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Name:- Varun Tirthani SRN:- PES1201802027

Week No:-3 Date:- 23/09/2020

Name Of The Experiment:- Understanding Working Of HTTP Headers

TASK 1:- Password Authentication

Installation Of Packages

Creating username and password

Here the username is varuncn and the password is varuncnlab

Enabling Authentication In Apache2 Configuration Files

Authentication Required Prompt From Browser On Accessing localhost

localhost on successful authentication

NOTE: The key symbol on the top left of the screen near address tab indicates that the site is
password protected.
Wireshark Capture

The first GET request results in HTTP 401 Unauthorized response.

On entering the correct credentials, HTTP 200 OK response is received.

TCP Stream Of the 2nd GET Request (After Successful Authentication)


Screenshot of abc.php
php file to be displayed

Wireshark Capture
TCP Stream Of HTTP Request-Response
NOTE: As is observed in the 13th and 14th line, cookie is set.
Base64 encoding is used to convert binary data into a text-like format that allows it to be
transported in environments that can handle only text safely. Their applications include
encoding unique ID's for use in HTTP URL's, encoding encryption keys and certificates to
make them safely portable through e-mail amongst many others.

Base64 encoding takes the original data of 3 bytes(24 bits in total) and divides these in packets
of 6 bits each. These 4 new tokens are compiled and then their equivalent from the base64 table
(corresponding to characters from 0-63) is taken and this is how conversion into four printable
characters from the ASCII standard is completed.

For the decoding of Base64 to ASCII, the reverse procedure is applied, i.e. bits of length 24
are divided into 3 tokens of 8 each and the ASCII table is referred for the same.

The encoded message is dmFydW5jbjp2YXJ1bmNubGFi

Group of 4 Base64 Table Converting To Bits ASCII Table

dmFy 29 38 5 50 011101100110000101110010 118 97 114 = var
dW5j 29 22 57 35 011101010110111001100011 117 110 99 = unc
bjp2 27 35 41 54 011011100011101001110110 110 58 118 = n:v
YXJ1 24 23 9 53 011000010111001001110101 97 114 117 = aru
bmNu 27 38 13 46 011011100110001101101110 110 99 110 = ncn
bGFi 27 6 5 34 011011000110000101100010 108 97 98 = lab
Thus the decoded text is varuncn:varuncnlab, i.e. (Username: Password)

Screenshot Of Online Base64 Decoder(

The cookies set in the php file are setcookie(“namecookie”,”netqwerty”,time()+123)
and setcookie(“nickname”, “work”)
The syntax for setcookie() method in PHP is :-
setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain, secure, httponly);
• name parameter is required. It specifies the name of the cookie
• value parameter is optional. It specifies the value of the name of that cookie.
• expire parameter is optional. Given value is time()+123 which indicates that it
will expire after 123 seconds. If set to 0, it means that it will expire at the end of
the session. Default value is 0.
• path parameter specifies server path of the cookie. It is an optional parameter. If
set to “/” it will be available within entire domain. If set to “/php/”, it will be
available within php directory. Default value is “/”.
• domain parameter specifies domain name of cookie. It is also an optional
• secure parameter, which is optional, specifies whether the cookie should be
transmitted over a secure HTTP connection only or not. TRUE indicates the
cookie will be sent only if secure connection and FALSE means that it is sent
even in case of unsecure connection. Default value is FALSE.
• httponly parameter is an optional parameter that if given value TRUE the cookie
will be accessible only through HTTP Protocol and not by scripting
languages. Default value is FALSE.
A) Task Mentioned In The Manual
TCP Stream Of HTTP Request-Response

1) If-Modified-Since was not mentioned in the 1st Request TCP Stream but was
mentioned in the 2nd Request TCP Stream.
2) The server implicitly responded the contents of the file. This can be observed by
the fact that only HTTP Headers are present in the TCP stream of the entire
Request-Response Mechanism whereas the body is blank.
3) Yes, as mentioned previously, in the 2nd HTTP GET Request, the If-Modified-
Since header is present and is followed by the time stamp of when the content in
the first response fetched from the server was last modified.
4) HTTP 304 Not Modified is returned by the server. Content is returned
implicitly(if any).
B) Using Single Image On Server and Not Deleting Cache In Between(EXTRA)

TCP Stream of 1st HTTP GET Request

TCP Stream of 2nd HTTP GET Request (Includes If-Modified-Since)
1) If-Modified-Since was not mentioned in the 1st Request TCP Stream but was
mentioned in the 2nd Request TCP Stream.
2) The server explicitly responded the contents of the file. This can be observed by
the fact that along with the HTTP Headers the body content is also present in the
TCP Stream.
3) Yes, as mentioned previously, in the 2nd HTTP GET Request, the If-Modified-
Since header is present and is followed by the time stamp of when the content in
the first response fetched from the server was last modified.
4) HTTP 304 Not Modified is returned by the server. Content is returned
explicitly(if any).
C) Initially using one image and then inserting another in the php file without
deleting cache (EXTRA)

1st Request TCP Stream

2nd Request TCP Stream

1) If-Modified-Since was neither mentioned in the 1st Request TCP Stream nor in
the 2nd Request TCP Stream.
2) The server explicitly responded the contents of the file. This can be observed by
the fact that along with the HTTP Headers the body content is also present in the
TCP Stream.
3) There was no such If-Modified-Since Header as the contents of the file were
changed midway without clearing the cache.
4) HTTP 200 OK is returned by the server. Content is returned explicitly. Even the
initial image was sent again along with the new image to the client as there was a
modification in the php file.

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