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(eco Pract Part 1 foc question 1 ad he et bw nd die wh ase BC) es fs och ‘heb wane tthe bpeing © Cane OMRinle take _Céo_Dhne ‘fa 2 2 2 Long hours and health don’t mix ‘Women are much heer when they (9) on 08 (1) nn NeW survey. Those who work long hours are more ikl than mn to indulge in unhealthy behaviour such as eating snacks, smoking and drinking ‘allen. (Long hours have no such (2)... 0n men.) One postive benefit of long hous for both sexes, however, is that alcohol (3) nnn reduced. “The study, funded by the Economic and Socal Research Counc is part of a wider ssdy by psychologists {rom the University of Leeds, no the effects of stress on eating “Stress eauses people t0 (8) vn fOF Unhealthy high-fat and high sugar snacks n preference to healthier food choices, says researchar Dr ard | O'Connor ofthe Unversity of Leeds. "People under stress eat ess than usual in thelr main meals, ncudng their vegetable (5) ons Dut sh thar preference to high-at igh-sugar snacks instead, Ove (®)onnnnn are datrting in that they show stress produces harmful changes int and eads to unhealthy eating behaviour continues Dr O'Connor. An overheiming (7)... of edence shows the Importance of mantning abalanced dit in (8)... of reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular Gsezses- and that means esting a lov-fa it and five potions of fut and vegetables 3 dy> cexpendiure design cemision findings Institions sack packet Part 2 Fer questions 9-16, read the txt blow and think ofthe word which bes fits each gap. Use only one word in 30h gap. There isan example atthe begining 0) We your answers in CAPITA LETTERS. Example; The breath of li yore wo has (0) nn tnt 8 youn oF madiaton cas wil know the enormous bans of sorathig a single ‘snd natura ar renting, nal vy and sea and you can cela your entire body. tap a oes on the ow of Oa breath you take nan ot an you can ten ap foi Your i (10) nnn 1 breatng wl lp you fol lar ring down your Blood pressure and ncease your men alr and energy ove ‘Yee treating so snc the mow ofthe tine wire hardy even are of Of eure (11) vy Weary develop bad hat nd why mary of dort da a wll 3 we (12) ee protes,(13) Tel can ring near hath bones. Those inci felng more rested and bing more meal alr. You may aeo fd haters an improvement (4) shyialsmptoms, ch lot and tomach pans dizer, heaeacee, pine and neces ad ow onary Leming o breathe correctly drama improve your wellbeing nd qty of Me. Mose peopl thik hat poe resting mane that ou don ee enough oxygen, but (15) the arb de you're misting nits) — —_ Part 3 For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals a the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same ine, There i an example atthe beginning (0). Wie your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS, example: [0 | SIGNIFICANTLY ~The cooling oceans “The uper layers of Earths oceans have cole (0) vw Over the past two years, eventhough the planet as wef warming up. Whe ts may st be part ofthe natural (17) a VARY of oceans, catalogs are stil confounded by the massive accountable lass of hat. Solent have bee (18) nnn COeEEG By rng sea temperatures over INCREASE ‘he lst 80 years but these new (19) tela diferent sto FIND a ry o Ea a o ry g = General speaking, the (20) mn Of heat by the aceon reduces atmosperc warming, ABSORB Now (23) taken bythe National Oceanic and Aimosperic Anniston have put MEASURE wre nthe rend. The researchers wsed ata fom 3000 floating tuys which monitor the oceans (22). Thay found thatthe oceans dropped n temperate by an (23) cangrade between 2011 ant 2013. Now, hat may rot seem he much but ty fo account for the missing energy is proving to be enormous (24). Its possible hat vlean enptons are one in cause PROBLEM. of the penomeran, but ro fm answers have yet been provided. 002 degrees BELIEVE Part 4 For questions 25:30, complete the second sentence so that it hs a similar meaning to the fist sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, Induding the word given. Here is an example (). Example: 0 George should have worked harder ihe wanted to pass the exam. succeeded Had George wocked harder, passing the exam ‘Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS, 6 [re wou wave suecernen w 25 Poul ends to pay his music loudly whon he's not feeling very happy. babi Pauli vo hig mae louly when he nt feling very happy. 26 They could easly win the game chance They sos the game 27 Ofcourse dno greet end tam the money. saying ke sn Mok agree to lend hem the mney 28 Did anything about his behaviour ser usual to you? strike Did anything about his behaviour so ss UU 28 | can barely cook a meal fr myel, vo | certainly coud cook for ih people, lone woul souggle sven Fgh poople, 30 The reporters thatthe bls wa 3 ore hat the ar was blown ght across the sreet,_ such ‘According tothe reporen, the bias that the car was blown ‘ight across the stret. Brrr Part 1 For questions 1-3, rad the ext below and decide which answer (A,B, Cor D) best fis each gap. ‘here fs an example atthe beginning (0 ample: QAdata Binformation C perception Ddlscussion 1s Work Bad for you? Popa (0) WA wg (1) nn ROW 30 overrode on people haf be ured st workar sn sragdy @) tap Bu bonare aden pce agg Bash wertplacs the Postings when nos ts nigh ty, donation tecaog an ese sear we eget ring to beret cmon sn at very) Se We dost expr tobe mares a of Torte orto work ours no the grand dee Les ” agin. nthe UK there re il. millon wortglace nies every year as wells 22 mln cases of tea cased by work Some ofthese nes woulrt have bean out of pace Chaos Dicken’ Enlan ase year 380 people dd as res of bldg ste acon, age nreaseon previous yrs. But some ofthe worst danges are the hidden ons. 400,00 cases of asta ae caused by working condon, (@) toh ee of dst or tale palo, and asbestos iis ver 4000 peoples year There reno 6 "presen arog overs record th (7) ‘of bate, mesrng tat baer an re: ‘ghar have no way of antigo prota. However, & non-profit organaten has kan vp he sue with 3 ew database (8). ‘eonjcion wih tha Fades Union Covgres 1A habis B plight © tes D condone 2 A red B green © black D vite 3 A ew B least © mest D furthest 4K Think B Remark © Dwall D Comment 5A detection B expression © expansion exposure 6 A methods B prosecutons © regulations principles 7 attendance B_ presence © company D residence: 3 A launched B embarked © terminated ——_D_ propelled Part 2 For questions 9-16, read the text below and think ofthe word which best fis each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Thee i an example atthe beginning (0) = Werte yor awe CAPAC LETTERS commie: [21 _& ‘Thousands of nurses out of work Neary tree quarors (0) rowly-qaild nurses canot nd a permanant jo the Hea Service, a study hs fod Thowands are tung to ge ulleime pst ste rari ris the NHS has ed ojo care rer ran froszes. A survey om Te Royal Collage of Nerang quassone (9) ‘over 500 rent. rarer ans 2,200 sents. OF (0) oo hu grata found tat 7 per cen were il earching fora Band Fve nursing ob de evl at which mrss beg thar crear And he major - 8 per can were not conn of dings permanent poston, with mere than nie ou af ten Bang recultmene eezes sn ob ee (Uren tee ore than eight cu of en said hey would conser revaning or looking fr work in another prfeson the prota coved (12) ie cont mare than Z50,000 to tran each nrc, carpugers have eal thee tion a eagcet (13) wo ‘of tipayes money’ The RCN's secretary, Dr Bevery Malone sad "What rmesage ae we sending out ote nurses ofthe fare we sped tens of housands f pounds waning them ont se thom witout obs (14) 1 the begin of thee careers? The period tight afer aestion thesingle ost mpartant sme ha rss caret (15) sre eco dham nt pro ‘Sn, we ak lang thar forever Nurses are encouraged to tain by th govermene (16) Iintrs have fc the NHS detrorata to such a point ta they (rss) are ural od fob.

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