Annex 1. Terms of Reference

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Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Request for Consultants

Measuring Indicators of Success for “Promotion of Economic Prospects for
Syrian Refugees and the Host Community (PEP)”

1. Background

German-Turkish technical cooperation with Turkey dates back to the 1960s and in 1970 a framework agreement
on technical cooperation (TC) between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey was

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is Germany's leading provider of
international cooperation services. As a federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government in achieving its
objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.

In 1998 GIZ established an office in Ankara, since the refugee crisis GIZ initiated several projects to support
refugees and host communities in the field of education, employment and social cohesion.

Turkey has taken in more refugees than any other country in the world. Currently about 3.6 million Syrians with
temporary protection status have been registered, almost half of them women. The majority have found refuge in
Turkey’s southern and south-eastern provinces, causing the population of some communities to rise sharply.

Since the 2011 breakout of the war in Syria and the influx of Syrians into Turkey, the Turkish Government has
made great efforts to relieve the dire humanitarian situation of Syrians fleeing their homes. With the war entering
its eighth year, the situation for refugees in Turkey is becoming protracted, which is why longer-term and more
sustainable approaches are needed to support Syrians and their Turkish host community.

Based on the successes and experiences of the previous “Cash-for-Work” projects, implemented by GIZ on behalf
of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Turkey, PEP focusses on
creating employment opportunities through skills development and qualification, the support of small enterprises
and entrepreneurship as well as strengthening the Turkish private sector. The projects’ duration is from January
2019 to March 2023.

2. Project Information

In the framework of the PEP project, the access of Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens in the host community to
employment will be supported by providing opportunities in close cooperation with the private sector and their
respective municipalities. The measures will take into account previously obtained knowledge and skills and
further strengthen them, based on the needs of the local Turkish labor market. Further training and qualification
measures will enable the target group to find decent employment in the formal labor market. Small companies
and future entrepreneurs will be supported through trainings, networking opportunities and the facilitation of a
better understanding of the market environment, which includes Turkish legislation as well as information on
access to finance and other support.

For Syrians, all measures include Turkish language training - as speaking a country’s native language is the single
most important skill one must have to build a future there. To foster women´s participation in the labor market,
child care will be provided. Whenever possible, the measures will also seek to foster the social cohesion between
Syrians and Turkish citizens, through common events and activities.

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

However, the most successful tool to improve social security as well as social participation is decent employment.
A job not only provides the necessary financial means to actively participate in society, it also provides people
with dignity and renewed self-esteem. Syrians and Turkish people interact, cooperate and communicate to get a
job done in the workplaces. Thus, access to decent employment is the most effective measure to strengthen
social cohesion and foster peaceful interaction between Turkish citizens and their Syrian neighbors.

The project operates in three areas of activity:

1. Action Field 1- Promoting access to short- and medium-term employment and skills
development: The access of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Turkish citizens to employment is
supported by providing training and short-/medium-term formal employment. Activities are
implemented through close cooperation and partnership measures with state institutions, chambers,
and local and international NGOs.
2. Action Field 2-Strengthening entrepreneurship and self-employment: PEP supports target
groups starting up their own businesses and secures already existing ones. Project measures include
facilitation and promotion of available support mechanisms and assistance in legalising companies
and acquiring business licenses. In the latter case, businesses that have been running for at least a
year will be given support with all the processes involved in obtaining a business license. This includes
applying for work permits, providing information on employment legislation, application for tax stamps,
procuring credit card machines, completing registration with the various authorities, and reimbursing
administrative and application fees.
3. Action Field 3- Strengthening support structures for small- and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs): PEP connects key actors in the private sector eco-system to sharpen SMEs’ competitiveness
by facilitating public-private sector dialogue and business development services provision. PEP helps
strengthen the resilience of Syrian and Turkish companies in the host community and thus helps
safeguard existing jobs and create new ones.

3. Description of PEP Activity Field 1

Activity fields 2 and 3 will start to be fully implemented in 2020, however, measures in activity field 1 have already
started to be implemented since the second half of 2019. Currently, there are seven projects that are being
implemented with different implementing partners at different locations across Turkey:

All implementing partners do not just implement training and or employment measures but also focus on activities
contributing to the social cohesion of Syrian refugees and members of the Turkish host communities. In the
following chapters, you will find more details about the above-mentioned cooperation with different actors in action
field one, that are implemented between June 2019 and June 2020.

In order to facilitate access of single parents and particularly women to employment and training, day care facilities
are offered, whereever possible.

The short- or medium-term employment and skills development measures are being implemented through 8
different grant agreements with 8 different partners. Each grant agreement has different measures regarding
provision of language and vocational trainings and short-term (5 to 6 months) employment opportunities in
cooperation with public sector (e.g. Municipalities) and the private sector (e.g. private companies, that are
members of chambers). During trainings, stipends of ½ of the Turkish minimum salary are paid, during
employment, Turkish minimum salary and social insurance are paid and for Syrians (SuTP) additionally work
permit fees. Each partner’s project has different project duration and contract dates.

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Table 1 Overview of Grant Agreements with Project Partners

Grant Agreement Language Vocational Employment

Project Duration Location Target
Partners Training Training
Public Private
Partner A 03.06.2019-30.04.2020 Gaziantep ✓ ✓  ✓ 1060
Partner B 17.06.2019-17.06.2020 Diyarbakır ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1600
01.05.2019-31.12.2019 Istanbul ✓  ✓  300
Partner C
15.10.2019- 15.04.2020 Kilis ✓  ✓  80
Partner D 17.06.2019-20.04.2020 Kilis ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 325
Partner E 22.07.2019-22.06.2020 Adana    ✓ 200
Partner F 17.06.2019-16.03.2020 Hatay ✓  ✓ ✓ 200
Partner G 01.11.2019-30.08.2020 Gaziantep ✓ ✓ ✓  200
Partner H 01.11.2019-31.10.2020 Istanbul  ✓   640
TOTAL 4605

1. Partner A

Project Location: Gaziantep

Project Duration: 03.06.2019-30.04.2020 (10 months)

Number of Beneficiaries: 1060 (809 SuTP (76%), 371 Host Community (24%), Women participation 20%)

Overall objective of the project is to support supply and demand sides of the local labour market in Gaziantep with
the aim to create sustainable job opportunities for Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey and vulnerable
members of the host communities (referred to as beneficiaries) by implementing effective measures to improve
their access to the labour market preferably in manufacturing, energy, waste management sectors and
contributing to social cohesion.

This project is specifically aiming to provide vocational training according to needs of labour market in Gaziantep
and refer beneficiaries by taking their previous experiences and knowledge into consideration. Project activities
are indicated below:

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Targeted Number of
Project activities

- Conducting Turkish Language course for Syrians beneficiaries for one

809 SuTP (689 + 120
- Conducting different vocational training courses at Vocational Training
Center for SuTP and Turkish beneficiaries around 6 weeks 1060
- Conducting one day training session of work ethics/legal counselling,
occupational health and safety 1060
- Providing stipend as the half of minimum wage during language and
vocational training courses 1-3 months 1060
- Supporting to get Vocational Qualification Certificates (MYK)
440 SuTP and HC
- Matching beneficiaries with Private companies after vocational training
355 (125HC,230 SuTP)
- Employment in Private Companies for 3 months
355 (125HC,230 SuTP)
- Applying to Work permit for SuTP beneficiaries by Employer
230 SuTP
- Providing work permit fees and the half of the wages of beneficiaries
during employment in private sector 1060
- Beneficiaries and rejected applicants will be registered in ISKUR’s
(Employment Agency of Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services)
job seekers database.
- Providing childcare, transportation and lunch to beneficiaries during the

2. Partner B

Project Location: Diyarbakır, Adıyaman, Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Denizli

*The number of beneficiaries per provinces will be determined after reaching out process

Project Duration: 17.06.2019 - 17.06.2020 (12 months + 1,5 months non-cost extension is expected.)

Number of Beneficiaries: 1600 (800 SuTP (50%), 800 Host Community (50%), Women participation 30 %)

Overall objective of the project is to support the supply side of the local labour market with participants who are
trained in professions that are needed in the labour market. The trainings are organised in 18 different Public
Education Centers (PECs) in 5 different Provinces. The aim is to create sustainable job opportunities for Syrians
under temporary protection in Turkey and vulnerable members of the host communities (referred to as
beneficiaries) by implementing effective measures to improve their access to the labour market and contributing
to social cohesion. Participants, who are skilled and sufficiently trained will be linked to private companies and
employed for further 3 months.

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Project activities are indicated below:

Targeted Number of
Project activities
- Conducting Turkish Language course for Syrians beneficiaries for one-month
through PECs 500 SuTP

- Conducting vocational training courses at PEC for SuTP and Turkish beneficiaries
- Conducting training session of the work ethics and culture/legal
counselling/occupational health and safety training 1060
- Providing stipend as additional stipends equalling 5 TRY/hour during one-month
language course and equalling half of the Turkish minimum wage on a monthly
basis vocational training courses
- Matching beneficiaries with Private companies after vocational training
160 (80HC,80 SuTP)
- Supporting beneficiaries to be employed in private companies
160 (80HC,80 SuTP)
- Supporting beneficiaries to be employed for public benefit purpose at PECs
18 (9HC,9 SuTP)

- Applying to Work permit for SuTP beneficiaries by Employer

89 SuTP
- Providing work permit fees and the full of the wages of beneficiaries during
employment in private sector for 3 months 178 SuTP and HC
- Registering beneficiaries and rejected applicants in ISKUR’s (Employment Agency
of Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services) job seekers database 1600
- Social support and counselling for beneficiaries at every PEC

- Providing childcare to beneficiaries during the training


- Conducting Capacity building activities for PECs


3. Partner C

First Project

Project Location: Istanbul-Küçükçekmece and Sultanbeyli

Project Duration: 01.06.2019-31.12.2020 (8 months)

Number of Beneficiaries: 300 (150 SuTP (50%), 150 Host Community (50%), Women participation 25 %)

Overall objective is to promote the economic prospects through Cash-for-Work activities for Syrians under
temporary protection (SUTP) (out of total beneficiaries 50%) and Turkish Host Community (HC) Members (out of
total beneficiaries 50%) who residence in Küçükçekmece and Sultanbeyli. Participants are mainly employed in

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

public sector activities. These include activities, such as: cleaners, receptionists, call centers, IT department,
maintenance and cleaning of public parks and gardens, etc.

Project activities are indicated below:

Targeted Number of
Project activities
- Conducting Turkish Language course for Syrians beneficiaries for one
month 150 SuTP
- Conducting training session of work ethics/legal counselling, occupational
health and safety 300

- Providing work permit for SuTP beneficiaries

150 SuTP
- Providing work permit fees and the full of the wages of beneficiaries during
employment in the public sector 300

- Providing childcare, transportation and lunch to beneficiaries during the


Second Project

Project Location: Kilis

Project Duration: 6 months (15.10.2019 – 15.04.2020)

Number of Beneficiaries: #80 (50% of HC beneficiaries, 50% of SuTP beneficiaries) (20% 0f female

Targeted Number of
Project activities
Syrian beneficiaries receive Turkish language courses. #40
Beneficiaries are provided with Turkish work culture/ethics trainings and legal
Beneficiaries are provided with occupational health and safety trainings. #80
Beneficiaries receive financial and non-financial support during Turkish courses.
Stipends, transportation and lunch.
Beneficiaries are temporarily employed in public sector. #80

Social cohesion activities for beneficiaries are organised. #1

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

4. Partner D

Project Location: Kilis, Mersin and Konya

Project Duration: 17.06.2019-20.04.2020 (10 months)

Number of Beneficiaries: 325 (162 SuTP (50%), 163 Host Community (50%), Women participation 20 %)

Overall objective of the project is to support supply and demand sides of the local labour market with the aim to
create sustainable job opportunities for Syrians under temporary protection (SuTP) in Turkey and vulnerable
members of the host communities (referred to as beneficiaries) by implementing effective measures to improve
their access to the labour market preferably. Beneficiaries will be employed in different public works, mainly in
cooperation with the Municipalities and in the domains of cleaning and maintaining public buildings.

Project activities are indicated below:

Targeted Number of
Project activities
- Conducting Turkish Language course for Syrians beneficiaries for one month
150 SuTP
- Conducting Recycling & Environmental Protection 15 days vocational training
courses 25

- Enrolling beneficiaries in 20 days KOSGEB entrepreneurship training programs 25 (12SuTP and


- Providing stipend as the half of minimum wage during language and vocational ~ 200 (150SuTP and
training courses 26 HC)

- Conducting a training session of work ethics/legal counselling, occupational

health and safety 325
- Matchmaking activities between trained beneficiaries and potential employer
companies in private sector 150 (75HC,75 SuTP)

- Employment in private companies for 6 months

150 (75HC,75 SuTP)
- Employment in public sector for 6 months
150 (75HC,75 SuTP)
- Applying to Work permit for SuTP beneficiaries by Employer
150 SuTP
- Providing work permit fees and the half of the wages of beneficiaries during
employment in private sector 325
- Beneficiaries and rejected applicants will be registered in ISKUR’s (Employment
Agency of Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services) job seekers database. 325+
- Providing childcare service during Turkish Language courses, vocational training
~ 120 children (2-6
and entrepreneurship training.
years old)
- Providing transportation and lunch to beneficiaries during Turkish Language ~ 200
courses, vocational training and entrepreneurship training.

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

5. Partner E

Project Location: Adana

Project Duration: 22.07.2019-22.06.2020 (11 months)

Number of Beneficiaries: 250 (35% Turkish citizens, 65% Syrian, Women participation 20 %)

Overall objective of the project is to support supply side of the local labour market in Adana with the aim to create
long term job opportunities in private companies in Adana for Syrians under temporary protection (SuTP) and
vulnerable members of the host communities (referred to as beneficiaries) by implementing effective measures
to improve their access to the labour market contributing to social cohesion. Participants will be directly placed in
private companies, who have open positions. No training will be offered beforehand. The employment can be
considered as on-the-job training.

Project activities are indicated below:

Targeted Number of
Project activities
- Conducting work ethics/legal counselling, occupational health and safety
training 250
- Supporting to get Vocational Qualification Certificates (MYK)
- On-line referral, information portal for the Syrian refugees is created, operational
and promoted 250
- Matchmaking activities between beneficiaries and potential employer companies
in private sector 250

- Employment in Private Companies for 3 months 355(125HC,230

- Obtaining work permit for SuTP beneficiaries
165 SuTP
- Providing work permit fees and the half of the wages of beneficiaries during
employment in private sector for 6 months 250
- Beneficiaries and rejected applicants will be registered in ISKUR’s (Employment
Agency of Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services) job seekers

Planned Social Cohesion Activities: Not planned in the concept note.

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

6. Partner F

Project Location: Gaziantep

Project Duration: 17.06.2019-16.03.2020 (10 months)

Number of Beneficiaries: 200 (100 SuTP (50%), 100 Host Community (50%), Women participation 25 %,
Disabled 3%)

Project activities are indicated below:

Targeted Number of
Project activities
- Conducting Turkish Language course for Syrians beneficiaries for one month
100 SuTP
- Conducting 4 workshop about work ethics/legal counselling, occupational health
and safety 200
- Providing stipend as the half of minimum wage during language training courses
- Matchmaking activities between trained beneficiaries and potential employer
companies in private sector 30 (15SuTP, 15HC)
- Employment in private companies for 5 months
30 (15SuTP,15HC)
- Employment in public sector for 5 months
170 85 SuTP,85 HC)
- Obtaining work permit for SuTP beneficiaries
100 SuTP
- Providing work permit fees and the full of the wages of beneficiaries during
employment in private sector 1060
- Beneficiaries and rejected applicants will be registered in ISKUR’s (Employment
Agency of Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services) job seekers database. TBC

- Providing childcare service for beneficiaries

200 (3-6 years old)
- Providing childcare, transportation and lunch to beneficiaries during the training 200

7. Partner G

Project Location: Gaziantep

Project Duration: 03.06.2019-30.04.2020 (10 months)

Number of Beneficiaries: 200 (130 SuTP (65%), 70 Host Community (35%), min participation of women 20 %,
disabled person 3%)

There is a strong need for employment, vocational training and social cohesion for Syrian refugees and Turkish
citizens through temporary employment, skills development and qualification. Approaches which tackle these
problems in a comprehensive way are needed. This includes combined systems of theoretical and practical skills
acquisition, as well as measures towards labour market and social integration. Employment activities comprise
tree planting in locations selected by the Municipality of Gaziantep, employment in tree nurseries, training as

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

florists and gardeners. Additionally, counselling will be given, how applying for jobs, presentation skills, etc.
Technical, legal and language requirements will have to be met for that. Intercultural, gender and environmental
aspects will have to be considered throughout.

Project activities are indicated below:

Targeted Number of
Project activities
- Conducting Turkish Language course for Syrians beneficiaries for one month
130 SuTP
- Conducting different vocational training courses 200 hours in total for SuTP and
Turkish beneficiaries 200
- Conducting 60 hours training session of work ethics/legal counselling,
occupational health and safety 1060
- Providing stipend as the half of minimum wage during language and vocational
training courses 1-3 months 1060
- Supporting to get Vocational Qualification Certificates (MYK)
440 SuTP and HC
- Matching beneficiaries with Private companies after vocational training
- Employment in private sector for 4 months 40
- Employment in public sector for 4 months
- Obtaining work permit for SuTP beneficiaries
130 SuTP
- Providing work permit fees and the half of the wages of beneficiaries during
employment in private sector 130 SuTP
- Beneficiaries and rejected applicants will be registered in ISKUR’s (Employment
Agency of Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services) job seekers database. 1180+

- Providing childcare services to beneficiaries 60 children (aged 3-6)

- Providing transportation and lunch to beneficiaries during the training 200

8. Partner H

Project Location: Istanbul

Project Duration: 12 months (01.11.2019 – 31.10.2020)

Number of Beneficiaries: 640 (420 Syrian refugees and 220 members of the Turkish host communities) Women
participation rate: at least 20%

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Project Activities Number of

Internet and Communication Technology related workshops to build the technology and
start-up ecosystem and skills capacity amongst youth in Turkey 300

- 10 workshops: ~30 participants per workshop (est. 300 participants in total)

Conducting two coding boot camps to teach front-end web development to around 20
youth aged 18-35. 40
- Bootcamp 1: 20 participants per bootcamp
- Bootcamp 2: 20 participants per bootcamp
Organizing and hosting monthly technology and entrepreneurship activation talks and
networking events
- 10 talks: ~20 participants per talk (est. 200 participants in total)
- 2 networking events: ~50 participants per event (est. 100 participants in total)

4. Objectives and Scope of the Survey

The objective of the survey is to collect detailed, specific and representative information regarding the project
implementation to evaluate the effectiveness of the PEP measures based on the indicators of success. Moreover,
collected data will provide more specific data to enrich the actual M&E-system.

Project will include a study to measure two indicators of the project. Contents of the study are presented below:

Target group Related indicator of success Method Time

50% of 4,000 participants who took part in

short- or medium-term employment and
Beneficiaries who skills development measures confirm that
took part in short- their chances of finding formal employment Qualitative and
on the Turkish labour market have At the end of
or medium-term quantitative
improved implementation
employment and survey with a
and 3-6 months
skills 80% of 4,000 people who participated in representative
development pro-employment and skills development sample
measures activities confirm that their willingness to
interact with the other group in the work
environment has increased

Particularly, the following shall be considered:

o Survey should be designed in a way to measure the effectiveness and sustainability of the PEP
o Social cohesion is a cross-cutting issue of the project, so it is significant to see the impact of the
project on social cohesion between Syrian refugees and host community members.

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

o Short- or medium-term employment and skills development measures are being implemented
through 8 different grant agreements with 8 different partners.
o Cooperation with the partners is significant in order to reach the targeted beneficiaries.
o Each grant agreement has different measures regarding provision of language and vocational
trainings and short-term (5 to 6 months) employment opportunities. Therefore, it is significant to
see the actual differences between the implementations regarding each partner.
o Based on evidence, the survey should give recommendations, what are the most successful
measures reaching long-term employment. A comparison between the different projects is
o Survey should also assess the possible negative impacts of PEP programme and the risks for
both partners and beneficiaries during the implementation.
o Each partner’s project has different project duration and contract dates. Therefore, planning
should be made considering the end date of each project. The survey has to me organised at two
different time points, just before the activity ends and approximately 3-6 months later.

5. Duration and geographical coverage of the project

Project duration: December 2019 to May 2021

Geographical scope: Istanbul, Gaziantep, Adana, Hatay, Kilis, Mersin, Konya, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Denizli,

6. Methodology

Within the scope of the PEP project, the access of Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens in the host community to
employment are being supported by providing opportunities in close cooperation with the private sector and their
respective municipalities. Beneficiaries are being employed through partner organizations for 5 to 6 months during
the project. Aim is to enhance employment prospects of Syrian refugees and residents of selected host
communities in Turkey.

Consultancy firm will design a pre-post survey with beneficiaries to review whether their chances of finding formal
employment on the Turkish labour market have improved or not. This survey will be implemented twice; at the
end of measure and after 3-6 months. Surveys will be organised in close cooperation with the M&E-Unit of the
PEP project. Regarding objective to facilitate the study, the M&E-Unit will review the methodology and planning.
The surveys should assess, which activities lead to

Fieldwork should be organized separately for each partner organization since each has different locations, project
duration and contract end date (Table 1). Moreover, each grant agreement has different objectives and measures,
therefore they should be evaluated separately. During the inception phase, concept note of each partner
organization will be provided to consultancy firm. Access to anonymised data of every beneficiary will be given by
M&E team and the partner organisations. Survey should be designed in accordance with the measures included
in each grant agreement. However, the same questionnaire and survey tools will be applied for all beneficiaries.

Final methodology, project planning, the final sample size, the selection of relevant organisations and resource
persons to be interviewed and the analyses methodology will be discussed in close cooperation with the selected
consultancy firm. It is planned to combine different socio-scientific methodologies, thus facilitating to gather
diverse information and perceptions.

Population of this survey includes approximately 4600 beneficiaries. Considering 95% confidence interval
and 3% margin error, sample size should be approximately 900 persons. Sample should be allocated

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

proportionally to the locations and demographic information of the beneficiaries should be taken into

Methodology of the survey should be designed considering below criteria:


a) Designing the methodology of the survey according to the data protection regulations in Turkey
b) Conducting interviews based on designed questionnaires
c) Selection of an unbiased sample, stratified sample, which accurately represents the targeted population
of beneficiaries
d) Regarding selection of the sample; gender, age, socioeconomic status, education level and employment
and/or training measures
e) Conducting pre and post surveys with the same sample of participants
f) Supporting quantitative study with qualitative study including focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-
depth interviews

Data Collection

a) Ensure that data collection is conducted according to Turkish law

b) Obtain all necessary approvals from the Turkish authorities, according to the feasibility
c) Develop quantitative questionnaires for beneficiaries
d) Contribution to finalise the guidelines and the questionnaires for the focus group discussions and
e) Translation of all questionnaires into Arabic and Turkish
f) Selection and training of interviewers (man and woman) (native speakers of Arabic and Turkish)
g) Training of field team about the confidentiality of data as well as the ethical principles
h) Data collection phase with experienced field team
i) Discussion of results with M&E Unit; revision of the questionnaires and procedures if necessary
j) Organization of data collection by all aspects
k) Data entry, data cleaning and validation

Data Analysis and Reporting

a) Analyses of data
b) Presentation of first findings to PEP project team
c) Writing of report after first findings were reviewed by the PEP team
d) Results of the survey should be compared with the findings of similar studies in Turkey
e) Comprehensive report should include methodology, findings, statistical analysis to conclude significant
relationships and correlations between variables
f) Handing over of analyses sheets, data base, etc. to PEP M&E Unit for further use (Consultant should
provide detailed information about the specific software and database systems which will be used during
the project.)

7. Expected Outputs

1. Finalised questionnaires in English, translated into Arabic and Turkish

2. Methodology to be outlined
3. Field staff trained and contracted
4. Pre-post survey organised, and results discussed with M&E Unit of the PEP project
5. Data sheets, databases, analyses sheets finalised for handover to M&E Unit

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

6. Executive summary: Summary of the data collection and analysis, with emphasis on main findings,
conclusions and recommendations to be presented to the PEP team
7. Brief report for each partner organization including important findings and conclusions after every survey
implemented with a partner organisation
8. Final comprehensive report of about 20 – 30 pages including comparisons between partner organizations
and providing details on the methodology applied, findings and recommendations (without annexes)
9. Final meeting on outcomes and recommendations shall be held after the delivery of the final report.

8. Timeline

Indicative planning of the project was given as Annex.

Total duration of consultancy: 18 months

9. Logistics

All related logistics (transport, accommodation) are subject to the contractor’s arrangements. GIZ provides
relevant project data, advice and support upon request. The different workshops/ meetings (finalising of
questionnaires and definition of data collection methodology, presentation of pre-test results,) will be organised
via skype or face-to-face meetings. For the kick-off meeting, the presentation of findings after field phase and for
the final meeting, the core- survey team of the will be kindly invited to the GIZ office in Ankara.

10. General qualification requirements of consulting company and key experts

Consultant team (contractor)

- Academic degree in social sciences, economics, development studies, statistics or another relevant field
- Proven experiences in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, data collection and analysis,
strong observation and analytical writing skills
- Experience working in the field, notably South-/East Turkey, Turkish-Syrian border region
- A sound understanding of project management in the context of refugee support and income generation
opportunities for vulnerable people in Turkey
- Proven knowledge of OECD/DAC evaluation criteria
- Proven relevant experiences in the context of humanitarian, transitional support and/ or development
cooperation in Turkey with Syrian refugees, including M&E and RBM, third-party monitoring and in
working with humanitarian NGOs, development organisations and different donors. Proven experience in
analyses of projects in the field of cash-based interventions will be an asset
- Sensitivity towards ethics with regards to different cultures, religious beliefs, gender roles, and ethnicity
- Proven experience in producing high quality reports with advanced statistical analysis
- Proven experiences with databases; experiences with online surveys
- Qualified and sufficient enumerators to conduct the interviews, men and women with native Turkish and
Arabic language skills

Project Manager

- University degree in management, social sciences, international relations, sociology, statistics or relevant
- Minimum 10 years of professional work experience relevant to research and survey including data
collection, analysis and reporting,

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

- Minimum 10 years of professional work experience in project management including planning, managing
and monitoring
- Experience in preparing time schedule, work plans and methodology
- A sound understanding of project management in the context of refugee support and income generation
opportunities for vulnerable people in Turkey
- Knowledge of Turkey’s political position related to Syrian refugee crisis
- Proven ability to plan and monitor, organise work and project activities
- Very good communication and presentation skills, excellent command of English and Turkish (spoken
and written)
- Excellent MS Office skills (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

Field Coordinator

- University degree in management, social sciences, sociology, statistics or relevant discipline

- Proven experience in coordinating and managing field team and resources
- Experience in provision of training to the field team in terms of questionnaire to be used, approach to
beneficiaries and right way to conduct interviews
- Proven ability to analyse the project target group, identify risks and problems of the field and understand
the regional sensitivities and difficulties
- Sensitivity towards ethics with regards to different cultures, religious beliefs and practices, gender roles,
and ethnicity
- Very good communication skills, excellent command of English, Turkish and Arab language skills (spoken
and written)

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Moderator

- University degree in management, social sciences, sociology, statistics or relevant discipline

- Proven experience in development of semi-structured questionnaires and related guidelines for FGDs,
conducting FGDs, analysing and reporting the outcomes of the discussions
- Minimum 5 years of professional experience in conducting FGDs
- Sensitivity towards ethics with regards to different cultures, religious beliefs and practices, gender roles,
and ethnicity
- Excellent knowledge of analysing and reporting qualitative data
- Very good communication and presentation skills, excellent command of English, Turkish and Arab
language skills (spoken and written)
- MS Office skills (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

Data Analyst

- University degree in statistics, computer sciences or relevant discipline

- Experience in conducting advanced statistical analysis
- High knowledge in data cleaning and data validation
- Knowledge in processing confidential data and information according to Turkish Law
- Analyse and interpret the data using statistical techniques
- Proven ability to identify, analyse, and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets
- High statistical knowledge of statistics and experience in using statistical packages for analysing
- data (Excel, SPSS, STATA, R, SAS etc)
- Ability to create visual graphs, info graphs, charts based on the analyses

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

11. Application Process


- Company profile (including CVs of team leader and other relevant staff realising the surveys)
- Testimonials of previous work (sample reports from previous and related projects)
- References
- Financial offer in TL

12. Indicative working days and travels of Project Team

Project Team No. of Maximum number of Total

experts working days
Project Manager 1 50 50

Field Coordinator 1 10 10

FGDs Moderator 1 64 64

FGDs Reporter 1 64 64

Data Analyst 1 40 40

Data Entry Clerk 1 30 30

Project Assistant 1 30 30

Interviewers 10 35 350

Travels and flights up to 12 35 420

No. of
Flights (outward and return) Flights per expert Total

Domestic flights 5 30 150

13. Structure of offer for the survey

Technical offer following the structure below:

1. Comprehension of ToRs and presentation of framework conditions

2. Presentation of the consultant firm’s qualification to conduct the survey
a. Work experience with humanitarian and international organisation’s in the field of Syrian refugees
in Turkey
b. Work experience in the (related) field of monitoring and evaluation, data collection, data analysis
according to Turkish law and regulations and to international evaluation standards
3. Design of the surveys and methodology to collect data and analyses methods
a. Design of the study
b. Data specification and availability of data
c. Description of data collection methodology and data analyses methods
4. Resources

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

a. Work plan and time schedule (18 months)

b. Qualification and number of staff to realise the studies
c. Available resources and equipment for realising the studies

14. Changes to the contract

Changes to contractor’s agreement might occur if approval of surveys is not feasible due to:

1. Data collection in the respective provinces are not approved by the governorates
2. The approval for data collection in a certain province can be considerably delayed. In this case,
possibilities for telephone interviews shall be taken into consideration. If the option is proved not to be
feasible, the province will be taken out of the monitoring schedule.

15. Annexes

Annex -1: Indicative Project Planning

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Annex-1: Indicative Project Planning

Project Planning (Months)

Project Activities Place Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May-
19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21

1. Kick-off meeting Ankara

2. Literature review
of the PEP
previously Ankara
researches and
3. Preparation of
data collection plan
and methodology
prepared by M&E
Unit and
proposed by M&E
4. Drafting
quantitative and
qualitative data
collection tools
(questionnaire for Ankara
quantitative study
and semi-structure
questionnaire for
5. Finalization of
data collection plan Ankara
and methodology
6. Training of

7. Implementation
of pilot survey

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Annex-1: Indicative Project Planning

Project Planning (Months)

Project Activities Place Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May-
19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21
8. Finalization of
data collection
tools considering Ankara
the feedbacks from
the field


9.Data collection
Phase 1 for each
9.1. International Küçükçek
Blue Crescent mece &
(IBC) Sultanbey
9.2 Syrian Social
Gathering (SSG)
9.3 International
Blue Crescent Kilis
9.4 Gaziantep
Chamber of
Industry (GCI)

9.5 International Konya

Youth Solidarity Kilis
Association Mersin

9.6 Ministry of
National Education
/ The Association
for Solidarity with
Asylum Seekers
and Migrants

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Annex-1: Indicative Project Planning

Project Planning (Months)

Project Activities Place Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May-
19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21
9.7 Adana
Chamber of Adana
Industry (ADASO)
9.8 International Gaziante
Bund (IB) p

9.9. Re-coded &

Impact Hub
10.Draft report
including statistical
analyses and Ankara
interpretation of
11. Finalization of
first survey report

SECOND SURVEY (4 months later)

12. Data collection

Phase 2 for each
12.1. International Küçükçek
Blue Crescent mece &
(IBC) Sultanbey
12.2 Syrian Social
Gathering (SSG)
12.3 International
Blue Crescent Kilis
12.4 Gaziantep
Chamber of
Industry (GCI)

Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Annex-1: Indicative Project Planning

Project Planning (Months)

Project Activities Place Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May-
19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21

12.5 International Konya

Youth Solidarity Kilis
Association Mersin

12.6 Ministry of
National Education
/ The Association
for Solidarity with
Asylum Seekers
and Migrants

12.7 Adana
Chamber of Adana
Industry (ADASO)

12.8 International Gaziante

Bund (IB) p

12.9 Re-coded &

Impact Hub

13.Draft report
including statistical
analyses and Ankara
interpretation of
14. Finalization of
second survey Ankara


Terms of Reference for Measuring Indicators of Success for PEP Turkey

Annex-1: Indicative Project Planning

Project Planning (Months)

Project Activities Place Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May-
19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21
15. Drafting final
report including
between two
16. Finalizing
final report
considering the
feedbacks from
PEP M&E Team

17. Presentation of
key findings to Ankara
PEP team


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