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A meeting is an encounter between a person at a place that is arranged at a time and

discusses common interests.A business meeting is two or more people in one place to discuss
important matters related to business goals.

A businessman is often busy with work that also often demands face-to-face meetings in
various locations. Thus, the existence of virtual communication has changed the way a person
conducts a business meeting. A businessman no longer needs to rush from one city to another
to have a face-to-face meeting. In fact, in some ways virtual communication or video
conferencing is another way that digital technology has enhanced the functioning of a business.
Face-to-face meetings will build trust for both parties. You will understand the tone of
voice, how to dress, to the strength of your business partner's handshake well. This will
make it easier for you to decide whether to trust the person or not. Through face-to-face
meetings, business agreements, planning to execution of a business running more

Opinion gathering, exchange of ideas, to the division of specific tasks will run smoothly,
with face-to-face meetings it will definitely provide convenience thandiscussions online
that are prone to bad internet connections, misunderstandings with accents, or certain
vocabulary that is rarely heard by business associates. , moreover communication is done
via email, chat, or Skype. In other words, if a business partner is directly in front of you,
then both parties will hear clearly and can directly ask for clarification if something is not
understood. Responding to business associates' questions will also build trust for a
successful business relationship.

Some reasons why we should hold a business meeting

1.    Build trust

2.    Reveal yourself

3.    Non-verbal communication

4.    Build good relationships

5.    Increase productivity

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