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sustainability 4

A profitable problem
Lu Feng details China’s efforts to curb CO2 emissions

CHINA is hotting up, and not just the China overtook the US as the world’s technologies and financial investments,
economy. From 1986 to 2005, the country top emitter of CO2, although Chinese which help improve energy efficiency and
has seen 20 consecutive warm winters. The authorities say the figure is unjustified. lower production costs, while developed
glacier in northwestern China has shrunk Daniel Dudek, senior economist with countries can meet their Kyoto Protocol
by 21% and the permafrost in some areas the American Environmental Defense commitments at a relatively low cost”,
of the Daxing’ Anling region has thinned Fund, explains: “The mounting energy says Liu Shunde, deputy director of the
from 107 m to 67.5 m between 1978 consumption in recent years has pushed Global Climate Change Institute, Tsinghua
and 1991. The trend shows no signs of the development of China’s economy, but University.
stopping anytime soon. meanwhile leads to more than half of In June 2005, China’s first CDM
However, as China is listed as a Chinese cities’ air quality falling below project, the 25.8 MW Huitengxile wind
developing country in the United Nations standard.” farm in Inner Mongolia, was officially
Framework Convention on Climate Change The high CO2 emissions coincide with registered with the UFCCC CDM board. The
(UNFCCC), it is not required to reduce its the country’s growing GDP and huge owner of the project, the Inner Mongolia
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the energy consumption. For the past ten Long Yuan Wind Power Development
Kyoto Protocol until 2012. Plus, thanks years, China’s GDP has been growing Company, will receive around €2.75m
to the Clean Development Mechanism at more than 8% a year on average, ($3.75m) over the next ten years from
(CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol, which accelerating to an 11.5% rise in the SenterNovem, which is buying the
allows industrialised countries to offset first half of 2007. The high GDP growth certified emission reductions on behalf of
their own carbon emissions by helping has been supported by rocketing energy the Dutch government.
countries like China cut theirs, China consumption. In 2006, China’s energy By April 2007, China had already
to some extent sees CO2 emissions as a consumption was 16% of the world’s signed off 279 CDM projects, which
golden problem. Many experts and officials total, an 8.4% increase over the previous cover half of the globally-deducted
say that by cooperating with developed year. And since China’s energy mix is GHG emissions under CDM, at a total
countries, China can not only foster the dominated by coal, this directly leads investment of $9b.
development of environmental protection, to high CO2 emissions. In 2005, China’s But CDM alone is far from enough.
but also attract large amounts of foreign total primary energy consumption was China plans to increase its share of
investment. 2233 megatons of coal equivalent (Mtce), renewable energy from 4% in 2005
of which raw coal accounted for as much to 16% by 2020, and quadruple GDP
current emissions as 68.9%. The world’s average was only by 2020 while only doubling energy
According to the Initial National 27.8%.
consumption. This will require a major
Communication on Climate Change of the The other main reason for China’s high leap in energy efficiency.
People’s Republic of China, which was GHG emissions is its low energy efficiency
Thanks to a new law on energy
released in June 2007, China’s total GHG and outdated technologies, which are still
conservation in 1998 and previous
emissions in 1994 were 4060m t of CO2 found in many of China’s key industries.
relevant regulations, China’s energy
equivalent, of which 3070m t was CO2. For example, small steel mills emit some
intensity (energy consumption per
By 2004, the total had reached 6100m t 200 kgce per ton of steel than their
million GDP at a constant 2000 yuan)
of CO2 equivalent, of which 5050m t was large counterparts. In fertilisers, small
went down from 268 tce to 143 tce
CO2. This means that from 1994 to 2004, producers emit some 300 kgce more per
between 1990 and 2005 – a decrease
The Huitengxile China’s GHG emissions grew by around ton of fertiliser than large and medium
of 4.1%/y. The energy consumption per
wind farm in 4%, and the share of CO2 in the total companies. Owing to the lack of advanced
unit of energy-intensive products in the
Inner Mongolia is increased from 76% to 83%. According to technologies, as well as the large
industrial sector also declined strikingly.
China’s first ever the latest statistics by the Netherlands proportion of out-of-date processes and
In 2004, as compared with 1990, for
CDM project Environmental Assessment Agency, in 2006 technologies, China’s energy efficiency
generators with a capacity of 6 MW and
is about 10% lower than that of the
above, the unit energy consumption
developed countries, and its per unit
for thermal power supply decreased
energy consumption of energy-intensive
from 0.427 kgce/kWh to 0.376 kgce/kWh;
products is about 40% higher than the
comparable energy consumption per ton
advanced international level.
of steel in key companies decreased from
solving the problem 997 kgce to 702 kgce; and comprehensive
China’s government sees the Kyoto energy consumption per ton of cement in
Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism medium and large enterprises decreased
(CDM) as a golden opportunity. Because from 201 kgce to 157 kgce. Year-on-year
it allows industrialised countries to meet from 1991 to 2005, China saved an
their emission targets by purchasing accumulated 800m tce of energy through
certified emission-reductions from restructuring and improved energy
developing countries, it can be a win-win efficiency, equivalent to a reduction of
scenario. 1.8b t of CO2 emissions.
“Chinese enterprises acquire advanced Meanwhile, the Chinese government

36 tce september 2007

sustainability 4

has been shutting down small-scale power Reduction amount

Field Concrete measures
plants, since they consume 30–50% more (2005–2010)
coal than large plants. In 2006, plants Development of abundant hydropower resources, with an emphasis on
Hydropower 500m t CO2
producing 1212 MW of power were closed western regions and small-scale hydropower.
down, followed by 156 more with a total Construction of nuclear power stations in the coastal regions with faster
capacity of 5510 MW in the first half of economic development and heavy electricity requirements should be expedited.
2007. By 2010, the Chinese government Unification of technological approaches and adoption of advanced technology
plans to close 50 GW of small thermal Nuclear power to realise independent and domestic construction of large-scale power 50m t CO2
power plants, which it says will reduce stations and improve the overall capacity of the nuclear power industry on the
annual CO2 emissions by 17m t. principles of self-reliance, international cooperation, technology transfer and
While reducing the use of carbonic the promotion of independence.
energy sources like coal, China is Emphasis on small-scale distributed natural gas or coal bed methane electric
power generation. Development of 600 MW or higher supercritical (ultra-
striving to improve its use of renewable Technological
supercritical) units and large combined-cycle units and other high-efficiency
energies. By the end of 2005, the improvements
and clean power-generation technologies; head and power cogeneration,
country had installed 117 GW of in thermal 110m t CO2
cogeneration of heat, power and coal, and a combined head-electricity-coal-
hydropower, accounting for 23% of power
gas multiple supply; strengthened power-grid construction by adoption of
total power generation capacity. The generation
advanced power-transmission, transformation and distribution technologies,
corresponding power generation was and decreasing losses of power transmission, transformation and distribution.
401 TWh, accounting for 16.2% of total Vigorous development of CBM and CMM. Major incentives, including full or
electricity generation. Other renewable Coal-bed
partial exemption from utilisation fees for prospecting and mining rights for
energies, like biogas, ethanol biofuel and methane (CBM)
surface extraction and exploring projects; preferential tax policies for CBM
windfarms also saw dramatic increases. In & 200m t CO2 equivalent
and CMM exploration and use; pegging price of CBM and CMM for industrial
2005, China used 166m tce of renewable and residential use to the price of natural gas with the same calorific value;
methane (CMM)
power, accounting for 7.5 % of its energy encouraging the cooperation of CDM projects.
consumption. Great interest in bio-energy, including marsh gas, biomass briquette and
Other methods that the Chinese biomass liquid fuel. Construction or reconstruction of straw-fired power
government is considering to help rein in plants and small-to-medium scale boilers in major crop production areas
its CO2 emissions include afforestation, with abundant biomass. Waste incineration in areas with a more developed
tighter regulations, and improving R&D. economy but scarce land resources. Construction of marsh gas projects and
China’s forests currently cover 175m ha, power-generation at large livestock or bird farms and sewage treatment
Bio-energy 30m t CO2 equivalent
and from 1990 to 2005, the percentage plants. Vigorous promotion of marsh gas and gasification for agricultural and
of forest cover increased from 13.92% to forestry wastes, aiming at increasing the share of gas in rural residential areas
and using biomass gasification to ameliorate environmental problems caused
18.21%. It’s estimated that from 1980 to
by rural residential and industrial wastes. Efforts to develop biomass solid
2005, this absorbed 3.06b t of CO2.
briquette and liquid fuels, supported by economic policies and preferential
In 2004, the National Development
and Reform Commission (NDRC) launched
Construction of large windfarms, promotion of new wind power technologies
its first medium and long-term energy and domestic production of wind power equipment to reduce costs; active
conservation plan. A renewable energy development of solar power and solar heating, including popularising family-
law followed in February 2005, followed Development use photovoltaic power systems or small-scale photovoltaic power plants in
by further measures to encourage energy and use of remote areas; support of integrated solar energy building, a solar-energy-based
saving in August 2006. The aim is to wind, solar, hot water supply, space heating and cooling pilot projects in urban areas and 60m t CO2
quadruple China’s GDP by 2020 but only geothermal and household solar water-heaters, as well as solar greenhouses and solar stoves in
double energy consumption. tidal energy rural areas; active promotion of geothermal and tidal energy for heating, hot
China has spent 4.6b yuan ($600m) water supply and geothermal heat pump technologies; development of tidal
since 2006 on science and technology to power in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other provinces while conducting
reduce CO2 emissions and curb temperature research on wave and other oceanic power.
rise. These projects and studies focus
on raising energy efficiency, developing Table 1: Based on material from the National Coordination Committee on Climate Change
renewable energy and clean coal, carbon
2.76 kg CO2 /$ from 5.47 kg CO2 /$ . But the country seems confident.
capture and sequestration, biological
By 2010, China plans to lower its “China is exploring a different
absorption of carbon, and cutting GHG
energy consumption per unit GDP by way of controlling greenhouse-gas
emissions through improved farming
20% compared to 2005, and reduce its emissions. We will not follow the
methods. China’s one-family-one-child
GHG emissions by 950m t. Table 1 details western countries’ way of having high
policy should also be seen as a way of
the plans, as set out by the National emissions first, then reducing them”,
reducing GHG emissions, the government
Coordination Committee on Climate says Wan Gang, the minister of science
argues. Based on the International Energy
Change. and technology.
Agency’s figure for average per capita
As the world’s biggest developing The “different way” Wan refers to
emissions, the policy has averted
country, and the world’s second biggest is turning energy-saving targets into
1.3b t of CO2 being emitted – a
energy consumer after the US, China faces goals for CO2 emissions.
“significant contribution” in the fight to
increasing challenges in the future as it Dudek estimates by 2020, China’s
cut global warming, China’s government
tries to maintain its high GDP growth, energy consumption will be double
while doing its best to reduce GHG. the current level, and similarly for its
future prospects Meanwhile, China has to face the CO2 emissions. “Energy saving is the
According to the IEA, China’s emission post- Kyoto protocol time, when China essential tool for China to reach its
intensity (CO2 emission per unit of GDP) may have to take a bigger share of GHG emission-reduction goals.”
halved between 1990 to 2004, falling to responsibility for reducing GHG emissions. Good luck China! tce

september 2007 tce 37

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