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Modelling Water Supply and Demand for Domestic Use at

Mayang Watershed in Jember Regency

Ariska Mia C. Sihombing 1, Indarto Indarto*1, Sri Wahyuningsih2
Dept. of Agricultural Water Resources Management, Postgraduate
Faculty, University of Jember, East Java, Indonesia.
Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University
of Jember, East Java, Indonesia


Abstract. The Mayang watershed in Jember Regency is one of the areas prone to
drought in the dry months and flooding during the wet months. Management of
water resources is crucial in this area. This article focuses on the application of
WEAP to study specific water balance for domestic use. The Water Evaluation and
Planning Model (WEAP) are used to calculate water supply and demand for
domestic needs. Supply is based on rainfall in the Mayang watershed, while
demand is determined based on domestic water demand standards and population.
The results found a supply imbalance compared to the number of requests
available, especially during the dry month. Lack of water supply during dry
months, forcing a reduction in water supply for domestic use. Therefore, a smart
scenario should be addressed to manage the limited water resources on the
watershed better.

Keywords: Domestic water use, supply, demand, Mayang, watershed

1. Introduction
1.1 Study Area
Jember Regency consists of three main watersheds, namely Bedadung watershed, Mayang
watershed and Tanggul watershed. The Mayang watershed is located on the east side of
Jember Regency, headquartered in the Silo District area and empties into the South Sea in
Ambulu District. The Mayang watershed has an area of 218 km2, which has an elongated
shape at an altitude of 95-3175mdpl.
1.2 Modelling Using WEAP
This study uses a water balance modeling method. In this case, the water balance includes the
condition of water availability and the need or loss of water in a hydrological system. Water
balance can be expressed in short intervals or for long durations, for a watershed or water
body such as a reservoir or lake [1]. This study uses software Water Evaluation And Planning
(WEAP). WEAP is a software developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) to
help decision makers in managing water demand, water availability, waste costs and water
costs and evaluate water development and management options [2]. WEAP operates with the
basic principles of water balance and can be applied to a city or agricultural system, a single
watershed or cross-region watershed [3]. This model uses standard linear programming to
solve the problem of allocation of water resources at each time step analysis of integrated
water resource planning can also build and analyze different future scenarios using alternative
assumptions about the impact of water requirements and supply policies [4] [5] [6].
1.3 Problems in the Mayang Watershed
The main problem in the Mayang watershed is flooded when the wet season and drought
during the dry season. This can be seen from the Jember District disaster recapitulation data
from 2007-2015. From these data show that from 2007 to 2015 there were several
hydrological disasters in the Mayang watershed, including floods in Tempurejo, Ambulu and
Mayang Subdistricts, landslides occurred in Tempurejo and Kalisat Subdistricts and droughts
occurred in the Silo Subdistrict [7]. Based on these problems, the Mayang watershed water
balance needs to be studied further. The water balance is a balance between inputs and outputs
of water at a certain time / period. In the calculation, a unit of height (mm or cm) is used. The
unit of time used can be selected in units of daily, weekly, decade (10 days), monthly or yearly
according to requirements, the preparation of this balance sheet is intended to determine the
net amount of water obtained so that it can be used as best as possible [8]. So that the Mayang
watershed is still able to meet the water needs of the population when the wet season or dry

Figure 1.1 Map of the Mayang watershed

2. Method
2.1 Tools and Materials
The tools used are computer devices, supporting software such as Microsoft Office, ArcGIS
10.4, WEAP, and CROPWAT. The material used in this study is in the form of research data.
Secondary data used in the form of spatial data include land use maps, DEM maps and
Mayang watershed boundary maps, and non-spatial data in the form of population data,
rainfall data, air temperature data, humidity data, wind speed data, and solar radiation.
2.2 Data Processing Method
2.2.1 Water Supply of Mayang Watershed
Given the monthly supply requirement established from the definitions of the system
Demand, and the definitions of Hydrology, the Supply and Resources section determines
the amounts, availability and allocation of supplies, simulates monthly river flows,
including surface/groundwater interactions and instream flow requirements, hydropower
generation, and tracks reservoir and groundwater storage.
Supply and Resources include the following subsections:
1. Transmission Links: transmission links carry water from local and river supplies to
demand sites, subject to losses and physical capacity, contractual and other constraints.
2. Rivers and Diversions: surface inflows to rivers, properties and operation of reservoirs
and run-of-river hydropower facilities, instream flow requirements, surface water-
groundwater interaction, and streamflow gauges.
3. Groundwater: aquifer properties, storage and natural recharge.
4. Local Reservoirs: reservoirs not on a river.
5. Other Supplies: e.g., surface sources that are not modeled in your WEAP application,
such as inter-basin transfers or desalination.
6. Return Flows: wastewater from demand sites can be routed to one or more wastewater
treatment plants, rivers, groundwater nodes or other supply sources; treated effluent
from wastewater treatment plants can be routed to one or more rivers, groundwater
nodes or other supply sources [10].
2.2.2 Water Demand for Domestic Use
a. Population Projection until 2049
The population projection until 2049 is calculated using the exponential formula as
Pn=P 0 × er .n
Pn = Population after n years ahead
P0 = Total population in the initial year
r = Population growth rate
n = Duration in years
e = Exponential number = 2,7182818
b. Standard Water Demands SNI
Table of SNI Water Demands
Penduduk Kebutuhan Air (L/hr)
Perkotaan 120
Pedesaan 60
Sumber: SNI
c. Water Demands for Domestic Use
Water demands for domestic use are calculated per year using the standards of rural
residents based on SNI using the following formula [9]:
Kebutuhan air domestik =∑ penduduk × 365× 60l
2.2.3 Water Balance
The water balance is calculated using the following formula:
Qketersediaan = Debit on water supply
Qkebutuhan = Debit on water demand
Water balance, surplus if the result of the equation is positive and deficit if the result of
the equation is negative.
2.2.4 WEAP Simulation
a. Preparation of GIS-based raster and vector maps, data on water requirements from
domestic water needs, water supply data includes data: river discharge and rainfall.
b. Set the start and end time of the Scenario.
c. Delineate the flow of the river, follow the main river, draw from upstream to
d. Enter data inflow and outflow of the main river.
e. Make a site for city demand and then enter data requirements.
f. Consumption represents the amount of water actually consumed.
g. Linking supply resources to each request site.
h. Return flow routing is a percentage of the total outflow of demand sites directed
through a backflow link. If only one return flow link is made to the request node, then
the backflow routing for that link must be 100%.
i. Set key assumptions. Key assumptions are pieces of data that might be useful to be
applied in several elements.
j. Basic preparation for making scenarios.
k. Improve analysis of water requirements by separating based on type of demand,
modeling demand management, loss and reuse, and setting priority allocation
l. Improve analysis of water supply by changing supply priorities, modeling water
resource reservoirs, increasing flow requirements, modeling groundwater resources
2.2.5 Calibration, Validation and Analysis
The projections are compared with the values that have been observed before. After the
process of adjusting and iterating between the two steps regarding the various parameters
in the model, the projected value using WEAP representation converges on the observed
value, within the acceptable error limit of +/- 15% [11]. In this process, a number of
indicators are used to assess how well the model represents the actual dynamic system of
the water system in Jember Regency. Two variables are selected, the demand for water
and the flow of waste water are produced, and are used to assess the operation and
accuracy of the model. The first represents the input to the system, the two represent the
final results of the dynamics of the input parameters and assumptions of the water system.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1 Water Supply of Mayang Watershed
3.1.1 Rainfall of the Mayang Watershed in 2008-2018
Table of Rainfall of Mayang Watershed in 2008-2018
3.2 Water Demands for Domestic Use
3.2.1 Population of Mayang Watershed in 2019-2049
Table Population of Mayang Watershed in 2019-2049
Jumlah Penduduk Berdasarkan Proyeksi dari
Sensus Tahun 2010 (Jiwa)
2019 2029 2039 2049
891844 938039 986626 1037730
3.2.2 Water Demands for Domestic Use at Mayang Watershed in 2019-2049
Table Water Demands for Domestic Use at Mayang Watershed in 2019-2049
Kebutuhan Air Domestik (L/Tahun)
2019 2029 2039 2049
1953138281 20543047183 2160711259 22 400 368 033
6 0

3.3 WEAP Simulation

3.4 Analysis of Water Supply and Demands for Domestic Use of Mayang Watershed
4. Conclusion

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