Chan Shaw Zing (18020380) Reflection (飛悅匙空體驗之旅)

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Chan Shaw Zing (18020380)

Reflection  (飛悅匙空體驗之旅)  

I participated in the activity called 飛悅匙空體驗之旅 organised by Heep Hong

Society and The Hong Kong Jockey Club charities Trust held in Ho Man Tin on
30th March,2019. The activity is in the form of a tour which is led by a tour guide from
the organisation. The tour guide is a sufferer of Autism which he had a bad childhood
experience and he became the tour guide of this activity. The whole activity is
broken down into two sections, the first session is the visit tour; the second section
is the Human Library where we hear sharing from an Autism sufferer.  
The visit tour include 4 sites, the first site is about
sensation. The staffs provide three boxes which contain some materials in each
box. They ask us to touch and feel the materials and guess what it is for each box.
The first one is cotton wool which is very soft while the second and third boxes
are something like brushes. They concluded by telling us that people of Autism
may have problems with sensation, they may be over sensory that they can be
nervous easily or coward; they can have sensory weakness that they may have
reaction obtuse, sluggish facial expressions or being quiet; they may also be
very impetuous that they may be very active or crude sometimes. The second site
we visited is about their learning. We get to know about how Autism children
learn at school; how they write Chinese words and what teachers use to support
their learning. The third site is about their social skills. The staff said Autism children
has difficulty in comprehension, they can’t understand different pictures correctly
or think of the other’s view point. The last site is about carrying out a task. This
session focuses on the ability to understand the instructions from a member and
carrying them out correctly.  
Overall, I think the activity is quite fun, it shows the materials used to cure Autism
and allows us to experience how Autism children feel every day. Although there is
limited space, the activity is actually much organised with meaningful
and interesting activities. It allows me to understand their feeling more and I will try
to put myself into their shoe if I have an Autistic student in the future.  The last
session of the activity is the Human Library which I think is the most interesting part.
They invited an Autism sufferer who is a 21-year-old boy, to share his love
experiences. He said that he was admired by a girl in the past, but he wasn’t
confident enough to accept her love, therefore he never fell in love with someone in
the past. He mentioned that he is single now and he is now looking for a girl who
loves him. Although Autism people have a lot of difficulty in their life, they have the
same demand with normal people that they need love from someone who really
understand them and respect them.

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