Manzanar Session of The Inyo County

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• tJd 1. 194}
M n nz a n n r • • Pr o gr a m

Time •• •• Event .• . ·. Plc co • •

12: 30 ? onn luncheon Hi gh Scheel St udy Hnll ·

2:00 Vnric t y Pr0gr nm Buildi ng 7- 1 5

R::und To ble Rep.-.rt Building 7-15

en M,".nznne.r Schc.o l s
In years to come , when the war is 3 : 30 Ccndu ct cd Tcur
ove r . and peace has returne d to t he world,
people may s ay to you, "What was Manzanar ? "
Then I hope you may say that Manzanar was a
war~time city t hat sprang up trom the sands * * **
of t he dese rt or Inyo and r e turne d to des e rt
with t he end or the war. It was t he large st
c i t y be tween Los Angel es and tleno. It was a I.
city se rving a wa r - tine purpose where people
lived in peace and good vrill, whor e the re was A. Pro..Schuol l!;ducr:tion 1- 1 4
a s chool system that t a ught young citizens the Tho M.c.nznnr.r Pre-Schoe l prcgr run orr or s Nurse ry
ideal s or JJ.mori • an citizenship, whe r e schools ru1d Ki ndcrgc rtcn troini ng fo r 3 70 c hildr en be-
we re of as hi gh a r ank as other Californi a t ween t he ages or 2- 5 yenr s . 22 evncuee ,
schools, and wher e · stude nts dedica ted t heir t onchers e r e under tra i ning c.nd supervis i •:·n
f uture lives to t he Mroe ricrui way of living . er G nG Cc.uccs i f:n supervisor •
B. El cment cr y Sche-ols 3- 15
from the Senior Closs Dinner 805 ·ch ildr en i n gr ndes 1- 6 a ttend school i n 22
.Address by: clnssrcoms under the dire ct i on of: 22 Cqu cnsic.n
t cc.chcrs ond supe rvis ors ond 6 ·tra i ncd ovn cuc c
t onchor s .
rlD.lph P . 1'ie~itt C. Hi gh School
Pr oject Dir e ctor Tho six- yec.r hi gh school hns an_ enrollment or
j 986 beys and girls rth c l'.r e t nught by r-. r nculty
or 40 tcc.chers . Tho h i gh s choo l v:ns r e cently
c.ccrodi t e d by the ·euU ol'U:Al Sta.t ·~ 1'l::parW8nt
or ~uca t1on.
Ii. Adult Education
Under the direction <.f one cppointed staf'f mem-
be r -0. r o.culty or qualit'ied cYocuee teachers hrui
The Guayulo .Experimental Station a t Manza nar
. f1
been deYcloped for tle ..t.dul t. .t.ducat.ipn program. I • was orgunized under the direction or Dr. Robert
1896 adults in Man.zanar are taking advantage of
the extensive program offered.
.l 4norson or Calli' orn.ia Institute or Techno_logy •
\1ork in propagation of Guayule plants and ex-
tra.ct~on of rubber content has been ce rried on
E. Museum by expert eva cuee scientists. !our scientific
This is a very popul.air center where rrequent publications on guayule work done here are now
exhibits give the pec.ple or the community an near C6mplet1on.
opportunity for valu£ble cultural and educa•
tional. experiences. IV. MUSIC HALL 24-15

II. Th"DU.:3T.J:il.AL DlVI;:;J.ON , This musicol orgnnizotion is under the

· (;lireetion <?f n mnnager end 9 evacuee tea chers.
The various sections or the Industrial Divi- All types or · ll)U.Sic lessons and P.n opportunity
sion orrer an OJ>pOrtuni ty ror vocational training to participc t e in five diff e rent types or mu-
in several . different fields of work. sicnl ensembles n re offered to the members.

A. Clothing Factory v. CHILDREN'S 'VILL&GE

The clothing fac~cy makes all types or clothes
which are sold to the citizens or the comnunity The Children's is n home ror 68
through the cooperative stores. Unir onns ror dependent children. Their ngcs rnnge r r om
hospital personnel are made and distributed to rour months to 15 ye:::rs. Mr. rnd Mrs. Hurry
all ten relocalion cent~rs. Matsumoto, whc ecim.c rrom tho Jcpnnese Children's
Homo, a Protestant org('.llizetion in I.cs Angeles,
E. Woddcraf t 0hop . . a re 1n charge of the institution. None oe the
....:11 types ..,f vff ice furniture including exec- other relocation centers has an orphanage. Thus,
utive · desks, secretary desks, chairs, r iling Manzanar receives all the dependent children or
cabine ts, and tables are made in this shop. Jap~ese ancestry.

c. Signs and Pa int .::iho:p Vl. HOSPITAL

This shop specializes in tinishing new rur-
niture and designing and painting.signs ror The hospital is directed by Dr. Morse Little
the entire comrmmity. who has three evacuee doctors assisting him.
Because or the crowdei ba1Tack conditions~ pub-
lic heal th work is very iraportant.. Ove~ ~000
D. - l ood Processing out-patient ca ses are seen monthly. !ourteen
:his factory_presenes all ~rplus vegetables nurse's aides and fifteen. orderlies a~e re-
} ro~ .the Pl'O.J ~et -f'a.rms ror winter use in the ceiving hospital training.
mess hulls.
VI I . VICTORY GARDENS movfes r r ee of charge. It also underwrites a po r-
t i on or the printing cost of the Manzanar ! ree Proa,s, a
The smoll gnrd€ns- inside the ce nter or e ·
owned end ~orked by the individua ls or the j bi - weekly publication or t he center. · During the
communi ty . Great pride is t oken 1n producing 1 lj r i r st, year or oper ation t hese stores register ed ~ .
fine vegeta bles ond beautiful t'lowe r s . I , gross sales or approxi matel y seven hundred thousand
doll ars .
Net earnings a r e returned to its consumer mem-
The Ivianzanc.r l a rms unde r 'the supervis i on bers quar ter ly i n the ~onn or patronage rer unds
of 1'11r • .rlobort :tv1cConnell plc-.y v. vitn l pnrt in after author ized expenses have been deducted .
producing r.' ood t ur -the r esidents or the commu-
nity • .clJ.l va ri eties ·oe vegetabl es are planted Member ship in t he Cooper ative is open to any-
within its turee _µunar ed.twenty-t"ive acres. Up ~o one who has attained t he age of sixteen . The pr es - .
th6 present t ime over 600 t ons of veget e blc s ent pai d-up membershi p number s 6630 pe rsons.
hove beon prqdui e d . It is nnticipnt ed _tha t
over 2000 t e,ns of pr oduce will be hc:rveste d
by the end of the p1ese nt s eason . With the
nddi tion of the poultry £' onn n.nd hog f nrro
which a r e now being devcl0ped it is hoped
t he. t Mc nza nnr will t e come increasingly s elf -
sus t nining . 00 WU .KIDW THAT'?

., .. .. M.J;.NZA&R COGPERATIVE i!NTERPRIS.ES , INC • l. The monthl y s alaries pa id to the employed

eva• uees ore: ~19 . 00 to professiona ls, such
. 1.'h c Ms1nzc.n~r Coope r a tive f ounde d e n .tiO ch- as doctor s , dentists , t eachers or supervisor s;
d~io principles i s eva cuee-owned nnd evncuec- ~16 .00 to cl erks , stenographers 2nd ski lled
opc r nt cd . Its p.rimc ry purpose i s " t c, suppl ement wo r ker s; ~12. 00 to a ppre ntice or unskill ed
t hE; me:int 0nc:.nce pr ov i ded the OVC: CUcl OS by tho wor ker s . ' vfor Hel oco.tion .ar oo. with the be st poss i -
bl c q.i o.l i ty er goods :md se rvi ces needed by the 2. 65% or ~lenzonor' s popul a tion a r e .Amer ican
mt.:mbers u t t he h .west pe, ssible co st." citizens .
The s t ur cs ond s 0rviccs e,f tho CuGpc r ntive
3. 244 boys .of Japanese ancestry from Manzanar
includo:n cun toen, dry go~ds 5tor c , l aundry depo t, or o servi ng · i n t he Army. lrom this grolJ.l-',
spc rt'ing go,..ds, phot 0 ;tudi o , nr tit'icinl [' l ower- 1
22 a r e s e rving •in the Anny or Nti.ry I ntelligence,
m~k i ng depc.rtment , Ehpe repa ir shop , che ck cc shi,g f.
and mvney ;_, rder depc rtmont , Hatch r epa i r service, J
4._ The re are 525 boys on seasonal l enve to hol p
bc rber e.nd beauty pc rl-:;rs . It mninto~I)s an :,ut - harvest orops •
dc.t r thee tre v,hich I r ovides the r esidents weekly
5. \fAC r e cently recruite d s ev e r a l n ise i girls
r rom Manzanar?
6. The re nre ove r 20,000 people of J a panese
t1 ncestry not on t he wost coast who hc ve
n0ver bet:n pl .::ce d in r el o ca tion C0nters?

?• Tho 8ve rage ogc or t h.; me.l e , .lion i s c.bcut

62 y ccrs . Th0 pcc.k ego er t ll.;ir ch ildre n
r r.lls n t 20 yen rs. 'l'her e i s £"J.mos t no .
middlo- nge group in our populc tion?

8. Tho J ~pnnc s e ~opul~tion in this co untry

de cree.s od 8 . 6,o_, duri ng the yo, .rs ol 1930-
~. unly 15/; of J c s o~ ;.crico.n citizens boon rog istc r od by t heir p nr c nts
fer dut:l ai tizensh ip?

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