Sedimentary Characteristics of Calciturbidites: January 2017

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Sedimentary Characteristics of Calciturbidites

Presentation · January 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31021.69608


0 1,198

2 authors:

Basiru Mohammed Kore Murat Gül

Mugla Üniversitesi Mugla Üniversitesi


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Presentation on Sedimentary
Characteristics of Calciturbidites

Aim and objectıves
What are calciturbidites?
What are turbidity current?
Formation of turbidity current
Formation of calciturbidites
Depositional environment
Features of marine envireonmet
Sedimentary structures in Calciturbidites (Bouma Sequence)
Classification of calciturbidites based on grain size
Economic importance
 The name calciturbidite is derived from its characteristic of being opaque
mixtures of calcareous sediment and water (turbid) and not the turbulent
Calciturbidites are sediments which are transported and deposited in
sedimentary basins by density flow (turbidity currents).
 Turbidity Currents are gravity flows in which the sediment is supported by
upward turbulence of the fluid within the flow.
 They are triggered by gravity.
 The mass of suspended sediment is denser than water.
 Typically produces normal graded bedding.
 The aim is to understand how turbidites develop and why they are

 To understand the impact of turbidity currents in the formation of
 To outline the economic importance of calciturbidites
What are calci-turbidites?
 Calciturbidıtes are calcium
rich deposits resulting from
turbidity currents
 They are deposited when the
current loses its energy
 Turbidites in general were first
described by Arnold H. Bouma
(1962) while studying
deepwater sedimentation
 They host important
economic resources like

Calcareous turbidites, Hawasina, Cretaceous, Oman

What are Turbidity currents?
 Turbidity currents are fast
flowing current driven
downslope by their high
density from suspended

 They are mainly active in

areas with seismic
instability and under water

 They aid deposition of

sediments to form a graded
bed Arnold H. Bouma, charles G. Stone,ed (2000)
Formation of turbidity currents
They are
caused by
1. Earthquakes
2. Slope failure
3. Landslides
4. Major storms

Lower, D.R. 1982 sediment gravity flows:

Formation of calciturbidites
 On the edges of the continental shelves
tilting down into deeper waters,
sediments are formed
 Submarine landslides develop along
the slope carrying the sediments into
deeper water, mixing with seawater as it
goes to form what is called a turbidity
 The sediments gradually settle out of
the turbidity current onto the deeper
ocean floor (abyssal plain) in a graded Weimer, P. And link M.H
 This graded deposit becomes a rock
known as a turbidite but if rich in calcium,
it is termed a calci-turbidite.
 Calciturbidites are usually deposited in deep oceans.

 Deep oceans are the largest areas of sediment accumulation on Earth.

 The ocean basins are bordered by continental margins that are important
areas of terrigenous clastic and carbonate deposition.

 Sediment supplied to the ocean basins may be transformed from the

shallow marine shelf areas, or is supplied directly from river and delta

 Marine environments include reefs, the continental shelf, slope, rise, and
abyssal plain
Features of marine environment
 Continental

 Reef

 Slope

 Abyssal fan
Sedimentary structures in Calci-turbidites
 The sequence that
specifically describes the
ideal vertical succession of
structures deposited by
turbidity currents that
progressively lose energy
is known as Bouma

 Bouma sequence is
deposited during waning
flow as turbidity currents Walker, R.G 1987,
move downslope, flows
lose energy as they react
to changes in the slope of
the surface
 The sequence is divided into 5
distinct strategraphic layers (A-E)

 Each layer describes a specific

set of sedimentary structures
and a specific lithology with a
fining-upward sequence

Arnold H. Bouma, charles G. Stone,ed (2000)

Field observation of Bouma sequence

Arnold H. Bouma, charles G. Stone,ed (2000)

Classification of calciturbidites based on grain size

 Sandy calciturbidites They are

composed of
medium grained
sandstone and

Volcanogenic Calcarenite

Pettingill, H,S (1999)

 Silt and mud calciturbidite

Very thin-
bedded siltstone
and mudstone

Pinterest, 2015
 Biogenic calciturbidite

Made up of
variable bedded
muddy and
biogenic deposits

Ainsa Basin, southern foreland of the Pyrenees

Specific classification terminologies
 Based on grain size, calciturbites could be described as:

Calcirudites Gravel size ˃ 2mm

Sand size 2-0.063 mm
s sandstone)

Silt, clay size ˂ 0.063

Calcilutites mm
Economic importance of calciturbidites
 Calciturbidites can provide the tectonic and depositional history of ancient
sedimentary sequences

 They provide evidence for occurrence of landslides and earthquakes

 They are hosts of lode gold deposits e.g. Victoria in Australia

 Lithified accumulations of calciturbidites may become reservoirs for

Calciturbidites in Hydrocarbon (Liquid and
natural gas) exploration
 About 80% of the
deep water resources
are associated with

 Calciturbidites
contain large reserves
compared to reserves
found in shallow
Occurrence in the world
 Calciturbidite deposits
are found in many parts
of the world such as;
California Basins, North
Sea Basin, Brazil
(Campos Basin), Gulf of
Mexico, West Africa
(Angola, Gabon, Congo,
Nigeria) and recently in
NW Australia and Turkey
In Turkey calciturbidites have been discovered and studied in Mudurnu,
Kumluca and Akdağ in the northern part of the country

 Some deposits have recently been discovered in the SW part within the
Muğla province
 Calciturbidites are opaque mixtures of calcareous sediment and water
(turbid) transported and deposited in deep sedimentary basins by turbidity
 Turbidity Currents are gravity flows in which the sediment is supported by
upward turbulence of the fluid within the flow.
 The Bouma sequence is used to characterize a turbiditic succession
 Calci-turbidites are host to many resources such as hydrocarbon and gold
 Calci-turbidites can help understand the tectonic and depositional history
of an ancient sedimentary basin
 Murat G.(2015) Occurance of chert in jurassic-cretaceous calciturbidite (SW TURKEY) open
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 John J.G. reijmer, pauline palmieri, Ralph Greon, Marc Floquet. Calciturbidites and calcidebrites:
sea level variations or tectonic processes.(Bahamas) sedimentary geology. v 317, pp53-70
 J.J.G Reimer, T. Mulder, J. Borgomano. (2015) Carbonate slopes and gravity deposits. Sedimentary
 Bouma anold H, (1962) Sedimentology of some flych deposits, A grahic approach to facies
interpretation. Elseveier p. 168p
 Anold H. Bouma, charles G. Stone, ED. (2000) fine-grain tubidite systems. American association of
petroleum geologist.
 S.A lamas, P. Joseph, ed. (2004) confined turbidite system, geological society of london.
 Lowe. D.R (1982) sedimentary gravity flows: ll. Depositional models with special reference to the
deposita of high density turbidity currents,( journal of sedimentology society of economic
paleontologist and minerologist, v.52 p279-297

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