Human Rights Violence Reading Comprehension Exercises Tests - 22974

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 ‘‘Non-violence in the Civil Rights struggle has meant not relying on arms and
weapons. It has meant non-cooperation with customs and laws which are institutional
aspects of a regime of discrimination and enslavement’’, said Martin Luther King in his
1965 speech. He added saying‘‘ Non-violence has also meant we do not want to instil
fear to others or into the society of which we are part. it has meant that we don’t seek to
win victory over anyone. We seek to liberate our society and share in the self-liberation
of all the people’’.
Sure that violence often brings momentary results. Nations have frequently won
their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories , violence never brings
permanent peace. It solves no social problems : it merely creates new and more
complicated ones. ‘‘violence is immoral,’’ he said ‘‘It destroys community and makes
brotherhood impossible.’’
According to Martin Luther King, practising non-violence shows that we have
reached a superior level, that we have escaped the blind fear that arouses panic and
violence. Non-violence, for him, requires courage and self-denial. Martin Luther King
exposes how useless and harmful violence is. It is impratical and immoral because it
develops hatred and ends in destruction for all.
He pointed out that violence has come to be taken for granted as a means of solving
problems. There ensue looting, pillaging, killing and setting fire everywhere. They
might feel happy and victorious. But this violence engenders violence and it will never
bring permanent peace. He also declared that we have to exchange ideas and opinions in
peaceful dialogues. We have to set an atmosphere of understanding and tolerance, an
atmosphere of brotherhood and love.

Reading comprehension
1- Are there any direct quotations in the text ?If so, how many ?
2- What do the underlined words refer to ? ( 1 pt )
which §1 their §2 it §2 him §3
3- Here are anwers to some questions in the text. Write the questions. ( 1,5 pt )
a- momentary results §2 b- happy and victorious §4
c- exchange ideas and opinions. §4
4-complete the table with four words related to violence and four to non-violence. (1pt)

Violence Non-violence

5- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to : ( 0,75 pt )
damages §2 arrived at §3 cure §4

6- Find words that are opposite in meaning to : ( 0,75 pt )

necessary §3 love §3 temporary §4
7- Answer the following questions according to the text : ( 1,5 pt )
a- Did Martin Luther King believe in non-violence to get one’s rights ?
b- Why is violence useless and harmful ?
c- What should we do to live in harmony with others ?

Mastery of language : ( 7 pts )

1-Supply capitals and punctuation where necessary : (1pt)
racial prejudice is perhaps the strongest prejudice to be felt in the world many
examples of discrimination racial riots and racial tension may be found in america
britain and in france as well
2- Copy the odd one outon your anwer sheet : (0,25pt)
- victory -struggle - fight -battle
3-Which adjectives can be derived from these nouns ? (1pt)
a- victory b- violence c- democracy d- destruction
4- Divide these words into roots and affixes : (1pt)
a- independence b- impractical
5- Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as (a) : (1,5pt)
a-‘‘We don’t seek to win victory over anyone.We seek to liberate our society,’’King
b-King said ……………………………………..
a-Violence doesn’t preserve brotherhood.Violence doesn’t bring peace.
b- Violence……………………….
a- Violence destroys both community and brotherhood.
b- Both community………………………
6- Reorder the following to get a coherent sentence : (1pt)
maintenance -and -Organisation -the -security -objective - is -Nations
-the -internal -of -United -primary -the -of -peace
7- Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final ‘s’ (1,25pt)
-victories -results -exposes -reaches -customs

/s/ /z/ / iz /

Written expression : (6 pts )

Choose one of the following topics :
-Topic one : using the following ideas, write a compositon on violence in the world
and suggest solutions.
-violence every where : in the family, neighbourhood, community.
-civil wars and wars between countries.
-riots, crimes, racial discrimination.
-solution : justice, tolerance, dialogue, unity…

-Topic two :
Is non-violence more efficient at solving racial and social problems than violence ?
Give your arguments.

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