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Weald Rise Primary School

Rising to the challenge, striving for excellence

Robin Hood Drive

Harrow Weald
Telephone: 020 8954 4531
Headteacher: Folake Agbaniyaka
Monday 19th October 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

Keeping our school community safe

With the Covid-19 alert level in London increasing to Tier 2, I would like to take this opportunity to deliver key
health and safety messages on how to keep our school community safe. It is vital that we all work together to
keep the children safe and our school community. Everyone has a part to play and you must do your bit.

Pick/ Drop Off

 Timing –only turn up at your time slot. There is no need to be early as this creates crowds in our
grounds which doesn’t allow for social distancing. This is particularly challenging for our EYFS and Year
One parents were the waiting space is limited.
 Travel – we want to keep everyone safe. It is good to see so many families walking and scootering to
school to avoid traffic.
 Car users – Do not block driveways or leave cars running outside the school.
 Social Distancing – Keep a 2 metre distance between you and other families and please do not gather
on the school site in groups. Only one parent should be doing the drop off/ pick up.
 Face Coverings – Cases are on the rise nationally and in the borough. With this in mind and to keep
each other safe, we highly recommend you to wear a face covering at pick up and drop off times.
 Punctuality at pick up- We need parents to support us by arriving at the correct time to pick up your
child. If you are late, your child is taken to the area outside the office and it becomes increasingly
challenging to keep year group bubbles separate.
 Belongings – Children need to bring all their things into school with them. We strongly discourage
parents coming to the school office to drop off items for their child.

Our remote learning policy is now in place and ready to go (if needed). If your child needs to self- isolate,
please contact the office and we will make the necessary arrangements. It is vital that you have registered with
Seesaw or MS Teams (Y6) so that we can deliver remote learning to you.

Thank you for all your support and working with us.

Kind regards

Folake Agbaniyaka

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