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December 6

Is the deadline for our Memorial Poinsettias.

You must send info and payment to the church office ON
or BEFORE December 6, or fill out a sheet and drop in
the designated box in the Glass Office.

December 7
The Presbyterian Women are having a luncheon
on Tuesday, December 7 and EVERYONE is invited!
The Luncheon begins at 12 noon and our honored guests
will be The Tucker High School Choir.

December 9
Is the deadline for our Angel Tree collection.
Find and pick an angel off the tree in the narthex, shop
for and bless a child this holiday. All gifts must be
brought to the church in a trash bag by Thursday, Dec. 9
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

December 11
Is Decorating of the church beginning at
8:30 a.m. Later that evening at 6:30 p.m. is the PEOPLE
Group at The Coltrain’s, 3202 Hawthorne Ave. Bring a
dish to share—enough for 10 people!
Grace & Peace to you…

December 19
Our 79th Annual Candlelight Carol Service at
5:00 p.m. This event has been opened to the community.
may God hold each of us in the palm of His hand…Hallelujah and Amen.

Come hear the Chancel, Junior, Carol and Handbell-

Choir. That morning is our Kid’s Christmas pageant.
Grace Notes

December 24
December 2010

in worship. We have listened to them sing, and some of them ring, to the glory of God.

Christmas Eve—YES! But it is also our Christ-

mas Eve Service beginning at 5:00 p.m. Come celebrate
Volume 40, Issue 12

the birth of our Lord and Savior.

May God continue to bless us exceedingly abundantly during this season of joy (blessing) and
about the birth of our Messiah that brings out the very best in Christians. The spirit of Christ-
that no one can count that high. As I write this we are preparing to embark on the annual jour-
One often hears the expression, “count your blessings”…we, as believers in the Messiah, know

ney to Christmas. Though we know and profess Christ in our lives everyday, there is something

Below is a calendar of activities and events we can celebrate together as we approach Christmas.
mas began for many the last several weeks as we have been blessed with the presence of children
Volume 40, Issue 12 Page 3

Kids Club Update

Our Kids Club is for Kindergarten – 6th graders. It meets on Wednesdays
from 6:30 – 7:30 in the Youth Group Room on the 3rd floor. We partici-
pate in games, cooking, and outreach projects relating to the scriptures
the children are studying in Sunday school. On Dec. 1, we will be making
wreaths with the adults at Grace-Covenant. On Dec. 8, we will be deliver-
ing home-baked dog biscuits to the SPCA. On Dec. 15, we will be hosting
a Birthday Party for Jesus. Please join us!
Parents: Please note, if you have children who are not yet in kindergarten and you need
childcare on Wednesday nights so that you can attend the Bible Study, we will make a
nursery available if you let Kelley Lane know in advance.

Christmas Pageant
This year’s Christmas Pageant for children will be Sunday, December 19
during Sunday School. It will be written and directed by Evelyn Tower
and Janet Chenoweth. All children are invited to participate. We will
practicing during Sunday School on December 12. All adults are invited
to attend the performance. Let your families know so they can attend
that morning and also that evening for our Candlelight Service. Look
to the future for more details about the performance.

Presbyterian Women’s Circle Meetings—Dec.14

PW Circle
3 C ircle
C ircle 9:30 a.m. PW a.m.
PW .m.
10:3 ss:
0 a Hostess: te
11:0 s: Hos oltrain
es re rne
Host e Sizemo Lewis Rose
Beth Hawtho
nn Social Roo 2
Suza B-4 m 320 e
Room Ave
Page 4

Stewardship Corner and Finances


Many people go hungry right here October’s contribution total of

in Richmond. You can help support $30,400 was up from the exceptionally low
amount in September, and, with two months
this program by participating in the
rental income being recorded, total
Five Cents a Meal Offering.
income exceeded expenses for the
Every meal, set aside 5 cents. month by about $2,000. For the
Save this money and bring it first ten months of this year contri-
to church the first Sunday of butions are running 11.7% below last
each month. (Or each year at this time and total income is
week.) The money collected down 9.9%. General Fund expenses
are down about 1% from last year’s
goes to the Presbytery Hun-
total for the ten month period. Through
ger Committee to support hunger October our expenses exceeded total income
projects in the area and around the by $135.700, compared to a deficit of
world. $98,900 for the same period last year.

The Dog and Car Wash was a Huge Success!!!

Thank you to all who participated in our Dog and
Car Wash that was held on Sunday, November 7.
Our Kid’s Club raised $800!!! Thank you to all the
donors, helpers, and especially our Kid’s for wanting
to do this… this was their idea!
All the proceeds were donated to Church World Service.
The money will go towards building a well and providing safe and clean drink-
ing water in Africa. The kids presented the check to John Javed on Wednesday
Night, November 17. They were so proud and so
was Grace Covenant.
How cool it is to know where the money will go
since Church World Service has been one of our 3rd
Floor Tenants for more than 24 years!
Page 5 Grace Notes

We welcome our children

November 28 was the first Sunday of Advent; the church year begins with Ad-
vent. It’s a New Year, so we’re starting a new practice. All children are invited
to come to worship with their parents. After the children’s sermon, children who
are not yet in Kindergarten will be invited to come to the nursery for a snack, a
story, a song, and play time. During Advent (the time of preparing for Christ-
mas), children in K-2 are invited to the chapel following the children’s sermon
for a child-friendly discussion of this special season in the church year. If you
have infants or children whom you feel are too young to attend worship at this
point, the infant and toddler nurseries are available throughout the worship service.
The Education Committee and the Worship Committee are in agreement that as a community
of faith we want to support our children as they grow by teaching them to worship with us. We are
also in agreement that we want to support our parents as they grow in their faith and come to worship.
We invite all children and adults to attend our Sunday school classes that begin each Sunday at 9:30
and to attend worship each week at 11:00.
Gobble– Gobble
If you have questions about any of our Sunday school classes, please contact Kelley Lane, our
Christian Educator.

Food Pantry
William Bryd Community House Donations may be left in the basket in
the Glass Office. We have seen a huge increase in the giving over the
last few months and we are blessing William Byrd Community House
socks off! Thanks for picking up a few items here and there at the Gro-
cery Store. Those who tend to buy extra canned Thanksgiving items
―just in case‖… if they aren’t used, drop them off in the basket in the
Glass Office (near the back doors, on the main floor of the Education Building).

Bookkeeper Notes:
Third quarter statements were available in the narthex in early October.
Any statements that were not picked up, were mailed at the end of October.
Envelopes for 2011 gifts can be picked up in the narthex through December
5th. All remaining envelopes will be mailed in mid-December. If you did
not receive a statement or would like to have envelopes, please call Martha
Rubin at extension 205, or email:
Page 6 Grace Notes

Mission is buzzing….
Summer Youth Mission Trip HONDURAS 2011–

Plans are now being made for a possi-

ble summer mission trip for our Yes, Grace Covenant-
youth. Various weeks are being con- it’s that time again,
sidered based on participates availabil- when we remind you
ity. that the next Mission
Trip to Honduras is
Our youth will be partnering with just ahead, beyond
other youth groups led by Missions the Holidays. This
Trip Coordinators ―TEAMeffort‖. year, in addition to
our week of Medical/
Various service projects will include:
Dental Clinics, light
home repairs and small renovations,
construction, and activities for the children
painting and winter preparation for
(January 8/9-15), there will also be a week of
cataract surgeries in the public hospital in San
Approximate cost per participant will Lorenzo (January 1-8). Anyone who is ready,
be $350 for the week and includes: willing and able, please check out our website,
transportation, lodging, most meals, for further information (with
and white water rafting. particular attention to ―Next Trip,‖ which
gives all the details of what you may expect).
All interested youth please contact Then, if you are interested in joining the
Kelley Lane at team, please contact Dr. Susan Pillsbury by email: or phone at 387-
as soon as 2302. We also are happy for support staff to
possible. help with making, purchasing, collecting, and
packing materials. Please keep us in your
Salvation Army Christmas Angels

The Education Committee headed by Jean Appich has arranged for an angel tree at Grace
Covenant Presbyterian Church. Please take an angel. Every Angel represents a Child in
need this Christmas Season. Angels are children under the age of 14 whose parents have
registered with the Salvation Army for assistance. Gifts are due here at Grace Covenant by
Thursday, December 9. In the words of Jeff Baldwin, Public Relations Director for The Sal-
vation Army, "The economic conditions continue to affect all of us and the demand for
our services continues to rise and this will be true during the Christmas assistance season as
well, so host sites this year will be vital to the success of our Angel Tree program." Help
make our site successful!

A special Thank you to our Grace Covenant children who so eagerly placed the 40 angles
we received on the tree. The Christmas Tree with the angels is now located in the narthex.
We only have 13 left. If you have a young family, giving to the ―Angel
Tree‖ will instill the goodness of giving and sharing
to others for years to come.
Page 8

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Junior Choir 5:00 pm
Chancel Choir 7:30 pm
Wed. Night Supper 6:00 pm
Wed. Night Bible Study
5 6 Men’s Lunch 12 noon 7 Staff Meeting 10:30 am 8
Handbell Choir 8:30 am Administration Comm. PW Luncheon Event Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Prayer ministry 9:15 am Meeting 7 pm 12 noon (see pg. 2) Junior Choir 5:00 pm
Sunday School 9:30 am Poinsettias Men’s Group 8:00 pm @ Chancel Choir 7:00 pm
Worship 11 am Order Deadline 1704 Hanover Avenue Wed. Night Supper 6:00 pm
Wed. Night Bible Study
12 13 Men’s Lunch 12 noon 14 Staff Meeting 10:30 am 15
Handbell Choir 8:30 am Christian Education Carol Choir 4:30 pm
Prayer ministry 9:15 am Meeting 7:00 p.m. Finance Committee 7:00 pm Junior Choir 5:00 pm
Sunday School 9:30 am Chancel Choir 7:00 pm
Worship 11 am PW Circles Meet Wed. Night Supper 6:00 pm
9:30, 10:30 & 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study

19 Handbell Choir 8:30 20 Men’s Lunch 12 noon 21 Staff Meeting 10:30 am 22

Prayer ministry 9:15 am Worship Comm. 7:00 pm
Sunday School 9:30 am Men’s Group 8:00 pm @
Worship 11 am Evangelism 1704 Hanover Avenue
CANDLELIGHT Comm. 6:45 pm
26 27 28 Staff Meeting 10:30 am 29
Prayer ministry 9:15 am Church Office Closed
Sunday School 9:30 am Property Comm. 7:00 pm
Worship 11 am
Late on a sleepy, star-spangled night, those angels peeled back the sky just like you would tear open a
sparkling Christmas present. Then, with light and joy pouring out of Heaven like water through a bro-
ken dam, they began to shout and sing the message that baby Jesus had been born. The world had a
Savior! The angels called it "Good News," and it was. Larry Libby, Christmas Stories for the Heart

Thursday Friday Saturday

2 Mothers Together 9:30 am 3 4

MT Kids Choir 10 am Community Group 5:45 pm
Children’s Chapel 10:30

9 Mothers Together 9:30 am 10 11 Church Decorating 8:30am

MT Kids Choir 10 am Community Group 5:45 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:30 am
Children’s Chapel
10:30 am PEOPLE at the Coltrain’s
Angel Tree Deadline 6:30 pm

16 17 18
Children’s Chapel 10:30 am GRACE NOTES Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:00 am
CDC Christmas Party 6 pm DEADLINE
Community Group 5:45 pm

23 24 Christmas Eve Service 5 pm 25

Children’s Chapel 10:30 am Church Office Closed

30 31
Children’s Chapel 10:30 am Church Office Closed
MAILING!!! Group 5:45 pm
Candlelight Carol Service
Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

1627 Monument Avenue

Chancel Choir
Junior Choir
Carol Choir
Handbell Choir
Reception held by the Presbyterian Women. Childcare provided

with the
Richmond Choral Society

Sunday, December 5
4:00 p.m. Christmas Concert

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Saturday, December 11

520 North Boulevard • Richmond 7:00 p.m.

Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church

201 Henry Street; Ashland, VA
Markus Compton, Conductor
Music Director, Hebron Presbyterian Church
Larry Heath, Conductor
Director of Music, River Road Presbyterian Church
Christopher Martin, Organist
Director of Music, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church Christopher Martin, Organist
Director of Music, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
Worship Support Duties and Dates
Children’s Worship Kits
Openers/Closers Kaete Unterzuber
December 5: John Lootens
December 12: Jef Londrey Guest Register Attendants
December 19: Kent Cardwell
December 5: Betty Appich
December 26: Rick Nochta
December 12: Dawson Watkins
Nursery Volunteers December 19: Everett Reveley
December 26: Cal & Lisa Gray
December 5: Lisa Cardwell
Fellowship Hour
December 12: Ann Hubbard
Jo Garber If you would like to volunteer to host the
Fellowship Hour one Sunday, please sign up
December 19: Samara Grinnan on the calendar in the Glass Office. The new
Lauren Corby 2011 Calendar is in the
Beth Coltrain
December 26: Julia Poppell Deacons Fund
Grace Covenant has a Deacon’s Fund to assist
Greeters members who are in financial need. Contact
December 5: Bob Copeland Pastor Steve Cobb, to make a request. All
Everett Reveley requests are kept confidential.
Leslie Hartman
Volunteers for Grace Notes are needed to
December 12: Lewis Rosebro
David Martin help prepare our monthly newsletter for bulk
mail from 9:00 a.m.—12 noon on
December 19: Kent Cardwell Thursday, December 30. If you would like
Everett Reveley to help for part of, or all of that time frame,
Leslie Hartman
simply come to the church library and enjoy
December 26: Brian Baird some fellowship with other members as you
volunteer in this ministry.

Host/Hostess for The Fellowship Time Grace Notes Deadline: Friday, December 17
is the deadline for submissions for our
December 5: The McCullough’s January edition.
December 12: Sallie Leys
Flowers: If you are interested in
December 19: Carol Wood donating flowers for the sanctuary
Sudie Wood for Sunday mornings, please con-
tact Lisa Gray at 673-0587
December 26: Elizabeth Russell
Page 12 Grace Notes


The next PEOPLE Group event will be Saturday,
December 11. We will be getting together at the beauti-
fully decorated home of Beth & Phil Coltrain at 6:30 p.m..
Beth and Phil live in Richmond’s historic Ginter Park.
Ginter Park is a beautiful neighborhood with large tree-
lined streets and beautiful residences.

Please bring a main dish, side vegetable

dish, salad, hors d’oeuvre,
appetizer, or dessert to share. Please
bring enough to share for 10 people to

Decorating and Poinsettias

Please join in the fun on Saturday, December 11 at
8:30 a.m. and help decorate the church.

Each year we have the opportunity to provide

Memorial Poinsettias for family and friends. You
may want to honor someone with a poinsettia. We
also use these to decorate the Sanctuary during the
Christmas Season.

If you have not placed your order for poinsettias and/or greens, please do so by
December 6. There are also green order forms located in various areas of the
church and drop off box in the glass office.
Wednesday Night Live
Wednesday Night Live! Also known as WNL

Wednesday Night Suppers! Dinners will be served from 6:00

p.m. till 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Come any time during
that time slot for a home cooked meal.

Meals in December include: Meals are:

$5 per adult
December 1: Fried Chicken, mac & chesse, $2 children and students
okra, coleslaw and bread pudding $12 maximum per family

December 8: It’s Honduran Night! Chicken Every Wednesday Night the children who do
fajitas, beans, rice, soft shells, and chopped not want to eat from the adult menu will be of-
salad with salsa and sour cream. Lemon cus- fered a choice of grilled cheese sandwiches or
tard cake for dessert. peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with either
applesauce or a fruit cocktail cup.
December 15: Brunswick Stew, biscuits, green
salad and fruit cocktail cookies. Each Wednesday we also have a program from
6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
There are no meals the last two Wednesdays in while we finish dinner. Programs include spe-
December. Wednesday Night Suppers will cial speakers or people in our own
resume January 5, 2011. congregation, sharing various topics.

Each month a team of people come in to Behind the scenes of Grace Notes
prepare our monthly newsletter, “Grace
Notes”. They fold, crease, tape shut, and
add address labels for the 300 pieces of
mail to go out. Without them, who knows
if Grace Notes would get done? We appre-
ciate everything they do and the time they
set aside to be here each month! We are
always in need of volunteers— the saying
goes, “Many hands, make work light”.
Check out the calendar each month when
happening. Here’s a head start, January’s
Grace Notes Mailing is: Thursday,
December 30
We meet in the library on the 2nd floor at
Clockwise beginning in the lower left is: Evelyn Tower, Sid
9:00 a.m.
Yates, Jean Appich, Chuck & Jean Massey, and Dottie-Ray Koch

Sunday, November 28, was the First Sunday in Advent in the Church Calendar. Around the 1950's,
in Presbyterian churches I knew anything about, ministers began devoting attention to the Advent Season.
Now the church calendar begins with the Advent Season, the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day. And
many churches display an Advent Wreath with candles as part of services of worship. An Advent wreath
can have either four or five candles. Three of them are usually purple, one rose colored, with a larger,
taller, white candle in the center. That is the candle you light on Christmas Day. The color of the candles
is not all that important, all white candles are just fine. When our children were younger they enjoyed the
Advent Wreath in our home. Most children are interested in candles. They like to light them, to watch
them burn, and snuff them out. And in the process they will agree to reading a few verses of Scripture, or
a prayer. If you explain that Advent comes before Christmas, and Advent means we are acting out our
waiting, or our expecting the coming of our King, and that we need not push and rush from Thanksgiving
and be in a hurry to get to Christmas. That waiting is good.
One of my granddaughters came by to pay a visit on Saturday after Thanksgiving, bringing my first
great-grandson. My Advent wreath was on the table, and it opened the door for me to share the meaning
of the season.
Letting the power of the Word of God speak, here are some suggested verses of Scripture for each
Advent Sunday: First Sunday in Advent, Nov. 28 -Isaiah 60:2-3
Second Sunday: Dec. 5 - Mark 1-4
Third Sunday: Dec. 12 - Luke 1:76-79
Fourth Sunday: Dec. 19 - Isaiah 9:6-7
Christmas Eve or Day: Dec.24, 25 - Luke 2:1-20

Martin's Grocery Store School rewards Program.... BOOKFAIR—PERCENTAGE OF PROCEEDS

Grace Covenant CDC has been added to the approved
list of schools to participate in Martin's School Re- Do some Christmas shopping at Barnes & Noble or
wards Program. This program pays 1% of the total treat yourself. A percentage of all proceeds will bene-
amount purchased in the name of Grace Covenant fit and be given to our very own Child Development
CDC to the CDC in April 2011. The program runs from Daycare Center.
October 2010 to March 2011. You are encouraged to
participate by registering your Martin's bonus Last year around $800 -$1000 was given because of
card. To do so, follow these easy steps: you! The Barnes and Noble located at Libbie Place will
donate a percentage to our non-profit daycare. In ad-
1. Go to "" dition to books, gifts, music and café items Barnes
and Noble offers an even wider selection of the most
2. Click on "Designate Your School" popular toys, games and puzzles. Visit BN.COM/book
3. Enter the first 3 letters of your last name fairs to support us online from 11/17/10 to 12/22/10
4. Enter your 11 digit bonus card number (on the and enter ID 10263739 at the checkout. You must pre-
back of your card and begins with 48) sent coupon code # 102636739 at time
5. Enter id number for CDC: 03012 of purchase for us to receive the credit.
6. Click on "log in"
7. Now, go shopping at Martin's
Our Ministries, 2010
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a
part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 Birthdays
God has called you to Grace Covenant to share your 1- Geoff Campbell
gifts for ministry. Please contact the church office to
2- Judy Witcher
serve on one of these ministries below.
2- Bill Correll
Clerk of Session– Kaete Unterzuber , '10 2- Becky Hudson
2– Jessica Roberts
Mission– Elders: Kent Cardwell '12, Joy Nevin '10;
Deacons: Susan Farrell '12, Betty Appich '11; Members: 5- Anne G. Harrison
Jack Corley, Cherry Corley, Steve Satterfield, Patrise 9- Joice Neda Zobule
Sears, Susan Pillsbury, Dawson Watkins, Jason Griffin, 10- Salome Binnix
Jessie Griifin
11- Emily Johnson
Evangelism– Elders: Brian Baird '11; Deacons: Sam 16- Lloyd Bostian
Lowe '10, Lauren Corby '10; Members: Matt Gillis, 16- Pat Bell
Ashby Price, Carol Wood, Elizabeth Russell
18- Jan Kessel
Christian Education– Elders: Jean Appich '11, Tom 19- Camden Cobb
Miller '12; Deacons: Julia Poppell '11, Cherry Corley 20- Rebecca Horner
'12; Members: Nikki Hazlegrove, Mary Gray, Bill Ja-
20- George Gray
cobs, Erika Tabor; Ex officio: Kelley Lane
21- Aaliyah Tunstall
Property– Elder: Cal Gray; Deacons: Pat Ball '12, John 21- Sade White
Lootens '10; Members: Logan Moorhead, Rob Rosebro;
22- Harris Coltrain
Members & Caretakers: Bob Brooks, Dick Cardwell;
Caretakers only: Hampton Harris, Pete Sizemore 23- Louise Buhrman
23- Jim Crawfod
Finance/Stewardship– Elders: Dana McKnight '11, 25- Cal Gray
Everett Reveley '12; Deacon: Dawson Watkins; Mem-
bers: Jordan Ball, Ashby Price, Jack Corley, Jim Lon- 25- Jake Savage
drey, John Nevin 25- Travis Croxton
25- Elisabeth Anderson
Administration– Elders: Laura Leigh Savage '10, Kaete
26- Michael Holt
Unterzuber '10; Deacon: Derek Rogers '10; Members:
Bob Copeland, Candace Piepgrass, David Martin 27- Harris Holt
27- Hampton Harris
Worship– Elders: Caroline Leith '11, Cheryl Jacobs '12,
27- Jack Piepgrass
Stephen Piepgrass '12; Deacons: Pat Aldridge '11, Sid
Yates '12; Members: Dana McKnight, Wayne Casey, 28- Sam Lowe
Dottie-Ray Koch, Charlene Mahurin, Jane Londrey, Phil 30- Michael Luining
Coltrain; Ex officio: Chris Martin, Steve Cobb
Non Profit Org.

Address Service Requested

December December December December December December December December December December

Phone: (804) 359-2463 Fax: (804) 278-6298

9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages in the Education Building
11:00 a.m. Worship Service in the Sanctuary
12:00 p.m. Congregational Fellowship in the Social Room

Pastor: Steve Cobb
Director of Music and Organist: Chris Martin
Christian Educator: Kelly Lane
Administrative Assistant: Vanessa Strait
Bookkeeper: Martha Rubin
Sexton: Willie Alford
Grace Covenant Child Development Center
Interim Director: Jennifer Ball

Church Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 8:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m.

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