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NAME: Letícia de Meneses Carlos. CLASS: 2004

01. Leia o texto.

Artist Peter Fuller talks about his hobby

There’s a popular idea that artists are not supposed to be into sport, but mountain
biking is a huge part of my life. It gets me out of my studio, and into the countryside.
But more importantly, Racing along as fast as you can leaves you no time to worry
about anything that’s going on in your life. You’re too busy concentrating on not
crashing. The only things you pay attention to are the pain in your legs and the rocks
on the path in front of you.
I’m in my sixties now, but I started cycling when I was a kid. In the summer my friends
and I would ride our bikes into the woods and see who was brave enough to go down
steep hills, or do big jumps. The bikes we had then weren’t built for that, and often
broke, so I used to draw pictures of bikes with big thick tyres that would be strong
enough for what we were doing. They looked just like modern mountain bikes.
However, it wasn’t until many years later that someone actually invented one. By the
1980s, they were everywhere.
At that time I was into skateboarding. I did that for a decade until falling off on to hard
surfaces started to hurt too much. Mountain biking seemed a fairly safe way to keep fit,
so I took that up instead. I made a lot of friends, and got involved in racing, which gave
me a reason to train hard. I wanted to find out just how fit and fast I could get, which
turned out to be fairly quick. I even won a couple of local races.
In the end I stopped racing, mainly because I knew what it could mean to my career if I
had a bad crash. But I still like to do a three-hour mountain bike ride every week. And if
I’m out cycling in the hills and see a rider ahead, I have to beat them to the top. As I go
past I imagine how surprised they would be if they knew how old I am

02. Traduza os trechos do texto abaixo:

a) There’s a popular idea that artists are not supposed to be into sport, but mountain
biking is a huge part of my life.

Existe uma ideia popular de que os artistas não deveriam gostar de

esportes, mas o bicicleta de montanha

é uma grande parte da minha vida.
b) Racing along as fast as you can leaves you no time to worry about anything that’s
going on in your life. You’re too busy concentrating on not crashing.

Correr o mais rápido possível não deixa você sem tempo para se
preocupar com nada que está acontecendo em sua vida. Você está muito
ocupado se concentrando em não travar.

c) In the summer my friends and I would ride our bikes into the woods and see who
was brave enough to go down steep hills, or do big jumps.

No verão, meus amigos e eu íamos para a floresta em nossas bicicletas

para ver quem era corajoso o suficiente para descer colinas íngremes ou
dar grandes saltos.

d) Mountain biking seemed a fairly safe way to keep fit, so I took that up instead. I
made a lot of friends, and got involved in racing, which gave me a reason to train hard.
I wanted to find out just how fit and fast I could get, which turned out to be fairly quick.
O mountain bike parecia uma maneira bastante segura de manter a forma,
então optei por ela. Fiz muitos amigos e me envolvi nas corridas, o que me
deu um motivo para treinar forte. Eu queria descobrir o quão rápido e em
forma eu poderia ficar, o que acabou sendo bastante rápido.

e) In the end I stopped racing, mainly because I knew what it could mean to my career
if I had a bad crash. But I still like to do a three-hour mountain bike ride every week

No final, parei de correr, principalmente porque sabia o que poderia

significar para a minha carreira se eu tivesse uma queda forte. Mas
eu ainda gosto de fazer um passeio de mountain bike de três horas
todas as semanas

03. Assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto.

1. Peter enjoys mountain biking because
A It gives him the opportunity to enjoy the views.
B he can use the time to plan his work.
C he is able to stop thinking about his problems.
D it helps him to concentrate better.

2. What does Peter say about cycling during his childhood?

But I started cycling when I was a kid. In the summer my friends and I would ride
our bikes into the woods and see who was brave enough to go down steep hills,
or do big jumps. The bikes we had then weren’t built for that, and often broke.
A He is sorry he didn’t take more care of his bike.
B His friends always had better quality bikes than he did.
C His bike wasn’t suitable for the activities he was doing.
D He was more interested in designing bikes than riding them.

3. Peter says he returned to cycling after several years

A because he had become unfit.
B so that he could enter races.
C in order to meet new people.
D to replace an activity he had given up.

4. How does Peter feel about cycling now?

A. He is proud that he is still so fast.

B He is keen to do less now that he is older.
C He regrets the fact that he can no longer compete.
D He wishes more people were involved in the sport.

Read and choose the correct answer:

The man with the most world records
Ashrita Furman is a record-breaking record-breaker: He has set more records than
anyone else in the world! In the last 40 years, he has established more than 600
As a child, Ashrita loved reading the Guinness Book of World Records. He wanted to
be in it too. But he thought people had to be good at sports to be in the book. He
wasn’t a good athlete. He felt his dream would never come true.
But later in life, Ashrita learned meditation, and with this, he learned that nothing is
impossible. He tested this idea in 1978 by entering a 24-hour bike race in New York.
Without any training, Ashrita came third! After that, he started thinking about breaking
records again.
First, he tried to break the record for the most jumping jacks. He failed at first, but,
remembering that ‘anything is possible’, he trained, meditated and tried again. This
time, he did 27,000 jumping jacks in 6 hours 45 minutes and became the new record
holder. His achievement appeared in the 1980 Guinness Book of Records.
Today, Ashrita has a long list of records, including: walking the furthest distance with a
bike on his chin, cycling the longest distance with a bottle on his head and lighting the
most candles on a birthday cake. He says: “I choose ideas which are challenging, fun
and childish! I enjoy practising and seeing my progress. ”
He says his favourite record was “the longest distance on a pogo stick”. While he was
on holiday in Japan, he saw Mount Fuji and thought it was beautiful, so he decided to
try to break a record there. He did 11.5 miles. The most difficult record was “the most
forward rolls”. In 10 hours, 30 minutes, he did 8,341 of them, travelling 12 miles!
If you want to break a world record too, Ashrita gives this advice. “Choose something
you enjoy because you will need to practise. And don’t give up. Your mind will tell you
that something is impossible, but it isn’t. If someone else has done something, and you
work hard, you can do it too!

5. When Ashrita was a child, he...

a.was good at sports.
b.dreamed of being in the Guinness Book of Records.
c.achieved his first world record.
d.met a record-breaking athlete.

6. When he was a child, he thought that... day he would achieve his dream.

b.everything is possible.
c.only good athletes could break records.
d.he would become a good athlete one day.

7. When Ashrita did the 24-hour bike race, he learned

that... is important.

b.breaking records is easy.

c.anything is possible.
d.meditation is unnecessary.

8. Which activity did Ashrita do for his first world record?


c.jumping jacks
d.using a pogo stick

9. Which of these sentences is NOT true about


a.He failed his first record-breaking attempt.

b.His record-breaking activities are childish.

c.In one record, he carried a bottle on his head while


d.He doesn’t enjoy training for records.

10. Which of these sentences is NOT true about


a.He failed his first record-breaking attempt.

b.His record-breaking activities are childish.

c.In one record, he carried a bottle on his head while

d.He doesn’t enjoy training for records.

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