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Key Factors for

Determining Student
Satisfaction in
Online Courses

Many higher education institutions are either offering learning environments (Biner, Dean, &
online courses or are planning such initiatives. Critics Mellinger, 1994). Richards and Ridley (1997)
suggested further research is necessary to study
argue that college and university administrators are factors affecting student enrollment and satisfac-
forcing online courses upon students and professors as tion. Prior studies in classroom-based courses
have shown there is a high correlation between
cost-saving measures, and at some universities stu- student satisfaction and retention (Astin, 1993;
dents have expressed discontentment with online Edwards & Waters, 1982). This high correlation
has also been found in studies in which distance
course initiatives (Jaffee, 1998; Noble, 1998). Others
learners were the target population (Bailey,
are wondering aloud if online courses are in fact the Bauman, & Lata, 1998). The purpose of this
answer to challenges such as rapid tuition increases study was to identify factors influencing student
satisfaction in online courses, and to create and
and a changing student body (Feenberg, 1999; Hara validate an instrument to measure student satis-
& Kling, 2000; Rahm & Reed, 1998). faction in online courses.
istorically, retention of distance learners has
H been problematic with dropout rates dispro-
portionably high compared to traditional course
Distance Education
Distance learning has been defined as a learning
settings (Richards & Ridley, 1997; Wetzel, environment in which “students and teachers
Radtke, & Stern, 1994). Dropout rates of 30 to are separated by distance and sometimes by
50% have been common (Moore & Kearsley, time” (Moore & Kearsley, 1996, p. 1). In 1997-98,
1996). Students may experience feelings of isola- 34% of postsecondary educational institutions
tion in distance courses compared to prior face- offered distance education courses and an addi-
to-face educational experiences (Shaw & tional 20% planned to offer distance courses by
Polovina, 1999). If the distance courses feature 2000. Of these institutions, 77% indicated they
limited contact with instructors and fellow stu- used the Internet as one of many instructional
dents, the result of this isolation can be unfin- delivery modes (National Center for Education
ished courses or degrees (Keegan, 1990). Statistics [NCES], 1999). Enrollment in distance
Student satisfaction in traditional learning courses has steadily increased in the 1990s
environments has been overlooked in the past
Shoemaker, 2000). Student satisfaction has also EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY, USA
not been given the proper attention in distance E-MAIL:

January-March 2004 • International Journal on E-Learning 61

(Neeley, Niemi, & Ehrhard, 1998). In the acade- Factors Contributing to
mic year 1994-95, formal online student enroll- Student Satisfaction
ment was 758,640 (NCES, 1998). By 1997-98, that In traditional classroom settings, factors associ-
number had increased to 1,661,100 (NCES, ated with student satisfaction are student char-
1999). The recent growth in distance education acteristics, quality of relationships with faculty,
has been largely credited to the availability of curriculum and instruction, student life, support
technology-enhanced instruction (Hobbs & services, resources, and facilities. In a study with
Christianson, 1997). undergraduate students Astin (1993) identified
Moore and Kearsley (1996) delineated three the following factors as most important: (a) con-
generations of distance learning: (a) traditional tact time with faculty members and administra-
correspondence and independent study courses, tors, (b) availability of career advisors, (c) stu-
(b) open universities in the 1970s, and (c) the use dent social life on campus, and (d) overall rela-
of broadcasting and teleconferencing tools in tionships with faculty and administrators. Bean
conjunction with computers. In modern distance and Bradley (1986) concluded the best predic-
education courses, instructors and students are tors of student satisfaction are: (a) academic inte-
separated by time and space but telecommunica- gration, (b) institutional fit, (c) quality and use-
tions hardware and software enable communica- fulness of education, (d) social life, and (e) diffi-
tion and collaboration. Some of the tools used in culty of the program.
online courses include the following: (a) e-mail, However, online courses present a different
(b) chat rooms, (c) threaded discussions, (d) bul- set of challenges to instructors and students.
letin boards, (e) file transfer protocol, and (f) dig- Distance learners may never visit a physical
ital audio and video (Belanger & Jordan, 2000). campus location and may have difficulty estab-
Reports of success with online courses in lishing relationships with faculty and fellow stu-
higher education are plentiful. Navarro (2000) dents. Researchers who study distance learners
reported many students are highly satisfied with must understand and account for these differ-
online courses. Hiltz (1993) found that commu- ences when investigating student satisfaction.
nication software increased the quality of
instruction, raised students’ level of motivation Instructor issues. The instructor is the main pre-
due to greater access to their instructors, and dictor in student satisfaction (Finaly-Neumann,
increased their satisfaction with outcomes. 1994; Williams & Ceci, 1997). Student satisfac-
Powers, Davis, and Torrence (1999) also report- tion has a strong positive correlation with the
ed high student satisfaction with their level of performance of the instructor, particularly with
involvement in a graduate instructional technol- his or her availability and response time
ogy course. (DeBourgh, 1999; Hiltz, 1993). Instructors must
be perceived as available if students have ques-
Student Satisfaction tions and must be flexible (Moore & Kearsley,
Student satisfaction can be defined as the stu- 1996). The instructor is not only a facilitator of
dent’s perception pertaining to the college expe- learning but also a motivator for the student.
rience and perceived value of the education The instructor’s feedback is the most impor-
received while attending an educational institu- tant factor in satisfaction with instruction
tion (Astin, 1993). Most college students spend (Finaly-Neumann, 1994). Feedback on assign-
considerable time, money, and effort in obtain- ments must be in a timely manner to keep learn-
ing a quality education and should perceive ers involved and motivated (Smith & Dillon,
their postsecondary educational experiences as 1999). The instructor must communicate with
being of high value (Knox, Lindsay, & Kolb, students on a regular basis (Mood, 1995); other-
1993). Satisfaction is an important “intermediate wise, students may experience high levels of
outcome” (Astin, p. 278) in that it influences the frustration (Hara & Kling, 2000). In addition,
student’s level of motivation (Chute, Thompson, instructor feedback gives students the opportu-
& Hancock, 1999; Donohue & Wong, 1997), nity to revise assignments – an activity which
which is an important psychological factor in acts as reinforcement of concepts introduced in
academic success (American Psychological the course.
Association [APA], 1997). Satisfaction is also Communication. Moore and Kearsley (1996)
good predictor of retention (Astin, 1993; mentioned three important types of interaction
Edwards & Waters, 1982). End-of-course sur- in distance learning courses: (a) learner-content,
veys administered to distance learners can give (b) learner-instructor, and (c) learner-learner.
evaluators valuable student satisfaction infor- Instructors should facilitate all types of interac-
mation that can be used to improve the course or tions in their distance learning courses when
program (Chute et al.). possible and appropriate. Distance learners can

62 January-March 2004 • International Journal on E-Learning

experience feelings of isolation, and high levels mation will only confuse learners. Links must
of frustration and anxiety if communication and work properly or students will experience frus-
interaction between the different parties are tration (Harrison, 1999).
lacking (Mood, 1995). One way to overcome the Interactivity. Learning environments in which
feeling of isolation is to establish a sense of com- social interaction and collaboration is allowed
munity for learners in the beginning by giving and encouraged lead to positive learning out-
them an informal warm-up period with the use of comes (APA, 1997). Collaborative learning tools
structured exercises (Wegerif, 1998). can improve student satisfaction in the online
Mood (1995) reported course goals and objec- learning environment (Bonk & Cunningham,
tives should be clearly communicated at the 1998; Gunawardena & Zittle, 1998). These tools
beginning of the course. If students know what allow for group work and immediate feedback.
is expected of them, their levels of anxiety can be Students are able to share and discuss viewpoints
reduced. Instructors should encourage student with one another online and gain insights and
participation and monitor student progress. perspectives they otherwise would not have been
Students should also have opportunities to exposed to. This type of social interaction envi-
become self-directed learners and structure their ronment can facilitate meaningful, active learning
own learning experiences (Wegerif, 1998). experiences (Bonk & Cunningham, 1998).
Technology. Students must have access to reli- General information. Distance learners should
able equipment and must be familiar with the be motivated, organized, and committed. They
technology used in the course in order to be suc- must become responsible for their own learning
cessful (Belanger & Jordan, 2000). Students with (Belanger & Jordan, 2000). Palloff and Pratt
limited online access are at a considerable disad- (1999) warned that not all students will be suc-
vantage to learners who have unlimited access cessful in the online learning environment. Hiltz
(Wegerif, 1998). Online access is one of the most (1993) found that students with positive atti-
important factors influencing student satisfac- tudes were more satisfied with the online expe-
tion (Bower & Kamata, 2000). Students who rience and spent more time actively engaged
report frustration with technology in the course online. Expected grades by students in a course
report lower satisfaction levels (Chong, 1998; positively affect student satisfaction in the
Hara & Kling, 2000). online environment (Bower & Kamata, 2000).
Course management. Moore and Kearsley (1996) Students reported they enjoyed the convenience
indicated that administrative support is instru- of online courses, and convenience was more
mental for distance learning students. They sug- important than the actual face-to-face interac-
gested students should have one contact person tion with instructors and peers (Card & Horton,
who will be able to assist them. Access to other 2000). Maki, Maki, Patterson, and Whittaker
resources such as course textbooks, libraries, (2000) also found students perceived the conve-
technical support, and a toll-free number to nience of the online course as a benefit and they
reach the university are also important to the enjoyed the flexibility of the online learning
distance learner (Mood, 1995). Students without environment.
technical support may experience high levels of
frustration in the online environment (Hara & METHODOLOGY
Kling, 2000). Sample
Course web site. Learning should be meaning- The sample used in this study was drawn from a
ful, relevant, and interesting (APA, 1997). Good pool of all 507 gradate students enrolled in mul-
course web sites present information in a logical tiple online courses in instructional technology at
order, and their design must be attractive and a regional university in the Southeastern United
consistent (Belanger & Jordan, 2000). Text must States. A total of 303 students were randomly
be easy to read, and downloading times should selected to participate in this study. One hundred
be kept to a minimum to accommodate students five (34%) who had completed at least one online
with slower Internet connections. Also, web course responded. Of the respondents, 71% were
pages should not be too cluttered with informa- female. The majority of respondents (59%) were
tion (Harrison, 1999). between 30 and 49 years of age. All but three
Navigation is an important factor in the respondents were education majors.
online environment. Learners should be able to
move within the course web site without getting Data Collection
lost (Aggarwal, 2000). External hyperlinks The researchers decided to seek participants
should only be provided if they give students from the instructional technology graduate pro-
access to necessary information. Irrelevant infor- gram because of the large number of online

January-March 2004 • International Journal on E-Learning 63

courses and students; however, the instrument participation in the study. The estimated time
described here may be used to evaluate any for participants to complete the OCSS was 20
online course. The researchers e-mailed the par- minutes.
ticipants with instructions for accessing and
completing the Online Course Satisfaction Instrument
Survey (OCSS). Participants were assigned indi- The Telecourse Evaluation Questionnaire (TEQ)
vidual passwords to prevent any unauthorized constructed by Biner (1993) has a total of 42 ques-
tions. The TEQ measures student attitudes
toward televised distance education and address-
Table 1. Means and Standard Deviations for Items on the es three factors: (a) instruction and instructor, (b)
Instrument technology, and (c) course management. With
Biner’s permission, the researchers modified the
Instruction subscale Technology subscale TEQ to address issues related to online learning
environments and student satisfaction. The
Item M SD Item M SD resulting OCSS contained 60 items. Forty-two
1 3.26 1.01 14 3.04 0.98 items were Likert-type scale items and addressed:
(a) instructor, (b) technology, (c) course manage-
2 3.22 0.93 15 2.73 0.93 ment, (d) course web site, (e) interactivity, and (f)
3 3.09 1.06 16 2.89 0.98 general issues. The remaining items consisted of
demographic and general information. In order
4 3.18 1.05 17 3.05 0.96
to eliminate neutral responses, the instrument
5 3.30 1.02 18 3.02 0.93 required participants to indicate their level of sat-
6 3.32 0.97 19 3.03 0.97 isfaction on a 4-point scale ranging from 1,
strongly disagree to 4, strongly agree.
7 3.40 0.96 20 2.98 0.88
Reliability and validity. The TEQ is an estab-
8 3.10 0.99 37 2.88 1.01 lished survey and has been used in several
9 3.27 1.07 research studies and has well-established con-
tent validity (DeBourgh, 1999; Biner, 1993).
10 3.30 0.95 Questions added to the TEQ to form the OCSS
11 3.18 1.10 were directly derived from existing literature
pertaining to student satisfaction and course
12 3.35 1.00 evaluations. Because the TEQ was significantly
13 3.22 1.08 modified to reflect the technology used in web-
based courses, the researchers performed a reli-
Course management subscale Web site subscale ability analysis on the OCSS after the data col-
Item M SD Item M SD lection phase.

21 3.02 0.98 28 3.09 0.95 Statistical Assumptions

22 3.05 0.97 29 3.13 0.96 The data was examined for statistical assump-
tions (e.g., sample size and missing data, linear-
23 2.97 0.97 30 3.21 0.91 ity, multicollinearity, singularity, univariate and
24 2.99 0.96 31 3.11 1.01 multivariate outliers). None of the cases had
missing values, and no univariate or multivari-
25 2.96 0.96 32 3.05 0.94 ate outliers were detected. In order to examine
26 2.97 0.93 33 3.02 0.94 for linearity, several bivariate scatterplots were
generated and examined. All of the scatterplots
27 3.12 0.96
revealed abnormalities between the variables
Interactivity subscale General issues subscale due to the instrument being a 4-point Likert-
type scale.
Item M SD Item M SD The Pearson correlation coefficients were
34 2.58 1.07 38 2.90 0.82 examined in a correlation matrix to determine if
multicollinearity existed. Many correlation coef-
35 2.31 1.00 39 2.69 0.99 ficients exceeded .50 and the highest correlation
36 2.69 1.05 40 3.34 0.98 coefficient detected in this matrix was .91. The
collinearity diagnostic demonstrated variance
41 3.12 0.99
proportions were below .64 and this leads to the
42 2.50 1.09 conclusion that no multicollinearity existed
between any of the dependent variables. Each

64 January-March 2004 • International Journal on E-Learning

dependent variable was an independent mea- three factors were confirmed in this study. The
sure, therefore, ruling out singularity. OCSS was used for determining student satis-
faction in an instructional technology graduate
RESULTS program but may be used for any online course
Descriptive Statistics in order to determine the level of student satis-
Table 1 displays the means and standard devia- faction. The instrument’s overall reliability and
tions of the scores. The standard deviations, a the reliability of each of its six subscales are sat-
measure of variability of the scores around the isfactory. Other researchers may want to repli-
mean, were relatively minor. Variables with a cate this study with a larger sample to validate
correlation coefficient between .60 and .80 are the findings.
considered to have a strong relationship, where- The results indicate instructor variables are
as variables with a correlation coefficient the most important factor when it comes to stu-
between .80 and 1.0 have a very strong relation- dent satisfaction in the online environment. The
ship. There were many relationships with a cor- questions in the instrument’s instructor subscale
relation coefficient at or higher than .60 and sev- related to communication, feedback, prepara-
eral relationship were above .80. tion, content knowledge, teaching methods,
encouragement, accessibility, and professional-
Factor Analysis ism. In other words, instructors who teach in the
A confirmatory factor analysis with varimax online environment should be good instructors.
rotation was performed to subtract factors rele- The other two important factors that explain
vant to student satisfaction as identified in the student satisfaction are technology and interac-
literature and to examine the construct validity tivity. Students need to have access to reliable
of the satisfaction survey. The researchers equipment both personally and on the part of
expected six factors with high subscale loadings the institution. In addition, learners must have
for the online course satisfaction survey. An ini- functional, usable tools for participation and
tial examination of the data revealed four interaction, and these tools should be used early
dimensions which had eigenvalues greater than and often. Online learners must be given plenty
1. The examination of the scree plot on the initial of opportunities to participate in discussions in
extraction (Figure 1) indicated the instrument order to feel involved and stay engaged in
has only three components, however. These online courses.
three components are (a) instructor, (b) technol- Moore and Kearsley (1996) warned student
ogy, and (c) interactivity. satisfaction is not correlated with actual student
The factor loadings on the instructor/instruc- achievement. However, satisfaction contributes
tion satisfaction dimension were satisfactory
and explained 64.48% of variance. The other two
components had several complex loadings. A
possible explanation is students associated
many of the interactivity aspects with instruc-
tional issues, and the online learners might have
associated technology aspects with factors out-
side the course. The three extracted components
explain 72.73% of variance. These results indi-
cate the online course satisfaction survey is a
true measure of satisfaction.
To determine the instrument’s internal consis-
tency reliability, the Cronbach alpha coefficient
was used. The total scale reliability was high
(.99). The subscale reliability was high for all six
dimensions. The Cronbach alpha coefficients
were as follows for the six subscales: (a) .98 for
instructor, (b) .93 for technology, (c) .94 for
course management, (d) .96 for course web site,
(e) .83 for interactivity, and (f) .88 for general
These results indicate the OCSS is a valid mea-
sure of student satisfaction even though only Figure 1. Screen Plot of Initial Factor Extraction

January-March 2004 • International Journal on E-Learning 65

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January-March 2004 • International Journal on E-Learning 67

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