 = Armor Fires Out -1 = Battle Dice Reduction = Scenario Specific Ref. = Air Check

Memoir ’44 Player Aid 5

Version 1.1 - November 2011
Balkas -1 -1 -1
Move: Moving in or exiting must stop
and move no further; can move
Battle Maps directly to a bridge but must stop.

Battle: All units battle out at -1 die.

1 Units in Balkas =

Castle -1 -2 Winter Weather

★ Armor and Vehicles are limited to 2 hexes of movement.
Winter Wars Move: Units must stop. Roads still apply normally.
★ Armor Overrun and Taking Ground apply normally.
Battle: No battle on entry. ★ Both Axis and Allied forces roll 1 die for Air Power card.
Reduced Visibility Temporary Medal Objective
★ Dice symbols rolled that match target, only hit in Close Assault The Victory Medal is only held as long as a unit remains in the
★ Grenades and Flags apply normally hex. If the unit vacates the hex for any reason (moves, forced to
★ Stars still score hits for units and cards that allow this retreat, or is eliminated), the medal is immediately placed back on
★ Barrage works normally, with target symbols scoring hits the objective hex.

Temporary Majority Temporary Majority Medal

Medal Objective Objective (Turn Start)
The Victory Medal for this group of objective hexes goes to the The Victory Medal for this group of objective hexes goes to the
player who has an absolute majority of the hexes. The medal is player who has an absolute majority of the hexes at the start of his
held as long as the side retains absolute majority. The medal is turn. The medal is held throughout the turn, as long as the player
immediately lost when a side no longer has absolute majority. has absolute majority at the start of a turn. The medal is lost when
a side no longer has absolute majority at the start of a turn.

Permanent Medal Objective Permanent Medal Objective (Turn Start)

The Victory Medal in this objective hex is captured and The Victory Medal in this objective hex is captured and
permanently gained the moment a unit of the appropriate side permanently gained when the appropriate side occupies the hex
enders the hex. The medal is not returned or put back in play, at the start of its turn. The medal is not returned or put back in
even if the unit later vacates the objective hex. play, even if the unit later vacates the objective hex.

Last to Occupy Medal Sole Control Medal

Objective Objective
The Victory Medal in this objective hex is captured and gained the The Victory Medal for this group of objective hexes goes to the
moment a unit from either side occupies this hex. The unit may appropriate side when it has at least one unit occupying any of the
vacate the hex, but the Victory Medal is still held as long as an objective hexes and the enemy does not occupy any of these
enemy unit does not occupy the objective hex. hexes. The medal is held as long as the appropriate side controls
one hex and the enemy does not control any of the hexes.

Sudden Death Objective

As soon as the designated side fulfills the Sudden Death
conditions set forth in the scenario, the game is immediately over
and the player wins the game.

Veteran Star Position Control

Veteran Stars represent the
When Position control rules
combat experience of your unit
are in effect, a player that
(s). If you obtain a Veteran
eliminates an enemy unit in
Star during the campaign, you
close assault may choose to
may assign it to any of your
Campaign units at the beginning of a
discard the medal obtained for eliminating that
unit and Take Ground instead. Such a move is
Book #2 scenario, after the Reserve Roll.
only permitted if the enemy unit was on an
objective medal and if taking this objective
A Veteran unit rolls one additional die in
ends the game. It remains impossible to gain
Close Assault. A Veteran unit counts as
more medals than the Victory Conditions
a single Medal, like any other unit,
specify. Yet, such a move may be very useful
when eliminated. Each side may only
when playing a Campaign, as objective medals
have a single Veteran unit per scenario.
count towards the objective track.

Aid Key: = Blocked Line of Sight = Clear Line of Sight -2 = Armor Fires Out -1 = Battle Dice Reduction = Scenario Specific Ref. = Air Check

Custom Rules and Ideas:

Memoir ’44 Player Aid 6
Version 1.1 - November 2011
Airplanes: Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Supermarine Spitfire
Move: All planes may fly 1-4 hexes.
Must end movement on an Battle: Ground Battle: Ground
Interdiction -OR- Strafing Interdiction -OR-
unoccupied hex. If plane is not Strafing
Air Pack ordered and moved, it exits the <North Africa>
1942 >
board with no Air Check roll.
<all theaters>
<Entire War>
Battle: Refer to individual plane <all theaters>
<Entire War>
<Eastern Front>
1942 >
abilities. See Air Rules below

Vought F4U Corsair Yakovlev Yak-1/7/9 Lockheed

<Pacific theater>
Battle: Ground Ground-Based Jan. 1943 > Yak-1 / Yak-9 P-38 Lightning
Eastern Front
Support -OR- Carrier-Based Sept. 1943 > Battle: Ground Support Battle: Ground
Strafing. -OR- Strafing Yak-9 Support -OR-
<Pacific Theater>
Aircraft Carrier Carrier-Based June 1943 >
October 1942> Strafing
capable (free action) Yak-7 Yak-1 / Yak-7 <all theaters>
Battle: Ground Interdiction <Entire War> <Entire War>
-OR- Strafing

Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fieseler Fi-156 Storch Messerschmitt BF-109

Battle: Kamikaze - Battle: Recon -OR- Battle: Ground
OR- Strafing. Aircraft Rescue Interdiction -OR-
Carrier Capable Strafing
(free action)

<all theaters> <all theaters>

Pacific Theater <Entire War>
<Entire War>
<Entire War>

Bomb Craters Exit Markers Destroyed Bridges

Used as markers during Used in some scenarios to Place on top of bridges that have been
Ground Interdiction. Place in designate specific hexes -or a destroyed. Refer to Bridges in the base
game section to see how to Blow Up
the hex with enemy units who range of hexes- through which Bridges.
no longer count for the Air a unit may exit the board and
Check roll during this turn. claim a Victory Medal. Does not allow units to enter River hexes

Air Power/Air Sortie Tokens

If you play with Air rules: the Air Power / Air Sortie token must be considered as an Air
Air Sortie
Sortie card (Air rules p.3) for all purposes. Triggered by Air Sortie or equivalent. Negates Air
• It does not count towards the player's total set of Command cards received at game's start, Check roll for planes already in the air. If airplane
• It is not replaced with a new card when played, ordered using matching Section Card, Direct
• It may be played in conjunction with a Section card. from HQ, or a Star rolled on Their Finest Hour, it
If you do not play with Air rules: the Air Power / Air Sortie token must be played as an must make successful Air Check.
Air Power card. A player may decide to use it instead of playing a Command card. Of
course, he does not draw a new card after this action. Airplane must be ordered every turn or is
Unused Air Power/Air Sortie tokens are lost after each scenario. removed at no medal cost.

Air Check Airplanes on Ground Airplanes In The Air

Roll a number of battle dice equal to: Move: May take off using Air Sortie or 1 order Only 1 airborne Airplane per side max, at all times
• Air Check value of underlying terrain from appropriate section card. Do Air Check Move: May move 1-4 hexes and do a Special
• +1 die for each adjacent enemy ground unit unless Air Sortie or equivalent is used Action. May fly over any hex but must end
• +2 dice for each adjacent enemy Airplane movement in a vacant hex with no unit. Ground
If any enemy units are adjacent, opponent rolls. Battle: Eliminated with 1 Grenade rolled. Cannot units may not move under airplanes.
If any Grenades are rolled, Airplane is lost. It battle while on ground. Prevents adjacent
becomes a Medal if enemy units were adjacent. enemies from attacking more distant units Battle: Ground units may shoot at more distant

Ground Interdiction Ground Support Recon

Special Action: Adjacent enemy ground units Special Action: Negates terrain and flag Special Action: If Airplane is adjacent to any
cannot move during their turn and do not add to protection for all adjacent enemy units when enemy ground unit when you replenish your
Air Check roll. Enemy units that move adjacent being attacked in Close Assault this turn by hand, you may draw 2 Command cards; choose 1
must stop, cannot battle, but add to Air Check roll. ground units. and discard the other.

Kamikaze Rescue
Special Action: Airplane dives onto an adjacent Special Action: Airplane may be used to remove
enemy ground unit or ship. Roll 2 dice and ignore 1 adjacent friendly Infantry unit (with 1 figure
terrain dice reductions. Any hit eliminates the remaining) off the board at no Medal cost.
whole unit; Flags and Stars are ignored. Plane is
removed from board; if any Grenade was rolled, Airplane’s Air Sortie is over and is also removed
plane becomes a medal for opponent. from the board at no Medal cost.

Carpet Bombing Strafing

Special Action: After moving the plane, roll Special Action: Roll 1 die against enemy
2d on all adjacent ground units, enemy and units for up to 3 adjacent hexes. Ignore
friendly, ignoring terrain protection of all Terrain die reductions. Finish movement
before battling. Unit Symbols, Grenades
hexes. Unit symbols and Grenades rolled
and Stars are hits. Flags cannot be ignored
apply as normal. Stars rolled also cause
hits, and Flags rolled cannot be ignored.

Aid Key: = Blocked Line of Sight = Clear Line of Sight = Scenario Specific Ref. = Air Rules = Airplane Special Actions

Jesse «rasmussen81» Rasmussen Graphics and icons Copyright © Days of

compiled this information and created the Wonder 2004-2011. Used with permission
Memoir ’44 Player Aid Memoir ʼ44 Player Aid 7 from Days of Wonder, Inc.
Version 1.1 - November 2011

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