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Name: Md Imanur Rahman Emon

ID: 1813181642

 1. The Indus civilization was the earliest known urban culture of the
Indian subcontinent—one of the world‘s three earliest civilizations, along
with Mesopotemia and Ancient Egypth.Indus Valley Civilization is also
called Urban Civilization or Harappan civilization, the earliest
known urban culture of the Indian subcontinent. The nuclear dates of the
civilization appear to be about 2500–1700 BCE, though the southern sites
may have lasted later into the 2nd millennium BCE. The IVC was an ancient
civilization located in what is Pakistan and northwest India today, on the
fertile flood plain of the Indus River and its vicinity. Indus River the
Ghaggar-Hakra River in what is now Pakistan and North-Western India.The
Civilization covered parts of Punjab, Sind, Baluchistan, Gujarat Rajasthan
and some parts of Western UP. Nearly 1500 sites are known so far in the
sub-continent. Most of them are late Harappan, post-urban sites.The number
of sites belonging to mature phase is limited. Only a few of them are
regarded as cities.Dholavira of Gujarat shows: all three phases of Harappan
culture. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were thought to be only two cities. But
now over seventy Harappan towns have been uncovered, stretching from the
mouth of the Indus almost all the way to its northern streams, ranging from
the western Sutkagen Dor over to the Narmada River on the east. The Indus
civilization developed in the 3rd millennium BCE, making it one of the
earliest of the world‘s civilizations, and it lasted into the 2nd millennium
BCE. Harappan culture was distinguished by its system of town-planning on
the line of the greed system – that is streets and lanes cutting across one
another almost at right angles thus dividing the city into several rectangular
blocks. The Drainage system of Indus valley civilization was excellent.
Underground drainage system connecting all houses to the street drains
which were covered by stone slabs or bricks for easy cleaning. They were
equipped with manholes.And also the architecture was awesome. The large-
scale use of burnt bricks in almost all kinds of construction is an important .
The largest building in Mohenjodaro is a granary measuring 150 feet length
and 50 feet wide. The houses are generally supplied with bathrooms; and
among the most distinctive features of the large cities are the enormous
swimming-pool-sized baths surrounded by smaller chambers, perhaps for
changing clothes. The most distinctive feature of the Harappan cities were
the CITADELS, high sections of buildings surrounded by walls and
watchtowers. Around the entire city stood another thick mud-brick wall.
Citadels worked as their last resort of safety. That‘s also indicate us how
much they updated that time. Harappan cities are remarkably similar. The
general plan of the cities was the same, with the citadel separate from the
sprawl of houses and shops, and always to the west. The houses and shops,
or ―lower village‖, were organized around carefully planned street. Wheat
and barley were the main crops besides sesame, mustard, rice and cotton.
The Indus people were the first to produce cotton. Trade activities were
present. Trade links were with Mesopotamia, Afghanistan and Iran were

Own Interpretation: Indus valley civilization was called urban civilization. In that
time period we saw that how organized they are at that time . we can easily
measured their progress but in that time that was not so easy to implement . They
are quite fast in terms of that time. Their drainage system we can see that were
now we follow . Also IVC we see that they are not only dependent on hunting
animal and leading there life. We see that they deal business also produce their
own food. And their war erapon and war stretagy was excellent.

 3. Under Roman Republic system, supreme power rests in the body of citizens.
Yes do agree with it. The Roman system had three major components, which
tended to offset and balance one another. Components are: the executives, the
senate, and the assemblies. Executives were two officers: consuls, who were the
supreme civil and military magistrates; on occasion the Romans appointed a
man as ‗dictator‘ whose authority surpassed the civil and military magistrates,
but his office was limited to six months. There was also an advisory body of
elder statesmen called the Senate. Finally, there were assemblies that included
all adult male citizens. The consuls were elected annually by the Assembly of
the Centuries, which was made up of the entire army divided, in theory, into
groups of 100 men; in this assembly the wealthier citizens voted first and could
determine the result if most of them voted the same way. That also meant like
Under Roman Republic system supreme power rest in the body of citizen.
Because of in every sector of Roman republic system depends of people of that
society. The Senate was the nerve (power) center of the whole state. The word
patres (father) was often used to refer to the Senate. The Senate had factions,
often based on families that were rivals in the struggle for power. Alliances,
divorces, marriages, and adoptions could all add to the political power of the
family. The Romans established a distinction within the citizen body: the
Patricians, and the Plebeians. The patricians, a small number of clans (about
five to seven percent of the whole people), were recognized as being socially
and legally superior to the vast majority who were called plebeians.
Membership in the patrician class as based on birth, and originally only
patricians could belong to the Senate and hold office.The plebeians did win a
number of privileges in a long process called the struggle of the orders. The
plebeian‘s first victory in the struggle came in 494 B.C., when they evidently
threatened to secede from the state. They now obtained the right to elect
annually two men, called tribunes, to represent them; the number eventually
rose to ten. The laws of Licinius and Sextius also restricted, in 367 B.C., the
amount of public land that any citizen could occupy. Over the years the lower
orders could share in public land, and this legislation clearly made possible
greater prosperity among the Roman farmers. The forceful part played by the
family in Roman politics was reflected in the organization of the family itself.
The father of the family was the absolute owner of the whole family, which
included children, land, other property, animals, and slaves. The nature of the
Roman state, an organization aimed at military defense and expansion, required
a constant supply of soldiers. Therefore society designed a role for women that
would guarantee the fulfillment of motherhood.All the supreme power were rest
in the body of Roman civilization. One of the innovations of the Roman
Republic was the notion of equality under the law. In 449 B.C.E., government
leaders carved some of Rome's most important laws into 12 great tablets. The
Twelve Tables, as they came to be known, were the first Roman laws put in
writing. Although the laws were rather harsh by today's standards, they did
guarantee every citizen equal treatment under the law.

 Own Interpretation: In terms of roman civilization we can see the whole

government system was versatile. People had too much freedom on it. People
had their own opinion. People are not treat like as slave. Under Roman
Republic system, supreme power rests in the body of citizens. In term of the
roman Republic we can see that in every sector of decision making unit
governmental issue involved and also there were the value of Roman people.
Female citizen had also enough value. They were the ultimate guardian of their
children. Al though I can say that I like the way Roman empire worked valued
their own people to making the law. Now a days its rare to find that kind of

• 4. The History of India begins with the birth of the Indus Valley Civilization,
more precisely known as Harappan Civilization. The Orthodox meaning of
India The land lying beyond the Indus for a man entering the country from
the west, both the northern plains of Hindustan and the Deccan that
triangular plateau which separates the Arabian Sea from the Bay of Bengal.
Two types of people live in India that time Dravidian and Aryan. Dravidian
was the original inhabitants of India. Dravidians are the present and past
speakers of any of the Dravidian languages. There are around 245 million
native speakers of Dravidian languages. Dravidian speakers form the
majority of the population of South India. In Bengal it has blended with the
Dravidian element and produced a hybrid race in which there is a smaller
infusion of Indo-European blood. Aryan, name originally given to a people
who were said to speak an archaic Indo-European language and who were
thought to have settled in prehistoric times in ancient Iran and the northern
Indian subcontinent. The first definite date in Indian history is that of the
Macedonian descent on the Indus in 326 BC. The first Indian Empire was
founded. Chandragupta‘s dominations extended from Afghanistan to Bengal.
After Chandragupta it was Asoka who ruled India. He became a Buddhist
after observing human sufferings that took place in Kalinga war. The Veda
is not a collection of texts, but the sum of knowledge, by which one must
understand all the arts and sciences required by religious life (dharma). It
stands for four collections of hymns and formulas. The four collections are
as follows: Rig-Veda; a corpus of stanzas praising some deity; the
Samaveda, a corpus of tunes to which the hymns of the first collection are to
be sung; the Yajurveda, a corpus of sacrificial formulas in prose, mostly
later than the hymns of the Rig-Veda, and the Atharvaveda , a corpus of
magical recipes. The religious life reflected in this text is not that of
Hinduism but of an earlier sacrificial religious system, generally known as
Brahmanism or Vedism, which developed in India among Aryan invaders.
This branch of a related group of nomadic and semi-nomadic tribal peoples
originally inhabiting the steppe country of southern Russia and Central Asia
brought with them the horse and chariot and the Sanskrit language. Some of
the rituals of the Hindu wedding ceremony, notably the circumambulation of
the sacred fire and the cult of the domestic fire itself, have their roots in the
remote Indo-European past. The Indo-Iranian element in later Hinduism is
chiefly found in the initiatory ceremony performed by boys of three upper
classes , a rite both in Hinduism and in Zoroastrianism that involves the
tying of a sacred cord. Thus, the religion of the Rig-Veda contains elements
from three evolutionary strata: an early element common to most of the
Indo-European tribes; a later element held in common with the early
Iranians; and an element acquired in the Indian subcontinent itself, after the
main Aryan migration. The preservation of the blood of the race,symbolized
by the perpetuity of the domestic fire, is the fundamental idea of the Indian
family. The Dharma Sutras of Gautama declared that girls should be married
before puberty, and eventually children were married in their very early
years, long before the girl, aged about eleven or twelve, and went to live in
her husband‘s house. The Atharvaveda mentions the ancient custom of
widow-burning. The custom was never enforced, but always highly
commended. women have no right to inherit unless there are no male
descendants at all. The division of society into castes is a peculiarly Indian
phenomenon. A caste is a group of persons traditionally given up to the
same occupations. The religious life of the country, like its social life, is
nothing but the confused total of local traditions. The Aryan invaders of the
Punjab spoke anIndo-European language. Old Indian showed similarities to
Homeric Greek, Latin, and other of Europe. The Dravidian now spoken as a
living language in Southern India comprises Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and
Kanarese. India is in every respect a chaos‖. Masson-Oursel et. al (1998
[1934]), Ancient India and Indian Civilization (London: Routledge).
Because Country like Indian where many different type of people lived
there. For that reason many more time now a day we can see that people are
always fighting with different religion. Religion is a big fact for the chaos.

own interpretation: From my point of view I can say as a living person on indian
sub continent people are too much blind in terms of religious point. For that reason
we can see now Indian sub continent is devided into pieces. Country like
Bangladesh Pakistan Chine and Nepal are a big theread for Indian for there Own
reason. After finishing my requirement of knowing Indian Antient History I can
say that it was a great society before. But rest of the inida is devided and people
have no unity .

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