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of Pages : 2 QP Code : 152772

Roll No.
(To be filled in by the Candidate)


Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100
1. Answer any TEN questions in Group A. Each question carries three marks.
2. Answer ALL questions either (a) subdivision or (b) subdivision in Group B. Each
question carries 14 marks.

GROUP – A Marks: 10 x 3 = 30

1. What are the advantages of stationary armature?

2. Write down the equation for voltage regulation, pitch factor and distribution factor.
3. List the applications of alternator.
4. What are the starting methods of synchronous motor?
5. Draw the V – curve and inverted venue of a synchronous motor.
6. State the applications of synchronous motor.
7. Compare squirrel cage and slip ring induction motor.
8. Define slip and slip frequency.
9. Draw the wiring diagram of DOL starter for induction motor.
10. Why is a single phase induction motor is not self starting?
11. Draw capacitor start and capacitor run motor.
12. What are the applications of single phase induction motor?
13. How many steps per revolution for a three phase four pole stepper motor.
14. Write a short note on induction generator.
15. What are the applications of AC servo motor?

GROUP – B Marks: 5 x 14 = 70

16. a) i) Derive the EMF equation of an alternator. (7)

ii) Describe the synchronizing of two, three phase alternators by dark lamp method.
b) i) Explain the methods adopted to obtain sine wave shape of emf induced in the
alternator. (7)
ii) Explain any one method to determine the regulation of an alternator. (7)

17. a) i) Explain the construction and working principle of a synchronous motor. (7)
ii) Explain any one cooling method for a synchronous machine. (7)
b) i) With a neat sketch explain any one starting method of synchronous motor. (7)
ii) Explain the effect of change in excitation of the synchronous motor. (7)

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No. of Pages : 2 QP Code : 152772

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18. a) i) With neat diagram explain the rotating magnetic field of a three phase induction
motor. (7)
ii) Draw and explain star delta starter. (7)
b) i) Draw and explain speed torque performance characteristics of induction motor.
ii) Explain any one method of speed control of an induction motor. (7)

19. a) i) Explain the operation of a single phase split phase type induction motor. (7)
ii) Explain the principle of operation of AC series motor. (7)
b) i) Explain the construction and operation of a shaded pole motor. (7)
ii) Explain the principle of operation of a capacitor run motor. (7)

20. a) i) Explain the operation of an AC servo motor. (7)

ii) Explain the principle of operation of Tacho generator. (7)
b) i) Briefly explain the operation of an AC stepper motor. (7)
ii) Write a short notes on linear induction motor. (7)

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