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Ecosystems (2002) 5: 105–121

DOI: 10.1007/s10021-001-0059-3 ECOSYSTEMS

© 2002 Springer-Verlag


Small Players, Large Role: Microbial

Influence on Biogeochemical
Processes in Pelagic Aquatic
James B. Cotner* and Bopaiah A. Biddanda

Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108, USA

Although prokaryotes are small in size, they are a organic nutrients and increased relative concen-
significant biomass component in aquatic plank- trations of particulate organic C select for phyto-
tonic ecosystems and play a major role in biogeo- plankton and phagotrophic heterotrophs over pro-
chemical processes. A review of the recent litera- karyotic heterotrophs. Increased particle sinking
ture shows that the relative importance of fluxes and/or decreased excretion of organic carbon
prokaryotes to material and energy fluxes is maxi- (EOC) may also decrease the relative importance of
mized in low-productivity (oligotrophic) ecosys- prokaryotic heterotrophs in eutrophic systems. In
tems and decreases in high-productivity (eutrophic) oligotrophic systems, interactions between au-
ecosystems. We conclude that competition with eu- totrophs and heterotrophs are tightly coupled be-
karyotic autotrophs for dissolved nutrients and cause the dominant heterotrophs are similar in size
competition with phagotrophic heterotrophs and and growth rates, as well as having similar nutrient
physical processes (sinking, photooxidation) for or-
composition to the dominant autotrophs, small
ganic carbon (C) play important roles in determin-
phytoplankton. In eutrophic systems, increased
ing the relative abundance and impact of pro-
productivity passes through zooplankton that are
karyotes in aquatic systems. Oligotrophic systems
larger and have slower growth rates than the au-
have low nutrient concentrations, with high pro-
portions of dissolved nutrients in organic form, totrophs, leading to a greater potential for de-
which favors prokaryotic heterotrophs over phyto- coupled auto- and heterotrophic production and
plankton. Furthermore, a high proportion of the increased export production.
available organic C is dissolved rather than partic-
ulate, which favors prokaryotic heterotrophs over Key words: bacteria; biogeochemistry; prokaryotic
phagotrophic heterotrophs. In eutrophic systems, heterotroph; autotroph; oligotrophic ecosystems;
increased relative concentrations and loading of in- eutrophic ecosystems; phosphorus; respiration.

INTRODUCTION biogeochemical processes has grown at a phenom-

enal rate. Von Leeuwenhoek, who invented the
In the past few hundred years, our understanding microscope in the 17th century, was the first to
of the role that microbes play in ecological and observe microbes in lake water, but progress in
microbiology came slowly, and the field of micro-
Received 18 July 2000; Accepted 13 September 2001. bial ecology did not come into existence until the
*Corresponding author; e-mail: middle of the 20th century. Early on, Vernadsky

106 J. B. Cotner and B. A. Biddanda

(1945) recognized the importance of microbes to more difficult to discriminate between autotrophy
global processes, and many scientists in the early and heterotrophy.
20th century acknowledged that bacteria and other The purpose of this review is to describe current
microbes were an important but unquantifiable perspectives on the role of prokaryotic heterotrophs
component of ecosystems. For example, although in pelagic ecosystem processes. To accomplish this,
Lindeman (1942) put the microbial “ooze” at the we use a cross-system continuum, similar to that of
center of his diagram depicting trophic dynamics in Legendre and Rassoulzadegan (1995), from low-
lakes, he had little understanding of the influence nutrient-availability oligotrophic systems to high-
of microbes on the carbon, energy, and nutrient nutrient eutrophic systems, because great insight
fluxes that he studied in Cedar Bog Lake, MN, USA. can be gained by looking at the differences in these
Riley (1951) recognized their importance in ocean systems and the biomass and activity of the associ-
geochemistry but lamented that appropriate meth- ated microbes. We have included studies from both
ods for studying them were not available. freshwater and marine systems. Although many
We are now able to quantify the microbial influ- advances in aquatic microbial ecology have come
ence on biogeochemical processes, mainly as a re- from work performed in marine systems, insights
sult of huge methodological advances in environ- can also be gleaned from the freshwater literature
mental chemistry, epifluorescence microscopy, that either confirm or challenge work done in ma-
image analysis and the myriad of stains that enable rine systems. This review is an attempt to bring
visualization of the microbial world. Initially, fluo- together important cross-system observations from
rescent stains (Francisco and others 1973; Hobbie both limnetic and marine microbial ecology.
and others 1977; Porter and Feig 1980) were used Our thesis is that the microbial influence on pe-
primarily to quantify bacterial abundance and bio- lagic processes in aerobic water columns is maxi-
mass, but nowadays there are stains available that mized in oligotrophic systems. As systems increase
enable the quantification of many aspects of micro- in productivity, so does the “relative” influence of
bial metabolism (respiration, degradation enzymes) particle-feeding heterotrophs, such as protozoans,
and the visualization of previously unobservable zooplankton, and fish, and the relative influence of
components, such as viruses (Suttle 1993; Noble osmotrophic heterotrophs is somewhat diminished.
and Fuhrman 1998). When coupled with image We are not, however, suggesting that microbes do
analysis (Psenner 1990), stains can be used, not not play important roles in the biogeochemistry and
only to count bacteria but also to determine their food webs of eutrophic and hypereutrophic sys-
biomass. Radioisotopes (Fuhrman and Azam 1982; tems. In fact, in absolute terms, both microbial
Simon and Azam 1989) and fluorescent stains abundance and activity are routinely higher in eu-
(Tranvik 1997; Cotner and others 2001) have al- trophic than in oligotrophic waters. Further, many
lowed the measurement of bacterial growth rates anaerobic biogeochemical processes that are en-
independent of other food web components. Ad- tirely mediated by microbes, such as methanogen-
vances in environmental chemistry (stable isotopes, esis and sulfate reduction, are accentuated in eutro-
ultafiltration, dissolved organic carbon [DOC], high phic systems, but that is not the focus of this review.
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), dis-
solved inorganic carbon [DIC], and O2) have also THE MICROBIAL LOOP IN AN
furthered our ability to study the influence of mi- ECOSYSTEM CONTEXT
crobes on biogeochemical processes.
Furthermore, molecular methods have led to re- Perhaps the most important conceptual advance in
finements in our understanding of the prokaryotic this area was the recognition that Lindeman’s “bac-
components in the planktonic food web. We know terial ooze” was really a food web in and of itself.
that a small but relatively constant proportion of The idea of a microbial food web was first proposed
prokaryotic microbes growing in the water column by Pomeroy in the mid-1970s (Pomeroy 1974) and
are Archaea (1%–10%) (Massana and others 1997; developed further in a key paper published in the
Aravalli and others 1998), whereas the remainder early 1980s (Azam and others 1983). Both of these
are Bacteria. In this review, we focus primarily on papers explored the idea that there are multiple
the effects of heterotrophic prokaryotes (comprised trophic levels (bacteria, autotrophic picoplankton,
of members from Archaea and Bacteria) on biogeo- flagellates, and ciliates) contained within the micro-
chemical processes. We use the terms “prokaryotic scopic world and outlined the important implica-
heterotroph” and “bacteria” (no italics) inter- tions for food webs and biogeochemical fluxes. This
changeably. Because many of these organisms have microbial trophic structure was referred to as the
multiple trophic roles, it is becoming more and “microbial loop” (Azam and others 1983). Subse-
Microbial Biogeochemistry across Ecosystems 107

quent to the elucidation of the microbial loop con- cells being closer 10 –20 fg C cell⫺1, especially in
cept, there was considerable discussion of the im- oligotrophic systems (Loferer-Krößbacher and oth-
plications of these organisms to ecosystem function ers 1998; Cotner and others 2001). Because of their
(Ducklow and others 1986). The focus of these small size and the fact that volume varies as a cube
discussions has been on the impact of the microbial of the cell radius, small differences in size have a
loop on the cycling of matter—that is, nutrients— large effect on biomass. Therefore, the apparent
and the dissipation of energy (respiration). dampened changes in prokaryotic heterotroph bio-
The idea that the microbial loop manifests its mass across trophic gradients may be partially an
largest relative impact in oligotrophic pelagic eco- artifact of not having accurate biomass measure-
systems was discussed by Legendre and Rassoulza- ments in most studies.
degan (1995). They argued that pelagic food webs
vary from dominance by herbivorous consumers
and their predators to dominance by microbial con- LOW BACTERIAL BIOMASS RELATIVE TO
sumers and their predators—that is, the microbial PHYTOPLANKTON IN EUTROPHIC SYSTEMS:
loop—with intermediate mixes of these end mem- IMPORTANCE OF BACTERIVORY AND
bers forming a sort of trophic continuum. The end- VIRAL MORTALITY
member regions (complete dominance by herbi-
vores and/or the microbial loop) are unstable. The relatively low variation in bacterial biomass
Therefore, pelagic systems tend toward “multivo- across trophic gradients could be the outcome of
rous,” more stable systems (Legendre and Rassooul- something that dampens bacterial biomass relative
zadegan 1995). In this review, we will explore the to other food web components at the high end or
factors that push these food webs toward one end increased biomass at the low end of this gradient.
member or the other. This paradox has perplexed many microbial ecolo-
One approach is to simply examine how the bio- gists. It has been argued that bacterial biomass is
mass at the base of the microbial loop—that is, dampened in eutrophic systems by increased pro-
bacterial biomass—varies from the most oligotro- tozoan grazing (Sanders and others 1992) or in-
phic to the most productive systems. These compar- creased viral mortality (Weinbauer and others
isons indicate that prokaryotic heterotroph abun- 1993; Weinbauer and Peduzzi 1995). It has also
dance generally varies by less than two orders of been proposed that organic carbon is less available
magnitude from oligotrophic to eutrophic systems to bacterioplankton in eutrophic systems due to
(Cole and others 1988; Cole and Caraco 1993), reduced relative phytoplankton exudation and/or
varying from 0.5 to 1 ⫻ 106 cells ml⫺1 in oligotro- more sedimentation (Gasol and Duarte 2000).
phic systems and 1 to 10 ⫻ 106 cells ml⫺1 in eutro- Despite the fact that prokaryotic heterotroph
phic systems. At 20 –30 fg carbon (C) per cell (Lee abundance is constrained relative to other pelagic
and Fuhrman 1987), this translates to 10⫺5 to 10⫺4 food web components, productivity varies by about
g C L⫺1. This contrasts with the herbivorous food five orders of magnitude in different marine sys-
web, where the biomass of different components tems (from 0.02 to more than 2000 ␮g C L⫺1 d⫺1)
varies quite a bit more. Along a trophic gradient, (Ducklow and Carlson 1992), implying that mor-
phytoplankton biomass can vary from 10⫺7 to 10⫺1 tality must increase in proportion to abundance to
g C L⫺1 and zooplankton can vary from 10⫺3 to compensate. Sanders and others (1992) argued that
10⫺1 g C L⫺1 (McCauley and Kalff 1981; Ducklow prokaryotic heterotroph biomass is constrained by
and Carlson 1992). Gasol and Duarte (2000) used nutrient availability in oligotrophic systems and
published studies to show that a log-log plot of that grazers (primarily flagellates) consume bacte-
prokaryotic heterotroph abundance against chloro- rial biomass at increasing rates as systems become
phyll had a slope of less than 0.5 and used this and more productive. Other researchers have demon-
other relationships to conclude that the relative strated that protozoan bacterivores select the larg-
importance of bacteria in pelagic food webs de- est, fastest-growing cells (Sherr and others 1992).
creases with increased chlorophyll concentrations. Therefore, in eutrophic systems with a higher fre-
It should be noted, however, that most studies quency of large, rapidly growing cells, protozoan
that have made comparisons such as these have bacterivory would increase as well.
primarily estimated prokaryotic heterotroph bio- Alternatively, others have proposed that viral ly-
mass by using abundance and then applying a con- sis is an increasingly likely fate for bacteria in eu-
stant estimate of carbon content per cell. More re- trophic systems. Weinbauer and Peduzzi (1995)
cently, it has been shown that per cell estimates of showed that viral abundance increased proportion-
20 –30 fg C cell⫺1 are probably too high, with most ately with prokaryotic heterotrophs across spatial
108 J. B. Cotner and B. A. Biddanda

(trophic) gradients in the Adriatic Sea. The fre- systems. However, when they examined freshwater
quency of viral-infected cells increased across these lakes independent of marine systems, they found
same gradients. Because heterotrophic nanoflagel- that EOC release was relatively constant in eutro-
lates did not vary as strongly as viruses with pro- phic systems, suggesting that, at least in lakes, a
karyotic heterotroph abundances, they suggested decreased proportion of primary productivity was
that viral-mediated mortality is the most important available to prokaryotic heterotrophs in eutrophic
constraint in eutrophic systems and that heterotro- systems. Furthermore, several studies in marine
phic nanoflagellate-mediated mortality is the most systems have shown that EOC as a proportion of
important prokaryotic heterotroph constraint in primary production decreases with increasing tro-
less productive systems. This pattern was supported phic state (Anderson and Zeutschel 1970; Thomas
by Gasol and Duarte (2000), who showed a stron- 1971; Fogg 1983).
ger correlation between bacteria and viruses than Two other factors that could make organic C less
between bacteria and nanoflagellates. Enhanced available to bacterioplankton in eutrophic systems
rates of flagellate grazing by ciliates and/or larger relative to oligotrophic systems are sinking and her-
zooplankton in eutrophic ecosystems may decrease bivory. If sinking fluxes are a greater proportion of
their role in these systems. primary production in eutrophic systems than in
oligotrophic systems, then a smaller fraction of the
DECREASED AVAILABILITY OF PRIMARY organic matter produced would be available for
PRODUCTION AS A CONSTRAINT prokaryotic heterotroph decomposition, all other
factors being equal, in eutrophic systems. Produc-
Another possible explanation for decreased bacte- tive oceanographic regions where there is signifi-
rial influence in eutrophic systems is that organic C cant new production are regions of high export of
is somehow less available to bacteria in productive organic matter from the euphotic zone (Peinert and
ecosystems. At first, this idea seems counterintui- others 1989). Baines and others (1994) examined
tive because growth rates and growth efficiencies this issue in oceans and lakes and found that export
tend to be high in productive ecosystems (del Gior- ratios (the fraction of primary production lost to
gio and Cole 1998; Biddanda and others 2001). sinking) increased with productivity in oceans and
Nonetheless, DOC often accumulates in freshwater decreased slightly in lakes. Therefore, one would
and marine systems during phytoplankton blooms, expect that lakes would have a higher proportion of
suggesting either that heterotrophic microbial me- primary production available for heterotrophic
tabolism cannot keep up with phytoplankton pro- growth in eutrophic lakes than in comparable eu-
duction, or that DOC produced under bloom con- trophic regions of the ocean. Consistent with this
ditions is less susceptible to microbial attack (Sherr observation, a cross-system comparison showed
and Sherr 1996). In the Mississippi River plume, that the ratio of bacterial C to phytoplankton C was
DOC accumulated in the region of maximal phyto- higher in lakes than in oceans, but the trend did not
plankton production and was dominated by high- show an increasing deviation in the most produc-
molecular-weight material, mostly carbohydrates. tive systems (Simon and others 1992).
Although this material was abundant, it was not There have been relatively few cross-system com-
readily consumable by prokaryotic heterotrophs parisons of herbivory impact on primary produc-
(Amon and Benner 1996; Gardner and others tion, and their conclusions are somewhat ambigu-
1996), suggesting that microbes were not able to ous. Many experimental studies in freshwater lakes
decompose the material as fast as it was being pro- have suggested that herbivory (primarily by zoo-
duced. plankton) is most important in oligo- to mesotro-
If there were systematic differences in the pro- phic lakes, and a smaller proportion of primary
portion of primary production that is excreted by production is grazed in eutrophic systems (Mc-
phytoplankton, this too, could make DOC less Queen and others 1986; Elser and Goldman 1991).
available to bacterioplankton in eutrophic systems However, an intercomparison of many systems of
than in oligotrophic systems. When Baines and differing trophic status did not show a decreased
Pace (1991) examined this issue using data ex- effect of herbivory in eutrophic systems (Cyr and
tracted from studies in both marine and freshwater Pace 1993), and another study showed that her-
systems, they concluded that extracellular release bivory increased with increasing nutrient content of
of organic C increased as a constant proportion of autotrophs (decreasing C:nutrient ratios) (Cebrián
primary production; thus, they were unable to con- and others 1998). More nutrient-rich autotrophs
firm the hypothesis that excreted DOC (EOC) is less were observed in the most productive ecosystems,
available to prokaryotic heterotrophs in eutrophic implying that herbivory should be an increasingly
Microbial Biogeochemistry across Ecosystems 109

important loss for primary production in eutrophic



Alternatively, dampened changes in bacterial bio-
mass across a trophic gradient may be interpreted as
increased prokaryotic heterotrophic biomass rela-
tive to other biological components in oligotrophic
ecosystems—that is, overrepresentation of these or-
ganisms at the low end of the trophic gradient. It is
becoming clear that in oligotrophic systems, both
marine and freshwater, small prokaryotic organ-
isms dominate the microbial biomass. Fuhrman and
others (1989) showed that prokaryotic hetero-
trophs were a dominant biomass component in the
North Atlantic, comprising 70%– 80% of the micro-
bial C and N in the euphotic zone. Estimates of the
size of the bacterial biomass component in the Sar-
gasso Sea decreased with the recognition that an-
other prokaryote, Prochlorococcus sp., a bacterial-
sized photoautotroph, was likely counted as a
heterotrophic bacterium using epifluorescence
methods. Revised measurements using a cooled
CCD camera (Olson and others 1993) or the now
more commonly used flow cytometric methods (Ol-
son and others 1990) show that prokaryotic hetero-
trophs are still a very large component of the mi-
crobial biomass and that the other two major
components in the oligotrophic oceans are the pro-
karyotic photoautotrophs, Prochlorococcus and Syn-
echococcus (Karl 1999). In the North Pacific, approx-
imately half of the sestonic particulate organic
carbon (POC) is bacterial organic C (Cho and Azam
1988), and a similar relationship has been observed
in the Sargasso Sea (Cotner 2000). Similarly, in the
oligotrophic Laurentian Great Lakes, prokaryotic
heterotrophs and Synechococcus are large compo-
nents of the microbial biomass (Fahnenstiel and
others 1998). In a survey of the marine literature,
Ducklow and Carlson (1992) showed that biomass
of prokaryotic heterotrophs can exceed algal bio-
mass in systems where chlorophyll levels are less
than 0.05–1 ␮g L⫺1. Our observations across a tro-
phic gradient in Minnesota lakes showed that pro-
karyotic heterotrophs represented a variable per-
Figure 1. Total and less than 1 ␮m particulate organic
centage of the seston C, nitrogen (N), and
(A) carbon, (B) nitrogen, and (C) phosphorus along a
phosphorus (P), with highest relative composition trophic gradient in Minnesota lakes. Microscopic analysis
in the most oligotrophic system, Lake Superior (Fig- demonstrated that the less than 1 ␮m size-fraction is
ure 1) (Biddanda and others 2001) and decreasing primarily composed of prokaryotic heterotrophs. Chloro-
percentages of all nutrients as total seston concen- phyll concentrations along the x-axis were used to indi-
trations increased. cate the trophic state of these systems.
110 J. B. Cotner and B. A. Biddanda

Several reasons have been proposed to explain

why prokaryotic heterotroph biomass is highest rel-
ative to phytoplankton biomass in oligotrophic sys-
tems, but the predominant explanations relate to
allochthonous C subsidies being important to bac-
terial production in oligotrophic systems, decreased
bacterivory, and/or prokaryotic heterotroph access
to nutrients that either are not available to phyto-
plankton, or just not available to them at the low
ambient concentrations in oligotrophic systems.
Allochthonous C Subsidies
An increased relative abundance of dissolved or-
ganic nutrients could contribute to an increased
prokaryotic heterotroph and microbial food web
role in oligotrophic systems. In the central gyres of
the North Atlantic (Michaels and others 1996) and
North Pacific (Karl 1999), almost all of the N and P
in these systems is dissolved and organic. However,
much of the organic matter is old and therefore
slow to degrade, given a mean age of deep-water
oceanic DOC of approximately 5000 years (Wil-
liams and Druffel 1987).
Nevertheless, a variable fraction of aquatic DOC
is available, and it supports a relatively high bio- Figure 2. Ratios of (A) DOC:PO4 (SRP mol:mmol) and
mass of bacteria. The fact that most of the nutrients (B) DOC:NO3, (mol:mol) in a survey of Minnesota lakes.
in oligotrophic systems are associated with dis- Ratios are plotted against chlorophyll concentrations to
solved organic molecules may benefit prokaryotic indicate the lake’s trophic state.
heterotrophs in competition with phytoplankton
for nutrients and in competition with other hetero-
trophs for organic C. Typical particulate P concen- lates in Lake Michigan in the winter and is subse-
trations in the oligotrophic oceanic gyres are 10 nM quently consumed by prokaryotic heterotrophs in
with dissolved organic P concentrations nearly 10 the summer (Cotner and others 2000; B. A. Bid-
or more times this value. In our survey along a danda and J. B. Cotner forthcoming). As much as
trophic gradient in freshwater lakes, the ratio of 10% of the microbial carbon demand may be met
dissolved organic matter to dissolved inorganic nu- by organic carbon imported from rivers over this
trients was higher and more variable in oligotrophic period (Biddanda and Cotner forthcoming). In a
systems and low—that is, relatively more inorganic survey of lakes of varying trophic status, low-pro-
nutrients—in eutrophic systems (Figure 2). In ductivity systems were the ones most consistently
freshwater lakes, prokaryotic heterotrophs con- net heterotrophic (del Giorgio and Peters 1994).
sumed organic phosphomonoesters at higher rates Many lakes are supersaturated with carbon dioxide
than phytoplankton at ambient concentrations (CO2), further suggesting net heterotrophic produc-
(Cotner and Wetzel 1992). A bacterially produced tion (Cole and others 1994). A comparison of both
enzyme (5⬘-nucleotidase) was shown to be impor- freshwater and marine systems similarly showed
tant to both organic C and P uptake in marine that the most unproductive ecosystems require or-
(Ammerman and Azam 1985) as well as freshwater ganic C subsidies from other regions within the
systems (Cotner and Wetzel 1991). Similarly, al- system or from terrestrial habitats to maintain net
most all amino acid uptake in marine systems was heterotrophic conditions (Duarte and Agustı́ 1998).
by the prokaryotic heterotroph size-fraction The idea that oligotrophic systems are net hetero-
(Wheeler and Kirchman 1986). trophic is controversial. Pelagic studies often ignore
Recent evidence of net heterotrophy (when res- production in the littoral (macrophytes and per-
piration exceeds primary production) suggests that iphyton), which can be a significant component,
organic matter inputs from other ecosystems may especially in shallow lakes. There may be further
supplement bacterial metabolism in lakes. We re- methodological problems associated with observa-
cently showed that allochthonous DOC accumu- tions of net heterotrophy. Recently, Carignan and
Microbial Biogeochemistry across Ecosystems 111

others (2000) argued that several studies inferring nutrients is to grow more slowly, but a population
net heterotrophy using the 14C method for primary of cells runs the risk of extinction if competing
production measurements have underestimated organisms grow faster (assuming losses are greater
production because they “missed” EOC production than zero). Alternatively, if a cell grows but also
by phytoplankton. Furthermore, as we have dis- uses nutrients more efficiently, it could gain an
cussed, EOC is likely to represent a larger fraction of ecological advantage. One way to use nutrients
primary productivity in oligotrophic waters, per- more efficiently is to decrease the requirement for a
haps biasing these measures to net heterotrophy in nutrient, either by decreasing in size or by reducing
these systems. Clearly, more studies need to be the relative quantity of a particular nutrient in the
performed addressing the importance of allochtho- cell. Organisms that use the latter strategy should
nous C on an ecosystem scale to aquatic systems. have lower nutrient biomass composition at growth
rates similar to other organisms. In fact, what has
Access to Nutrients been observed is that prokaryotic heterotrophs are
It is not clear at this time what enables prokaryotes generally richer in nutrients, such as N and P, than
to dominate in oligotrophic systems, but it may other sestonic components (Bratbak 1985; Nagata
have to do with lower energetic costs associated 1986; Vadstein and others 1988). Carbon–phospho-
with their simple biomass composition (Neidhardt rus (C:P) ratios of bacterial biomass measured un-
and others 1990) or their high affinity for inorganic der varying conditions can be as high as 200 –500:1
nutrients (Button 1986), which is also related to (Tezuka 1990; Elser and others 1995a) or as low as
their small size. Small prokaryotic cells may be bet- 10:1 (Bratbak 1985). However, there seems to be a
ter adapted to low-nutrient environments simply growing consensus that prokaryotic heterotrophs
because they have less internal machinery; conse- have lower C:P ratios than phytoplankton (that is,
quently, their cells can be smaller than eukaryotes. they are richer in P). Phytoplankton biomass in
A survey of marine and limnetic systems recently oligotrophic oceans is typically near the Redfield
showed that picophytoplankton increase as a pro- ratio (C:P 106:1) (Redfield 1958). Freshwater
portion of the total phytoplankton community in seston ratios in oligotrophic systems are typically
oligotrophic systems (Bell and Kalff 2001), suggest- higher than this value and more variable than ma-
ing that the same advantages that small prokaryotic rine systems (Hecky and others 1993; Sterner and
heterotrophs have in oligotrophic systems are also others 1997).
advantageous to autotrophs as well. In spherical There is some evidence to suggest that relatively
cells, as the cell gets smaller in diameter, the surface slow growth is part of an adaptive strategy for pro-
to volume ratio increases; therefore, there are fewer karyotic heterotrophs in oligotrophic systems. In
internal demands for nutrients and an increased the oligotrophic subarctic Pacific, bacterial biomass
relative capacity to supply those nutrients. turned over in 17–21 days, whereas phytoplankton
Furthermore, as growth rates increase, prokary- biomass turned over in 1.0 –2.1 days (Kirchman
otic heterotroph cells increase in size (Ammerman and others 1993). Our measurements in Lake Su-
and others 1984), but the internal density decreases perior indicate a similarly slow prokaryotic hetero-
(Simon and Azam 1989), decreasing internal vis- troph growth rate in this ultraoligotrophic lake. In
cosity and increasing diffusion rates. In eutrophic the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea, bacterioplankton bio-
systems, external nutrient concentrations are mass turns over once every 5–15 days and phyto-
higher, so cells can be larger and adopt more varied plankton biomass turns over every 0.5–2 days (Fu-
life history strategies. Because of increased com- hrman and others 1989; Carlson and others 1996).
plexity in their life history and their increased size, However, in all of these studies, prokaryotic hetero-
they require more intracellular machinery (endo- troph turnover times are overestimated because
plasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and so on) to many of the cells may not be active (Zweifel and
move materials around inside of the cell. Under Hagstrom 1995). Nonetheless, typically prokaryotic
these conditions, diffusion and movement of mate- heterotroph biomass is turning over two to three
rials within the cell are important constraints on times slower than phytoplankton in low-nutrient
single-celled organisms (Koch 1996). systems.
There are several ecological strategies that can Prokaryotes apparently are able to acquire nutri-
ensure cell survival under conditions of low nutri- ents more effectively than other planktonic compo-
ent availability. One strategy is to reduce the cell’s nents in oligotrophic systems and compensate for
requirements for a given nutrient; another is to their high nutrient content. Rhee (1972) showed
acquire the nutrient more effectively than other that Pseudomonas, supplemented with glucose,
organisms. One way to reduce the requirement for could severely limit the acquisition of P by Scenedes-
112 J. B. Cotner and B. A. Biddanda

mus in culture. Most of the field studies that have

looked at “interdomain” competition between Eu-
carya and Bacteria/Archaea have examined relative
uptake of P and N. These studies generally show
that prokaryotic heterotrophs acquire these inor-
ganic nutrients very effectively at low nutrient con-
centrations in nature; whereas, as concentrations
increase, an increasing proportion is acquired by
phytoplankton (osmotrophs larger than 1 ␮m)
(Currie and Kalff 1984; Suttle and Harrison 1988;
Cotner and Wetzel 1992). Because of their small
size, prokaryotic heterotrophs have a high affinity
for dissolved nutrients (low relative Kt) (Button
1986), but consequently they are not able to take
up nutrients as effectively at high nutrient concen-
trations (low relative Vmax) (Fenchel and others
1998). There is a great deal of variation in the Kt’s
and Vmax’s of aquatic prokaryotic heterotrophs;
nevertheless, these generalities suggest that these
organisms should acquire nutrients more effectively Figure 3. Hypothesized factors affecting cell size and nu-
than their phytoplankton competitors when ambi- trient competition among autotrophs and heterotrophs in
ent concentrations are low. In oligo- and mesotro- oligotrophic and eutrophic systems. Competition with
phic freshwater lakes, a significant proportion of prokaryotic heterotrophs is an important constraint to
ambient P is consumed by prokaryotic heterotrophs phytoplankton biomass production, especially in oligo-
(Rigler 1956; Bentzen and others 1992; Cotner and trophic systems. S/V refers to the surface-to-volume ra-
Wetzel 1992) and this can constrain autotrophic
production. In eutrophic systems where inorganic
loading rates are high, phytoplankton are able to
sequester an increased fraction of the available nu- most researchers assumed that prokaryotic hetero-
trients because of their larger size (Suttle and others troph growth was limited by the organic C supply,
1990; Cotner and Wetzel 1992). Because nutrients most of which came from phytoplankton produc-
are often delivered to lakes and the coastal ocean tivity. Interestingly, one of the important ideas pro-
episodically, there is strong selection for large cells posed by Azam and others (1983) in their microbial
that can maintain uptake of a potentially limiting loop paper was that the primary mineralizers of
nutrient and store it internally for subsequent inorganic nutrients in aquatic ecosystems are not
growth (Suttle and others 1987). prokaryotic heterotrophs but their grazers, consis-
A further consequence of prokaryotic hetero- tent with the idea that prokaryotic heterotroph
troph small size is that there is little room in the cell growth could be nutrient-limited.
to store nutrients. Some diatoms are able to store We summarize changes in nutrient competition
enough P as polyphosphate to support nearly 100 along a trophic gradient in Figure 3. As we have
subsequent generations (Horne and Goldman discussed, low nutrient availability selects for small
1994). Although prokaryotic heterotrophs are also prokaryotic heterotrophs in oligotrophic systems
able to store polyphosphate, this strategy is proba- because of their small size, high surface-to-volume
bly not employed in oligotrophic systems given ratios, and small cell quotas. High ambient nutrient
their small size; however, this topic has not been availability in eutrophic systems selects for larger
studied extensively. osmotrophs, primarily filamentous and colonial
Surprisingly, there is considerable evidence indi- cyanobacterial and eukaryotic photoautotrophs, fa-
cating that prokaryotic heterotroph growth is often cilitated internal diffusion (in eukaryotes) and in-
limited by inorganic nutrients (especially P) in ternal nutrient storage abilities.
many different kinds of ecosystems (Toolan and
others 1991; Coveney and Wetzel 1992; Elser and INTERACTIONS OF SOLAR RADIATION,
others 1995b; Pomeroy and others 1995; Cotner DOC, AND NUTRIENTS
and others 1997), even relatively productive ones.
This is consistent with the relatively low C:P that Nutrients and DOC may select for small prokaryotic
has been measured in these organisms. Previously, organisms in oligotrophic systems, but solar radia-
Microbial Biogeochemistry across Ecosystems 113

tion may also play a role. There has been a plethora radiation may constrain how much organic matter
of studies on the effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation prokaryotic heterotrophs can extract. Furthermore,
on aquatic organisms, but few community to eco- these experiments, and others like them, suggest
systems scale experiments have been performed. In that prokaryotic heterotrophs may “compete” with
one study performed in the St. Lawrence Estuary, abiotic factors, such as UV radiation for labile DOC,
UV radiation was manipulated and the effects on at least in some environments, such as the mixed
mixed communities were observed. These experi- layer in high-light ecosystems (Figure 3).
ments showed that the relative abundance of dia- Other portions of the solar spectrum, such as
toms decreased and flagellated autotrophs and het- photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) may be
erotrophs increased when UV radiation was equally important in regulating the flow of organic
increased artificially (Mostajir and others 1999). matter into the microbial loop. If phytoplankton
Concomitant with changes in autotrophs, there nutrient uptake is light-dependent (Lean and Nale-
was a shift in the planktonic heterotroph commu- wajko 1976; E. Litchman personal communication)
nity structure from herbivorous zooplankton to a and prokaryotic heterotroph uptake is not, then it
microbially dominated food web, suggesting that would explain the increased ratio of phytoplankton
UV radiation can redirect organic matter fluxes to prokaryotic heterotroph biomass observed in the
from the herbivorous to the microbial food web Sargasso Sea when the mixed layer is shallow (Cot-
in ecosystems. ner 2000). As mean light levels increase—that is
One mechanism whereby UV radiation can affect shallower mixed layer—autotrophic picoplankton
the quantity of organic C passing through the mi- may compete more effectively for inorganic nutri-
crobial loop is through direct photochemical alter- ents. In Third Sister Lake, Michigan, we observed
ation of the bioavailability of dissolved organic mat- an increased flux of inorganic P into phytoplankton
ter (DOM). An interesting study in the Gulf of biomass as the lake stratified in the summer (Cotner
Mexico looked specifically at the effects of UV radi- and Wetzel 1992).
ation exposure on the availability of DOC to bacte- In oligotrophic marine systems, DOC often accu-
ria that were not exposed to UV radiation (Benner mulates in the mixed layer when these systems
and Biddanda 1998). DOC from the mixed layer become more strongly stratified (Carlson and others
became more recalcitrant to prokaryotic hetero- 1994; Murray and others 1994; Williams 1995). As
troph degradation with UV exposure. Alternatively, stratification increases, the physical separation be-
deep-water DOC became more labile to prokaryotic tween the mixed layer and nutricline increases; and
heterotroph degradation, and growth rates in- as phytoplankton compete more effectively for in-
creased after organic matter was exposed to UV organic nutrients, nutrients become more limiting
radiation. We recently confirmed these observa- to productivity. DOC may accumulate under these
tions in Lake Superior during stratification (B. A. conditions either because it does not limit prokary-
Biddanda and J. B. Cotner unpublished). otic heterotroph productivity—that is, they are lim-
Many studies have shown that UV radiation can ited by inorganic nutrients (Toolan and others
enhance prokaryotic heterotroph activity in humic- 1991; Coveney and Wetzel 1992; Pomeroy and oth-
rich waters (Lindell and others 1995; Wetzel and ers 1995; Cotner and others 1997; Zohary and Ro-
others 1995; Miller and Moran 1997; Reitner and barts 1998)—and/or perhaps DOC accumulates as it
others 1997). Humic substances absorb strongly in becomes more unavailable due to longer UV radia-
the UV range and therefore are some of the most tion exposure (Benner and Biddanda 1998). If phy-
photoreactive compounds in lake and seawater toplankton are more competitive for inorganic nu-
(Bertilsson and Tranvik 2000). Furthermore, sev- trients as the mixed layer decreases, it would
eral studies have shown that UV radiation can re- increase the likelihood that prokaryotic hetero-
lease labile P (Francko and Heath 1982; Cotner and trophs are limited by nutrients rather than organic
Heath 1990) and N (Bushaw-Newton and Moran C.
1999; Kieber 2000) at low concentrations from dis- A recent model of the microbial food web along a
solved humic substances. Similarly, organic matter trophic gradient has been used to explain DOC
from freshwater macrophytes was more readily accumulation in oligotrophic lakes and oceans
consumed by prokaryotic heterotrophs after expo- (Thingstad and others 1997). In this model, pro-
sure to UV radiation (Wetzel and others 1995). karyotic heterotroph growth was shown to be con-
These experiments demonstrate that DOC in differ- trolled by DOC availability in low-P, ultraoligotro-
ent regions of the water column or from different phic systems, by bacterivores at moderate P levels,
source material can be variably available to bacte- and—interestingly— by P concentrations again at
rioplankton. The degree of previous exposure to UV the highest P-loading rate (Thingstad and others
114 J. B. Cotner and B. A. Biddanda

1997). This apparent paradox arises in the model community respiration in oligotrophic systems,
because, at high P-loading rates, phytoplankton whereas their relative contribution decreases in eu-
consume an increased proportion of available P due trophic systems (Biddanda and others 1994, 2001;
to their increased biomass. It is in this latter range del Giorgio and others 1997). In our trophic survey
where DOC accumulates. Although the model rep- in Minnesota lakes, and including some previous
resents a trophic gradient, all of the nutrient con- measurements from the Gulf of Mexico, the pro-
centrations were in a range that would qualify these karyotic heterotroph size-fraction generated as
systems as oligo- to mesotrophic. In support of this much as 90% of the total community oxygen de-
conclusion, Sondergaard and Middleboe (1995) mand in the most oligotrophic systems and as little
showed that the affinity of prokaryotic hetero- as 10% in the most eutrophic lakes (Biddanda and
trophs for DOC decreases along a trophic gradient— others 2001).
that is, DOC in eutrophic systems is less susceptible Part of the explanation for the important role
to microbial attack— but this could also be due to played by prokaryotic heterotrophs in oxygen and
several other factors, such as increased bacterial carbon fluxes in oligotrophic systems has to do with
grazing, decreased EOC release, or increased bacte- their high proportional biomass, but changes in
rial growth efficiency (BGE). BGE also occur along this gradient and impact the
In the Thingstad model, DOC accumulates in the relationship. BGEs typically increase from oligotro-
euphotic zone of lakes and oceans in moderately phic to eutrophic systems (del Giorgio and Cole
productive systems because of competition with 1998). A simple mechanistic explanation for this
phytoplankton for a limiting nutrient (P). An alter- observation is that prokaryotic heterotroph growth
native view, which is consistent with the idea of is more likely to be nutrient-limited in oligotrophic
nutrient-limited microbial growth in oligotrophic systems; therefore, organic C is used less efficiently.
systems and bacterivore or viral control in more del Giorgio and Cole (1998) argued that the main-
productive systems, is that in oligotrophic systems, tenance costs for aquatic bacteria increase in low-
prokaryotic heterotroph growth is P-limited, BGEs productivity systems. In our lake survey, BGEs in-
are low, and DOC does not accumulate. As P load- creased from as low as 5% in our most oligotrophic
ing increases, microbial biomass can accumulate systems to as high as 40% in the most eutrophic
sufficiently to stimulate bacterivore or viral bio- systems (Biddanda and others 2001). Off the south-
mass; these predators then control prokaryotic het- east coast of the United States, Griffith and others
erotroph biomass. At that point, DOC concentra- (1990) and Hopkinson and others (1989) showed
tions can accumulate in the euphotic zone as a an increasing near-shore to offshore gradient in the
consequence of increased predator control of bio- contribution of the less than 1 ␮m size-fraction to
mass and increased BGEs. This view is supported by community respiration. Modeling and experimen-
the fact that prokaryotic heterotroph biomass does tal evidence indicated that BGEs increased inversely
not increase to the same extent as other food web with the C:N ratio of their substrates, implicating
components in eutrophic systems. Furthermore, substrate stoichiometry and nutrient limitation as
the increased BGEs found in eutrophic systems (del factors responsible for low BGE.
Giorgio and Cole 1998; Biddanda and others 2001) An important implication of such high quantities
suggest that microbes are able to use organic C of organic C passing through prokaryotic hetero-
more efficiently in these systems. trophs in oligotrophic systems with most of it being
respired is that there is little left over to support
BIOGEOCHEMICAL IMPLICATIONS productivity at higher trophic levels (Ducklow and
others 1986; Legendre and Rassooulzadegan 1995).
The dominance of prokaryotic heterotrophs in oli- Most of the C and nutrients that pass into the
gotrophic systems becomes even more apparent microbial loop pass out as inorganic nutrients and
when we look at metabolic processes, such as CO2. Broad support for this observation can be
growth rates and respiration. Maximal potential found by examining the relative proportions of dis-
growth rates and metabolic processes scale propor- solved and particulate nutrients across a trophic
tionately to organism size (volume⫺0.25) (Fenchel gradient. In oligotrophic systems, dissolved compo-
and others 1998). Consequently, small organisms nents predominate over particulate nutrients, and
such as prokaryotes are able to dominate metabolic the particulate components increase in eutrophic
processes in ecosystems where they are abundant systems (Wetzel 1984). In lakes and streams, DOC:
relative to other components—for instance, in oli- POC ratios of 6 –10:1 are typical (Wetzel 1995). In
gotrophic lakes and oceans. Prokaryotic hetero- our survey of Minnesota lakes, the DOC:POC ratio
trophs are the most significant component of total varied from 3 to 15:1, with the highest values in
Microbial Biogeochemistry across Ecosystems 115

Figure 5. Hypothesized factors affecting prokaryotic het-

erotroph interactions with eukaryotic, phagotrophic het-
erotrophs. In oligotrophic systems, high relative DOC:
POC ratios select for prokaryotic heterotrophs over
Figure 4. The relationship between the DOC:POC ratio phagotrophs because of the limited ability of phagotrophs
and prokaryotic heterotroph (bacteria) biomass normal- to consume dissolved organic matter. In eutrophic sys-
ized to phytoplankton biomass. Chl ⫽ chlorophyll. (A) is tems, an increased proportion of available organic matter
based on data from del Giorgio and Peters (1992); (B) is is particulate, thus selecting for phagotrophs.
derived from data collected by J. B. C. and B. A. B. in
Minnesota lakes.


oligotrophic systems (Biddanda and others 2001).
In this survey, prokaryotic heterotroph biomass in- The extent to which organic matter passes through
creased relative to phytoplankton biomass (chloro- the microbial loop is likely to affect the amount of
phyll) with an increase in the DOC:POC ratio (Fig- organic matter subsequently available for higher
ure 4). We found a similar increase in bacterial trophic levels and also for export out of the eu-
biomass relative to phytoplankton biomass in pub- photic zone. Systems in which a high proportion of
lished data from the 1994 survey by del Giorgio and organic matter passes through microbial hetero-
Peters of 20 southern Quebec lakes (Figure 4). trophs and the microbial loop are likely to support
These observations suggest that prokaryotic hetero- less production in higher trophic levels because of
trophs are most abundant relative to phytoplankton the high number of trophic transfers and the low
and other planktonic components when dissolved growth efficiency of prokaryotic heterotrophs and
nutrients are high relative to particulate nutrient protozoans in natural systems (Legendre and Ras-
concentrations. sooulzadegan 1995). Respiration measurements
It has been argued that prokaryotic heterotrophs and other studies comparing C flow have shown
and metazoans compete for detrital resources in that prokaryotic heterotroph production can be
aquatic systems (Pomeroy and Wiebe 1988). There- more than 100% of primary production at any
fore, when most organic matter is dissolved rather given point in time (Scavia and Laird 1987; Duck-
than particulate, prokaryotic heterotrophs domi- low and Carlson 1992). Bacterial production is not
nate; phagotrophic organisms and phytoplankton necessarily constrained to be less than primary pro-
increase in relative abundance as particulate matter duction because of spatial or temporal disequilibria
increases across the trophic gradient (Figure 5). between primary and secondary productivity
Therefore, an important distinction between oligo- (Scavia and Laird 1987), allochthonous C inputs, or
trophic and eutrophic systems has to do with the alternatively because bacterial carbon production is
dominant heterotrophs at the base of the food web. not “lost” from an ecosystem until it is respired
In herbivorous food webs, the dominant hetero- (Strayer 1988). The ecosystems in which prokary-
trophs have mouths, whereas in microbial food otic heterotroph production represents high pro-
webs they do not (Laws 1993). portions of primary productivity tend to be ones
116 J. B. Cotner and B. A. Biddanda

respective temperatures (Rivkin and others 1996),

but subsequent work showed that BGEs decrease
with increasing temperatures (Rivkin and Legendre
2001). We recently documented a similar relation-
ship in Lake Michigan (Biddanda and Cotner forth-
coming). The majority of the C flux through bacte-
rioplankton is through respiration, typically
representing 70%–100% of the bacterial C demand.
Observations of high relative prokaryotic hetero-
troph biomass, low BGEs, and high microbial res-
piration rates in oligotrophic systems suggest that
nutrient regeneration efficiencies should be higher
in oligotrophic systems than in eutrophic systems.
However, a recent paper showed that phosphorus
cycling efficiencies did not vary across a trophic
gradient (Hudson and others 1999). The authors
argued that regeneration was proportional to bio-
mass and that regeneration efficiencies (the propor-
tion of net production that is regenerated) are not
Figure 6. Changes in nutrient characteristics across a higher in oligotrophic systems. An important aspect
productivity gradient. In low-productivity systems, nutri-
of this debate is whether particle sinking fluxes
ents are primarily organic and dissolved, and autotro-
increase with productivity—that is, sinking fluxes
phic– heterotrophic coupling (A–H coupling) is strong,
—that is, prokaryotic heterotroph respiration is equal to increase disproportionately to productivity across a
or greater than primary production, with little organic trophic gradient. Baines and others (1994) showed
matter remaining for export to the sediments. In eutro- that sinking fluxes do increase more than produc-
phic systems, nutrients are primarily inorganic and par- tivity in the ocean but not in lakes, supporting
ticulate, and A–H coupling is weak, —that is, high export Hudson and others’ argument for freshwater sys-
production. tems. However, the data set for the relationship
between productivity and sinking fluxes in lakes
was limited to a set of small Canadian lakes that
where productivity and presumably export are rel- may or may not be representative of lakes as a
atively low (Ducklow and Carlson 1992) (Figure 6). whole. Sinking fluxes in small lakes measured with
Another factor that may affect C flux through the sediment traps (as was done in the 1991 study by
microbial loop is temperature, with decreased rela- Baines and Pace) are likely to overestimate particle
tive fluxes occurring at low (near 0°C) tempera- export from the euphotic zone because of sediment
tures (Pomeroy and Deibel 1986; Pomeroy and oth- resuspension and slumping. Even in large lakes
ers 1991). These authors argued that during the such as Lake Michigan, resuspension can be the
spring algal bloom in cold North Atlantic waters, a major mechanism for particle and C transport
decreased proportion of organic matter is dissipated through the water column on an annual basis
through the microbial loop relative to warmer sys- (Eadie and others 1984). Although resuspension is
tems. Although net primary productivity is typically maximized in the unstratified period, organic mat-
maximized in summer when insolation rates are ter and nutrients that are resuspended and incor-
highest, slight differences in autotrophic and het- porated into the food web (Cotner and others 2000)
erotrophic production through the winter and could potentially impact fluxes after the lake strat-
spring could generate high spring biomass if the ifies. The potential to overestimate this flux is par-
differences occur over a long enough period. Wetzel ticularly high in small lakes, where resuspension
(1995) argued that winter productivity is an impor- likely represents a major proportion of the particles
tant part of ecosystem metabolism in small lakes. If raining down on the lake floor.
bacterial production and respiration are more tem-
perature-sensitive than photosynthesis, bacterial CONCLUSIONS
production and/or respiration should decrease
more at low temperatures than does photoautotro- We have outlined some of the important changes
phy. In a survey of the oceanographic literature, that occur in microbial biogeochemical processes
there was no difference in prokaryotic heterotroph along a trophic gradient in lakes and oceans. The
production in cold and temperate oceans at their relationships we have discussed are summarized in
Microbial Biogeochemistry across Ecosystems 117

the “hourglass figure” (Figure 6), which describes

the transformations in the material processing by
microbes along a theoretical trophic gradient. We
argue that prokaryotic heterotrophs mediate bio-
geochemical processes to a disproportionately high
level in the most oligotrophic ecosystems, primarily
because they can cope with low nutrient availability
and consume dissolved organic nutrients (Figure 6).
Because prokaryotic heterotrophs and the phyto-
plankton that are dominant in oligotrophic systems,
primarily small cyanobacteria, are similar in size
and have similar growth rates and nutritional
modes (osmotrophic), euphotic zone autotrophic
and heterotrophic processes are tightly coupled in
these systems. This means that there is little net
export of organic matter from the euphotic zone.
Increased inorganic nutrient loading along the tro-
phic gradient increases the mean growth rates and
size of phytoplankton, as well as the total sus- Figure 7. Hypothesized relationships between microbial
pended particle concentrations. Increased phyto- metabolism and contaminant accumulation across a pro-
plankton size and particle concentrations shift the ductivity gradient. BGE increases with increasing nutri-
planktonic community from domination by os- ent availability and productivity. PCB per unit of bacterial
motrophic heterotrophic microbes to domination carbon is highest in the least productive waters and low-
by phagotrophic zooplankton. Consequently, the est in the most productive waters. A similar PCB– carbon
role of the microbial web is maximized in oligotro- relationship is expected to occur in higher plankton as
phic systems, and the herbivorous, zooplankton- well.
dominated web is maximized in eutrophic systems
(Legendre and Rassooulzadegan 1995). Because of
this shift in the dominant heterotrophs, material creased UV radiation, lower DOC) may compromise
fluxes are dominated by particles in more eutrophic the ability of aquatic systems to respond to the
systems. The maximum growth rates of most zoo- increased loading of nutrients.
plankton are less than the maximum growth rates Another feedback for human-impacted systems
of most phytoplankton, and autotrophic and het- relates to contaminants in aquatic food webs. Be-
erotrophic processes are more likely to be de- cause oligotrophic systems are by definition nutri-
coupled in the herbivorous web, with increased ent-poor and biomass is dominated by prokaryotic
export production. heterotrophs and the microbial food web, there is
The processes discussed here are relevant to the great potential for bioconcentration of contami-
human impact on productivity in aquatic ecosys- nants to occur through these organisms. The same
tems, both freshwater and marine. Because produc- factors that enable scavenging nutrients at low con-
tivity and decomposition are nearly balanced in centrations (small size, rapid metabolism, and so
oligotrophic ecosystems, they are particularly vul- on) also facilitate contaminant accumulation in
nerable to small increases in nutrient loading. Nu- their biomass for subsequent transfer to other com-
trient increases in oligotrophic lakes and oceanic ponents in the food web. Furthermore, the low
gyres can have strong feedbacks to productivity. prokaryotic heterotroph growth efficiencies typi-
There are many documented cases of cultural eu- cally observed in oligotrophic systems increase the
trophication in lakes and coastal ocean regions. number of C transfers through the microbial food
However, increased use of fertilizers and the poten- web and further increase the potential for biocon-
tial for long-range transport of nutrients that vola- centration (Figure 7). In fact, low growth efficien-
tilize (N) or that are moved great distances on dust cies have been shown to increase contaminant lev-
particles (P, Iron) may change the characteristics of els in metazoans (Meili 1997), and prokaryotic
biogeochemical processes in remote regions of the heterotrophs have been shown to accumulate PCBs
ocean (Hansell and Carlson 1998; Pahlow and more efficiently than phytoplankton in a marine
Riebesell 2000), such as the central gyres, and system (Axelman and others 1997). These observa-
seemingly remote lakes, such as Lake Superior tions suggest that prokaryotic heterotrophs may be
(Bennett 1986). Furthermore, climate change (in- a critical component of the food web that can pro-
118 J. B. Cotner and B. A. Biddanda

mote our understanding of the behavior of contam- between sinking flux and planktonic primary production differ
inants in aquatic systems. Moreover, they demon- between lakes and oceans? Limnol Oceanogr 39:213–26.
strate the relevance of considering microbial Bell T, Kalff J. 2001. The contribution of picophytoplankton in
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gested, it may explain why some of the most con- Bennett EB. 1986. The nitrifying of Lake Superior. Ambio 15:
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of contaminants is similar in oligotrophic and eu- dissolved organic phosphorus to phosphorus uptake by lim-
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trophic lakes, the dominance of the microbial food
web in the former may facilitate increased trophic Bertilsson S, Tranvik LJ. 2000. Photochemical transformation of
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Biddanda BA, Ogdahl ML, Cotner JB. 2001. Dominance of bac-
terial metabolism in oligotrophic relative to eutrophic waters.
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surements. We are also grateful to J. Elser and W. Biddanda B, Opsahl S, Benner R. 1994. Plankton respiration and
Makino for their comments on an earlier version of carbon flux through bacterioplankton on the Louisiana shelf.
the manuscript. This research was supported by a Limnol Oceanogr 39:1259 –75.
jointly funded program through National Oceanic and Bratbak G. 1985. Bacterial biovolume and biomass estimations.
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