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Weekly Address: Energy Security Can Only

Come If We Invest in Cleaner Fuels and

Greater Efficiency
WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama discussed his strategy to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil and secure our nation’s energy future.  When the President was
elected, America imported eleven million barrels of oil a day.  This week he announced a bold,
but achievable goal of cutting this number by one-third by 2025.
To achieve this goal we will increase responsible domestic oil and gas development in the short
term, while also increasing efficiency and harnessing new technologies including biofuels,
natural gas, and advanced batteries.  And through the Clean Fleets Partnership, large companies,
such as UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo, will help boost the market for clean fuels by
switching their fleets over to electric and alternative vehicles.
The audio of the address is and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, April 2, 2011.

Remarks of President Barack Obama

As Prepared for Delivery
Landover, Maryland
April 2, 2011

Hello, everybody.  I’m speaking to you today from a UPS customer center in Landover,
Maryland, where I came to talk about an issue that’s affecting families and businesses just like
this one – the rising price of gas, and what we can do as a country to reduce our dependence on
foreign oil.
This week, I released a Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.  It’s a strategy to reduce the oil we
import from around the world, and to make our economy stronger at home.  Part of this strategy
involves increasing our oil exploration right here in America.  In fact, our oil production last year
reached its highest level since 2003, and we want to encourage more safe, responsible drilling
where we can.
But the truth is, drilling alone is not a real strategy to replace our dependence on foreign oil. 
And that’s because even though America uses 25 percent of the world’s oil, we currently have
only about 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves.  Even if we used every last drop of all the oil we
have, it wouldn’t be enough to meet our long-term energy needs.  So, real energy security can
only come if we find ways to use less oil – if we invest in cleaner fuels and greater efficiency.
That’s what we’ve been doing since I took office.  For example, we secured an agreement from
all the major auto companies to raise the fuel efficiency of their cars and trucks.  So if you buy a
new car, the better gas mileage is going to save you about $3,000.  Altogether, this will save us
about 1.8 billion barrels of oil as a country.
We need to build on this progress.  As we make our cars and trucks more efficient, we’ve got to
harness new technologies to fuel our vehicles with everything from biofuels to natural gas to
advanced batteries.  And the good news is, these technologies aren’t science fiction anymore. 
They exist today.  Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles that use little
or no gas.  And innovators across America are testing new products that hold incredible promise
not just for new vehicles, but for countless new jobs.
To help jumpstart this market, the federal government has doubled the number of clean energy
vehicles that we have in our fleet.  In the next few years, we’re going to switch the entire fleet
over.  And I’m here at UPS because it’s not just the government getting in on the action. 
Companies like UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo – firms with some of the largest
fleets in the country – are switching to more efficient vehicles.  And through our Clean Fleets
Partnership, driven not by government, but by business, more companies are going to be
switching to electric and alternative vehicles, too – not out of the goodness of their hearts, but
because it’s good for their bottom lines.
The goal is simple.  When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil
a day.  Through these and other steps, by a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut
that by one third.  And by doing so, we’re going to make our economy less vulnerable to wild
swings in oil prices.  We’re going to use cleaner sources of energy that don’t imperil our
climate.  And we’re going to spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping
America’s greatest renewable resource: our ingenuity.
We know how important that is. This week, we learned that the economy added 230,000 private
sector jobs last month.  That makes 1.8 million private sector jobs created in the last thirteen
months.  That’s a good sign.  But we have to keep up the momentum, and transitioning to a clean
energy economy will help us do that.  It will ensure that the United States of America is home to
the jobs and industries of tomorrow.  That’s how we’ll win the future.  And that’s how we’ll
leave our children an America that is more secure and prosperous than before.
Thanks, and have a great weekend.


Weekly Address: Energy Security Can Only

[Mid-16th century. Via French < Greek [Mid-16th century. < Latin
energeia < ergon "work." < Indo- securus "without care" < cura
European] "care"]
come [kum]

(past came [kaym], past participle come, present

participle com·ing, 3rd person present singular
comes) CORE MEANING: a basic intransitive verb
expressing movement toward a specified place or

This verb often expresses the concept of movement

coupled with the arrival at a place where an activity
will take place.

 Come and sit by me.

 Come to my house tomorrow.

intransitive verb
occur in mind: to occur as a thought in the mind

 An afterthought came to me while I was shaving.

2. intransitive verb

originate: to originate from a place or thing

 The meat came from Canadian herds.

3. intransitive verb

happen: to happen or exist at a particular point or time

 I never thought this day would come.

4. intransitive verb

result: to be the result or consequence of something

 comes from eating too much chocolate

5. intransitive verb

be produced: to be produced in a particular size, color, or


 This model also comes in red.

6. intransitive verb

reach place: to reach or extend to a particular point or

Come If We Invest in Cleaner Fuels and

Greater Efficiency [12th century. Via Anglo-Norman
fuaille, Old French fouaille <
assumed Vulgar Latin focalia
"(things) for the fire" < Latin
focus "fireplace, hearth"]
[14th century. < Latin discuss-, past [14th century. Via Old French adresser
participle of discutere "dash to < assumed Vulgar Latin addrictiare
pieces" < quatere "to shake"] "direct to" < Latin directus (see direct)]

WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama discussed his strategy to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil and secure our nation’s energy future. 

[13th century. Via French < Latin

[15th century. < Latin electus < eligere nation- "birth, race" < nat-, past
"pick out" < legere "choose"] participle of nasci "be born"]

When the President was elected, America imported eleven million barrels of oil a day.  This
week he announced a bold, but achievable goal of cutting this number by one-third by 2025.
[14th century. < French achever "bring to an end or [13th century. < assumed Old English
head" < a chief "to a head" (see chief)] cytan]

[ Old English sceort < Indo- [15th century. Via French <
European, "to cut"] Latin domesticus < domus

To achieve this goal we will increase responsible domestic oil and gas development in the short
term, while also increasing efficiency and harnessing new technologies including biofuels,
natural gas, and advanced batteries. 

[14th century. Via Old French batre < late Latin

[ Old English flēot "ships" < flēotan "to bat(t)uere "to beat"]
float, swim" < Germanic]

And through the Clean Fleets Partnership, large companies, such as UPS, FedEx, AT&T,
Verizon, and PepsiCo, will help boost the market for clean fuels by switching their fleets over to
[Mid-17th century. < modern Latin
electricus < electrum "amber" < Greek

electric and alternative vehicles.

The audio of the address is and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, April 2, 2011. on·line [òn ln]

Remarks of President Barack Obama or on-line [òn ln]

As Prepared for Delivery
Landover, Maryland adjective
April 2, 2011 connected via computer:
1. attached to or available
through a central computer
or computer network. See
also off-line
eve·ry·one [évvree wùn]
2. directly connected to
measurable process:
or eve·ry·bod·y [évvree bòddee]
describes an instrument or
[ Old English tō dæge sensor that is connected
"(this) day"] pronoun directly to a process being
every person: every person, whether of a measured, thus obviating
defined group or in general the need to take samples for
analysis in a laboratory or
 Everyone is going to come to the office elsewhere
3. U.S. ongoing: currently
going on or being done

while connected to
computer: while connected to
a central computer or computer
Hello, everybody.  I’m speaking to you today from a UPS customer center in Landover,
Maryland, where I came to talk about an issue that’s affecting families and businesses just like
this one – the rising price of gas, and what we can do as a country to reduce our dependence on
foreign oil.

de·pend·ence [di péndənss]

or de·pend·ance [di péndənss]

reliance on somebody or something: reliance on or trust in somebody or something
1. for help or support

   dependence on public transportation

 mutual dependence

2. state of being contingent: the state of being affected or decided by particular factors
or circumstances

 agriculture's dependence on the weather

[14th century. Via French < Latin [13th century. Via Old French relaisser "let go" <
futurus "going to be"] Latin relaxare "loosen" (see relax)]

This week, I released a Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.  It’s a strategy to reduce the oil
we import from around the world, and to make our economy stronger at home. 

 [ Old English hēr < Indo-

European, "this"]
[ Old English hām < Germanic]

Part of this strategy involves increasing our oil exploration right here in America.  In fact, our oil
production last year reached its highest level since 2003, and we want to encourage more safe,
responsible drilling where we can.

[15th century. Directly or via

French < late Latin realis [15th century. < French encoragier < en- "cause" +
"relating to things (in law)" corage "courage"]
< Latin res "thing, fact"]

[Old English trēowe "trustworthy" < Indo-European, "be


But the truth is, drilling alone is not a real strategy to replace our dependence on foreign oil. 
And that’s because even though America uses 25 percent of the world’s oil, we currently have
only about 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves. 
[14th century. Directly or via French
réserver < Latin reservare "keep back" <
servare "keep"]
[ Old English genōg < Germanic]
[13th century. Via Old French user "to use" < Latin
usus, past participle of uti]

Even if we used every last drop of all the oil we have, it wouldn’t be enough to meet our long-
term energy needs.  So, real energy security can only come if we find ways to use less oil – if we
invest in cleaner fuels and greater efficiency.

[Mid-16th century. Directly or via French < Latin investire "clothe

(in)" < vestis "clothing"]

[Pre-12th century. < Old Norse taka]

[14th century. < Old French <
Latin exemplum < eximere "take
out" < emere "take"]

That’s what we’ve been doing since I took office.  For example, we secured an agreement from
all the major auto companies to raise the fuel efficiency of their cars and trucks.  So if you buy a
new car, the better gas mileage is going to save you about $3,000.  Altogether, this will save us
about 1.8 billion barrels of oil as a country.

 [ Old English wyllan < Indo-

[ Old English cnedan < W

[15th century. < Latin progressus, past participle

  of progredi "go forward" < gradi "to walk"]

We need to build on this progress.  As we make our cars and trucks more efficient, we’ve got to
harness new technologies to fuel our vehicles with everything from biofuels to natural gas to
advanced batteries.  And the good news is, these technologies aren’t science fiction anymore. 
[ Old English nēowe < Indo-European]
[15th century. < Latin producere  [14th century. < all ready "completely ready"]
"lead or bring out" < ducere "to

They exist today.  Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles that use
little or no gas.  And innovators across America are testing new products that hold incredible
promise not just for new vehicles, but for countless new jobs.

[14th century. < Old French

conte (noun), co(u)nter "reckon" [Mid-16th century. Origin ?]
< Latin computare "reckon

[12th century. Via Old French

do(u)bler < Latin duplare < duplus [Pre-12th century. Via Old French dialect
"twofold" < duo "two"] < Latin mercat-, past participle of mercari
  "buy" < merx "goods"]

To help jumpstart this market, the federal government has doubled the number of clean energy
vehicles that we have in our fleet.  In the next few years, we’re going to switch the entire fleet
over.  And I’m here at UPS because it’s not just the government getting in on the action. 
Companies like UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo – firms with some of the largest
fleets in the country – are switching to more efficient vehicles. 

[ Old English stīeran < Germanic] [Early 17th century. Via French
véhicule < Latin vehiculum <
vehere "carry"]

And through our Clean Fleets Partnership, driven not by government, but by business, more
companies are going to be switching to electric and alternative vehicles, too – not out of the
goodness of their hearts, but because it’s good for their bottom lines.
[14th century. < obsolete
line "spun flax" < Old
English līn, probably via
Germanic < Latin linum
"flax"; from the use of
linen to line garments]
[Pre-12th century. Via French < Latin simplus]
[13th century. Via French <
Latin officium "doing work" <
opus "work" + facere "do"]

The goal is simple.  When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil
a day.  Through these and other steps, by a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut
that by one third.  And by doing so, we’re going to make our economy less vulnerable to wild
swings in oil prices. 

[Late 19th century. < Japanese]

 [ Old English fēawa < Indo-

[13th century. Via Anglo-Norman

daunger < assumed Vulgar Latin
domniarium "power to do harm" <
Latin dominium "sovereignty" <
dominus "lord"]

We’re going to use cleaner sources of energy that don’t imperil our climate.  And we’re going to
spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping America’s greatest renewable
resource: our ingenuity.
[15th century. Via French < Latin ingeniosus <
ingenium "mind"]

[15th century. < French

trac "footprint, mark"]
[ Old English cnāwan < Indo-European]
We know how important that is. This week, we learned that the economy added 230,000 private
sector jobs last month.  That makes 1.8 million private sector jobs created in the last thirteen
months.  That’s a good sign. 
[ Old English læstan "last, follow" < Germanic]

[ Old English cēpan "take, observe," origin ?]

But we have to keep up the momentum, and transitioning to a clean energy economy will help us
do that. 

[14th century. Via French < Latin diligent-, present

participle of diligere "value highly, love" < legere

[ Old English tō morgenne "in the morning"]

It will ensure that the United States of America is home to the jobs and industries of tomorrow. 
That’s how we’ll win the future.  And that’s how we’ll leave our children an America that is
more secure and prosperous than before.
Thanks, and have a great weekend.
[ Old English lǣfan <
Indo-European, "to
09. Papyrus II.3gp
Cassie vs jj 4-3-2011.CMG



Weekly Address: Energy Security Can Only
Come If We Invest in Cleaner Fuels and
Greater Efficiency
WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama discussed his strategy to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil and secure our nation’s energy future.  When the President was
elected, America imported eleven million barrels of oil a day.  This week he announced a bold,
but achievable goal of cutting this number by one-third by 2025.

To achieve this goal we will increase responsible domestic oil and gas development in the short
term, while also increasing efficiency and harnessing new technologies including biofuels,
natural gas, and advanced batteries.  And through the Clean Fleets Partnership, large companies,
such as UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo, will help boost the market for clean fuels by
switching their fleets over to electric and alternative vehicles.

The audio of the address is and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, April 2, 2011.

Remarks of President Barack Obama

As Prepared for Delivery
Landover, Maryland
April 2, 2011

Hello, everybody.  I’m speaking to you today from a UPS customer center in Landover,
Maryland, where I came to talk about an issue that’s affecting families and businesses just like
this one – the rising price of gas, and what we can do as a country to reduce our dependence on
foreign oil.

This week, I released a Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.  It’s a strategy to reduce the oil we
import from around the world, and to make our economy stronger at home.  Part of this strategy
involves increasing our oil exploration right here in America.  In fact, our oil production last year
reached its highest level since 2003, and we want to encourage more safe, responsible drilling
where we can.
But the truth is, drilling alone is not a real strategy to replace our dependence on foreign oil. 
And that’s because even though America uses 25 percent of the world’s oil, we currently have
only about 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves.  Even if we used every last drop of all the oil we
have, it wouldn’t be enough to meet our long-term energy needs.  So, real energy security can
only come if we find ways to use less oil – if we invest in cleaner fuels and greater efficiency.

That’s what we’ve been doing since I took office.  For example, we secured an agreement from
all the major auto companies to raise the fuel efficiency of their cars and trucks.  So if you buy a
new car, the better gas mileage is going to save you about $3,000.  Altogether, this will save us
about 1.8 billion barrels of oil as a country.

We need to build on this progress.  As we make our cars and trucks more efficient, we’ve got to
harness new technologies to fuel our vehicles with everything from biofuels to natural gas to
advanced batteries.  And the good news is, these technologies aren’t science fiction anymore. 
They exist today.  Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles that use little
or no gas.  And innovators across America are testing new products that hold incredible promise
not just for new vehicles, but for countless new jobs.
To help jumpstart this market, the federal government has doubled the number of clean energy
vehicles that we have in our fleet.  In the next few years, we’re going to switch the entire fleet
over.  And I’m here at UPS because it’s not just the government getting in on the action. 
Companies like UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo – firms with some of the largest
fleets in the country – are switching to more efficient vehicles.  And through our Clean Fleets
Partnership, driven not by government, but by business, more companies are going to be
switching to electric and alternative vehicles, too – not out of the goodness of their hearts, but
because it’s good for their bottom lines.

Can War or anything related to War be Simple?

Can Real Peace be Simple?

The goal is simple.  When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil
a day.  Through these and other steps, by a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut
that by one third.  And by doing so, we’re going to make our economy less vulnerable to wild
swings in oil prices.  We’re going to use cleaner sources of energy that don’t imperil our
climate.  And we’re going to spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping
America’s greatest renewable resource: our ingenuity.

We know how important that is. This week, we learned that the economy added 230,000 private
sector jobs last month.  That makes 1.8 million private sector jobs created in the last thirteen
months.  That’s a good sign.  But we have to keep up the momentum, and transitioning to a clean
energy economy will help us do that.  It will ensure that the United States of America is home to
the jobs and industries of tomorrow.  That’s how we’ll win the future.  And that’s how we’ll
leave our children an America that is more secure and prosperous than before.
Thanks, and have a great weekend.

08 - Listening to the soughing winds in the pines [Erhu].3gp



Weekly Address: Energy Security Can Only

Come If We Invest in Cleaner Fuels and
Greater Efficiency

WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama discussed his strategy to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil and secure our nation’s energy future.  When the President was
elected, America imported eleven million barrels of oil a day.  This week he announced a bold,
but achievable goal of cutting this number by one-third by 2025.

To achieve this goal we will increase responsible domestic oil and gas development in the short
term, while also increasing efficiency and harnessing new technologies including biofuels,
natural gas, and advanced batteries.  And through the Clean Fleets Partnership, large companies,
such as UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo, will help boost the market for clean fuels by
switching their fleets over to electric and alternative vehicles.

The audio of the address is and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, April 2, 2011.

Remarks of President Barack Obama

As Prepared for Delivery
Landover, Maryland
April 2, 2011

Hello, everybody.  I’m speaking to you today from a UPS customer center in Landover,
Maryland, where I came to talk about an issue that’s affecting families and businesses just like
this one – the rising price of gas, and what we can do as a country to reduce our dependence on
foreign oil.

This week, I released a Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.  It’s a strategy to reduce the oil we
import from around the world, and to make our economy stronger at home.  Part of this strategy
involves increasing our oil exploration right here in America.  In fact, our oil production last year
reached its highest level since 2003, and we want to encourage more safe, responsible drilling
where we can.

But the truth is, drilling alone is not a real strategy to replace our dependence on foreign oil. 
And that’s because even though America uses 25 percent of the world’s oil, we currently have
only about 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves.  Even if we used every last drop of all the oil we
have, it wouldn’t be enough to meet our long-term energy needs.  So, real energy security can
only come if we find ways to use less oil – if we invest in cleaner fuels and greater efficiency.

That’s what we’ve been doing since I took office.  For example, we secured an agreement from
all the major auto companies to raise the fuel efficiency of their cars and trucks.  So if you buy a
new car, the better gas mileage is going to save you about $3,000.  Altogether, this will save us
about 1.8 billion barrels of oil as a country.

We need to build on this progress.  As we make our cars and trucks more efficient, we’ve got to
harness new technologies to fuel our vehicles with everything from biofuels to natural gas to
advanced batteries.  And the good news is, these technologies aren’t science fiction anymore. 
They exist today.  Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles that use little
or no gas.  And innovators across America are testing new products that hold incredible promise
not just for new vehicles, but for countless new jobs.

To help jumpstart this market, the federal government has doubled the number of clean energy
vehicles that we have in our fleet.  In the next few years, we’re going to switch the entire fleet
over.  And I’m here at UPS because it’s not just the government getting in on the action. 
Companies like UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo – firms with some of the largest
fleets in the country – are switching to more efficient vehicles.  And through our Clean Fleets
Partnership, driven not by government, but by business, more companies are going to be
switching to electric and alternative vehicles, too – not out of the goodness of their hearts, but
because it’s good for their bottom lines.

The goal is simple.  When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil
a day.  Through these and other steps, by a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut
that by one third.  And by doing so, we’re going to make our economy less vulnerable to wild
swings in oil prices.  We’re going to use cleaner sources of energy that don’t imperil our
climate.  And we’re going to spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping
America’s greatest renewable resource: our ingenuity.

We know how important that is. This week, we learned that the economy added 230,000 private
sector jobs last month.  That makes 1.8 million private sector jobs created in the last thirteen
months.  That’s a good sign.  But we have to keep up the momentum, and transitioning to a clean
energy economy will help us do that.  It will ensure that the United States of America is home to
the jobs and industries of tomorrow.  That’s how we’ll win the future.  And that’s how we’ll
leave our children an America that is more secure and prosperous than before.

Thanks, and have a great weekend.

066. Aafje Heynis - Dank Sei Dir, Herr.3gp



In addition, every battle in the book appears in

At the simplest level, a battle is any clash between a Chronological Reference Guide as a finding
aid. The only exceptions are Adas 1775 and
organised forces of combatants. While this allows no Dacca 1971, where two battles were fought in
distinction in scope, scale or significance, considerations the same year but in different wars.
such as significance are often applied only in retrospect and
may have very little to do with scope or scale. For instance,

some battles which were very minor military affairs have

gained significance for other reasons, such as the loss of an
important political or military leader. Examples would
include the siege of Chalus (1199), which saw Richard I
‘‘the Lionheart’’ killed by a crossbow bolt in a pointless

dispute over some supposed treasure; the otherwise

unremarkable siege of Fredrikshald (1718), where King

Charles XII of Sweden was shot dead (possibly by one of his
own soldiers); or the battle of Klissova (1826), a struggle

Weekly Address: Energy Security Can Only

Come If We Invest in Cleaner Fuels and
Greater Efficiency
The idea of leadership affirms the capacity of
individuals to move, inspire, and mobilize masses So the embassy departed, and first arrived on Japanese territory on the
of people so that they act together in pursuit of an island of Tsushima. Here the deputy envoy Kim Sŏng-il began to test the
end. limits of Korean authority on that island, and also tried to assert himself
at the expense of his factional rival. Sō Yoshitomo had arranged a
Sometimes leadership serves good purposes, banquet, and arrived in a palanquin. Kim Sŏng-il appeared to be very
sometimes bad; but whether the end is benign or insulted by this, and claimed that as Tsushima was a vassal state of
evil, great leaders are those men and women who Korea, Sō should have followed Korean court etiquette and alighted from
his palanquin outside the gate, rather than inside it. Not wishing to upset
leave their personal stamp on history.
his guests, Sō blamed the palanquin bearers for the error and had them
both beheaded on the spot. After this, wrote Yu Sŏng-nyong (who was
dependent upon the proud Kim Sŏng'il for the information), the Japanese
held the same Kim Sŏng-il 'in awe'.
In 1969, a joint German-Swiss mission, under Kaiser’s overall
direction, began excavations on the island of Elephantine, on
ancient Egypt’s southern border. Buildings

of many periods have been investigated by the Elephantine mission,

including important Early Dynastic structures. One of the most
revealing sites is the small temple of Satet, a

shrine serving the local community on the island and built initially
in a natural niche between granite boulders (Dreyer 1986).
Excavations between 1973 and 1976 revealed the walls of the
earliest building, dating back to the Early Dynastic period, and a
large number of early votive objects from the floor of the shrine.
Together, the evidence forms an important source for provincial
cults in early Egypt. Like the Hierakonpolis Project, the
excavations at Elephantine were to yield more important results for

WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama discussed his strategy to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil and secure our nation’s energy future.  When the President was
elected, America imported eleven million barrels of oil a day.  This week he announced a bold,
but achievable goal of cutting this number by one-third by 2025.

The thirdcentury chronographer Eratosthenes

Besides battles, there are a number of generals in the Korean War who should not be calculated the place of events in
forgotten. MacArthur is obviously massively important. His brilliant victory at Inchon
and his later dismissal have made him a magnetichistorical
history in relation to the Trojan War, reckoning that
Troy fell early in the twelfth century bc, but dated
figure. The decisive strategies that he espoused are a rallying point for those who the foundations of both Rome and

agree that the only aim in war should be total victory. But MacArthur was outshone in
Carthage four centuries later: Carthage to 814 bc
nearly every respect by his subordinate and later successor, General Matthew
Ridgway. and Rome either at the same time or two
generations after. By the time Virgil was a young
man, however, his older contemporaries Atticus and
Varro had stabilized the foundation date of Rome to
753 bc (the date still used by historians).
Among the Helvetii, Orgetorix was by far the most distinguished and wealthy. He, when
Marcus Messala and Marcus Piso were consuls, incited by lust of sovereignty, formed a
conspiracy among the nobility, and persuaded the people to go forth from their territories
with all their possessions, [saying] that it would be very easy, since they excelled all in valor,
to acquire the supremacy of the whole of Gaul.

To achieve this goal we will increase responsible domestic oil and gas development in the short
term, while also increasing efficiency and harnessing new technologies including biofuels,
natural gas, and advanced batteries.  And through the Clean Fleets Partnership, large companies,
such as UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo, will help boost the market for clean fuels by
switching their fleets over to electric and alternative vehicles.
Women were known only by the feminine form of their
nomen, so Caesar’s only daughter was

named Julia. If Caesar had more daughters, they would

all have been named Julia. To eliminate confusion,
sisters sometimes attached to their nomen additional
names that meant “the older” or “the younger,” or
“second” or “third.” Th us, if Caesar had had two
daughters, they might have been known as Julia Major
and Julia Minor. If he had had three daughters, they
might have been called Julia, Julia Secunda,and Julia

The audio of the address is and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, April 2, 2011.

Remarks of President Barack Obama

As Prepared for Delivery
For example, the ‘‘confrontation’’ between
Landover, Maryland
April 2, 2011
King Charles I and Parliamentary forces at

TurnhamGreen (1642) saw only scattered shots

fired, but the King was forced to withdraw, saving

Hello, everybody.  I’m speaking to you today from a UPS customer center in Landover,
Maryland, where I came to talk about an issue that’s affecting families and businesses just like
this one – the rising price of gas, and what we can do as a country to reduce our dependence on
foreign oil.
But Cicero’s exploration of the historical

potential of the dialogue form was more carefully targeted and elaborate
than Plato’s, and his exploration of the historical dimensions of the dialogue
form, at least in some of his works, is surprisingly complex.

This week, I released a Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.  It’s a strategy to reduce the oil we
import from around the world, and to make our economy stronger at home.  Part of this strategy
involves increasing our oil exploration right here in America.  In fact, our oil production last year
reached its highest level since 2003, and we want to encourage more safe, responsible drilling
where we can.

Evil, unrighteous man, he concealed what he’d done for a long time,
Toyed with the lovesick bride, raised false hopes, crafted illusions.

But in her dreams, the true form of her unburied husband

approached her, Raising before her a face that was wasted with
terrible pallor, Baring the truth of the brutal crime at the altar, the
daggered 355

But the truth is, drilling alone is not a real strategy to replace our dependence on foreign oil. 
And that’s because even though America uses 25 percent of the world’s oil, we currently have
only about 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves.  Even if we used every last drop of all the oil we
have, it wouldn’t be enough to meet our long-term energy needs.  So, real energy security can
only come if we find ways to use less oil – if we invest in cleaner fuels and greater efficiency.

That’s what we’ve been doing since I took office.  For example, we secured an agreement from
all the major auto companies to raise the fuel efficiency of their cars and trucks.  So if you buy a
new car, the better gas mileage is going to save you about $3,000.  Altogether, this will save us
about 1.8 billion barrels of oil as a country.

Under the Empire such records on foreign soil

Aristotle may well have had a historical
progression in
appear also in Syria and Palestine (111, 297).
Quarry inscriptions within the borders of Egypt
his mind, whereby Athens moved from monarchy do not begin until the Middle Kingdom,
in pre-Solonian times to aristocracy and then
through Solon’s legislation to what was a when we find them in the limestone quarries of
politeia or timocracy.
Ayan (Turra-Ma'sara) just south of Cairo (8 0
739,740) ; at the sandstone quarries of Silsileh
  they first appear under the Empire.

We need to build on this progress.  As we make our cars and trucks more efficient, we’ve got to
harness new technologies to fuel our vehicles with everything from biofuels to natural gas to
advanced batteries.  And the good news is, these technologies aren’t science fiction anymore. 
They exist today.  Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles that use little
or no gas.  And innovators across America are testing new products that hold incredible promise
not just for new vehicles, but for countless new jobs.
The only man who would undertake to raid
them was a certain excellent seer, {95} but the
will of heaven was against him, for the rangers
of the cattle caught him and put him

in prison; nevertheless when a full year had

passed and the same season came round again,
Iphicles set him at liberty, after he had
expounded all the oracles of heaven.
Military historians and military history enthusiasts are notoriously
They order every one to carry forth from home keen to identify ‘‘mistakes’’ in their field—from arguments about
which was in fact the ‘‘last cavalry charge in battle’’ or ‘‘the
for himself provisions for three months, ready
ground. They persuade the Rauraci, and the largest tank battle in history,’’ to movie anachronisms
Tulingi, and the Latobrigi, their neighbors, to
adopt the same plan, and after burning down such as the 1915-model Webley revolver reportedly carried by Stanley
their towns and villages, to set out with them:
and they admit to their party and unite to
themselves as confederates the Boii, who had
dwelt on the other side of the Rhine, and had
crossed over into the Norican territory, and
assaulted Noreia.

To help jumpstart this market, the federal government has doubled the number of clean energy
vehicles that we have in our fleet.  In the next few years, we’re going to switch the entire fleet
over.  And I’m here at UPS because it’s not just the government getting in on the action. 
Companies like UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo – firms with some of the largest
fleets in the country – are switching to more efficient vehicles.  And through our Clean Fleets
Partnership, driven not by government, but by business, more companies are going to be
switching to electric and alternative vehicles, too – not out of the goodness of their hearts, but
because it’s good for their bottom lines.
  In Sicily too there are cities,

The judgement of Cicero as a historical Ploughlands, and someone of Trojan bloodline, the famous Acestes. 550

failure, however, can never be a simple matter of fact; Please let us haul our storm-ravaged navy ashore on your beaches,
it is rather the product of many centuries of reading
and teaching Cicero’s writings, Cut down wood from your forests to craft new planking and oarage;

and the production of a general sense, sometimes hard So, if we can go to Italy, comrades and ruler recovered,
to deWne, of
We’ll be elated to go off to Italy, heading for Latium.
the character of Cicero as both a political personality
and a writer. It is But, if our saviour is lost, if the Libyan seas have your body, 555

The goal is simple.  When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil
a day.  Through these and other steps, by a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut
that by one third.  And by doing so, we’re going to make our economy less vulnerable to wild
swings in oil prices.  We’re going to use cleaner sources of energy that don’t imperil our
climate.  And we’re going to spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping
America’s greatest renewable resource: our ingenuity.
There is also considerable onomastic evidence of the intertwining of
Greek and Italic populations both here and elsewhere in Magna Graecia.

Inscriptions from the Aegean which record the names of Greeks from Italy
indicate that mixed Graeco-Italic names were not uncommon. The second-
century Tarentines Demetrios Dazou (Demetrios, son of Dazos) and
Parmenion Dazimou (Parmenion, son of Dazimos)__ both have Messapic
patronymics. At Oropus c.80 bc a victory list features a Cumaean

ephebe, Attinius Herakleidou (Attinius, son of Herakleides), and at Velia

there are a number of families which mix Greek and Oscan elements,
notably Tertia Pakkia, daughter of Dionysius.__ At Naples the greater
depth of epigraphic evidence permits some detailed studies of individual

We know how important that is. This week, we learned that the economy added 230,000 private
sector jobs last month.  That makes 1.8 million private sector jobs created in the last thirteen
months.  That’s a good sign.  But we have to keep up the momentum, and transitioning to a clean
energy economy will help us do that. 
Determinism takes many forms. Marxism is the determinism of class. Nazism
the determinism of race. But the idea of men and women as the slaves of history
runs athwart the deepest human instincts. Rigid determinism abolishes the idea
I learned a great deal from my uncle and aunt and of human freedom—the assumption of free choice that underlies every move we
eventually went out on my own. I have been privileged to make, every word we speak, every thought we think. It abolishes the idea of
work with some of the best names in the fi eld, both
human responsibility, since it is manifestly unfair to reward or punish people for
laypersons, like me, and clergy. I have worked on more
than 7,000 cases: Many of them have had natural
actions that are by definition beyond their control. No one can live consistently
explanations (that is, not paranormal or demonic), and
many others have been resolved with intervention. A few by any deterministic creed. The Marxist states prove this themselves
of them have been full-blown demonic infestations and
possessions. I do not perform exorcisms—that is a role
for clergy—but I have assisted at dozens of these rites. by their extreme susceptibility to the cult of leadership.

It will ensure that the United States of America is home to the jobs and industries of tomorrow. 
That’s how we’ll win the future.  And that’s how we’ll leave our children an America that is
more secure and prosperous than before.
Thanks, and have a great weekend.

07. Basque Rapsody - Jaia.3gp



Вопрос о государстве приобретает в настоящее время особенную важность и в теоретическом и в практически-

политическом отношениях. Империалистская война чрезвычайно ускорила и обострила процесс превращения
монополистического капитализма в государственно-монополистический капитализм. Чудовищное угнетение
трудящихся масс государством, которое теснее и теснее сливается с всесильными союзами капиталистов,
становится все чудовищнее. Передовые страны превращаются - мы говорим о "тыле" их - в военно-каторжные
тюрьмы для рабочих.

Неслыханные ужасы и бедствия затягивающейся войны делают положение масс невыносимым, усиливают
возмущение их. Явно нарастает международная пролетарская революция. Вопрос об отношении ее к государству
приобретает практическое значение.

Накопленные десятилетиями сравнительно мирного развития элементы оппортунизма создали господствующее в

официальных социалистических партиях всего мира течение социал-шовинизма. Это течение (Плеханов,
Потресов, Брешковская, Рубанович, затем в чуточку прикрытой форме гг. Церетели, Чернов и К° в России;
Шейдеман, Легин, Давид и пр. в Германии; Ренодель, Гед, Вандервельд во Франции и Бельгии; Гайндман и
фабианцы<<1>> в Англии и т. д. и т.д.), социализм на словах, шовинизм на деле, отличается подлым лакейским
приспособлением "вождей социализма" к интересам не только "своей" национальной буржуазии, но именно
"своего" государства, ибо большинство так называемых великих держав давно эксплуатирует и порабощает целый
ряд мелких и слабых народностей. А империалистская война является как раз войной за раздел и передел этого
рода добычи. Борьба за высвобождение трудящихся масс из-под влияния буржуазии вообще, и империалистской
буржуазии в особенности, невозможна без борьбы с оппортунистическими предрассудками насчет "государства".

Weekly Address: Energy Security Can Only

Come If We Invest in Cleaner Fuels and
Greater Efficiency With the knowledge that the Sun was nearly seven times

Destruction threatened both empires from an unexpected source. Earth’s diameter (equating to a volume of around 300
For centuries, the Arabian Peninsula had been a pathway of
commerce to the East, a way around the Persian Earths), Aristarchus may have found it a trifle difficult to go
along with Eudoxus’s notions of an Earth-centered
Empire, and the home of nomadic Bedouin tribes, who lived Universe. It turns out that Aristarchus’s naked-eye
chiefly on their flocks and from raiding the caravans of measurements of lunar dichotomy weren’t precise enough to
give him an accurate figure for the true distance
Most were pagans, but a few were Christians, as were some of the
people of the towns along the caravan route. and size of the Sun; he was off by several orders of
magnitude. The Sun is actually 400 times further away than
Some of the towns also had Jewish communities. Mecca was one
of the chief towns of Arabia and a religious center for many of the the Moon and is 400 times the Moon’s diameter (109 times
pagan Bedouins on account of a black meteoric rock there, the
Ka‘ba, that was believed to possess supernatural powers. It was in
Mecca that Mu¸ammad, the future Prophet, was born around the
year 570.
The whole globe was burned once upon a time, says
a man versed in ancient and modern history; for I

read in a newspaper that some absolutely black

charcoal has been found in Germany at a depth of a

hundred feet, between mountains covered with

wood. And it is suspected even that there were

WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama discussed his strategy to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil and secure our nation’s energy future.  When the President was
elected, America imported eleven million barrels of oil a day.  This week he announced a bold,
but achievable goal of cutting this number by one-third by 2025.

But with regard to all those things of which any one of the Welsh by king
Henry our father or king Richard our brother, disseized or dispossessed without
legal judgment of his peers, which we have in our hand or which others hold,
and for which we ought to give a guarantee: we shall have respite until the

common term for crusaders. Except with regard to those concerning which a
plea was moved, or an inquest made by our order, before we took the cross. But
  when we return from our pilgrimage, or if, by chance, we desist from our
pilgrimage, we shall straightway then show full justice regarding them,

Perhaps the difficulties for people of the

Whereas the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at
south understand the position of the
Westminster, lawfully, fully and freely representing all the estates of the people
English Speaking or even the Germanic of this realm, did upon the thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one
Speaking People in the World is that it is thousand six hundred eighty-eight [old style date] present unto their Majesties,
well documented by humans while in then called and known by the names and style of William and Mary, prince and
many cases in the south it is difficult or princess of Orange, being present in their proper persons, a certain declaration in
impossible or simply forbidden for a writing made by the said Lords and Commons in the words following, viz.:
man e.g. coming from the Middle East
to make the distinction alone what is a • Whereas the late King James the Second, by the assistance of divers
myth, what real story and what history evil counsellors, judges and ministers employed by him, did endeavour to
or a religious approach and who made subvert and extirpate the Protestant religion and the laws and liberties of this
this first step for him or his ‘own sake’ kingdom;
before he / her time.

This reasonable difference is usually

universally presented as a “cultural

To achieve this goal we will increase responsible domestic oil and gas development in the short
term, while also increasing efficiency and harnessing new technologies including biofuels,
America, till now, could never be called a free country,
because her legislation depended on the will of a man

three thousand miles distant, whose interest was in

opposition to ours, and who, by a single "no," could forbid

what law he pleased.

natural gas, and advanced batteries.  And through the Clean Fleets Partnership, large companies,
such as UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo, will help boost the market for clean fuels by
switching their fleets over to electric and alternative vehicles.

Aegis-class Shuttle

this is a series of combat shuttle manufactured

during the Galactic Civil War by Telgorn Corporation.
The 29-meter-long shuttle was

highly demanded by military groups, as it could

deliver troops into a warzone and pick them up while
taking a pounding. A crew of two,

plus two gunners, could operate the craft and deliver

  up to 40 troopers and three light combat vehicles
into action. Two side airlocks

The audio of the address is and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, April 2, 2011.

Remarks of President Barack Obama

As Prepared for Delivery When the robber-barons of German imperialism threw their
armies into defenseless, demobilized Russia in February 1918
Landover, Maryland when Russia had staked its hopes upon the international
solidarity of the proletariat before the international
April 2, 2011 revolution had completely ripened, I did not hesitate for a
moment to come to certain agreements with French Monarchists.
The French captain Sadoul, who sympathized in words with the
Bolsheviki while in deeds he was the faithful servant of
French imperialism, brought the French officer de Lubersac to
me. "I am a Monarchist. My only purpose is the overthrow of
Germany," de Lubersac declared to me.

"That is self understood (cela va sans dire)," I replied. But

this by no means prevented me from coming to an understanding
with de Lubersac concerning certain services that French
experts in explosives were ready to render in order to hold
up the German advance by the destruction of railroad lines.
This is an example of the kind of agreement that every

class-conscious worker must be ready to adopt, an agreement

in the interest of Socialism. We shook hands with the French
Monarchists although we knew that each one of us would rather
have seen the other hang.
The Soviet war in Afghanistan again confirmed that no power
I. At all times, and in all ways, a Crusader
must strive to prove their Valor and ever successfully conquered that land, which, for all its
Bravery. Glory is the lifeblood of a remoteness, lies at a strategically important crossroad of
Crusader, and acting with cowardice or
without an eye to Glory is unbecoming.
empires. The Persian ruler Cyrus the Great invaded it in the sixth
century bc. Alexander the Great followed three hundred years
Through mastering the arts of combats later, as did the British in the nineteenth century. They vied for
Crusaders will do battle, but also maintain control over Afghanistan with
the highest code of honor in the land.

Honor lost or gained by one member does so the Russian tsarist empire for decades in what came to be called
for the whole of the the Great Game.
house, to dishonor yourself as a Crusader is
to bring shame on all

Hello, everybody.  I’m speaking to you today from a UPS customer center in Landover,
Maryland, where I came to talk about an issue that’s affecting families and businesses just like
this one – the rising price of gas, and what we can do as a country to reduce our dependence on
foreign oil.

On his arrival in Tenocht´ıtlan Cortes seized Moctezuma and attempted
to govern through him. To the crowds who feared that the gods had
abandoned their great city, Moctezuma counseled patience. Corte´s’s

efforts to smash local temples and to erect crosses to Jesus and the
Virgin Mary, however, exacerbated tensions, and, after the Spaniards
massacred a number of people at a holy celebration, the Mexicans

This week, I released a Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.  It’s a strategy to reduce the oil
we import from around the world, and to make our economy stronger at home.  Part of this
strategy involves increasing our oil exploration right here in America.  In fact, our oil production
last year reached its highest level since 2003, and we want to encourage more safe, responsible
drilling where we can.
They formed a much smaller group of oligarchs who held
the state’s real political power, making decisions secretly
among themselves. The elders ran the Soviet Union
collegially, arriving at resolutions by the

  that enabled them to share responsibility and

absolve individual blame. What exactly happened during
their secret midwinter meeting remains the subject of

But the truth is, drilling alone is not a real strategy to replace our dependence on foreign oil. 
And that’s because even though America uses 25 percent of the world’s oil, we currently have
only about 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves.  Even if we used every last drop of all the oil we
have, it wouldn’t be enough to meet our long-term energy needs.  So, real energy security can
only come if we find ways to use less oil – if we invest in cleaner fuels and greater efficiency.

this Noghri served as Leia Organa-Solo's bodyguard in the years
prior to the appearance of Admiral Daala and the discovery of the

Maw Installation. During a series of negotiations between Leia and

a representative of the Barabel people, Ahk'laht physically

manhandled the Barabel minister when he refused access to

Alater-ka for the New Republic fleet. The political and personal

embarrassment led Leia to send Ahk'laht back to Honoghr with the

That’s what we’ve been doing since I took office.  For example, we secured an agreement from
all the major auto companies to raise the fuel efficiency of their cars and trucks.  So if you buy a
new car, the better gas mileage is going to save you about $3,000.  Altogether, this will save us
about 1.8 billion barrels of oil as a country.
59. We shall act towards Alexander king of the Scots regarding
the restoration of his sisters, and his hostages, and his liberties
and his lawful right, as we shall act towards our other barons of
unless it ought to be otherwise according to the charters which
we hold from William, his father, the former king of the Scots.
And this shall be done through judgment of his peers in our

We need to build on this progress.  As we make our cars and trucks more efficient, we’ve got to
harness new technologies to fuel our vehicles with everything from biofuels to natural gas to
advanced batteries.  And the good news is, these technologies aren’t science fiction anymore. 

"I, A.B., do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and
bear true allegiance to their Majesties King William and Queen
Mary. So help me God."

"I, A.B., do swear that I do from my heart abhor, detest and abjure
as impious and heretical this damnable doctrine and position, that
princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any authority
of the see of Rome may be deposed or murdered by their subjects
or any other whatsoever. And I do declare that no foreign prince,
person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any
jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority,
ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm. So help me God."

They exist today.  Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles that use
little or no gas.  And innovators across America are testing new products that hold incredible
promise not just for new vehicles, but for countless new jobs.

In 1118 Baldwin II, count of Edessa, succeeded to the throne of Jerusalem. He proved
to be a very able ruler. He saved the principality of Antioch after its disastrous defeat
by the Turks at the battle known as the Ager Sanguinis (Field of Blood) in 1119 and
acted as regent for the minor son of Bohemund until 1126. He was especially active in
the north of Outremer, but in 1123 he was captured while defending Edessa and
remained a prisoner until 1124. During his imprisonment the Franks of Jerusalem,
with the help

of a Venetian crusade, undertook the siege of Tyre (mod. Sour, Lebanon).

To help jumpstart this market, the federal government has doubled the number of clean energy
vehicles that we have in our fleet.  In the next few years, we’re going to switch the entire fleet
over.  And I’m here at UPS because it’s not just the government getting in on the action. 
Companies like UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo – firms with some of the largest
fleets in the country – are switching to more efficient vehicles. 


any repulsorlift vehicle that flies in the upper

atmosphere of a planet, they cannot enter the
vacuum of space. They are meant to be

utility craft, but can be modified for battle. (ESB,

And through our Clean Fleets Partnership, driven not by government, but by business, more
companies are going to be switching to electric and alternative vehicles, too – not out of the
goodness of their hearts, but because it’s good for their bottom lines.

But if fire has changed our globe, water has produced still finer
If Afghan politics had ever been simple, they weren’t now. The
revolutions. For you see clearly that the sea, the tides of which mount
PDPA had come to power in April 1978, after the overthrow of
as high as eight feet in our climate, has produced mountains of a
President Mohammed Daoud: what was spoken of as The height of sixteen to seventeen thousand feet. This is so true that some
Revolution. learned men who have never been in Switzerland have found a big
ship with all its rigging petrified on Mount St. Gothard, or at the
Despite the KGB’s many highly placed sources in the Afghan bottom of a precipice, one knows not where; but it is quite certain that
government—including even some ministers—the revolt took it was there. Therefore men were originally fish, quod erat
Moscow by surprise. The Soviet leadership learned the news from demonstrandum.
a Reuters report. Paradoxically, Brezhnev wasn’t pleased. But
paradox would become a hallmark of the coming saga.

The goal is simple.  When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil
a day.  Through these and other steps, by a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut
that by one third.  And by doing so, we’re going to make our economy less vulnerable to wild
swings in oil prices. 

We’re going to use cleaner sources of energy that don’t imperil our climate.  And we’re going to
spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping America’s greatest renewable
resource: our ingenuity.
The American working class will not follow the lead of its bourgeoisie.

It will go with us against the bourgeoisie. The whole history of the American people
gives me this confidence, this conviction. I recall with pride the words of one of the
best loved leaders of the American proletariat, Eugene V. Debs, who said in the "Appeal
to Reason" at the end of 1915, when it was still a socialist paper, in an article

entitled "Why Should I Fight?" that he would rather be shot than vote for war credits to
support the present criminal and reactionary war,that he knows only one war that is
VII. A cleric or paladin of the same faith is
defined as one that wears

the same brand as the Crusader.


VIII. If a cleric or paladin is grouped with,

all prayers should be of a non-offensive
nature. (Foes should not be summoned, columns

We know how important that is. This week, we learned that the economy added 230,000 private
sector jobs last month.  That makes 1.8 million private sector jobs created in the last thirteen
months.  That’s a good sign.  But we have to keep up the momentum, and transitioning to a clean
energy economy will help us do that. 

She took Luke to her homeworld of Lucazec, but they failed to I was in the act of discussing the philosophical underpinnings
find any information on Luke's mother. They did find a of offense and defense when the President made his speech.
Fallanassi marking indicating where they fled to, and left
Lucazec only after battling with Imperial agents left behind to The speech created a firestorm in Geneva. Ambassador
intercept the Fallanassi. They continued to follow a path Karpov, my opposite number, became agitated and accused
known only to Akanah, travelling to Teyr and Atzerri before
arriving on J't'p'tan. Akanah was very secretive about their
search, which worried Luke about her motives. (BTS, SOL) the United States of having violated the ABM treaty by
proposing the SDI [strategic defense initiative] program.

It will ensure that the United States of America is home to the jobs and industries of tomorrow. 
That’s how we’ll win the future.  And that’s how we’ll leave our children an America that is
more secure and prosperous than before.
I close this paper with a short address to General
  Howe. You, sir, are only lingering out the period that
shall bring with it your defeat. You have yet scarce
began upon the war, and the further you enter, the
faster will your troubles thicken. What you now enjoy
is only a respite from ruin; an invitation to
destruction; something that will lead on to our
deliverance at your expense. We know the cause
which we are engaged in, and though a passionate
fondness for it may make us grieve at every injury
which threatens it, yet, when the moment of

concern is over, the determination to duty returns. We

are not moved by the gloomy smile of a worthless
king, but by the ardent glow of generous patriotism.
We fight not to enslave, but to set a country free, and
Thanks, and have a great weekend. to make room upon the earth for honest men to live
in. In such a case we are sure that we are right; and
we leave to

you the despairing reflection of being the tool of a

miserable tyrant.



Weekly Address: Energy Security Can Only

Come If We Invest in Cleaner Fuels and
Greater Efficiency
Mormonism Challenged #1 - Ed Decker - Birth of Mormonism.3gp

WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama discussed his strategy to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil and secure our nation’s energy future.  When the President was
elected, America imported eleven million barrels of oil a day.  This week he announced a bold,
but achievable goal of cutting this number by one-third by 2025.
When, in the course of human events, it
becomes necessary for one people to dissolve
the political bonds which have connected
The B-2 was conceived to profit from the advances in stealth technology that
them with another, and to assume among the
grew from a series of laboratory experiments and design studies during 1970 to
powers of the earth, the separate and equal
1976. The early work by both the government and industry during this
station to which the laws of nature and of
timeframe resulted in feasible and practical stealth vehicles that exist throughout
nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to
our military. The current operational fleets of fighters, bombers, UAVs, ships,
the opinions of mankind requires that they
and other stealth vehicles trace their heritage to the early technology maturation
should declare the causes which impel them
and engineering development programs. Stealth (or low observables, as it was
called by the original practitioners) offered a new and revolutionary approach
for penetrating the burgeoning growth of the Soviet defensive system of an to the separation.
  network. The fighter was the first type of weapon system to be
integrated radar
studied for the benefits of stealth and the pay-off was assessed as substantial.
The bomber was the next obvious candidate, and it too, showed great promise.
Lockheed was in the lead for the technology application for fighters and was
awarded the development contract for the F-117 stealth fighter. Northrop and
Lockheed were competitors for the contract to develop the stealth bomber from
late 1979; Northrop won the contract in November 1981. The first flight of the
B-2 was 17 July 1989 with the first operational sortie of the aircraft occurring
during the Balkan conflict in December 1995.

To achieve this goal we will increase responsible domestic oil and gas development in the short
term, while also increasing efficiency and harnessing new technologies including biofuels,
natural gas, and advanced batteries.  And through the Clean Fleets Partnership, large companies,
such as UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo, will help boost the market for clean fuels by
switching their fleets over to electric and alternative vehicles.
The audio of the address is and video of the address will be available online at at 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, April 2, 2011.

Remarks of President Barack Obama

As Prepared for Delivery
Landover, Maryland
April 2, 2011

Hello, everybody.  I’m speaking to you today from a UPS customer center in Landover,
Maryland, where I came to talk about an issue that’s affecting families and businesses just like
this one – the rising price of gas, and what we can do as a country to reduce our dependence on
foreign oil.
He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither

swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their

This week, I released a Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.  It’s a strategy to reduce the oil we
import from around the world, and to make our economy stronger at home.  Part of this strategy
involves increasing our oil exploration right here in America.  In fact, our oil production last year
reached its highest level since 2003, and we want to encourage more safe, responsible drilling
where we can.

In Love, Sex and War Fitness is Essential to the Eye,

heart, and Feelings for a healthy soul to desire equally
  what the body really wants…
But the truth is, drilling alone is not a real strategy to replace our dependence on foreign oil. 
And that’s because even though America uses 25 percent of the world’s oil, we currently have
only about 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves.  Even if we used every last drop of all the oil we
have, it wouldn’t be enough to meet our long-term energy needs.  So, real energy security can
only come if we find ways to use less oil – if we invest in cleaner fuels and greater efficiency.

Our people expect their President and the Congress to find
essential agreement on issues of great moment, the wise
resolution of which will better shape the future of the nation.
My own relations with the Congress, which began on a remote
and tenuous basis when, long ago, a member of the Senate
appointed me to West Point, have since ranged to the intimate
during the war and immediate postwar period, and finally to
the mutually interdependent during these past eight years. In
this final relationship, the Congress and the Administration
have, on most vital issues, cooperated well, to serve the nation
good, rather than mere partisanship, and so have assured that
the business of the nation should go forward. So, my official
relationship with the Congress ends in a feeling on

my part of gratitude that we have been able to do so much


That’s what we’ve been doing since I took office.  For example, we secured an agreement from
all the major auto companies to raise the fuel efficiency of their cars and trucks.  So if you buy a
new car, the better gas mileage is going to save you about $3,000.  Altogether, this will save us
about 1.8 billion barrels of oil as a country.

In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for

redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions
have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince,
whose character is thus marked by every act which may
define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

1-08 1h.3gp

We need to build on this progress.  As we make our cars and trucks more efficient, we’ve got to
harness new technologies to fuel our vehicles with everything from biofuels to natural gas to
advanced batteries.  And the good news is, these technologies aren’t science fiction anymore. 
They exist today.  Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles that use little
or no gas.  And innovators across America are testing new products that hold incredible promise
not just for new vehicles, but for countless new jobs.
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on
theprotection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each

other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

To help jumpstart this market, the federal government has doubled the number of clean energy
vehicles that we have in our fleet.  In the next few years, we’re going to switch the entire fleet
over.  And I’m here at UPS because it’s not just the government getting in on the action. 
Companies like UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo – firms with some of the largest
fleets in the country – are switching to more efficient vehicles.  And through our Clean Fleets
Partnership, driven not by government, but by business, more companies are going to be
switching to electric and alternative vehicles, too – not out of the goodness of their hearts, but
because it’s good for their bottom lines.
Progress toward these noble goals is persistently threatened by the
conflict now engulfing the world. It commands our whole attention,
absorbs our very beings. We face a hostile ideology

global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and

insiduous [insidious] in method. Unhappily, the danger it poses
promises to be of indefinite duration. To meet it successfully, there is
called for, not so much the emotional and transitory sacrifices of crisis,
but rather those which enable us to carry forward steadily, surely, and
without complaint the

burdens of a prolonged and complex struggle with liberty the stake.

Only thus shall we remain, despite every provocation, on our charted
  course toward permanent peace and human betterment.

The goal is simple.  When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil
a day.  Through these and other steps, by a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut
that by one third.  And by doing so, we’re going to make our economy less vulnerable to wild
swings in oil prices.  We’re going to use cleaner sources of energy that don’t imperil our
climate.  And we’re going to spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping
America’s greatest renewable resource: our ingenuity.
We know how important that is. This week, we learned that the economy added 230,000 private
sector jobs last month.  That makes 1.8 million private sector jobs created in the last thirteen
months.  That’s a good sign.  But we have to keep up the momentum, and transitioning to a clean
energy economy will help us do that.  It will ensure that the United States of America is home to

I cannot, in justice to my own belief, and what I have great reason to conceive is the
intention of Congress, conclude this address, without giving it as my decided opinion, that
that honorable body entertain exalted sentiments of the services of the army; and, from a
full conviction of its merits and sufferings, will do it complete justice.
the jobs and industries of tomorrow.  That’s how we’ll win the future.  And that’s how we’ll
leave our children an America that is more secure and prosperous than before.




(a) PAYMENT OF REWARDS TO COMBAT TERRORISM.—Funds available to the Attorney General may be used for the
  payment of rewards pursuant to public advertisements for assistance to the Department of Justice to combat terrorism
and defend the Nation against terrorist acts, in accordance with procedures and

regulations established or issued by the Attorney General.

(b) CONDITIONS.—In making rewards under this section—

(1) no such reward of $250,000 or more may be made

or offered without the personal approval of either the Attorney

General or the President;

(2) the Attorney General shall give written notice to the

Thanks, and have a great weekend .

Conventional warfighting innovations were pursued to restore deterrence

credibility in Europe. Even as US defense planners sought to address concerns about the
military balance in Europe, Soviet expansionism into the Third World raised additional
concerns about the ability to contain a regional conflict and prevent escalation to a wider
global one. Anxiety about Soviet penetration into strategically important regions like the
Persian Gulf was based in part on the emergence of new strategic and operational challenges to
American military forces.

Responses to these challenges evolved throughout the late 1970s and early 1980s and led to a
new arsenal of nonnuclear strategic strike capabilities. These were the capabilities Soviet
observers labeled an RMA.

A wellspring of studies and prolific media references to ‘revolutionary’

warfighting capabilities permeated defense planning discussions following the American

military victory over Iraq in the 1991 Gulf War. There was often more rhetoric than reality in
many of the pro-RMA arguments of the time. Even among those more conservative analysts
choosing not to directly evoke RMA terminology, defense planning discussions and military
thought were dominated by what this study terms an American RMA thesis. This thesis faded
in the late 1990s but remains central to more recent defense transformation discussions. The


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