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The WSG Leadership Programme

8 FM

To *OøVFODFOthers, Listen to Them

People don't like being pushed, or even nudged, to do something.

So when you need others to take action - change their behaviour,
adapt a new strategy - inspire them to commit instead of forcing
them to. The best way to do this is to listen, without your own needs
and biases getting in the way.
Try to understand where your colleagues are coming from. Resist the
:PVDBOIFMQNPSFFòFDUJWFMZlater, when the time is right, if you
what you think). Instead, remember that you are listening to learn.
Ask questions like: What does that mean for you? How do you feel
about it? What's your perspective on it?
“Inspire them
This is listening of the highest order. to commit ”
Here are 4 different levels of listening - the first three fall short of what's needed to achieve real influence.

Level One: Avoidance Listening = Listening Over

Listeners who listen over others are the people who say, "Uh huh,"
while clearly showing no interest in what the other person is saying.
They look preoccupied, and they usually are. Sometimes they Level Two: Defensive Listening = Listening At
don't even stop checking their e-mail or texting on their phones This is listening with your defenses up, preparing your
while they're "listening." counterpoints while the person is talking. It's being quick
Level one listening can annoy, exasperate, or even anger person to react and slow to consider. They're often seen as high
who's talking. maintenance, and over time, people avoid them because
they're exhausting.

Level Three: Problem-Solving Listening = Listening To

This is listening in order to accomplish things.
Level Four: Connective Listening = Listening Into
Problem-solving listeners listen in order to move things forward.
This is listening of the highest order, and it's the human
If people want your solutions, this is the right approach. But
listening that all of us desire. It's listening into other
people will feel frustrated, misunderstood and even resentful if
people to discover what's going on inside them. It's
you presume to offer "fixes" they don't want or need.
listening on their terms, not yours. It's understanding
where people are coming from to establish
genuine rapport.
To master the art of Level Four Listening, resist the urge to defend yourself, explain yourself,
or offer quick fixes. Instead, remember that you are listening to learn. Ask questions like these:

a t 's
p in
io n
... ?

What's the best thing about that?

What else co
mes to mind

To put Level 4 Listening into practice, consider these questions:

^ Who has modelled Level Four Listening for you in your life?

> When do you find yourself most challenged to use Level 4 Listening?

v With whom is it most important that you raise your level of listening?

“Using Level 4 Listening isn't always easy, but it leads to real insight and real influence ”

The Leadership Newsletter is for LEADS facilitators. If you have anything you want put in the
newsletter, send an email to

The newsletter will be sent out every 2 weeks. It can include whatever you want. If you have
any questions about the programme, articles, or any interesting or amusing stories then please
share these with readers.

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