Case 1 Lab Results

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Cbc result

Wbc 16.6
Rbc 5.0
Hemoglobin 14.6
Hematocrit 45
MCV 90
MCH 30
MCHC 34.3
RDW 14.2
Platelet Ct 256

Neutrophils 76
Lymphocytes 20
Mono 1
Eosinophils 2
Basophils 1

Color: Yellow
Clarity: Clear
Bilirubin: Negative
Ph 7.0
Nitrate: Negative
Leukocytes: Negative
Ketones: Negative
Glucose: Negative
Protein: +4
WBC 2-5
RBC 0-2
Epithelial cells: none seen
Bacteria: occasional

Blood chem
crea 0.9mg/dl
na 140
k 3.8
albumin 2.5
FBS 90
Total Cholesterol 350mg/dl
Triglyceride 400mg/dl
LDL-C 100mg/dl
HDL-C 50mg/dl

Sputum AFB: Negative

Sputum GS/CS: No growth

Chest Xray

Blood C/S: No growth

RT PCR - Negative

Interpret all given laboratory results

Interpret the chest xray Film
Interpret ecg
What is your final diagnosis and basis
What will you order for the treatment
Will you do further work up for the patient?

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