Forest As Life Support System: What Is A Forest ?

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Forest as life support system

What is a forest ?
Forests are the dominance of dense, high-crowned trees that grow together with other
plants, which cover large areas of land. Trees help create a special environment, while
supporting, increasing the types of animals and plants that can exist in the forest. Trees are a very
important component of the environment. They act as regulators of the earth's air cycle, and also
give life to other living things. They clean the air, provide oxygen, maintain the presence of
water, and regulate the temperature of the earth.

The benefit of forest

Plants provide a protective canopy that reduces raindrops on the ground, thereby reducing
soil erosion. Leaves that fall around the tree can prevent runoff and allow air to seep into the
ground. The roots help hold the soil where it can prevent landslides. Dead plants turn into
humus, an organic material that holds air in and provides nutrients to the soil. Plants provide
habitat for various types of plants. Birds build their nests in tree branches, insects, and other
animals that live in various parts of plants. They produce oxygen in large quantities and contain
carbon dioxide. Forest respiration Affects humidity and relative rainfall in a place.

What are the problem of forestry ?

In the last few decades, the total area of Indonesia's forests has been reduced. The main
problem causing the reduction in the total area of forest is deforestation that continues to occur,
and the most responsible party is a wood processing company that does not comply with tree
felling regulations.
The causes that cause deforestation, fragmentation and degradation are caused by various
factors and can directly or indirectly occur. However, the most important factor related to the
decline in forest biodiversity comes from humans. Conversion of forests into agricultural land,
excessive logging, unlimited shifting cultivation, unsustainable conservation forests,
infrastructure development (eg road construction, air power development), mining and oil
exploitation. This is what causes the lack of ecosystem resilience resulting in climate change.
The solution
Ending deforestation is our best opportunity to conserve wildlife and maintain forest
biodiversity. In addition, one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to curb global is to
campaign for a future that is free of deforestation.
Companies can make policies by agreeing and implementing a "zero deforestation"
policy that regulates their supply chains. That means holding suppliers accountable for producing
commodities such as wood, beef, soybeans, palm oil and paper in a way that does not trigger
deforestation and has a minimal impact on our climate. Companies not only make this policy, but
must also follow through on this promise, and collaborate with like-minded institutions in their
sectors, asking suppliers to change the way we make changes.
The easiest way to reduce deforestation is by avoiding disposable packaging, and
choosing recycled or prepared wood products responsibly, we can all choose part of the
movement to protect the forest.

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