Final Essay Project: Has The Fight For Women's Right in Canada Been Won?

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Kassie Wong

Social study 11
Mr. Smith

Final Essay Project: Has the Fight for Women’s Right in Canada Been Won?

In this essay, I plan to assess the fight for women’s rights in Canada and whether
or not it has been won to prove that the women have been given more power and freedom
in Canada because of (1) political, (2) economy, (3) Military, (4) Religious, and (5) social

Canada signed many agreements about women’s rights since July 1 st, 1867. At
this time, women do not have power in the society, for they do not have power to give
their suggestions to the government. They saw many of society’s problems were
becoming worse because of alcohol; however, they could not control either the
government or community1. In early 1900 Canada started to change and married women
had some rights in their life. For example, women could be teachers or nurses in the
society, for they had more status in Canada2. Furthermore, 2800 women had helped
Canada in the World War One. They worked in the hospital ships and field ambulances
which can prove Canadian women wanted to change their status, although their role was
unusual at that time3. Moreover, the highlight in the history of Canadian women was
“The Persons Case,” which gave women more freedom and more rules to protect them
till now.

Counter Points: A Different Canada – P.6 February 13, 2011
Counter Points: A Different Canada – P.6 February 13, 2011
Counter Points: Canada and the First World War – P.39 February 13, 2011

In the political factor, many Acts and rules established women’s rights. The first
legal law was the Dominion Elections Acts which gave women the legal right to vote in a
provincial election4. This is the first step toward Women having more freedom. During
1903 to 1907, both Manitoba and Prince Edward Island also joined the Dominion
Elections Act5. In 1916, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta let women vote in
provincial elections, and British Columbia joined by Amending the Provincial Election
Act the following year 6. Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and P.E.I also
recognized this act and the last province, Quebec, joined in 19407.
Married women also had the same legal capacity as men in Alberta because of the
Married Women's Property Act8. In 1929, five suffragists from Alberta tried to get more
freedom for women in Canada. They went to the judicial Committee of the Privy Council
in Britain to argue that women are person too. This event became known as “person case”
which recognized women as people under Canadian law.

The Fair Employment Practices Act is another case which gave women equal pay
in the work place. One after another, Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia,
Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Alberta, joined this law between 1952 and 1957 9. Also, the
other acts which were made to help women were the Female Employees Equal Pay Act
which made them more equal to men in Canada10. Canadian government continues to
give women more right until now.

4 February 14,2011
5 February 14,2011
6 February 14,2011
7 February 14,2011
8 February 14,2011
9 February 14,2011
10 February 14,2011
Women also gained their freedom by contributing to the Canadian economy.
During WWI and WWII many men were away fighting. As a result, women were needed
to work in many industries which lost their male workers to the war. Women were now in
charge of producing goods and supplies that were important for the war and Canada.
Women also worked on the farms while men were away11. In addition, Canada made the
fair wages policy that everyone had the same wages 12. In contrary, women played an
important role in Canada to help with the economy.

In the present, women continue to gain their freedom because of their contribution
to our economy. Women can be a police women, work in a government, and they can be
a construction worker. This shows that women are able to do work that women did not do
before. Therefore, women can do the work that men can do.

From a military view-point, women also gain their freedom during WWI and
WWII. Women had joined in the Canadian armies by helping in ambulances, making
food, working in clothing industries, and farming to support the military. Men are strong
and they needed to go to the front to fright the enemy, so women needed to help Canada
in the war. In 1941, the Canadian government needed more people to join the army;
however, they did not just let men join. 45,000 Women were allowed to enter the Army,
Navy, and Air force. One famous division was CWAC13.

During 1910 to 1920, the religious factor of women’s rights has been won
because of the Women Christian Temperance Movement Association want to get
Counter Points: Canada and the Second World War – P.154 February 14,2011
12 February 14,2011
13 1 April, 2011
equality. They wanted Alcohol banned because they thought it created too many
problems, like the unequal treatment of women. Therefore, they can do what they belief
and follow the laws of god.

In social factor, women gained their freedom through social protest which fought
for women’s rights. In 1875, Grace Annie Lockhart, a student at Mount Allison
University, was the first woman to receive the university degree 14. During 1960, people
also protested for Feminism and the equality of the women in Canada 15. The protesting
got the government attention. As a result, the government created a Royal Commission
on the Status of Women. The Royal Commission helped women to work outside in the
society, they can get money from their work when they pregnant, and the Federal
Government also should do all it can to help overcome discrimination against women
society too.


In conclusion, women have contributed a part of Canada that made the country
more developed and proved that women have the same ability as men in different factors.
In the political factor, Women won the freedom of working in the government. Than
women also can get any job they want in the society. They also they can follow to do
anything from them religious. During WWI and WWII, women had able to work with
men as army. Last, women have a Royal Commission project to protect them until now.
Thus it can be seen; Canada women have more freedom and ensure in their status.

14 February 15, 2011
Counter points Exploring Canadian Issue “A Changing Society” P.181 April 1, 2011

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