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PotA Supplemental

A Red Larch Adventure

Introduction: This supplemental adventure is to be used in conjunction with the free supplement or
the adventure book for the Princes of the Apocalypse adventure published by Wizards of the Coast.
This supplement adds to the introductory adventures found there and expands on them for a short
home campaign.
There is plenty of exploration, NPC interaction and combat wrapped in an easy to read and printer
friendly module. All statblocks are provided for the supplemental material as well as for the
encounters found in the free supplement provided by Wizards of the Coast.

A multi-night adventure for 1st – 5th level characters

by Keith Stonefield

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . Elemental Evil: (EE 001)
Elemental Supplemental Read the following when the PCs are traveling along
the main trade road.
For Characters of Level 1-4
The Long Road is the main inland road heading north
out of Waterdeep. Spring has finally come and the roads
are now open to travel. Over the last several days you
each managed to gather together and find work
escorting a pair of wagons out of the Town of Amphail
heading north. 5gp for a few days escort will help keep
you fed until you find better.

Up ahead you notice a body lying next to the road,

appearing to be dead. As you begin to move forward,
the horses panic and begin to pull. You notice a 6ft long
snake made of bright bands of orange and yellow mixed
with dark spots coiled near the body. You do not think
snakes like this are local to these parts.

A pair of fire snakes have moved this way from parts

more south over the last few weeks. They are drawn to
the elemental forces pulling from the region. PCs do not
know that this may be an omen of things to come.
The snakes are territorial and will spit at the PCs if they
approach. You can have the PCs roll a Wisdom check
(Perception DC11) to notice burn marks on the body and
gear before they get close. They can be forces to retreat
using ranger skills or such. They will flee if wounded
below half their HP.
Treasure: The dead traveler carries 1d10cp, and 1d6sp.
He also has partial adventuring gear. The snake skins are
unusual and may be of interest in town.

Snake, Fire (2) Med. beast UN

Armor Class- Natural 13
Hit Points (3d8+3) 20
Speed 30 ft. climb 10ft.
10 15 13 3 8 3
Adventure Set-Up
(+0) (+2) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-3)
The adventure centers around the small town of Red Larch. I
intended to start the campaign with a bandit ambush that ties Senses blindsight 10ft., Perception +3
in with the Bears and Bows quest, but ended up with the fire Languages nil
snakes to start the adventure with a stranger elemental
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Abilities____________ ________________
Pack Tactics. Advantage on an attack roll against a
creature if at least one ally is within 5 feet of the
Into the Wilderness creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Introductory Ambush ___ Actions________ ____________________
Fire Spit. +4 to hit, 30ft (1d4+2) fire
The PCs have been on the road for a few days traveling Bite. +4 to hit, (1d4+2) piercing, and the target must
north to find adventure. Begin the campaign with some make a saving throw (Con DC10), or take and additional
action before getting to town. (1d4) fire.

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1: Bears and Bows _ __ 2: Bears and Bows- cave _ __
The PCs are set out from town at the behest of The cave contains a large chamber inside the tarp
Constable Harburk to locate a bandit lair south of town. covered opening. This is where the loot is kept, or what
That is all the lead in for this part. Use the Survival skill the module calls, stolen food, wine, weapons, and coins.
and the Perception skill to follow tracks and be able to Past the storage room a small tunnel leads another 30ft
smell cooking bacon as the PCs come closer to the cave to another room where the others in the bandit gang
where the bandits are lairing. hang out
Use the encounter as written on P. 18-19. Read the following when the PCs approach the rear
room. There is no map for this encounter, but the
Bandit_(4) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful description should give enough information to make the
Armor Class- leather 12 encounter work.
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11 In the hall, partway before reaching the rear room is a
Speed 30 ft. bell trap that will alert anyone in the room. PCs can
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA make a Wisdom (Perception DC11) check to notice a
11 12 12 10 10 10 string across the hall that can easily be stepped over.
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) The text assumes that the PCs notice the trap and can
surprise the remaining bandits.
Senses Perception 0
Languages usually Common
You find yourself standing in a narrow hall behind a
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions_________________ ____________ blanket covering the entrance to a room roughly 30x40ft
Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2). with a 10ft side area on the left partway down. You see
Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1). several sleeping bags laid out along the areas closer to
the entrance you are at. The farther end has a makeshift
Bear, Black _ Med, Beast, UN table with a lantern hanging above it. In the alcove area
Armor Class- natural 11 there is some sort of well with a rope and bucket tied to
Hit Points (3d8+6) 20 the ceiling.
Speed 40 ft., climb 30ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA In the room sitting around the rear table are 3 more
15 10 14 2 12 7 bandits. One of them appears to be a leader of some
(+2) (+0) (+2) (-4) (+1) (-2) sort wearing a chain shirt. There is also a snoring bandit
Senses Perception +3 sleeping on the right close to the door.
Languages Nil
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) The PCs should be able to surprise the bandits. With
Abilities_______________ _____________ an extra round of action the bandits should not be too
Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks- smell. much of a problem. The bandits will fight until 3 of them
are dead before the last one tries to surrender. You can
Actions________________ _____________
make up a sad story of how the bandits became down on
Multiattack. Make two attacks: one bite and one claws.
his luck and needed to turn to banditry.
Bite. +3 to hit, Hit: (1d6+2) damage.
Claws. +3 to hit, Hit: (2d4+2) damage. Treasure: All 4 carry 1d10cp and 1d6sp. The leader also
carries 1d6gp and has a potion of healing.

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Bandit_(3) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful 1: Haunted Tomb- Brigands _ __
Armor Class- leather 12 The book describes the old tomb as a forgotten noble
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11 warrior from a long ago past. The adventure has 3
Speed 30 ft. encounters with 2 being combats, and the 3 a possible
11 12 12 10 10 10
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) These are the statistics for the brigands outside the
Senses Perception 0
Languages usually Common Goblin___ _____ _Sm. Huoid (goblinoid), LE
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Armor Class- leather, shield 15
Actions_________________ ____________ Hit Points (2d6) 7
Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2). Speed 30 ft.
Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1). STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
8 14 10 10 8 8
(-1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (−1) (−1)
Thug________ __Med. huoid, any non-good
Armor Class- Chain shirt 13 Skills Stealth +6
Hit Points (5d8+10) 32 Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
Speed 30 ft. Languages Common, Goblin
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
15 11 14 10 10 11 Abilities_______________ _____________
(+2) (+0) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0) Nimble Escape. Can take Disengage or Hide as a bonus
action each turn.
Senses Intimidation +2, Perception 0 Actions________________ _____________
Languages usually Common Scimitar: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’
Abilities_________________ ___________
Pack Tactics Adv. on atk if ally w/in 5’ of target.
Actions_________ ____________________ Ogre, half _ _ Lg, Giant, CE
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks. Armor Class- hide 12
Mace: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). Hit Points (4d10+8) 35
Hvy. Crossbow: +2 to hit, (1d10). 100”/400” Speed 30 ft.
17 10 14 7 9 10
(+3) (+0) (+2) (-2) (-1) (+0)

Skills Intimidation +2
Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Actions_______________________ ______
Greataxe: +5 to hit, (1d12+3).
Javelin: +5 to hit, (1d6+3). 30’/120’

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2: Haunted Tomb- Tomb Passage _ __ 3: Haunted Tomb- Inner Tomb _ __
The book has a metal wagon wheel fitted in the door A flying sword lies inside the coffin of the forgotten
that will drop and alarm the brigands. PCs can notice noble. It rises to attack any who open the coffin.
this before opening the door if the make a Wisdom
These are the statistics for the flying sword found in
check (Perception DC12). They should also be able to
the tomb. This may be a more difficult encounter if the
notice tracks coming and going to the tomb. A Wisdom
PCs fought the specter with its damage reduction and
check (Survival DC12) reveals that one is a small creature
the sword’s high AC.
wearing boots and a large creature wearing boots that
are worn. This may warn the PCs to scout the area or I plan to have the sword burst a radiant blue color
they may wait outside thinking that the brigands are when it ‘dies’. This should symbolize the loss of
inside. animation, but it leaves behind a magical sword as a
These are the statistics for the specter found in the
tomb that warns the PCs to leave. Animated Sword _ Sm. Construct, UN
Specter _ __ _______Med undead, CE Armor Class- Natural 17
Hit Points (5d6) 17
Armor Class- natural 12
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft.
Hit Points (5d8) 22
Speed 0 ft., fly 50ft. (hover)
12 15 11 1 5 1
(+1) (+2) (+0) (-5) (-3) (-5)
1 14 11 10 10 11
(-5) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) Saving Throws Dex +4
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder,
Condition Immunities blind, charm, deafened,
non-magical weapons.
exhaustion, fright, paralyze, petrified, poisoned
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Senses blindsight 60” (blind beyond), Perception -3
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
Languages nil
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Senses DV 60’, perception +0
Abilities______ ______________________
Languages understands but cannot speak
Antimagic Susceptibility. Incapacitated while in the area
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, it must
Abilities____________ ________________
succeed on a Con ST vs. caster DC or fall unconscious for
Incorporeal Movt. Can move through creatures and
1 min.
objects as difficult terrain. It takes 5 force damage if
False Appearance. Indistinguishable from a normal
ends turn in object
weapon while remaining still.
Sunlight Sensitivity When in sunlight, it has disadvantage
Actions___________ _________________
on attacks and Wisdon checks that rely on sight
Longsword: +3 to hit, (1d8+1).
Actions___________ __________________
Life Drain: +4 spell attack to hit, (3d6) necrotic. Make a
Con ST (DC10) or have its HP maximum reduced by the
amount of damage until finishes a long rest. If HP +0 Longsword (Ember)
reaches 0 the target dies. Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
Counts as magic for overcoming damage resistance
Sheds light in 20ft radius when commanded.
On a critical, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 fire damage.
1x rest; As a bonus action you can cast firebolt as the spell for
2d10 fire damage and a +6 to hit.
Ember was created over 600 years ago when the time of
nobles and barons rules the area. Little is known of its origin.
A flame symbol is etched along the blade near the hilt.

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L1: Necromancer’s Tomb _ __ Actions_______________ ______________
Slam: +3 to hit, (1d6+1).
The necromancer Oreioth has taken up residence here
and mostly wishes to be left alone. There are 6 rooms to
L3: Necromancer’s Tomb _ __
this area and several undead that mix up the encounters
from previous encounters. The side chamber contains a dozen bodies, three
skeletons will rise if the PC enters to search.
This zombie only animates if the body is touched.
Treasure: Searching PCs can make an Intelligence check
Zombie___ ________Med undead, NE (Investigation DC12) to find a necklace on one of the
bodies (25gp).
Armor Class- 8
Hit Points (3d8+9) 22
Speed 20 ft.
Skeleton (3) __ ______Med undead, LE
Armor Class- scraps 13
Hit Points (2d8+4) 13
13 6 16 3 6 5
Speed 30 ft.
(+1) (-2) (+3) (-4) (-2) (-3)
Saving Throws Wis +0 10 14 15 6 8 5
Damage Immunities poison (+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3)
Condition Immunities poison
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
Senses DV 60’. Perception -2
Damage Immunities poison
Languages understands- usually Common
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
Abilities_____________ _______________
Languages understands- usually Common
Undead Fortitude. When dying it makes a Con ST (DC
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
15), unless radiant or critical. If successful it shudders
Actions_______________________ ______
back, but remains at 1 HP.
Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
Actions_______________ ______________
Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’
Slam: +3 to hit, (1d6+1).

L2: Necromancer’s Tomb _ __ L4: Necromancer’s Tomb _ __

The three zombies are dressed like contumed
The necromancer Oreioth has taken up residence here
characters that dance around when they see the PCs.
and mostly wishes to be left alone. There are 6 rooms to
this area and several undead that mixes up the Treasure: Nil
encounters from previous encounters.
This zombie only animates if the body is touched.
Zombie (3) ________Med undead, NE
Armor Class- 8
Hit Points (3d8+9) 22
Zombie (2) ________Med undead, NE Speed 20 ft.
Hit Points (3d8+9) 22 13 6 16 3 6 5
Speed 20 ft. (+1) (-2) (+3) (-4) (-2) (-3)
13 6 16 3 6 5 Saving Throws Wis +0
(+1) (-2) (+3) (-4) (-2) (-3) Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poison
Saving Throws Wis +0 Senses DV 60’. Perception -2
Damage Immunities poison Languages understands- usually Common
Condition Immunities poison Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Senses DV 60’. Perception -2 Abilities_____________ _______________
Languages understands- usually Common Undead Fortitude. When dying it makes a Con ST (DC
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) 15), unless radiant or critical. If successful it shudders
Abilities_____________ _______________ back, but remains at 1 HP.
Undead Fortitude. When dying it makes a Con ST (DC Actions_______________ ______________
15), unless radiant or critical. If successful it shudders Slam: +3 to hit, (1d6+1).
back, but remains at 1 HP.

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L5: Necromancer’s Tomb _ __ Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison
A zombie and 5 crawling hands are part of the Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
encounter with 4 skeletons backing them up. The Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
necromancer does not fight in this room, but taunts the Languages understands- usually Common
PCs and will flee once they approach the skeletons. Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Treasure: Nil Actions_______________________ ______
Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
Skeleton- Crawling Claw _____Tiny undead, NE Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’
Armor Class- 12
Hit Points (1d4) 2 L6: Necromancer’s Tomb _ __
Speed 20 ft. , climb 20ft
A zombie and 5 crawling hands are part of the
encounter with 4 skeletons backing them up. The
13 14 11 5 10 4
necromancer does not fight in this room, but taunts the
(+1) (+2) (+0) (-3) (+0) (-3)
PCs and will flee once they approach the skeletons.
Damage Immunities poison Treasure: Wand of magic missiles, driftglobe
Condition Immunities poison
Senses blindsight 30ft, Perception +0 NPC, PotA- Oreioth Med. human, LE
Languages understands- usually Common Armor Class- 11 (14 mage armor)
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Hit Points (6d8+12) 44
Abilities_______ _____________________ Speed 30 ft.
Turn Immunity: Immune to effects that turn undead STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Actions_______________________ ______ 8 13 14 16 9 11
Claw: +3 to hit, (1d4+1) (-1) (+!) (+2) (+3) (-1) (+0)

Zombie (1) ________Med undead, NE Saving Throws Wis +1

Skills Arcana +5, Investigation +5, Medicine +1
Armor Class- 8
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception -1
Hit Points (3d8+9) 22
Languages Common, Abyssal
Speed 20 ft.
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Abilities______________________ ______
13 6 16 3 6 5 th
Spellcasting. 6 level caster. DC 13 / +5 hit
(+1) (-2) (+3) (-4) (-2) (-3)
Cantrip (at-will) chill touch, minor illusion,
Saving Throws Wis +0 prestidigitation, shocking grasp
Damage Immunities poison 1 lev. (4 slots): false life, mage armor, magic missile,
Condition Immunities poison ray of sickness
Senses DV 60’. Perception -2 2 lev. (3 slots): crown of madness, misty step
Languages understands- usually Common 3 lev. (3 slots): animate dead, vampiric touch
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Grim Harvest: 1/turn when he kills a creature, he gains
Abilities_____________ _______________ 1d6hp.
Undead Fortitude. When dying it makes a Con ST (DC Swift Animation: 1/long rest when a humanoid dies
15), unless radiant or critical. If successful it shudders within 30ft of him, he can cast animate dead as a free
back, but remains at 1 HP. action.
Actions_______________ ______________ Actions_________________________ ____
Slam: +3 to hit, (1d6+1). Dagger +3 to hit (1d4+1) 20/60ft
Magic Wand of Magic Missile
Skeleton (4) __ ______Med undead, LE
Armor Class- scraps 13
Hit Points (2d8+4) 13
Speed 30 ft.
10 14 15 6 8 5
(+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3)

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Side Quest- Boar Hunt As you pull the wagon up the old trail, you begin to see
The PCs have gained a bit of fame around town and smoke from a campfire and smell roasting meat.
some of the other people in town and visitors are
starting to take notice. Use this side quest after you run The PCs can move forward and explore the area. A
the “Into the Wilderness” section of the adventure, small hill shields them from the goblin party set up at the
especially the Bears and Bows section. This quest is entrance of an old mine that collapsed leaving only a
designed for 2 level PCs, before the Tomb of Moving 15ft area at the entrance. A small lake site on the
Stones section. opposite side from the cave leaving a 30ft open area
where the goblins are roasting a boar they recently
The noble, Quinn Brokengulf of Waterdeep chartered caught.
the capture of a boar for a special diner to his daughter
Brianne on her coming of age party. He sent his The PCs can gain surprise on the goblins if they make a
manservant Simon and a few guards to fetch one. They successful Dexterity check (Stealth DC11). They should
are now short on time and ask the PCs to procure start the encounter 60ft from the goblins and making a
another one to bring back. Simon is alone now in town successful check can move to within 20ft of the goblins,
after the bandits killed the guards and the tracker he to where some small trees approach the side of the cave.
hired. Have two of the goblins by outside by the fire cooking
The set-up is that Simon has heard about the PCs over the boar and the third inside with the centipedes. After
the last week and some of their actions around town. fighting begins, he comes out with the centipedes he has
This is especially true if they bring the wagon back to trained as pets to attack the PCs fighting the first two
town with the cage. Simon thought there was a problem goblins. He will shoot while the centipedes try to poison
since the hunting party is a week late from what they the PCs. The last goblin will try to flee if able.
thought, but will find their weapons and gear among the Treasure: The goblins carry 1d10cp and 1d6sp each.
items carried back, assuming the PCs brought the goods There is also 2 vials of centipede poison that smart PCs
back to be sold. can use to hunt for a boar.
Simon has a suite rented at the inn and will approach
the PCs after dinner one night and offer them a job to
Goblin_(3) _____ _Sm. Huoid (goblinoid), LE
capture a boar for a 25GP fee. He can offer a potion of Armor Class- leather, shield 15
healing if pressed as well since he needs to get the boar Hit Points (2d6) 7
on short notice. The stats for Simon are included here if Speed 30 ft.
he needs to accompany the PCs to capture a boar, but he STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
is not a lot of help and shuns fighting unless it is a last 8 14 10 10 8 8
resort. He can drive the wagon if necessary. (-1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (−1) (−1)

1: Boar Hunt- Goblins _ __ Skills Stealth +6

Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
The boars are found roughly a day’s wagon ride along Languages Common, Goblin
the Larch Path to the area of The Old Quarries. Here Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
several small ponds have been formed among the old Abilities_______________ _____________
pits and quarries making areas of thick grasses and small Nimble Escape. Can take Disengage or Hide as a bonus
stands of trees where the boars hide. action each turn.
Read the following when the PCs are in the area of the Actions________________ _____________
old quarries and have gone off the main road. There is Scimitar: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
no map for this location. Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’

The old quarries are filled with small lakes and stands
of trees where both strip mines and tunnels were
formed to take slabs of rock used in building materials.
Most have been overgrown and fallen in due to age.
After an hour of searching, you see a promising area up
ahead to explore.

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Centipede, Giant (2) _ Sm. beast, UN The boars will attack by charging if able. They fight
bravely and to the death. The PCs can try to subdue
Armor Class- natural 13
them by using the centipede poison or nets if they
Hit Points (1d6+1) 4
brought one. There are no specific rules on trying to not
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
kill something and only subdue it. I suggest that
attacking with disadvantage allows the PCs to subdue
5 14 12 1 7 3
the boar without killing it.
(-3) (+2) (+1) (-5) (−2) (−4)
The players may have other ideas to take a boar alive.
Senses Blindsight 30’, Perception -2 Maybe attacking with bludgeoning weapons only can
Languages nil work, or knocking it below 0HP and then casting healing
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) upon it can be another idea. You should reward clever
Actions____________ _________________ thinking and let the players come up with ideas.
Bite: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) and must make a Con save (DC11)
or take (3d6) poison. If reduced to 0 HP the target is Simon will reward the PCs with what was promised and
stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining HP, stick to his word. He will also throw a party for them in
and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way. Red Larch when the PCs get back. Hopefully they
brought more boar than just the one.
2: Boar Hunt- Boars _ __ Treasure: The boars have no treasure.
From the goblin camp, the PCs can track the goblins to
where they found the boar. You can have the PCs make
Boar, Normal (4) __Med. Beast, UN
Armor Class- natural 12
a Wisdom check (Survival DC11) to follow the tracks to
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
the ruins in the swamp.
Speed 40 ft.
Read the following when the PCs reach the swampy STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
area. There is no map for this location. 13 11 12 2 9 5
(+1) (+0) (+1) (-4) (-1) (-3)
The terrain leads down into a bit of a depression filled
Senses Perception -1
with soft ground and tall reeds. Some partial ruins from
Languages Nil
quarry houses poke above the reeds and small trees Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
growing form a bit of a maze. Abilities_______________ _____________
Charge. If it moves at least 20 feet straight toward a
Read the following when the PCs are moving through target and hits it with a tusk attack on the same turn, the
the ruins. Have the PCS make a Wisdom check target takes an extra (1d6) slashing damage, and must
(Perception DC12) to hear sounds of the boar digging a make a Strength save (DC11) or be knocked prone.
short distance away, maybe 30ft. If the PCs beat a DC15 Relentless (Recharges after any Rest). If it takes 7
on the Perception check, have them notice the sounds at damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is
60ft and they can possible have surprise on the boar. reduced to 1 hit point instead.
Change the text if the PCs are surprising the boar. Actions________________ _____________
Tusk. +3 to hit, Hit: (1d6+1) damage.
The terrain leads down into a bit of a depression filled
with soft ground and tall reeds. Some partial ruins from NPC- Simon___ _ ___ _Med human,NG
quarry houses poke above the reeds and small trees Armor Class- leather 12
growing form a bit of a maze. Hit Points (2d8+2) 14
Speed 30 ft.
A short distance away, sounds become grunting of a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
few boars within the ruined foundations and reeds. A 10 12 12 13 10 14
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+2)
small clearing among the ruins shows 4 wild boars that
were digging for roots, but now appear angry that you Skills History +5, Investigation +3, Persuasion +5
have stumbled upon them. The boars are roughly 20- Senses Perception 0
30ft from you at this point. Languages Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions_________________ ____________
Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+1)

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Speed 30 ft.
What’s Next? _ __ STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
nd 15 12 15 8 10 9
PCs will be 2 level by the time these missions are (+2) (+1) (+2) (-1) (+0) (-1)
completed and will be ready for the Tomb of Moving
Stones section of the story. Senses Intimidation +2, Perception 0
Languages Orc, Common
Awarding Experience Points ___ Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Abilities_________________ ___________
I’m trying something new with this campaign in that
Pack Tactics Adv. on atk if ally w/in 5’ of target.
levels are story based instead of XP based. The PCs will
nd Actions_________ ____________________
reach 2 level if they complete the necromancer’s cave
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
or 2 other minor missions.
Mace: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
Playtest Notes Hvy. Crossbow: +2 to hit, (1d10). 100”/400”
The start of the adventure went smoothly and I had them as
wagon guards being paid 5gp coming through looking for T4: Antechamber ___
adventure. The picked up quickly on the Necromancer’s Tomb The stats are provided for Braelen the human child
at Lance Rock. They tend to push along and a couple players being held as a prisoner.
forgot how fragile 1 level PCs are. A zombie scored a critical
and dropped the fighter.
NPC Braelen Hatherhand Med (M) human child, LG
Upon returning to town, I had them meet Harburk, the
Armor Class- none 10
Constable. He spoke honorable about the PCs in the tavern
and bought them drinks as he told them about the bandits
Hit Points (1d8) 5 (2 currently)
becoming a problem. He is much too busy to deal with them Speed 30 ft.
right now, but the PCs were willing to assist. I moved the travel STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
along and went directly to the combat with the bandits. The 7 11 10 10 8 10
bear ended up dying before the second turn and could not run (-2) (+0) (+0) (+0) (-1) (+0)
The PCs finished the bandits and returned to town. I had the Senses Perception -1
supplemental mission with Simon the manservant in town Languages Common
looking over his wagon while the PCs were selling the loot. He Challenge 0 (10 XP)
hired them for that side quest and it ended up being a fun set Actions_____ _______________________
of encounters. The group spoke with the goblins and bought Club: +2 to hit, (1d4)
some centipede poison off them to use on the boar. This
ended up knocking out 2 of them and they killed a third rather
easily. They gave one to the goblins on their return and ate a
T5: Charnal Chamber ___
second when they returned to town. I had Simon host a party The stats are provided for the giant rats.
for them in town inviting several of the town leaders.
Rat, Giant (5) ____ Small beast, UN
Armor Class natural 12
Tomb of Moving Stones Hit Points (2d6) 7
Introductory Ambush ___ Speed 30 ft.
The PCs should be 2 level before this part of the 7 15 11 2 10 4
adventure. Ideally, the time between the first few (-2) (+2) (+0) (−4) (+0) (−3)
quests and this part of the module should take place
over a couple weeks, but my group feels like they need Senses DV 60 ft., Perception 0
to adventure each day. Languages —
Areas T1 and T2 are in the module and are Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
straightforward and use as written. Abilities________ ____________________
Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
T3: Cage Trap ___ rely on smell.
Pack Tactics. Advantage on an attack roll against a
The stats are provided for Grund the half-orc.
creature if at least one ally is within 5 feet of the
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Grund_ __ _ __Med. ½ orc,NE Actions___________ __________________
Armor Class- Leather 12
Bite: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) piercing damage.
Hit Points (5d8+10) 35

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T7: Dwarf Statue ___ Black Earth Priest ___Med. human, NE
The Bringers of Woe are bandits that follow the Black Armor Class- Splint 17
Earth Cult. They can arrive anywhere in the dungeon, Hit Points (7d8+14) 16
but I plan on having them show up here. Speed 30 ft.
The cultists Larrakh left a magical dagger at the base of 15 11 14 12 10 15
dwarf statue to encourage the town elders to give more (+2) (+0) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+2)
treasure. I have modified it below for my home
campaign. Skills Intimidation +5, Religion +3, Persuasion +5
Senses Perception +1
Bandit (6) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful Languages Common, Terran
Armor Class- leather 12 Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11 Abilities_________________ ___________
Speed 30 ft. Spellcasting. 5th level caster (Cha). DC 13 / +5 hit
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Cantrip (at-will): acid splash, blade ward, light, mending,
11 12 12 10 10 10 mold earth*
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) 1 lev. (4 slots): earth tremor*, expeditious retreat,
Senses Perception 0 nd
2 lev. (3 slots): shatter, spider climb
Languages usually Common rd
3 lev. (2 slots): slow
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Actions__________________ ___________
Actions_________________ ____________ Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2). Glaive: +4, to hit, 10ft reach, (1d10+2)
Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1).
Reactions________________ ___________
Unyielding: When subjected to an affect that would
+0 Dagger (Reszur) move or knock prone the priest, the affect is negated.
Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
Counts as magic for overcoming damage resistance Bandit (2) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful
Sheds dim light in 10ft radius when command word is spoken. Armor Class- leather 12
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
Magically returns when thrown. Speed 30 ft.
1x long rest; As a bonus action you can turn invisibility as per STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the spell. 11 12 12 10 10 10
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
The dagger is decorated with star motif and a night-blue
leather handle. It makes no sound when it hits or cuts Senses Perception 0
Languages usually Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions_________________ ____________
T8: Approach ___ Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2).
The frail commoner Baragustas is in this chamber. He Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1).
is too weak to include his stats here and does his best to
convince the PCs to stay out of the chamber. What’s Next? _ __
The PCs can spend some time roleplaying in town
T9: Chamber of Moving Stones ___ about what people know and who may be responsible.
This is detailed in the module and DMs can spend as
The final encounter is with Larrakh the cult leader. He
much time as they want exploring the possibilities.
hides in the chamber. I included 2 more Bringers of Woe
here to add to the encounter. If you feel this is too For rescuing the townsfolk they will be given free room
powerful, you can remove them. and board for the next week by Kaylessa at The Swinging
Sword. They also become minor celebrities in town with
the common folk dipping their hats to them and offers of
free drinks and such.

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Awarding Experience Points ___ Read the following when the PCs approach. This is
assuming that the owlbears know the PCs are there and
There are only several encounters in this part of the
rd will attack. There is no map for this encounter.
module, but the PCs will advance to 3 level once they
complete it.
The tracks you have been following lead to a small
Playtest Notes boxed in area that is part of an old quarry. As you slowly
This section of the adventure was played in only one night. approach you hear sounds of animals eating something.
The PCs ignored the Believers trying to keep people out of the You believe that there is more than one large animal
hole and took action to save the commoners. They ended up
from the sounds. Some small bushes give way to a 30ft
circling around the hall with the hanging cages and fought their
way to the end. open area containing an old wagon and a broken ore
They ended up coming back to meet Grund from the rear and cart. Next to the wagon is 3 small owlbears eating some
were intent on saving Braelen the boy. They healed Grund sort of woodsman. Off to the left you see a crude,
before he dies from his wounds and brought him to the rusted, metal door blocks off a tunnel.
constable for questioning. This opened up the whole
investigation into the Believers.
As you watch the young owlbears, the thought of them
having a mother comes to mind. Suddenly you notice
Part 2: Secret of Sumbar Hills the bushes to the right flatten as a large owlbear comes
bearing towards you.
The PCs have gained a bit of fame in the area around
Red Larch and are asked to investigate the
disappearance of the missing delegation from Mirabar. The mother owlbear will fight to the death as long as
The bars that Larrakh has on them are a clue to finding the young are around. For their part, they will attack the
the missing people. In my home game, the PCs are not PCs, thinking they are as easy to kill as the woodsman
part of a faction as of yet, so I’m planning to have they were just feasting upon. If the mother dies, the
Harbruk the constable give them the mission. young will fight for one more round before fleeing in
random directions.
The body is a dead elf dressed like a ranger or
Feathergale Spire woodsman. He carries the treasure listed below and
The PCs are given the mission to find the missing wears a Harper Pin. He was gathering information on
delegation and head off to the hills. I want to have a the cults in the area to report back when he was
random encounter with more elemental creatures and ambushed by the owlbears.
give a magical longbow to the PCs as a reward. I did not DMs can use the connection with the Harpers to
want to give out the item with the skyrider encounter introduce the PCs to the organization or have a NPC
since the other members of the spire would certainly Harper recognize the magical bow and try to recruit the
recognize the bow. PCs to the group. A PC could also use the pin to try and
impersonate a Harper for gathering information or as
part of a disguise. This may lead to another adventure
1: Wandering roadside _ __ since other Harpers frown on this last part.
Along the road heading into the hills, the PCs come Treasure: The dead elf carries 2d10sp and 1d6gp. He
across human-sized tracks that trail blood heading off to also has the magical bow listed below.
one side. There are also beast tracks that can be
identified as owlbears with a Wisdom check (Survival +1 Longbow (Lorneraeth)
DC15). If the check was 20 or higher, the PCs can Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement)
determine the numbers and that fact the owlbears are On a critical, you can fire one additional shot as a free action.
following the person. They also know that the tracks are
only several minutes old. Arrows are magically created when you draw the bow and last
for one round before disappearing.
Following the tracks leads to a small box canyon that
1x rest; As a free action you can re-roll the last attack.
was part of an abandoned quarry. Here the PCs find the
owlbears eating the body of an elf. They will attack the Lorneraeth was created by the high elves of the High Forest
PCs once they discover them. The PCs may be able to over 800 years ago and had passed down through the clans
surprise the owlbears, however they need to roll about until roughly 300 years ago when it vanished. It was last used
their keen senses since the owlbears have advantage on by the ranger Beramiss attacking orcs that came out of the
North and through the Sumbar Hills.
checks that deal with smell and hearing.

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Owlbear_ _Lg. monstrosity,UN Inside a 10ft wide tunnel leads down maybe 30ft to a
Armor Class- natural 13 room roughly 30x30ft. The tunnel beyond the room is
Hit Points (7d10+21) 59 collapsed a short way from the room. Inside a pair of ore
Speed 40 ft. carts sit on the left side near the far tunnel and on the
right is a large wooden desk with a broken lantern lying
20 12 17 3 12 7
(+5) (+1) (+3) (−4) (+1) (−2) on the ground next to the desk.
From the shadows of the room burst 4 small elemental
Senses DV 60 ft., Perception +3, Stealth +4 th
Languages — creatures. 3 are dusty mephits, while the 4 is another
Challenge 3 (700 XP) type that gives of steam. They all move to attack you.
Abilities______________ ______________
Keen Smell and Hearing. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) The PCs may be surprised by the attack if the door
checks- hearing and smell. alerted the mephits to hide. The PCs in the front of the
Actions_______________________ ______ marching order may roll a Wisdom check (Perception
Multiattack: 2 atks- beak and claws DC12) to spot them before they attack. The DC becomes
Beak: +7 to hit, (1d10+5). 16 if the PCs do not have light with them when they
Claws: +7 to hit, (2d8+5) slashing enter the area.
The mephitis are drawn to the region like the snakes
Owlbear-_Youth (3) Med. monstrosity,UN earlier in the adventure and fight the best they can.
Armor Class- natural 13 They have limited tactics and try to stay away from
Hit Points (4d8+8) 25 fighter types while taking out spell casters.
Speed 40 ft. Treasure: The mephitis carry no treasure. Searching the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA desk can yield (3) 50gp gems hidden in a compartment if
16 14 14 3 12 7 the PC makes an Intelligence check (Investigation DC18).
(+3) (+2) (+2) (−4) (+1) (−2)
Mephit, Dust_(3) Sm. elemental, NE
Senses DV 60 ft., Perception +3, Stealth +5 Armor Class- natural 12
Languages — Hit Points (5d6) 17
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Speed 30 ft.
Abilities______________ ______________ STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Keen Smell and Hearing. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) 5 14 10 9 11 10
checks- hearing and smell. (-3) (+2) (+0) (−1) (+0) (+0)
Actions_______________________ ______
Multiattack: 2 atks- beak and claws Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Beak: +5 to hit, (1d8+3) Damage Immunities poison
Claws: +5 to hit, (2d6+3) Condition Immunities poison
Senses DV 60’, Perception +2, Stealth +4
Languages Auran, Terran
2: Wandering Mine Entrance _ __ Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
After fighting the owlbears, the PCs can investigate the Abilities_____________ _______________
rusty door leading to the mine entrance. The door has Death Burst. 5ft/ DC 10 Con Saving Throw or blinded for
been opened slightly, but requires a Strength check 1 minute, (SE).
(Athletics DC13) to open large enough for medium-sized Innate Spellcasting (1/day). Sleep Cha. based
PCs to enter. Opening it without putting something on Actions__________________ ___________
the squeaky hinges alerts the mephits inside. Claws: +4 to hit, (1d4+2).
Blinding Breath (Rec ): 15ft cone of blinding dust, DC
Read the following when the PCs enter.
10 Dex. Save or blind 1 minute (SE).

Opening the door required a strong pull, but the door

gives as the old hinges squeal in protest. Small rocks and
dust fall from above the door leaving a dust cloud in
their wake. The darkness inside is only pierces by the
sunlight coming in behind you.

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Mephit, Steam_ Sm. elemental, NE A secret door inside the escape room opens to a larger
Armor Class- natural 11 room inside the old tunnels. This room is roughly
Hit Points (6d6) 22 40x40ft with two tunnels leading out the left and right of
Speed 30 ft. fly 30 ft the rough-hewn room. You emerge behind a large
statue of a dwarf, but several parts of the statue have
5 12 10 11 10 12
broken or been broken off at some point. A third tunnel
(-3) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+1)
comes from the opposite wall, but has collapsed in and
Damage Immunities fire, poison appears to be impassable.
Condition Immunities poison
Senses DV 60’, Perception +0 Inside this room is 4 skeletons milling around some
Languages Auran, Ignan broken furniture that may have been some benches by
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
the statue showing this to be a shrine of some sort.
Abilities_____________ _______________
Death Burst. 5ft/ Dexterity save (DC10) or take (1d8) fire. Upon your entering the room, they turn towards you
Innate Spellcasting (1/day). blur Charisma based drawing weapons.
without using components.
Actions__________________ ___________ The skeletons are mostly mindless and attack directly.
Claws: +2 to hit, (1d4+1) slashing, plus (1d4) fire Have 3 more forward with swords and the 4 shoot
Steam Breath (Rec ): 15ft cone of scalding steam or arrows. The statue has 5ft of space behind the 10ft
take (1d8) fire damage. Dexterity save (DC10) for half. width of the statue itself. This allows the PCs to come
from both sides and the skeletons to move around as
Abandoned Mine- Side Trek well.
On the 2 round of combat 3 more skeletons come
The main module splits a bit here after dealing with the
from the left tunnel. Another smaller room is down a
mephits at the abandoned mine. My home group chose
20ft hall and the sounds of combat alert them.
to explore the outside area since they could not get
through the collapsed tunnel. Normally, I would cut the The room at the end of the hall is 20x20ft and contains
scene and get back to the module as written, but the a destroyed desk and a few old beds. It appears that this
player rolled a natural 20 on his check and I want to is where several miners lived, perhaps a priest of some
reward him with a few more encounters in the tunnels. sort. The collapsed tunnel is unpassable without several
hours of clearing stones and rubble. It will most likely
Exploring the area around the mine leads to a secret fall in once again when the PCs have it nearly cleared.
escape tunnel above the collapsed tunnel. An old ladder
hidden inside a large tree leads to a 5ft shaft that drops Treasure: The skeletons each have 1d6sp and 1d10cp.
roughly 100ft to a small secret room two levels below They have rusted swords and bows of little value.
that of the main entrance. A dwarf in the party can
know this automatically. Skeleton_(7) __ ______Med undead, LE
Armor Class- scraps 13
There is no map for these areas. Hit Points (2d8+4) 13
Speed 30 ft.
1: Hallway Shrine _ _ _
The shaft leads to a 10x10ft room containing an old 10 14 15 6 8 5
crate filled with some old survival supplies such as rope, (+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3)
torches, and a water skin. It was kept here to aid anyone
that needed to escape and could give them some Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
supplies to make it to town. This makes a good place to Damage Immunities poison
rest if the party needs it. Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
Read the following when the PCs leave this room and Languages understands- usually Common
enter the old shrine. Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Actions_______________________ ______
Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’

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2: Hallway Intersection _ _ _ Skeleton_(12)_ ______Med undead, LE
The hall leading out of the right side from the shrine Armor Class- scraps 13
room leads through several areas of nothingness and Hit Points (2d8+4) 13
small rooms before coming to a larger intersection that Speed 30 ft.
joins the sections of recent tunnels to the older sections STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
that have been mines out. Stairs lead to the 2 level of 10 14 15 6 8 5
the mines. (+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3)
Read the following when the PCs enter the area. Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison
The hall you have been following has led you past a few Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
smaller rooms that contained nothing of value and a Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
couple other collapsed tunnels before leading to a larger Languages understands- usually Common
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
intersection of several tunnels and a sweeping stairwell
Actions_______________________ ______
that leads up to the next level. A large chandelier hangs Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
from the ceiling roughly 40ft off the main floor. Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’

The tunnel you come from meets the intersection

opposite the stairs and you can see a balcony part way
Skeleton, warrior__ __Med undead, LE
Armor Class- chainmail 17
up the stairs maybe 20ft off the ground before the stairs Hit Points (5d8+10) 32
lead into the ground. Two other tunnels lead out the left Speed 30 ft.
wall and seem to split at slightly different angles, while a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
single tunnel leads out the right. 14 14 15 6 10 5
(+2) (+2) (+2) (-2) (+0) (-3)
In the area are several skeletons that seem to gather
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
here. You see 3 by the right tunnel, 4 by the left tunnels,
Damage Immunities poison
2 on the balcony and 4 more in the middle of the area by
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
an old ore cart. One of the skeletons in the middle of the Senses DV 60’. Perception +2
area wears better armor and swings a great maul. Languages understands- usually Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
The skeletons are mostly mindless and attack directly. Actions_________________ ____________
Have 3 more forward with swords and the 4 shoot Multiattack: 2 attacks
arrows. The statue has 5ft of space behind the 10ft +0 Maul: +5 to hit, (2d6+2)- See below
width of the statue itself. This allows the PCs to come
from both sides and the skeletons to move around as +0 Maul (Stormbreath)
Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement)
The tunnel to the right leads in for a few hundred feet
On a critical, you deal (+2d6) lightning damage.
before it is collapsed. This is true with one of the left
tunnels. The other left tunnel leads to the next Command word to shed light 30ft
encounter in the glowing chamber, while the stairs leads 1x rest; As a free action you can re-roll the last attack.
to the next floor.
Stormbreath was forged almost 1,000 years ago in the
Treasure: The skeletons each have 1d6sp and 1d10cp. dwarven lands below the Sword Mountains and passed down
They have rusted swords and bows of little value. Only through many dwarf hands from family to family over the years
the leader skeleton has something of value in the and even after the dwarf nation fell. Eventually a human miner
magical maul. DMs can change it to a warhammer, but found it buried in an old tomb while exploring opening the
one of the PCs in my game carries a maul and it would mines once again. A human fighter of massive size used it to
make a good reward for him. help secure the mines 200 years ago and his son once fought a
dragon along the banks of the Delimbyr River. It is unknown
how it was lost for a 2 time.

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3: The Glowing Chamber _ _ _ The shadows will emerge from the surrounding areas
around the statues when the PCs come down to the
The PCs travel down the left tunnel for another 15-20 bottom of the ramp. Have 4 form on the first round and
minutes past a few other areas not worth exploring until move to attack the PCs. The other 2 will form on the 2
they come to a large chamber with a glowing crystal round, while the greater shadow will wait for another
hanging in the center of the ceiling. round or two to determine how powerful the PCs are
This is a hard encounter for 3 level PCs and they most and where to strike.
likely will retreat, or should retreat. There are several The crypt in the middle of the room will be something
magic weapons that the PCs could have found in the the PCs try to access. There is a door on the far side of
adventure thus far and that will make the fighting easier, the ramp that can be opened with a Dexterity check
but the loss of strength should scare the PCs into retreat. (Thieves’ Tools DC25). This should be very difficult for
the PCs, but not impossible.
Playtest Notes If the PCs open the door before the fighting ends, all
I found that having magic weapons made this fight easier the remaining shadows burst into shards of black ribbon
than originally thought. The PCs were able to take out 2 of the before disappearing. The inside of the crypt opens to
initial 4 early and the other 2 shadows that were hiding came the next encounter.
out the next round. By this time, the fighter split to take one
side leaving the cleric and one rogue on the other side. The Treasure: The shadows have no treasure. The 4 cultists
other rogue stayed back and was shooting his magical bow. each have 1d10sp and 1d6gp. There is also a potion of
There were 2 shadows left when I have the greater shadow healing.
form above the crypt in the middle of the room. This was when
the cleric used his turn undead ability and chased away the one Shadow (6) _______Med undead, CE
on that side and the fighter took the time to kill the last one on Armor Class- natural 12
his side before turning to the greater one. All the PCs were Hit Points (3d8+3) 16
pulling back at this time since the fighter was down some
Speed 40 ft.
strength and one of the rogues was down some as well.
One rogue who has not lost strength tried to flank the greater
6 14 13 6 10 8
shadow to give the fighter some room to move out and save his
5 strength remaining, but the fighter took that as a rally and
(-2) (+2) (+1) (-2) (+0) (-1)
stayed to fight on. Between all of them , they managed to kill it
Skills Stealth +4 (+6 in dim light), Perception +0
and then all ganged up on the turned shadow with ranged
weapons. Damage Vulnerability radiant
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder,
Read the following when the PCs enter the area. non-magical weapons.
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
The hall you have been following leads down several paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
dead end avenues and smaller rooms before coming to a Senses DV 60’.
large chamber well-lit by a giant quartz crystal imbedded Languages nil
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
in the ceiling. You find yourself standing upon a 20ft
Abilities_______ _____________________
landing looking out above a grand room over 50ft long
Amorphous Can move through spaces as narrow as 1”
and 80ft wide. Surrounding the room are several w/out squeezing.
tunnels, however they all appear to be collapsed at this Shadow Stealth When in dim light or darkness, it can
room. take Hide action as bonus action.
Sunlight Weakness When in sunlight, it has disadvantage
A wide ramp descends to the middle of the room on attacks, abilities, and ST’s.
leading to a 20x20ft crypt decorated with draconic runes Actions_______________ ______________
and is positioned under the glowing crystal, bathed in Strength Drain: +4 to hit, (2d6+2) necrotic. Target’s
strength score is also reduced by 1d4. If it reaches 0 the
light. At the bottom of the ramp are 4 dead bodies
target dies and rises as a shadow in 1d4 hours. Strength
wearing armor similar to the cultists found below the
damage returns after any rest.
town. These appear to have dies only a few weeks ago.
Several large statues are positioned around the room.
Most appear to be at least partially ruined if not just
piles of rubble. The statues give long shadows that
appear to writhe and sway under the light.

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Shadow, Greater ______Med undead, CE The far part of the room contains a large coffin roughly
Armor Class- natural 13 10x10ft and painted with strange symbols. Two more of
Hit Points (10d8+10) 55 these dragon-headed statues flank the entrance to that
Speed 40 ft. section. You also see more statues at the entrances of
the side sections, but cannot see to the rear of these
6 16 13 6 10 8
(-2) (+3) (+1) (-2) (+0) (-1) sections until you enter further.

Skills Stealth +4 (+6 in dim light), Perception +0 Read the following when the PCs decide to enter
Damage Vulnerability radiant further.
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder,
non-magical weapons. The remaining two alcoves have the same statues
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, grappled, flanking the entrances, but also have some sort of silver
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained sheen flickering across the face of the alcoves roughly
Senses DV 60ft
10ft in. The rear of each chamber is filled with several
Languages nil
Challenge 3 (900 XP) skeletons dressed in armor decorated with a dragon
Abilities_______ _____________________ motif. They all stand silently, slightly moving back and
Amorphous Can move through spaces as narrow as 1” forth staring at you with their empty eyes.
w/out squeezing.
Shadow Stealth When in dim light or darkness, it can The skeletons will be freed from their prison once any
take Hide action as bonus action. of the PCs cross between the statues in the section
Sunlight Weakness When in sunlight, it has disadvantage containing the coffin. They will move to attack tirelessly
on attacks, abilities, and ST’s. and single-mindedly, seeking to kill the PCs before they
Actions_______________ ______________ can open the coffin. The warrior in each side directs the
Multiattack: Make two attacks, 1 strength drain and 1 individuals inside each half. They were once the guard
tendril. for the dragon contained in the coffin and seek to
Tendril: +6 to hit, 10ft reach, (1d6+3) necrotic. protect him today.
Strength Drain: +6 to hit, (2d6+3) necrotic. Target’s
strength score is also reduced by 1d6. If it reaches 0 the Treasure: The skeletons have no treasure. Their swords
target dies and rises as a shadow in 1d4 hours. Strength are still of good quality and can fetch 25gp each if sold in
damage returns after any rest. a town.
Shadow Tendrils (Rec ): 15ft diameter, make 1 Skeleton, warrior_(2)_ __Med undead, LE
tendril attack on each opponent within 15ft reach. Armor Class- chainmail 17
Hit Points (5d8+10) 32
4: Crypt Entrance _ _ _ Speed 30 ft.
The crypt chamber contains a small set of spiral stairs STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
leading down to another room below the crypt. The 14 14 15 6 10 5
room is lit with magical light and the light descends to (+2) (+2) (+2) (-2) (+0) (-3)
the lower chamber. The surprising feature in the upper
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
room is that there is nothing carved into the walls and no
Damage Immunities poison
other features are worth note.
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
Read the following when the PCs descent the spiral Senses DV 60’. Perception +2
stairs. Languages understands- usually Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
The stairs lead down roughly 30ft to another well-lit Actions_________________ ____________
chamber shaped similar to a cross. A 30x30ft central Multiattack: 2 attacks
Longsword: +5 to hit, (1d10+2) used 2-handed
area is surrounded by 30x30ft sections with you landing
in one of them. There are also 2 statues in this section of
soldiers with dragon heads facing each other just before
the central part of the room.

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Skeleton_(12)_ ______Med undead, LE STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 13 15 9 12 6
Armor Class- scraps 13
(+4) (+1) (+2) (-1) (+1) (-2)
Hit Points (2d8+4) 13
Speed 30 ft. Damage Resistances non-magic weapons except
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA bludgeoning, cold
10 14 15 6 8 5 Damage Vulnerability fire
(+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3) Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
Senses DV 60’. Perception +1
Damage Immunities poison
Languages understands- Draconic, Common
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
Actions____________________ _________
Languages understands- usually Common
Multiattack: Makes 2 attacks: bite and claws
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Bite: +7 to hit, (2d6+4). 10ft reach
Actions_______________________ ______
Claws: +6 to hit, (2d8+4).
Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
Frost Breath (Rec ): 15ft cone of cold. DC 12 Con.
Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’
saving throw for half of (6d6) cold

5: Crypt Opening _ _ _ Lair Action (2 free actions used on other PCs turns)
Frost Foot (10ft burst w/in 90ft) PCs is area must make a
The crypt contains the skeletal remains of the dragon Str. ST (DC12) or be restrained for 1 round
that was once the ruler of the region. It retains some Exploding Statue 1 statue within 60ft explodes in a 10ft
draconic power, but is only a reduced shell of what it burst dealing (4d6) damage. PCs cam make a Dex ST (DC
once was. 13) for half damage.
Read the following when the PCs open the lid on the Fast Move It can move 20ft without provoking AOO.
Construct, Guardian Statue (8) Lg construct, UN
The coffin lid slides open letting out a gasp of air and Armor Class- natural 18
dust. As the dust begins to settle, the marble coffin lid Hit Points (6d10+18) 55
begins to slowly disintegrate and crumble to a fine dust. Speed 30 ft.
Within seconds, the whole surrounding crumbles and a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 10 16 3 13 1
skeletal form of a dragon rises out of the dust.
(+4) (+0) (+3) (-4) (+1) (-5)
As you stare at the dragon taking form, you also see Damage Immunities poison, psychic
the dragon-headed statues break free of the molds and Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
animate in response. They appear to let of cries of silent paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
agony as they take final form. Senses DV 120ft, perception +0
Languages understands creator’s language
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
The dragon skeleton will use its breath weapon the first
Abilities__________________ _ _________
round to try and get the most PCs. It will use its
Antimagic Susceptibility. Incapacitated while in the area
exploding statue ability to try and take out those in the
of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, it must
rear and the fast move ability to flee to another alcove.
succeed on a Con ST vs. caster DC or fall unconscious for
Have only a couple statues attack each round and
1 minute.
another begin to act each round. DMs can have the
Actions__________________ _ __________
statues collapse once the dragon dies.
Multiattack: Make 2 slam attacks
Treasure: The statues have no treasure. Remaining in Slam: +6 to hit, (1d8+4)
the rubble of the coffin is 5 diamonds each worth 250gp, Electric Shock (1/long rest): Targets one or more
and elemental gem (fire). creatures in a 20ft line. Each must make a Dexterity
save (DC13). On a failed save, target takes (5d6) electric
Skeleton, Dragon (White) Lg undead, UN
damage, or half on a successful save. Characters that
Armor Class- natural 15 failed the saving throw are also slowed for 1 minute (SE).
Hit Points (10d10+20) 80
Speed 20 ft.

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Feathergale Spire- Module Vulture, Giant_(3) _ _Lg. beast, NE
The PCs are given the mission to find the missing Armor Class- natural 10
delegation and head off to the hills. Here they get back Hit Points (3d10+6) 25
onto the module as written and get to the Spire. Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.
3: Skyriders Ambush _ __ 15 10 15 6 12 7
(+2) (+0) (+2) (-2) (+1) (-2)
Sometime after the owlbears the PCs are encountered
by the cultists while heading towards the Spire Senses Perception +3
Languages understands common
Cultist, Feathergale Knight _Med. human, LE Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Armor Class- Scale 16 Abilities__________ __________________
Hit Points (6d8+6) 35
Keen Sight and Smell. Adv. on Perception checks that
Speed 30 ft.
rely on sight and smell.
14 14 12 11 10 14 Pack Tactics. Adv. on attacks if one ally is within 5ft of
(+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+2) target and not incapacitated.
Actions___________ ___ _______________
Skills Animal Handling +2, History +2 Multiattack: Make two attacks, beak and talons.
Senses Perception +0 Beak: +4 to hit, (2d4+2)
Languages Auran, Common Talons: +4 to hit, (2d6+2)
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Abilities_________________ ___________
st S2: Front Hall _ __
Spellcasting. 1 level caster. (Cha) DC 12 / +4 hit
Cantrip (at-will): gust*, light, message, ray of frost One knight and two initiates guard the entry and hall.
1 lev. (2 slots): expeditious retreat, feather fall There is also a battering ram called the Eagle for those
Actions__________________ ___________ trying to force their way in.
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2) (1d10+2) two-handed Cultist, Howling Hatred Initiate __Med. human, LE
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+2) range 20/60, (1d8+2) melee Armor Class- Leather 13
Hit Points (2d8) 12
Speed 30 ft.
Cultist, Howling Hatred Initiate __Med. human, LE STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Armor Class- Leather 13
10 15 10 10 9 11
Hit Points (2d8) 12
(+0) (+2) (+0) (+0) (-1) (+0)
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Skills Deception +2, Religion +2, Stealth +4
10 15 10 10 9 11 Senses Perception -1
(+0) (+2) (+0) (+0) (-1) (+0) Languages Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Skills Deception +2, Religion +2, Stealth +4 Abilities_________________ ___________
Senses Perception -1
Guiding Wind. (1/short rest) As a bonus action gain
Languages Common
advantage on the next ranged attack made before the
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
end of the next round.
Abilities_________________ ___________
Guiding Wind. (1/short rest) As a bonus action gain Hold Breath. Initiates can hold their breath for 30
advantage on the next ranged attack made before the minutes
end of the next round. Actions__________________ ___________
Hold Breath. Initiates can hold their breath for 30 Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) range 20/60
Actions__________________ ___________
Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) range 20/60

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Cultist, Feathergale Knight _Med. human, LE Cultist,Howling Hatred Initiate (4) Med. human, LE
Armor Class- Scale 16 Armor Class- Leather 13
Hit Points (6d8+6) 35 Hit Points (2d8) 12
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
14 14 12 11 10 14 10 15 10 10 9 11
(+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+2) (+0) (+2) (+0) (+0) (-1) (+0)

Skills Animal Handling +2, History +2 Skills Deception +2, Religion +2, Stealth +4
Senses Perception +0 Senses Perception -1
Languages Auran, Common Languages Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Abilities_________________ ___________ Abilities_________________ ___________
Spellcasting. 1 level caster. (Cha) DC 12 / +4 hit Guiding Wind. (1/short rest) As a bonus action gain
Cantrip (at-will): gust*, light, message, ray of frost advantage on the next ranged attack made before the
1 lev. (2 slots): expeditious retreat, feather fall end of the next round.
Actions__________________ ___________ Hold Breath. Initiates can hold their breath for 30
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks. minutes
Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2) (1d10+2) two-handed
Actions__________________ ___________
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+2) range 20/60, (1d8+2) melee
Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) range 20/60

S6: Kitchen _ __
Cultist, Hurricane __Med. human, LE
Four initiates tasked with cooking are breathing in the Armor Class 14
steam from the cauldron. They are attempting to gain Hit Points (6d8+6) 35
insight in becoming one with the steam. Speed 45 ft.
Cultist,Howling Hatred Initiate (4) Med. human, LE 12 16 13 10 14 10
Armor Class- Leather 13 (+1) (+3) (+1) (+0) (+2) (+0)
Hit Points (2d8) 12
Speed 30 ft. Skills Acrobatics +5
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses Perception +1
10 15 10 10 9 11 Languages Auran, Common
(+0) (+2) (+0) (+0) (-1) (+0) Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Abilities_________________ ___________
Skills Deception +2, Religion +2, Stealth +4 rd
Spellcasting. 3 level caster. (Wis) DC 12 / +4 hit
Senses Perception -1 Cantrip (at-will): blade ward, gust*, light, prestidigitation
Languages Common st
1 lev. (4 slots): feather fall, jump, thunderwave
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) nd
2 lev. (2 slots): gust of wind
Abilities_________________ ___________
Guiding Wind. (1/short rest) As a bonus action gain Unarmored Defense. Include Wisdom modified to AC
advantage on the next ranged attack made before the when wearing no armor.
end of the next round. Unarmored Movement. +15ft to speed while wearing no
Hold Breath. Initiates can hold their breath for 30 armor.
minutes Actions__________________ ___________
Actions__________________ ___________ Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) range 20/60 Unarmed Strike: +5 to hit, (1d8+2) (1d6+3)
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+2) range 20/60, (1d8+2) melee
S7: Solatium _ __ Reactions________ _____________________
Deflect Missiles: When hit by a melee attack, reduce the
Three initiates and one hurricane are in this room damage by (1d10+9) points. If this reduces the damage
tending to the plants, studying, or practicing tactics. to 0, he can catch the missile if it fits on one hand.

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S8: Great Hall _ __ Vulture, Giant_(2) _ _Lg. beast, NE
Two knights are in here when the PCs first arrive. They Armor Class- natural 10
are involved with polishing the crest and shield of the Hit Points (3d10+6) 25
order, which is a task not left to servants. Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.
Cultist, Feathergale Knight (2) _Med. human, LE 15 10 15 6 12 7
Armor Class- Scale 16 (+2) (+0) (+2) (-2) (+1) (-2)
Hit Points (6d8+6) 35
Speed 30 ft. Senses Perception +3
Languages understands common
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
14 14 12 11 10 14
Abilities__________ __________________
(+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+2)
Keen Sight and Smell. Adv. on Perception checks that
Skills Animal Handling +2, History +2 rely on sight and smell.
Senses Perception +0 Pack Tactics. Adv. on attacks if one ally is within 5ft of
Languages Auran, Common target and not incapacitated.
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Abilities_________________ ___________ Actions___________ ___ _______________
Spellcasting. 1 level caster. (Cha) DC 12 / +4 hit Multiattack: Make two attacks, beak and talons.
Cantrip (at-will): gust*, light, message, ray of frost Beak: +4 to hit, (2d4+2)
1 lev. (2 slots): expeditious retreat, feather fall Talons: +4 to hit, (2d6+2)
Actions__________________ ___________
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks. Cultist,Thurl Merosska _ _Med. human, LE
Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2) (1d10+2) two-handed Armor Class- brestplate 16
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+2) range 20/60, (1d8+2) melee Hit Points 11d8+21) 85
Speed 30 ft.
S11: Pinnacle _ __ STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 14 14 11 10 16
Two knights are in here when the PCs first arrive. They
(+3) (+2) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+3)
are involved with polishing the crest and shield of the
order, which is a task not left to servants. Skills Animal Handling +2, Athletics +5, Deception +5,
Persuasion +5
Cultist, Feathergale Knight (2) _Med. human, LE Senses Perception +0
Armor Class- Scale 16 Languages Auran, Common
Hit Points (6d8+6) 35 Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Speed 30 ft. Abilities_________________ ___________
Spellcasting. 5 level caster. (Cha) DC 13 / +5 hit
14 14 12 11 10 14 Cantrip (at-will): friends, gust*, light, message, ray of
(+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+2) frost
1 lev. (4 slots): expeditious retreat, feather fall, jump
Skills Animal Handling +2, History +2 nd
2 lev. (3 slots): levitate, misty step
Senses Perception +0 rd
3 lev. (2 slots): haste
Languages Auran, Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Actions__________________ ___________
Abilities_________________ ___________ Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Spellcasting. 1 level caster. (Cha) DC 12 / +4 hit Greatsword: +5 to hit, (2d6+3)
Cantrip (at-will): gust*, light, message, ray of frost Lance: +5 to hit, 10ft, (1d12+2)
1 lev. (2 slots): expeditious retreat, feather fall Reactions________ _____________________
Actions__________________ ___________ Parry: Add +2 to AC against one attack that would hit
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks. him. He must see the attacker and be wielding a melee
Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2) (1d10+2) two-handed weapon.
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+2) range 20/60, (1d8+2) melee

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Manticore Hunt _ __ V3: Knifepoint Gully _ __
I plan to have 2 manticores for the encounter and 2 of In this campaign, this encounter does not lead to The
the knights as NPCs fighting as well. I’m including the Temple of Howling Hatred.
stats for the hippogriffs in case they are needed.
V4: The Lost River _ __
Manticore (2) Lg. monstrisity, LE I am swapping out the gnolls with orcs for this
Armor Class- natural 14 campaign. They can act the same way and fill the same
Hit Points (8d10+24) 68 role.
Speed 30 ft., fly 50ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Orc (4) _ _ Med. Humanoid (orc), CE
17 16 17 7 12 8 Armor Class- hide 13
(+3) (+3) (+3) (-2) (+1) (-1) Hit Points (2d8+6) 15
Speed 30 ft.
Senses DV 60’, Perception 11
Languages Common
16 12 16 7 11 10
Challenge 3 (900 XP)
(+3) (+1) (+3) (-2) (+0) (+0)
Abilities__________________ __________
Tail Spike Regrowth. It has 24 tail spikes that regrow Skills Intimidation +2
over the course of a long rest. Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
Actions___________________ __________ Languages Common, Orc
Multiattack: Make 3 attacks, usually claw, claw, bite or 3 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
tail spikes. It may make one tail spike attack in melee Abilities___________________ _________
w/o AO. Aggressive. As a bonus action, orcs can move their speed
Bite: +5 to hit, (1d8+3). towards a hostile creature it can see.
Claw: +5 to hit, (1d6+3). Actions_______________________ ______
Tail Spike: +5 to hit, (1d8+3), 100/200ft. Greataxe: +5 to hit, (1d12+3).
Javelin: +5 to hit, (1d6+3). 30’/120’
Hippogrif __ _ _Lg. monstrosity,UN
Armor Class- natural 11 Orc, Shaman _ _ Med. Humanoid (orc), CE
Hit Points (3d10+3) 21 Armor Class- chain 16
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. Hit Points (7d8+14) 45
17 13 13 2 12 8 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
(+3) (+1) (+1) (-4) (+1) (-1) 16 10 14 7 15 13
Senses Perception +5 (+2) (+0) (+2) (-2) (+2) (+1)
Languages nil Skills Intimidation +2, religion +5
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Senses DV 60’, Perception +4
Abilities__________ __________________ Languages Common, Orc
Keen Sight Adv. on Perception checks that rely on sight. Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Actions___________ ___ _______________ Abilities___________________ _________
Multiattack: Make two attacks, beak and claws. Spellcasting. 6 level caster. DC 13 / +6 hit
Beak: +5 to hit, (1d10+3) Cantrip (at-will) guidance, fire bolt, thaumaturgy
Claws: +5 to hit, (2d6+3) 1 lev. (4 slots): det. magic, protection from evil,
sanctuary, shield of faith
Sighing Valley 2 lev. (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon
3 lev. (2 slots): dispel magic, lightning bolt, tongues
The valley surrounds the spire and contains several Aggressive. As a bonus action, orcs can move their speed
encounters. I am leaving out Knifepoint Valley as part of towards a hostile creature it can see.
the larger campaign. If the PCs go there it will become Actions_______________________ ______
another encounter. Fire Bolt: +6 to hit, (2d10) fire, 120ft
Battleaxe: +5 to hit, (1d8+2)plus (1d8) necrotic

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V6: The Lost River 2 _ __ Wolf (2) __ __Med. beast, UN
I am swapping out the gnolls with orcs for this Armor Class- natural 13
campaign. They can act the same way and fill the same Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
role. Speed 40 ft.
Orc (3) _ _ Med. Humanoid (orc), CE 12 15 12 3 12 6
Armor Class- hide 13 (+1) (+2) (+1) (−4) (+1) (−2)
Hit Points (2d8+6) 15
Speed 30 ft. Senses DV 60 ft., Perception 0, Stealth +4
Languages —
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
16 12 16 7 11 10
(+3) (+1) (+3) (-2) (+0) (+0)
Keen Smell and Hearing. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception)
Skills Intimidation +2 checks- hearing and smell.
Senses DV 60’, Perception 0 Pack Tactics. Adv. on attacks against a creature if at least
Languages Common, Orc one of it’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) incapacitated.
Abilities___________________ _________ Actions_____________________________
Aggressive. As a bonus action, orcs can move their speed Bite: +4 to hit, (2d4 + 2) piercing damage, plus make a
towards a hostile creature it can see. saving throw (Str DC11) or knocked prone.
Actions_______________________ ______
Greataxe: +5 to hit, (1d12+3). V7: Griffon Roost _ __
Javelin: +5 to hit, (1d6+3). 30’/120’
A mated pair of griffons lives in a shallow cave 150ft off
the canyon floor. A Strength check (Athletics DC12) is
Orc, Brute _ _ Med. Humanoid (orc), CE
needed to climb the rough walls to reach the cave. PCs
Armor Class- chain 17 using ropes and pitons can climb without making a check,
Hit Points (5d8+15) 40 but alert the griffons inside who will come to attack the
Speed 30 ft. PCs while climbing in order to protect their young inside.
18 12 16 7 11 10 Griffon (2) _ _Lg. monstrosity,UN
(+4) (+1) (+3) (-2) (+0) (+0) Armor Class- natural 12
Hit Points (7d10+21) 70
Skills Intimidation +4
Speed 30 ft., fly 80 ft.
Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
Languages Common, Orc
18 15 16 2 13 8
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
(+4) (+2) (+3) (-4) (+1) (-1)
Abilities___________________ _________
Aggressive. As a bonus action, orcs can move their speed Senses darkvision 60ft, Perception +5
towards a hostile creature it can see. Languages nil
Actions_______________________ ______ Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks. Abilities__________ __________________
Battleaxe: +7 to hit, (1d8+4) Keen Sight Adv. on Perception checks that rely on sight.
Javelin: +7 to hit, (1d6+4) 30’/120’
Actions___________ ___ _______________
Multiattack: Make two attacks, beak and claws.
Beak: +6 to hit, (1d8+4)
Claws: +6 to hit, (2d6+4)

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Rivergard Keep- Module Bandit_(5) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful
The keep sits along the banks of the Dessarin River and Armor Class- leather 12
it ruled by the mercenary lord named Joliver Grimjaw, Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
who claims to be protecting trade along the river, but is Speed 30 ft.
secretly the leader of the Crushing Wave Cult. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
11 12 12 10 10 10
Reaver Ambush _ __ (+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
The PCs should have the map from Feathergale Spire Senses Perception 0
which leads to the water cultist camp along the river Languages usually Common
bank. Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Treasure: The reavers and bandits carry 1d10sp and Actions_________________ ____________
1d4gp. The priest has a silver shaving kit (10gp) Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2).
Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1).
Cultist, Crushing Wave Priest _ Med. human, NE
Armor Class chain shirt 13 K1: Front Gate _ __
Hit Points (8d8+16) 55
The gate is barred from the inside and cannot be forced
Speed 30 ft.
open by normal means from the outside. If fighting
starts, the reinforcements come from areas K2 and K3.
15 11 14 10 11 16
(+2) (+0) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+3) Treasure: The bandits carry 1d8sp and 1d2gp.

Skills Deception +5, Religion +2, Stealth +2 Bandit_(1) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful
Senses Perception +0 Armor Class- leather 12
Languages Aquan, Common Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Speed 30 ft.
Abilities_________________ ___________ STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Spellcasting. 5 level caster. (Cha) DC 13 / +5 hit 11 12 12 10 10 10
Cantrip (at-will): chill touch, mage hand, minor illusion, (+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
prestidigitation, ray of frost
1 lev. (4 slots): expeditious retreat, ice knife*, magic Senses Perception 0
missile, shield Languages usually Common
2 lev. (3 slots): blur, hold person Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
3 lev. (2 slots): sleet storm Actions_________________ ____________
Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2).
Actions__________________ ___________
Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1).
Quarterstaff: +4 to hit, (1d8+2)

Cultist, Crushing Wave Reaver (2)Med. human, NE

Armor Class- shield 14
Hit Points (4d8+4) 22
Speed 30 ft.
15 14 13 10 11 8
(+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (-1)

Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +4

Senses Perception 0
Languages Common
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Actions______ _______________________
Sharktooth Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2). If opponent is
wearing no armor the damage is (2d8+2)
Javelin: +4 to hit, (1d6+2), range 30/120.

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K2: Gatehouse _ __ Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Abilities_________________ ___________
PCs inside the gate area can notice the murder holes Pack Tactics Adv. on melee attacks if ally w/in 5’ of
above with a Wisdom check (Perception DC15). Inside target.
serves as a barracks for bandits. Improved Critical Critical on roll of 19-20.
Treasure: The bandits each have 1d8sp and 1d2gp. Actions_________ ____________________
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Bandit_(4) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful Longsword: +5 to hit, (1d8+2).
Armor Class- leather 12 Hvy. Crossbow: +4 to hit, (1d10). 100”/400”
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
Speed 30 ft. K4: Castle Yard _ __
Four bandits guard the walls and can be seen, and see,
11 12 12 10 10 10
from inside the courtyard. There are a few possible
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
encounters in the yard and these monsters are found in
Senses Perception 0 the appropriate room description or the appendix.
Languages usually Common Treasure: The bandits each have 1d8sp and 1d2gp.
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions_________________ ____________ Bandit_(4) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful
Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2). Armor Class- leather 12
Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1). Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
Speed 30 ft.
K3: Gatehouse Upper Floor _ __ STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
11 12 12 10 10 10
PCs inside the gate area can notice the murder holes
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
above with a Wisdom check (Perception DC15). Inside
serves as a barracks for bandits. Senses Perception 0
Treasure: The bandits each have 1d8sp and 1d6gp. Languages usually Common
Holger also has a pouch with 1d20gp and a potion of Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
greater healing. Actions_________________ ____________
Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2).
Bandit_(3) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1).
Armor Class- leather 12
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
Speed 30 ft.
11 12 12 10 10 10
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)

Senses Perception 0
Languages usually Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions_________________ ____________
Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2).
Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1).

Thug, Holger___ __Med. Human ,LE

Armor Class- chain shirt 14
Hit Points (7d8+14) 55
Speed 30 ft.
15 12 14 10 10 11
(+2) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0)

Senses Intimidation +5, Perception +2

Languages Common

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K8: Barracks _ __ (+2) (+0) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+3)

Home to bandits and reavers who do not always get Skills Arcana +2, Stealth +4
along and PCs may pose as new recruits if they did not Senses Perception +4
attack everything coming into the lair. Some of the Languages Aquan, Common
occupants may be on guard or sleeping, in which case Challenge 2 (450 XP)
they do not act the first round of combat. Abilities_________________ ___________
Spellcasting. 5 level caster (human form only) (Cha) DC
Treasure: The bandits and reavers each have 1d10cp, rd
13 / +5 hit. The fathomer has (2) 3 level spell slots per
1d8sp and 1d2gp. The reavers also have shields made of
rest, from the below warlock list.
copper and shaped like horseshoe crabs.
Cantrip (at-will): chill touch, eldritch blast, mage hand
Bandit_(12) ____Med humanoid, non-lawful 1 lev: armor or Agathys, expeditious retreat, hex
Armor Class- leather 12 2 lev: invisibility
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11 3 lev: vampiric touch
Speed 30 ft. Shapechanger 2/day: The fathomer can use its action to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA polymorph into a medium serpent composed of water,
11 12 12 10 10 10 or back to his true form for up to 4 hours at a time. It
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) the fathomer is knocked unconscious or dies, it reverts
to human form.
Senses Perception 0 While is serpent form, he gains a swim speed of 40, can
Languages usually Common breathe underwater, is immune to poison, and gains
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) resistance to non-magical weapons. It is also immune to
Actions_________________ ____________ the following conditions; exhaustion, grappled,
Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2). paralyzed, poisoned, restrained, prone, and unconscious.
Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1). The serpent can also pass through and stop in hostile
spaces without squeezing.
Cultist, Reavers (4) _Med. human, NE OLhydra’s Armor: The fathomer has continuous mage
armor cast upon him.
Armor Class- shield 14
Hit Points (4d8+4) 22 Actions_________________ ___________
Speed 30 ft. Constrict (serpent form): +4 to hit, (2d6+2) and if target
is medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC12). Until
ended, the target is restrained and the fathomer cannot
15 14 13 10 11 8
constrict another.
(+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (-1)
Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) range 20/60
Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +4 Eldritch Blast: +6 to hit, 2 attacks (1d10) force, range
Senses Perception 0 120ft, plus push target 10ft.
Languages Common
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Actions______ _______________________ Cultist, Reavers (3) _Med. human, NE
Sharktooth Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2). If opponent is Armor Class- shield 14
wearing no armor the damage is (2d8+2) Hit Points (4d8+4) 22
Javelin: +4 to hit, (1d6+2), range 30/120. Speed 30 ft.
K9: Water Tower _ __ 15 14 13 10 11 8
This tower controls the water gate and is home to (+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (-1)
more reavers and their leader, a fathomer named Reash.
Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +4
Treasure: The treasure is found in the room description. Senses Perception 0
Languages Common
Cultist, Fathomer _ Med. human, NE Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Armor Class mage armor 13 Actions______ _______________________
Hit Points (8d8+16) 55 Sharktooth Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2). If opponent is
Speed 30 ft. wearing no armor the damage is (2d8+2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Javelin: +4 to hit, (1d6+2), range 30/120.
14 11 14 11 11 16

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K11: Water Gate _ __ Abilities_________________ ___________
Pack Tactics Adv. on melee attacks if ally w/in 5’ of
The chain is raised and lowered by the winch in area target.
K9. A sentry listed in area K4 is posted here to watch for Backstab 1/turn Deal an additional (1d6) damage if he
river traffic and will yell to those in area K9 to open the has advantage on attack
gate. Actions_________ ____________________
Treasure: The bandits carry 1d8sp and 1d2gp. Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
+0 Dagger (Floater): +6 to hit, (1d6+3) range 20/60
Bandit_(1) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful
Armor Class- leather 12 Cultist, Shoalar Quanderell Med. Water Genasi, LE
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11 Armor Class mage armor 14
Speed 30 ft. Hit Points (8d8+24) 70
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft.
11 12 12 10 10 10 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) 11 12 16 14 10 17
(+0) (+1) (+3) (+2) (+0) (+3)
Senses Perception 0
Languages usually Common Skills Arcana +4, Deception +5, Insight +2, Persuasion +5
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Damage Resistances acid
Actions_________________ ____________ Senses Perception +0
Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2). Languages Aquan, Common
Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1). Challenge 4 (1,000 XP)
Abilities_________________ ___________
K12: Moored Keelboat _ __ Amphibious: Shoalar can breathe both air and water.
The Rivermaid is the ship owned by the water genasi Innate Spellcasting: (Con) DC 13 / +5 hit
Shoalar. He lives here with his halfling servant Pike and a At-Will- shape water*
few bandits. 1/day- create or destroy water
Spellcasting. 5 level caster. (Cha) DC 13 / +5 hit
Treasure: The treasure is found in the room description.
Cantrip (at-will): acid splash, chill touch, friends,
prestidigitation, ray of frost
+0 Dagger (Floater) st
1 lev. (4 slots): disguise self, mage armor, magic missile
Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement) nd
2 lev. (3 slots): hold person, misty step
Counts as magic for overcoming damage resistance rd
3 lev. (2 slots): tidal wave*
Sheds dim light in 10ft radius when command word is spoken.
Actions__________________ ___________
Magically returns when thrown. Dagger: +3 to hit, (1d4+1) range 20/60
1x rest; As a bonus action you can walk on water as per the
spell, but it only affects you.
Bandit_(2) _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful
The dagger is decorated with a picture of a starfish clinging on Armor Class- leather 12
the bottom of a sailboat. It was originally forged in Waterdeep
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
over 100 years ago shortly before the Spellplague. It has sailed
up and down the Sword Coast since them.
Speed 30 ft.
11 12 12 10 10 10
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
Thug_Pike_ Sm. halfling, LE
Armor Class- Studded 15 Senses Perception 0
Hit Points (6d8+6) 35 Languages usually Common
Speed 25 ft. Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Actions_________________ ____________
10 16 12 10 10 14 Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2).
(+0) (+3) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+2) Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1).
Senses Intimidation +2, Deception +5, Stealth +7
Languages Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

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K14: North Tower _ __ The longsword was crafted in the city of Luskan over 400
years ago It once served the pirate captain Lushko the Terrible
There are 3 bugbears stashed here by the leader of the and his successor Gooran Luskobane. It was lost for a while
keep. The locals know to stay away since they are bored and eventually turned up on the desert east of the Greypeak
and tend to attack. Mountains.
Treasure: The bugbears have been given 4 goblets of
silver each worth 10gp. There is also a silver platter
(10gp) with food and wine upon it.
Cultist, Crushing Wave Priest _ Med. human, NE
Armor Class chain shirt 13
Bugbear ___ ___Med. Humanoid (goblinoid), CE Hit Points (8d8+16) 55
Armor Class Hide, Shield 16 Speed 30 ft.
Hit Points (5d8+5) 32 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 30 ft. 15 11 14 10 11 16
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (+2) (+0) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+3)
15 14 13 8 11 9 Skills Deception +5, Religion +2, Stealth +2
(+2) (+2) (+1) (−1) (+0) (−1) Senses Perception +0
Skills Stealth +6, Survival +2 Languages Aquan, Common
Senses DV 60 ft., Perception 0 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Languages Common, Goblin Abilities_________________ ___________
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Spellcasting. 5 level caster. (Cha) DC 13 / +5 hit
Abilities_______ _____________________ Cantrip (at-will): chill touch, mage hand, minor illusion,
prestidigitation, ray of frost
Brute. Adds one die extra damage on each attack st
1 lev. (4 slots): expeditious retreat, ice knife*, magic
(already included).
missile, shield
Surprise Attack. If it hits with an attack (surprise) during nd
2 lev. (3 slots): blur, hold person
the 1 round of combat, the target takes and extra (2d6) rd
3 lev. (2 slots): sleet storm
Actions______________ _______________ Actions__________________ ___________
Morningstar: +4 to hit, (2d8+2). Quarterstaff: +4 to hit, (1d8+2)

K15: Chapel _ __ Cultist, Reavers (2) _Med. human, NE

The chapel is controlled by the cultist priest Drosden. Armor Class- shield 14
She is fanatical about her sermons and wastes no time Hit Points (4d8+4) 22
getting her words of wisdom into any conversation. Her Speed 30 ft.
reaver bodyguards would rather be on the river attacking STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ships than listen to her. 15 14 13 10 11 8
(+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (-1)
Treasure: The reavers each have 1d10cp, 1d8sp and
1d10gp. The reavers also have shields made of copper Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +4
and shaped like horseshoe crabs. One carried the Senses Perception 0
magical longsword instead of the sharktooth sword. Languages Common
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Actions______ _______________________
+1 Longsword (Whitecap) Sharktooth Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2). If opponent is
Weapon (Longsword),very rare (requires attunement) wearing no armor the damage is (2d8+2)
Javelin: +4 to hit, (1d6+2), range 30/120.
Sheds bright light in 30ft radius when command word is
spoken, and dim light to 60ft.
1x rest; As a bonus action you can cast a modified fog cloud as
per spell, but it last only 1 round. As a free action during the
round while the fog is active you can teleport to anywhere in
the fog and gain advantage on the first attack you make.
1x day; As a bonus action you can cast water breathing as per
the spell.

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K16: The Great Hall _ __ Senses Perception 0
Languages Common
The great hall is where Grimjaw conducts his business Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
and deals with visitors. Actions______ _______________________
Treasure: The reavers and fathomer each have 1d10cp, Sharktooth Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2). If opponent is
1d8sp and 1d10gp. The desk holds information that the wearing no armor the damage is (2d8+2)
PCs can follow up on about a secret hold where the Javelin: +4 to hit, (1d6+2), range 30/120.
group hides captured money.
Cultist, Fathomer _ Med. human, NE
Wereboar _____Med humanoid (shapeshifter) NE Armor Class mage armor 13
Armor Class leather 12 (15 in hybrid form) Hit Points (8d8+16) 55
Hit Points (12d8+24) 90 Speed 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft. (40ft in boar form)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 11 14 11 11 16
17 10 15 10 11 8 (+2) (+0) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+3)
(+3) (+0) (+2) (−0) (+0) (−1)
Skills Arcana +2, Stealth +4
Damage Immunities Non-magic weapons except silver Senses Perception +4
Senses Perception +2 Languages Aquan, Common
Languages Common Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Abilities_________________ ___________
Abilities___________ _________________ th
Spellcasting. 5 level caster (human form only) (Cha) DC
Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rd
13 / +5 hit. The fathomer has (2) 3 level spell slots per
rely on smell. rest, from the below warlock list.
Shapechanger. Can use its action to polymorph into a Cantrip (at-will): chill touch, eldritch blast, mage hand
boar-human hybrid or a boar, or back to its true form st
1 lev: armor or Agathys, expeditious retreat, hex
any humanoid. Its statistics, are the same in each form. nd
2 lev: invisibility
Any equip. it is wearing or carrying is not transformed. It rd
3 lev: vampiric touch
reverts back to its true form if it dies.
Charge (Boar or Hybrid Form Only). If the wereboar Shapechanger 2/day: The fathomer can use its action to
moves at least 15 feet straight toward a target and then polymorph into a medium serpent composed of water,
hits it with its tusks, the target takes an extra (2d6) or back to his true form for up to 4 hours at a time. It
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a the fathomer is knocked unconscious or dies, it reverts
Strength saving throw (DC13) or be knocked prone. to human form.
Relentless (1/Rest). If the wereboar takes 14 damage or While is serpent form, he gains a swim speed of 40, can
less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 breathe underwater, is immune to poison, and gains
hit point instead. resistance to non-magical weapons. It is also immune to
Actions_______ ______________________ the following conditions; exhaustion, grappled,
Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Make two paralyzed, poisoned, restrained, prone, and unconscious.
attacks, only one of which can with tusks. The serpent can also pass through and stop in hostile
Maul: +5 to hit, Hit: (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. spaces without squeezing.
Tusks (Boar or Hybrid Form Only): +5 to hit, (2d6 + 3) OLhydra’s Armor: The fathomer has continuous mage
slashing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must armor cast upon him.
succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC12) or be Actions_________________ ___________
cursed with wereboar lycanthropy. Constrict (serpent form): +4 to hit, (2d6+2) and if target
is medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC12). Until
ended, the target is restrained and the fathomer cannot
Cultist, Reavers (2) _Med. human, NE constrict another.
Armor Class- shield 14 Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) range 20/60
Hit Points (4d8+4) 22
Speed 30 ft. Eldritch Blast: +6 to hit, 2 attacks (1d10) force, range
120ft, plus push target 10ft.
15 14 13 10 11 8
(+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (-1)

Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +4

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K20: Keep Guardroom _ __ K22: Secret Landing _ __
The room sleeps 6 reavers, but 2 are always in room Secret stairs lead to the landing where passage to
k16 while the other 4 rest here. outside can be found along with a hidden river into
darkness. The ghouls hide in the water requiring a
Treasure: The reavers each have 1d10cp, 1d8sp and
Wisdom check (Perception DC17) to notice before being
1d10gp. There is a secret cache hidden under a
flagstone where one of the reavers hides loot that was
skimmed from the keep. It can be found with a Treasure: The ghouls have no treasure.
successful Wisdom check (Perception DC18) or an
Intelligence check (Investigation DC16). It contains a Ghoul_(5)__ ______Med undead, CE
leather bag with 60sp, 100gp, and 4 bottles of elven wine Armor Class- 12
(15gp each) Hit Points (5d8) 22
Speed 30 ft.
Cultist, Reavers (4) _Med. human, NE STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Armor Class- shield 14 13 15 10 7 10 6
Hit Points (4d8+4) 22 (+1) (+2) (+0) (-2) (+0) (-2)
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Immunities poison
15 14 13 10 11 8 Condition Immunities charm, exhaust, poison
(+2) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (-1) Senses DV 60’. Perception +0
Languages- Common
Skills Athletics +4, Stealth +4 Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Senses Perception 0 Actions_________________________ ___
Languages Common Bite: +2 to hit, (2d6+2).
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Claws: +4 to hit, (2d4+2). If not undead or elf make a Con
Actions______ _______________________ Save (DC10) or paralyzed (SE) 1 min.
Sharktooth Longsword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2). If opponent is
wearing no armor the damage is (2d8+2) Ghoul, Fighter______ __Med undead, CE
Javelin: +4 to hit, (1d6+2), range 30/120.
Armor Class- chain 16
Hit Points (8d8+8) 45
Speed 30 ft.
12 15 13 7 10 6
(+1) (+2) (+1) (-2) (+0) (-2)

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities charm, exhaust, poison
Senses DV 60’. Perception +0
Languages- Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Actions___________________________ __
Bite: +4 to hit, (2d8+2).
Claws: +6 to hit, (2d6+2). If not undead or elf make a Con
Save (DC 12) or paralyzed (SE) 1 minute.

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Appendix 1: Red Larch NPC’s Grund_(21)__ _ __Med. ½ orc,NE
The Red Larch NPC’s are listed be name and location in Armor Class- Leather 12
parenthesis. Some of the stat blocks may be slightly Hit Points (5d8+10) 35
modified and their alignment was guessed at since Speed 30 ft.
nothing was listed in the adventure. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
15 12 15 8 10 9
(+2) (+1) (+2) (-1) (+0) (-1)
Ilmeth Waelver (16) Med (M) human, LN
Armor Class- leather 12 Senses Intimidation +2, Perception 0
Hit Points (2d8+2) 14 Languages Orc, Common
Speed 30 ft. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Abilities_________________ ___________
11 12 12 10 10 10 Pack Tactics Adv. on atk if ally w/in 5’ of target.
(+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) Actions_________ ____________________
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Senses Perception +2 Mace: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
Languages Common Hvy. Crossbow: +2 to hit, (1d10). 100”/400”
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions_________________ ____________
Short Sword: +3 to hit, (1d6+1)
NPC Braelen Hatherhand Med (M) human child, LG

Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1). Armor Class- none 10

Hit Points (1d8) 5 (2 currently)
Speed 30 ft.
Albaeri Mellikho (18) Med (F) human,NG STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Armor Class- none 10 7 11 10 10 8 10
Hit Points (1d8) 5 (-2) (+0) (+0) (+0) (-1) (+0)
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses Perception -1
10 10 10 10 10 10 Languages Common
(+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Actions_____ _______________________
Senses Perception +0 Club: +2 to hit, (1d4)
Languages usually Common
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Actions_____ _______________________
Bandit___ _ ____Med humanoid, non-lawful
Club: +2 to hit, (1d4) Armor Class- leather 12
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
Speed 30 ft.
Ulhro Luruth (19) Med (M) human,LE STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Armor Class- none 10 11 12 12 10 10 10
Hit Points (1d8) 5 (+0) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses Perception 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 Languages usually Common
(+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions_________________ ____________
Senses Perception +0 Scimitar: +3 to hit, (1d6+2).
Languages usually Common Lt. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1).
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Actions_____ _______________________
Club: +2 to hit, (1d4)

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NPC Commoner_ Med humanoid (any), any What’s Next? _ __
Armor Class- none 10 The free module part of Princes of the Apocalypse is
Hit Points (1d8) 5 now complete. The Pcs have rescued a few of the
Speed 30 ft. delegation and plan to bring them to Summit Hall and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA finish their mission. This may lead them to locate the
10 10 10 10 10 10 body of the fallen knight on their way.
(+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0)

Senses Perception +0 Awarding Experience Points ___

Languages usually Common After part 2 of the adventure the PCs have investigated
Challenge 0 (10 XP) and dealt with Feathergale Spire and Riverguard Keep.
Actions_____ _______________________ These are the only sites written in the free handout of
Club: +2 to hit, (1d4) the adventure. The PCs should be level 5 or likely level 6
if they participated in the side quests found in this
Appendix 2: NPC Sidekicks Playtest Notes
This NPC is for you to use if needed. My home game The PCs were attacked by a group of orcs before heading to
ended up using him at Riverguard Keep. He has been Feathergale Spire. They ended up killing some and then talking
modified slightly from the original stats. a truce partway through the fight. It even worked out that one
of the orcs was hired to lead them to the spire and circle
through the canyon instead of going directly to the front gate.
Eventually they entered through the basement where the
mounts are stabled and fought some of the knights there. They
Bandit- Cooper___ _ ___Med human, LNl quickly ended up heading to the top level and meeting the
Armor Class- studded 14 leader of the Spire.
Hit Points (2d8+2) 15 After some discussion a large fight broke out. One of the
Speed 30 ft. knights used their skywrite spell to alert more riders who
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA arrived after 1d6 rounds. This encounter proved rather difficult
11 14 12 10 10 10 and caused the PCs to try and take a short rest in one of the
rooms below the roof level. I let them take a rest, but there
(+0) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
ended up being most of the tower searching for them and
Senses Perception 0 having the stairwell blocked. The cleric had an elemental gem
with a fire elemental inside that was used in the hall to great
Languages Common
effect. This cleaned out most of the remaining tower
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) occupants. In the end, the orc that went with them was given
Abilities_________________ ___________ the tower to use as a base for the rest of his clan.
Pack Tactics Adv. on attacks if ally w/in 5’ of target
The players basically used the same play in Riverguard Keep.
Actions_________________ ____________ The initial encounter along the river with members of the cult
Scimitar: +4 to hit, (1d6+2) ended up with a prisoner who was allowed to travel with them
Lt. Crossbow: +4 to hit, (1d8+2) to get them into the keep. He did not fight on the PC’s behalf
for many of the encounters, but was able to get them in the
Cooper joined the forces at Rivergard Keep earlier this gate and have a meeting with Grimjaw. He also distracted
some reinforcements for a few rounds and alerted the PCs of
year in the spring when the river ran high. His brother
more guards in another situation.
Gurn died in a raiding accident a month ago when the
In the end, the PCs managed to separate the normal
reavers were attacking a food boat heading up from
guards/bandits from the cultists. They dealt with the cultists
while trying to keep the regular bandits from joining in. They
left the keep to the bandits after rescuing a few of the Mirabar
Delegation whom were prisoner. I’m not sure how the bandits
will treat the base of the keep and weather they will attack
ships on the river or use the keep to become a trading base.
Most of the bandits were once farmers or merchants who
turned to piracy for lack of a better opportunity.

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