Week 2 RI Wireless Sensor Network

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Internet of Things: Rekayasa Internet

Wireless Sensor Network Susmini I. Lestariningati, M.T

Internet Engineering @lestariningati

• A sensor network[1] is an infrastructure comprised of sensing (measuring),
computing, and communication elements that gives an administrator the ability to
instrument, observe, and react to events and phenomena in a specified
environment. The administrator typically is a civil, governmental, commercial, or
industrial entity. The environment can be the physical world, a biological system, or
an information technology (IT) framework.

• There are four basic components in a sensor network:

1. an assembly of distributed or localized sensors;

2. an interconnecting network (usually, but not always, wireless-based);

3. a central point of information clustering; and

4. a set of computing resources at the central point (or beyond) to handle data
correlation, event trending, status querying, and data mining. In this context,
the sensing and computation nodes are considered part of the sensor network;
in fact, some of the computing may be done in the network itself

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• The development of WSNs was inspired by military applications, notably
surveillance in conflict zones.

• Timeline:

• 1970’s: Wired sensors connected to central location

• 1980’s: Distributed wired sensor networks

• 1993: LWIM project at UCLA

• 1999-2003: DARPA SensIT project: UC Berkeley, USC, Cornell etc.

• 2001: Intel Research Lab at Berkeley focused on WSN

• 2002: NSF Center for Embedded Networked Sensing

• 2001-2002: Emergence of sensor networks industry; startup companies

including Sensoria, Crossbow, Ember Corp, SensiCast plus established ones:
Intel, Bosch, Motorola, General Electric, Samsung.

• 2003-2004: IEEE 802.15.4 standard, Zigbee Alliance.

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Applications of Sensor Networks

Military applications Environmental applications Health applications

• Monitoring inimical forces • Microclimates • Remote monitoring of

• Monitoring friendly forces • Forest fire detection physiological data
and equipment • Flood detection • Tracking and monitoring
• Military-theater or battlefield • Precision agriculture and doctors and patients inside
surveillance more... a hospital
• Targeting • Drug administration

• Battle damage assessment Elderly assistance

• Nuclear, biological, and and more...
chemical attack detection Commercial applications
and more...
• Environmental control in
industrial and office Home applications
• Inventory control
 • Home automation
• Instrumented environment
• Vehicle tracking and • Automated meter reading
detection and more.
• Traffic flow surveillance

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Internet Engineering @lestariningati

WSN Revenue Growth in All Industries

• Today, they consist of distributed independent devices that use sensors to monitor
the physical conditions with their applications extended to industrial infrastructure,
automation, health, traffic, and many consumer areas.
Figure 2-2 | Global industrial fi eld instrument shipments, wired and wireless [8]

$ 7 500 In-plant process

Oil and gas
Power transmission
Vertical markets
Factory automation

$ 5 000

$ 2 500

$ Millions 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Source: ON World

Computer Engineering 5
Figure 2-3 | WSN revenue growth in all industries [8]
Internet Engineering @lestariningati

Environment Monitoring
• Great Duck Island
• 150 sensing nodes deployed throughout the island relay data temperature,
pressure, and humidity to a central device.

• Data was made available on the Internet through a satellite link.

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Environment Monitoring
• Zebranet: a WSN to study the behavior of zebras
• Special GPS-equipped collars were attached to zebras

• Data exchanged with peer-to-peer info swaps

• Coming across a few zebras gives access to the data

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Medical Application

• Vital sign monitoring

• Accident recognition
• Monitoring the elderly

• Intel deployed a 130-node network to monitor the activity of residents in an elder

care facility.

• Patient data is acquired with wearable sensing nodes (the “watch”)

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Basic Component of WSNofNodes

Basic Components a
WSN Node

© Bhaskar Krishnamachari 2005 7

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Internet Engineering @lestariningati

Some of the key technology and standards elements that are relevant
to sensor networks are as follows:

Sensors Wireless radio technologies Standards (de jure)

• Intrinsic functionality • Software-defined radios • IEEE 802.11a/b/g together

• Signal processing • Transmission range with ancillary security
• Compression, forward error • Transmission impairments protocols
correction, encryption • Modulation techniques • IEEE 802.15.1 PAN/
• Control/actuation • Network topologies Bluetooth
• Clustering and in-network • IEEE 802.15.3
computation ultrawideband (UWB)
• Self-assembly • IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee (IEEE
802.15.4 is the physical
radio, and ZigBee is the
logical network and
application software)
• IEEE 802.16 WiMax
• IEEE 1451.5 (Wireless
Sensor Working Group)
• Mobile IP

Computer Engineering 10
Internet Engineering @lestariningati

Some of the key technology and standards elements that are relevant
to sensor networks are as follows:

Standards (de facto) Software applications

• Tiny OS (TinyOS is being developed by the • Operating systems

University of California– Berkeley as an • Network software
open-source software platform; the work is • Direct database
funded by DARPA and is undertaken in the connectivity software
context of the Network Embedded Systems • Middleware software
Technology Research Project at UC– • Data management software
Berkeley in collaboration with the University
of Virginia, Palo Alto Research Center, Ohio
State University, and approximately 100
other organizations)
• Tiny DB (a query-processing system for
extracting information from a network of
TinyOS sensors)

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Internet Engineering @lestariningati


TABLE 1.1 Categorization of Issues Related to Sensors and Their

Communication/Computing Architecture
Sensors Size: Small [e.g., nanoscale electromechanical systems (MEMS)],
medium [e.g., microscale electromechanical systems (MEMS)], and
large (e.g., radars, satellites): cubic centimeters to cubic decimeters
Mobility: stationary (e.g., seismic sensors), mobile (e.g., on robot vehicles)
Type: passive (e.g., acoustic, seismic, video, infrared, magnetic) or
active (e.g., radar, ladar)
Operating Monitoring requirement: distributed (e.g., environmental
environment monitoring) or localized (e.g., target tracking)
Number of sites: sometimes small, but usually large (especially for
Spatial coverage: dense, spars: C1WSN: low-range multihop or
C2WSN: low-range single-hop (point-to-point)
Deployment: fixed and planned (e.g., factory networks) or ad hoc
(e.g., air-dropped)
Environment: benign (factory floor) or adverse (battlefield)
Nature: cooperative (e.g., air traffic control) or noncooperative
(e.g., military targets)
Composition: homogeneous (same types of sensors) or heterogeneous
(different types of sensors)
Energy availability: constrained (e.g., in small sensors) or
unconstrained (e.g., in large sensors)
Communication Networking: wired (on occasion) or wireless (more common)
Bandwidth: high (on occasion) or low (more typical)
Processing Centralized (all data sent to central site), distributed or in-network
architecture (located at sensor or other sides), or hybrid
Source: Modified from [1.13], with permission.

Computer Engineering 12
Logical connectivity has the goal of supporting coordination and other high-level
tasks; physical connectivity is typically supported over a wireless radio link [1.53].
Internet Engineering @lestariningati

Protocol Stack for Sensor Networks

c ols
rot Task management plane
t P
m en
ge Mobility management plane
M an
Power management plane

Upper layers
Communication Protocols

Transport layer

Network layer

Data link layer

Physical layer

Figure 1.5 Generic protocol stack for sensor networks.

Computer Engineering applications, sensor devices must be amenable to rapid deployment, the deployment 13
must be supportable in an ad hoc fashion, and the environment is expected to be
to the routing protocols, since they might differ from traditional networks (depend-
ing on the application and network architecture) [1.92]. Networking per se @lestariningati
Internet Engineering is an
important architectural component of sensor networks, and standards play a major
WSN Protocol Stack
role in this context. Figure 1.5 depicts a generic protocol stack model that can be
utilized to describe the communications apparatus (also see Table 1.2). Table 1.3
shows some typical lower-layer protocols that are in principle applicable to

TABLE 1.2 Possible WSN Protocol Stacka

Upper layers In-network applications, including application processing, data aggregation,
external querying query processing, and external database
Layer 4 Transport, including data dissemination and accumulation, caching, and
Layer 3 Networking, including adaptive topology management and topological
Layer 2 Link layer (contention): channel sharing (MAC), timing, and locality
Layer 1 Physical medium: communication channel, sensing, actuation, and signal
Table modeled after [1.05].

Computer Engineering 14
Internet Engineering @lestariningati

Lower Layer WSN Protocols


TABLE 1.3 Possible Lower-Layer WSN Protocols

1xRTT/CDMA IEEE 802.11b/g IEEE 802.15.1 IEEE 802.15.4
Market name 2.5G/3G Wi-Fi Bluetooth ZigBee
for standard
Network WAN/MAN WLAN and PAN and DAN WSN
target hotspot (desk area
Application Wide area Enterprise Cable Monitoring
focus voice and applications replacement and control
data (data and VoIP)
Bandwidth 0.064–0.128þ 11–54 0.7 0.020–0.25
Transmission 3000þ 1–300þ 1–30þ 1–300þ
range (ft)
Design Reach and Enterprise Cost, ease Reliability,
factors transmission support, of use power, and
quality scalability, cost
and cost

Computer Engineering 15
3.1 Characteristic features hop routing, and finally reach the management
Internet Engineering of WSNs node through the internet or satellite. It is the user @lestariningati

who configures and manages the WSN with the

A WSN can generally be described as a network
management node, publish monitoring missions
of nodes that cooperatively sense and control the

Characteristic Features of WSNs

environment, enabling interaction between persons
or computers and the surrounding environment [2].
and collection of the monitored data.

As related technologies mature, the cost of

WSNs nowadays usually include sensor nodes, WSN equipment has dropped dramatically, and
actuator nodes, gateways and clients. A large their applications are gradually expanding from
• A WSN can generally be described as a network of nodes that cooperatively sense
number of sensor nodes deployed randomly inside the military areas to industrial and commercial
fields. Meanwhile, standards for WSN technology
of or near the monitoring area (sensor field), form
and control the environment, enabling interaction between persons or computers
networks through self-organization. Sensor nodes have been well developed, such as Zigbee ®1,
and the surrounding environment
monitor the collected data to transmit along[2].

to other
1 Zigbee is an example of a suitable product available
sensor nodes by hopping. During the process of
• WSNs nowadays
transmission, usually include
monitored data sensor
may be handled by nodes, actuator nodes, gateways and
commercially. This information is given for the convenience
of users of this standard and does not constitute an

clients. multiple nodes to get to gateway node after multi- endorsement by IEC of this product.

Computer Engineering 16
Figure 3-1 | Wireless sensor networks
Internet Engineering @lestariningati

Characteristic Features of WSNs

• A large number of sensor nodes deployed randomly inside of or near the monitoring
area (sensor field), form networks through self-organization. Sensor nodes monitor
the collected data to transmit along to other sensor nodes by hopping.

• During the process of transmission, monitored data may be handled by multiple

nodes to get to gateway node after multi- hop routing, and finally reach the
management node through the internet or satellite. It is the user who configures and
manages the WSN with the management node, publish monitoring missions and
collection of the monitored data.

• As related technologies mature, the cost of WSN equipment has dropped

dramatically, and their applications are gradually expanding from the military areas
to industrial and commercial fields. Meanwhile, standards for WSN technology have
been well developed, such as Zigbee® , WirelessHart, ISA 100.11a, wireless
networks for industrial automation – process automation (WIA-PA), etc.

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Internet Engineering @lestariningati

(1) C.S.Raghavendra, K.M.Sivalingam, T.ZnatiEds., WirelessSensorNetworks, Kluwer
Academic, New York, 2004.

(2) BRÖRING, A. et al. New generation sensor web enablement. Sensors, 11, 2011, pp.
26522699. ISSN 1424-8220. Available from: doi:10.3390/s110302652

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