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Length: 7-10 minute oral presentation

Format: “Live” on Zoom or Recorded and Submitted Through Brightspace

Due Date: Week #14 (“Live” on Zoom) or Friday August 13th (Video)

Value: 15% of your final grade

ENL2019T concludes with a formal presentation of your final research report. Putting the presentation
skills that you have discussed and developed over this term (and in Communications I) to good use, you
will prepare a 7-10 minute report presentation that will outline the findings and conclusions made in
your research report.

The presentation must be highly structured, divided into clear sections, and information is to be
presented as clearly and concisely as possible. Please refer to the “Organizing and Structuring Your Final
Report Presentation” slideshow for expectations.

You will not be able to present all the information in your final report, so you will need to choose the
most important information and summarize accordingly. Presentations should start with an effective
introduction / elevator pitch (including a "hook"), and end with a conclusion and a recommendation.

There are two delivery options for the final presentation: “Live” on Zoom during a mutually-
convenient time in Week #14, or a video uploaded to Brightspace by 11:59 PM on Friday August 13th.
Here is a description of both options:

Option 1: “Live” Zoom Presentation to Jordan

- If you decide you want to do this option, you must email me ( by
Wednesday August 4th at 9:00 AM or you will default to the video option (#2).

- Create a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation length is between 7 and 10 minutes, so 10-20
slides will be sufficient.

- Content: re-frame your problem-based proposal/ feasibility report and deliver it to the intended
audience and persuade them to adopt the product, service, or idea you are proposing.

- The presentation will be delivered to Jordan on Zoom at a mutually-convenient time during Week
#14. We will discuss a date and time once you have informed that this is the option you would
like to pursue.

- Please review the slideshow entitled “Organizing and Structuring Your Final Report Presentation”
in the Week #10 Checklist. There is an example embedded within the presentation that will help
you create your own presentation.

- Each member of the group MUST participate in the delivery of the presentation.

- Your presentation must have a clear structure.

- You must incorporate visuals to make the presentation easy-to-follow.

- Think about creating an easy-to-understand system of cues and headings.

- Please submit the Presentation Slideshow to Brightspace at least 30 minutes before your

- If you decide you want to do this option, you must email me ( by
Wednesday August 4th at 9:00 AM or you will default to the video option (#2).

Option 2: Submit Video

- Deliver the presentation in the form of a video.

- Each member of the group MUST participate in the presentation video. I must hear all group
members speak.

- Please upload the final result to Brightspace. If it is too large to be uploaded, please upload it to
YouTube as an “unlisted” video, then send me the link.

- I am not expecting a Hollywood blockbuster. Here are the baseline requirements:

o You need to create a PowerPoint Presentation.
o The video length is between 7 and 10 minutes, so 10-20 slides will be sufficient.
o Content: re-frame your problem-based proposal/ feasibility report and deliver it to the
intended audience and persuade them to adopt the product, service, or idea you are
o Please review the slideshow entitled “Organizing and Structuring Your Final Report
Presentation” in the Week #10 Checklist. There is an example embedded within the
presentation that will help you create your own presentation.
o The video must have audio connected to it; I do not have to see your face(s) during the
o You can choose the the tool you want to use to create the presentation (e.g., Zoom,
Camtasia, Captivate, etc....whatever works...all I care about is the result)

- The video is due Friday, August 13th by 11:59 PM

Important Note Regarding Presentation Visuals:

Regardless of the presentation method (“Live” on Zoom or video upload), visuals are a key part of this
presentation. PowerPoint slides work well, and are recommended. It is also acceptable to include a short
embedded video in your presentation, provided that it is no longer than 1 or 2 minutes in length.

Any visuals, data, quotations, etc. that you include in your presentation MUST be accompanied by a
Reference List with proper IEEE citations. This list needs to be presented as either a slide at the end of an
electronic presentation, or as a list that you upload with your presentation video (video submission) or
presentation visuals (“Live” on Zoom option).
Your Presentation will be marked using the following rubric.


Includes an effective introduction (hook statement / elevator pitch) 2

Includes an effective conclusion (summary and action) 2

Clear explanation of material 2

Complete report summarized effectively 3

Presentation of material is logical 2

Material is structured according to guidelines (see the “Organizing and Structuring
Your Final Presentation” Slideshow – Week #10)
Research incorporated well 3

Clear and effective use of visuals 8

Voicing (volume, rate, pausing, pitch, articulation) 8

Timing (7-10 minutes) 3

Natural Speaking / Minimal Reading 3

Effective Use of Presentation Technology 4



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