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King Henry's enthusiasm for creating new bishoprics was second to his passion for building

fortifications. When an apparent alliance of France and the Empire against England was agreed at
Toledo in January 1539, this precipitated a major invasion scare. Even though, by midsummer, the
immediate danger had passed; Henry still demanded from Cromwell unprecedented sums for
the coastal defence works from St Michael's Mount to Lowestoft; and the scale of the proposed new
foundations was drastically cut back.[16] In the end, six abbeys were raised to be cathedrals of new
dioceses; and only a further two major abbeys, Burton-on-Trent and Thornton, were re-founded as
non-cathedral colleges. To the intense displeasure of Thomas Howard, Thetford was not spared;
and was amongst the last houses to be dissolved in February 1540, while the Duke was out of the
country on a hastily-arranged embassy to France.[

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