Jester I. Borres 12ABM1

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Jester I.


Answer the following question below. Write your answer using Microsoft Word as file and submit in the
comment section the PDF file/document.

1. Have you ever experienced stress and how well do you manage it?
Yes, I’ve experienced alot stressful situations before just like upcoming test, heavy schedule, lack of
sleep due to pressure, pressure at home/school etc. I usually handle or cope up stress by eating and hanging
out with some of my friends or playing with my birds and dog, seeing them happy helps me to think positively
rather than filling my mind with negative thoughts.

2. What are the main factors that cause stress to people nowadays? How do these factors affect the
performance and health of a person physically and mentally?
I think the main factors that causes stress to people nowadays is anxiety, depression and
overthinking. We all know that we are in the midst of pandemic and also we do not know when this
pandemic will end. These factors affect the performance and health of a person physically and mentally
because people can’t stop to think what will happen or what’s the possibilities that might happen if this
pandemic stays for too long, your mind will became dried or tired because of thinking which I think is not

3. Give at least two (2) methods or activities can be done to cope up the stress? Is it effective?
For me, the first method that I use to cope up and relieve with stress is to talk about it with my
friends, It is very effective because it lessen the problems running through your mind, you also might forgot
the thing that you are stress about but it’s no good, you’ll have to face it in order to surpass it. The next
methods that I use to cope up with stress is to bond with pets, or if you don’t have any pets do what makes
you happy. In my case, bonding with my pets gives me a positive vibes or thoughts which I think is good.

4. Do you agree that dance can manage stress? Why or why not? State at least two reasons.
Yes, because dance is an exercise that improves our body. It also helps us to develop self-awareness
and self confidence. It is said that dancing is a great outlet for conveying feelings or emotions.

5. As a student, what advice would you share to other people encountering stress these days?
As a student, the advice that I can share to other people that is encountering stress these days is to
be positive. Live your life with joy and excitement. Don’t be so negative over things. Lastly, enjoy your life
while you still have the time.

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