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BANTOLINO VS COCAL BOTTLERS contents thereof and to undergo cross-


FACTS: February 1995 sixty-two (62) Petitioners argue that the Court of Appeals
employees of respondent Coca-Cola Bottlers, should not have given weight to respondent’s
Inc., and its officers, filed a complaint against claim of failure to cross-examine them. They
respondents for unfair labor practice through insist that, unlike regular courts, labor cases are
illegal dismissal, violation of their security of decided based merely on the parties’ position
tenure and the perpetuation of the Cabo System. papers and affidavits in support of their
For failure to prosecute as they failed to either allegations and subsequent pleadings that may
attend the scheduled mandatory conferences or be filed thereto. As such, according to
submit their respective affidavits, the claims of petitioners, the Rules of Court should not be
fifty-two (52) complainant-employees were strictly applied in this case specifically by
dismissed. putting them on the witness stand to be cross-
examined because the NLRC has its own rules
Labor Arbiter Jose De Vera conducted of procedure which were applied by the Labor
clarificatory hearings to elicit information from Arbiter in coming up with a decision in their
the ten (10) remaining complainants (petitioners favor.
herein) relative to their alleged employment with
respondent firm. They further maintained that ISSUE: WON the affidavits should be given
when respondent company replaced them and probative value despite the failure of the affiants
prevented them from entering the company to affirm their contents and undergo test of
premises, they were deemed to have been cross-examination.
illegally dismissed.

Respondent company filed a motion to dismiss HELD: The Sc held that the Rules of evidence
complaint for lack of jurisdiction and cause of cannot be insisted upon the NLRC. The NLRC
action, there being no employer-employee can use or admit which is not otherwise
relationship between complainants and Coca- admissible in judicial proceedings.
Cola Bottlers
The Rules of Evidence are not strictly observed
Labor Arbiter ruled that the testimonies of the in proceedings before administrative bodies like
complainants were more credible as they the NLRC where decisions may be reached on
sufficiently supplied every detail of their the basis of position papers only. Citing Rase v.
employment, specifically identifying who their NLRC, tt was not necessary for the affiants to
salesmen/drivers were, their places of appear and testify and be cross-examined as it
assignment, aside from their dates of would negate the rationale and purpose of the
engagement and dismissal. summary nature of the proceedings mandated by
the Rules and to make mandatory the application
On appeal, the NLRC sustained the finding of of the technical rules of evidence.
the Labor Arbiter that there was indeed an
employer-employee relationship between the
complainants and respondent company when it
affirmed in toto the latter’s decision. Ong Chia vs Republic

Respondent Coca-Cola Bottlers appealed to the Facts: Petitioner was born on January 1, 1923 in
Court of Appeals that the affidavits of some of Amoy, China. In 1932, as a nine-year old boy,
the complainants should not have been given he arrived at the port of Manila on board the
probative value for their failure to affirm the vessel „Angking. Since then, he has stayed in
the Philippines where he found employment and
eventually started his own business, married a Ruling: The rule on formal offer of evidence
Filipina t the age of 66, he filed a verified (Rule 132, §34) now being invoked by petitioner
petition to be admitted as a Filipino citizen is clearly not applicable to the present case
under CA. No. 473, otherwise known as the involving a petition for naturalization.
Revised Naturalization Law, as amended.
The rule on formal offer of evidence (Rule 132,
August 25, 1999, the trial court granted the 134) is not applicable to a case involving a
petition and admitted petitioner to Philippine petition for naturalization. Under Rule 143, it
citizenship. states that “these rules shall not apply to land
registration, cadastral and election cases,
The State, however, through the Office of the naturalization, and insolvency proceedings, and
Solicitor General, appealed contending that other cases not herein provided for except by
petitioner: analogy or in a suppletory character and
whenever practicable and convenient.
(1) failed to state all the names by which he is or
had been known;
(2) failed to state all his former places of
residence ANG vs CA
(3) failed to conduct himself in a proper and
irreproachable manner during his entire stay in Facts: complainant Irish Sagud (Irish) and
the Philippines accused Rustan were classmates at Wesleyan
(4) has no known lucrative trade or occupation University in Aurora Province. Rustan courted
and his previous incomes have been insufficient Irish and they became „on-and-off‰
or misdeclared, sweethearts towards the end of 2004. When Irish
(5) failed to support his petition with the learned afterwards that Rustan had taken a live-
appropriate documentary evidence. in partner (now his wife), whom he had gotten
pregnant, Irish broke up with him.
The Court of Appeals reversed the trial court and
denied petitioner’s application for naturalization. Before Rustan got married, however, he got in
touch with Irish and tried to convince her to
Petitioners’ principal contention is that the elope with him, saying that he did not love the
appellate court erred in considering the woman he was about to marry. Irish rejected the
documents which had merely been annexed by proposal and told Rustan to take on his
the State to its appellant’s brief and, on the basis responsibility to the other woman and their
of which, justified the reversal of the trial child. Irish changed her cellphone number but
court’s- decision. Rustan somehow managed to get hold of it and
sent her text messages.
Not having been presented and formally offered
as evidence, they are mere „scrap(s) of paper Irish received through MMS a picture of a naked
devoid of any evidentiary value, so it was woman with spread legs and with Irish’s face
argued, because under Rule 132, §34 of the superim- posed on the figure. Irish surmised that
Revised Rules on Evidence, the court shall he copied the picture of her face from a shot he
consider no evidence which has not been took when they were in Baguio in 2003.
formally offered.
After she got the obscene picture, Irish got other
Issue: WON the Ca erred in admitting the text messages from Rustan. He threatened to
documents annexed by the State to its spread the picture he sent through the internet.
Appellant’s brief on the ground that they were
presented and formally offered as evidence? Irish sought the help of the vice mayor of Maria
Aurora who referred her to the police. Under
police supervision, Irish contacted Rustan evening of August 29, 2006, he and PO2
through the cellphone numbers he used in Francisco Pangilinan (PO2 Pangilinan) were
sending the picture and his text messages. Irish patrolling the vicinity of Toyota Alabang and
asked Rustan to meet her at the Lorentess Resort SM Southmall when they spotted a taxi that was
in Brgy. Ramada, Maria Aurora, and he did. He suspiciously parked in front of the Aguila Auto
came in a motorcycle. After parking it, he Glass shop near the intersection of BF Almanza
walked towards Irish but the waiting police and Alabang-Zapote Roads. The officers
officers intercepted and arrested him. approached the taxi and asked the driver, later
identified as accused Enojas, for his documents.
The RTC found Irish’s testimony completely The latter complied but, having entertained
credible, given in an honest and spontaneous doubts regarding the veracity of documents
manner. The RTC observed that she wept while shown them, they asked him to come with them
recounting her experience. to the police station in their mobile car for
further questioning.
The CA denied Rustan’s motion for
reconsideration Thus, Rustan filed the present Accused Enojas voluntarily went with the police
for review on certiorari. officers and left his taxi behind. On reaching the
7-11 convenience store on the Zapote-Alabang
Issue: whether or not accused Rustan sent Irish Road, however, they stopped and PO2
by cellphone message the picture with her face Pangilinan went down to relieve himself there.
pasted on the body of a nude woman, inflicting As he approached the store’s door, however, he
anguish, psychological distress, and humiliation came upon two suspected robbers and shot it out
on her in violation of Section 5(h) of R.A. 9262. with them. PO2 Pangilinan shot one suspect
dead and hit the other who still managed to
Held: Rustan claims that the obscene picture escape. But someone fired at PO2 Pangilinan
sent to Irish through a text message constitutes causing his death.
an electronic document. Thus, it should be
authenticated by means of an electronic On hearing the shots, PO2 Gregorio came
signature, as provided under Section 1, Rule 5 of around and fired at an armed man whom he saw
the Rules on Electronic Evidence (A.M. 01-7- running towards Pilar Village. He saw another
01-SC). But, firstly, Rustan is raising this man, who came from the Jollibee outlet, run
objection to the admissibility of the obscene towards Alabang-Zapote Road while firing his
picture, Exhibit „A‰, for the first time before gun at PO2 Gregorio. The latter returned fire but
this Court. The objection is too late since he the men were able to take a taxi and escape. PO2
should have objected to the admission of the Gregorio radioed for help and for an ambulance.
picture on such ground at the time it was offered On returning to his mobile car, he realized that
in evidence. He should be deemed to have accused Enojas, the taxi driver they had with
already waived such ground for objection. them had fled.
Besides, the rules he cites do not apply to the
present criminal action. The Rules on Suspecting that accused Enojas, the taxi driver
Electronic Evidence applies only to civil who fled, was involved in the attempted robbery,
actions, quasi-judicial proceedings, and they searched the abandoned taxi and found a
administrative proceedings. mobile phone that Enojas apparently left behind.
P/Ins. Torred instructed PO3 Joel Cambi (PO3
Cambi) to monitor its incoming messages

People vs Enojas The RTC rendered judgment,[8] finding all

the accused guilty of murder qualified by
Facts: PO2 Eduardo Gregorio, Jr. (PO2 evident premeditation and use of armed men
Gregorio) testified that at around 10:30 in the
with the special aggravating circumstance of use
of unlicensed firearms.

the Court of Appeals (CA) dismissed the

appeal and affirmed in toto the conviction of the
accused.[9] The CA, however, found the
absence of evident premeditation since the
prosecution failed to prove that the several
accused planned the crime before committing it.

The defense points out that the prosecution

failed to present direct evidence that the accused
took part in shooting PO2 Pangilinan dead., the
prosecution could prove their liability by
circumstantial evidence that meets the
evidentiary standard of proof beyond reasonable

The Court must, however, disagree with the

CAÊs ruling

the RTC admitted them in conformity with the

CourtÊs earlier Resolution applying the Rules
on Electronic Evidence to criminal actions.[15]
Text messages are to be proved by the testimony
of a person who was a party to the same or has
personal knowledge of them.


Held: As to the admissibility of the text messages,

the RTC admitted them in conformity with the
Court’s earlier Resolution applying the Rules on
Electronic Evidence to criminal actions. Text
messages are to be proved by the testimony of a
person who was a party to the same or has personal
knowledge of them. Here, PO3 Cambi, posing as the
accused Enojas, exchanged text messages with the
other accused in order to identify and entrap them. As
the recipient of those messages sent from and to the
mobile phone in his possession, PO3 Cambi had
personal knowledge of such messages and was
competent to testify on them.

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