ORAL COM - Q2 - Performance Task

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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Negros Occidental
Murcia, Negros Occidental

Performance 1: Module 1 – Lesson 12
Activity 4: “Practice writing makes you perfect”
Using the Six Power Principles for Speech Editing of Andrew Dlugan, edit the speech below.
Which part do you think needs editing for focus, clarity, concision, continuity, variety, and impact and
beauty? Write the revised version in your yellow pad and explain what principle in speech writing you

Speech Title: May Fifteen

May 15 of this year, I woke up with a happy heart. I thought to myself, “when I reach 50 years
old, 60 or beyond, I will look back to this day and smile.” Then, I paid attention to my college graduation
picture, framed on a 4x6 decorative wood edging emblazoned with beautiful memories. I reached for it,
and held it closely, and uttered, “10 years, and I think you did a pretty good job!” I slowly put it back to
the side table, off to my working station across my sliding window to fulfill one in my daily routine:
journal writing. Then, I started: Dear journal, “In my 10 years as a member of the noblest profession in
the universe, I have encountered several influential, inspiring and fabulous people. So, today, as a
tribute, I’m going to write about them, starting off with my top three favorites”. To begin with, I did not
like my first pick. She was someone who would always, always disagree with my ideas and decisions. I
remember one time while I asked her to sign my college admission papers, she was infuriated because
of my choice because I ticked Mass Communications as my priority. It was a very long battle of verbal
argument. As expected, I did not win. Another, I came home from school sharing I would want to extract
the tooth of my lab partner without an anesthesia because he’s irresponsible and ridiculous. Instead of
letting me vent and giving me a back rub, she defended the behavior of my lab partner saying, “He must
have a bad day. You have to understand.” Precisely, she’s a devil’s advocate.

But, I have loved her. In fact, I have been playing as a devil’s advocate since college. I think it’s
important to see a situation from different perspectives. In that sense, I can think critically and make
reasonable decisions. In the academic context, I employ it as a strategy to make my students be
effective communicators, critical and creative thinkers, service-driven citizens, and reflective life-long
learners through exposing them to several relevant activities. I learned this from her, from someone I
know a devil’s advocate. However, she left me. And for once, it broke my heart. If United Kingdom has
the late Margaret Thatcher, and China has Wu Yi, I have a friend, too, an Iron Lady who is my second
choice. And, I’m lucky to have known her. Coined by Russian journalist Captain Yuri Gavrilov in 1976, the
iron metaphor is used to describe a lady who is “strong-willed”. Strongwilled, that’s a perfect word that
describes my friend. I was in grade six back then when I witnessed the misery that happened to her
family. I knew how it felt though I was still younger. Their business went bankrupt; her husband was
hospitalized fighting against death; and, she was falling downward spiral. But, she did not let go. She
stood her ground, fought back, and turned every tragedy into triumph. That’s why she’s an Iron Lady to
me. Being strong-willed and turning tragedy into triumph are lessons which I learned from my Iron Lady
friend. Had I not applied these lessons to my personal and professional life, I would have lost my sanity
and remained miserable. However, she left me. And for the second time, it broke my heart. Of course,
we all have heard the story about a university professor who sought a Japanese master for
enlightenment about his questions on Zen. The master served the professor with tea, poured the cup
full, and kept on pouring. The professor suddenly said, “It is overflowing”. The master replied, “You are
like this cup. I cannot show you Zen unless you empty your cup.”

I first learned this story from my third choice, i.e., my teacher who I used to call master. That
was supposed to be a life changing tale for me because I was very stubborn and unreceptive back then.
But, my master taught me to be more open with new perspectives and continue to seek inspirations
from other people who I can call masters, too, and to absorb and just filter later. As Bruce Lee said,
“Absorb what is useful.” Hopefully, after I have taken everything in, I will have evolved into a better
educator, just like my master and ultimately, a better creative person. I want to reach that “zen point”,
where everything is intuitive and instinctive, where teaching and I are one (like the samurai and the
sword are one), where I can see beyond what my eyes tell me as what swordsman Miyamoto Musashi
said. Yes, I am aware of the dangers of having too many masters. But mixed martial arts taught us that
we can learn different fighting styles from different masters, and eventually, evolve into a well-rounded
warrior. I guess the secret lies in keeping an open mind. I learned that from my master. So, I just make
sure that when I meet other people and listen to their stories, I go with an empty cup. Nevertheless, she
left me. Again, it broke my 21 heart. Right after I signed on my journal entry, I heard euphonous voices
of these three personalities fused into one calling my name. It was my mom. She came in to my room
with two pieces of cake each shaped with letters P and J enough to be carried by her hands. The letters
are initials of my first name- Philippe John. Planted on the edge of each cake were five tiny well-lit
candles. I stood from my post, grabbed the pieces from my mom’s shaky hands, and put them on my
desk. Then, I hugged her. It was one of the tightest hugs I had given her. And, she told me, “You’re now a
decade young teacher. Way to go, my love, and I promise I will not leave you anymore. Never.” I
couldn’t thank her more. May 15 of this year, I woke up with a happy heart. And, again. I thought to
myself, “when I reach 50 years old, 60 or beyond, I will look back to this day again and again and again.”
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
Murcia, Negros Occidental

Performance 2: Module 2 – Lesson 13
Post Assessment
Directions: Write your answers on your Communication Activity Notebook. Remember
there are no wrong answers on this activity.
1. What are the various methods in Public speaking? Explain your answer.
2. Discuss briefly the various communication strategies used to sustain a conversation.
3. Briefly explain the significance of the principles involved in delivering a speech.
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
Murcia, Negros Occidental

Performance 3: Module 3 – Lesson 14
What I Have Learned
TASK: Applying the principles presented in this module, write a speech of any type according to
your choice. Record yourself while delivering the speech you have personally written.

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
Murcia, Negros Occidental

Performance 4: Module 4 – Lesson 15
Activity 8: “Impress me by expressing yourself”
Directions: Choose one of the following speech types below. Write a speech anchored on your
choice. Your work shall be delivered in front of an audience if Face- to-Face classes are allowed--- if not,
the teacher will look for any other alternatives: Just pick one only.
 Expository or Informative Speech
 Persuasive Speech
 Entertainment Speech
General Writing Rubrics (source:
The rubrics use four 5–point scale system (20
total points). Select some or all of the topics
for assessment purposes. For example,
vocabulary may be deleted or combined with
another category.

Speaking Rubrics (source:

These rubrics use four 5-point scale system
(20 total points). Select some or all of the
topics for assessment purposes. For example,
vocabulary may be deleted or combined with
another category.

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