Rachid Rida Achouri Level: 2 Y/ LPH Second Term Test Time: 45 M

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Rachid Rida Achouri

Full name : .........................................

Level: 2 Y/ Lph
Second Term Test
Time : 45 m
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Living in a city is becoming more and more difficult. Every minute our lives are in danger. When we
leave our houses, we must breathe bad air. This smog is not only unpleasant but dangerous as well. Our
old people are suffering from respiratory diseases. The pollution in the air hurts our eyes, our noses and
our throat.
When we walk down the streets, we hear loud noises from every side: radios, stereos, shouting
people, cars, etc... We have few parks. We have no place to sit quietly and enjoy the singing of birds. We
cannot escape pollution everywhere, not even in our homes. We live pollution twenty four hours a day.
Our rivers are polluted by industrial chemicals. Who knows how many of these chemicals are still in the
water when we drink it? And what about the food we eat?
Yes, our city has indeed become unlivable. We may have high standard of living, with cars, T V sets
and other materials, but do we live as our grandparents lived? They didn't have cars, T.V sets and
beautiful houses,but they had cleaner air and quieter cities. The food they ate was not covered with
pesticides and other chemicals.We as citizens of this community must decide of what kind of world we
want our children to live in.

1. Choose the most suitable title for the text. (1p)
a) Our grandparent’s life b) Our polluted cities c) Children’s future life

2. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false”. (2 pts)

a) The air we breathe is healthy.
b) We suffer from pollution day and night.
c) There are plenty of places where people can sit and listen to birds.
d) Our grandparents’ life was better than ours.
3. Answer the following questions according to the text.( 3.5 pts)
a) Why are our lives in danger?
b) What types of pollution does the writer mention in the 2 nd paragraph?
c) Do we live today as our grandparents used to? Justify.
4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1p)

a) it (§2) ………………………………… b) they (§3) …………………………………

B/Text Exploration:
1. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following: (1p)
a) harms (§1) = …………… b) reside (§2) = ……………

2. Find in the text words which are opposite in meaning to the following: (1p)
a) safe (§1) ≠ …………… b) noisier (§3) ≠ ……………
3. Complete the following table: (1.5p)

Verbs Nouns Adjectives

……………………………………… pollution ………………………………
To waste …………………………………… ………………………………
……………………………………… …………………………………… alive
4. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a). (3pts)

1/ a) Our rivers are polluted by industrial chemicals

b) Industrial chemicals ………………………………………………………………
2/ a) Pollution caused a lot of diseases.
b) A lot of diseases ……………………………………………………………………
3/ a) We must make decisions to preserve nature.
b) Decisions …………………………………………………………………………………
5.Complete the sentences using the correct word from the list : so that – although- in order to. (1.5p)

1/ We have to fight pollution.......................live in clean environment.

2/........................ our grandparents’ life was simple, it was better than ours.

3/ We shouldn’t use pesticides and other chemicals............................our food won’t be contaminated.

6. Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables. (1.5 p)

pollution - breathe - streets - city - chemicals - trashes

One Syllable Two Syllables Three Syllables

7. Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph. (2pts)

a) If we don't save the Earth now

b) Without the Earth we have nowhere to live, 1 2 3 4
c) maybe our children might not be able to see it for
d) along with many other organisms.

8. Fill in each gap with the appropriate word from the list below. (1pt)

needs _ machines _ to satisfy _ serious

Pollution is a very …1……..problem because most of it comes from……2…..which man has invented……
3……his daily……4…….

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