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as. facebook: . - Hotlines O888.298.573, = Topic 1 Study( School) Topic 20 Haircut ‘Topic 2 Work ‘Topic 21 Concentration Topic 3 Major Topic 22 Walking Topic 4 Home( ‘The area you live {in ‘Topic 5 Hometown Topic 23 Jeans ‘Topic 24 Language Topic 6 Pen & Pencil ‘Topic 25 Voice Topic 7 Running Topic 26 Friend Topic 8 Water sports Topic 27 Countryside Topic 9 Art ‘Topic 28 Wild animals Topic 10 Spend time by yourself, Topic 29 Public holiday ‘Topic 11 Scientist ‘Topic 30 Math ‘Topic 12 Museum / History ‘Topic 31 Reading Topic 13 Have a rest ‘Topic 14 Number Topic 32 Street market Topic 33 Plan/Time management Topic 15 Cake Topic 34: Music Topic 16 Scenery Topic 35 Tea & Coffee ‘Topic 17 Park ‘Topic 36 Patience Topic 18 Laugh Topic 37 Movie stars ‘Topic 19 Movie/TV program Topic 38 Taking photos Topic 39 Travel Pes facebook: io Hotline 0888298573, = Topic 1 Study' school) 1. Do you work or study? I'm currently a senior student at Hunan University, and I’m studying computer science at the moment 2. Which university did you go? The university [attended is called XXX University, which is a top-level university in China, I'm really proud to be a student there and honestly, I was so close to being rejected? because I thought my grade for the University Entrance Exam was subpar’ compared to the enrollment requirement of the previous year. 3. Why did you choose your school / university? Well, when I was a high school student, T heard-my university has a really good undergraduate program for Computer Science", which is really what I'm passionate about and love to study. Besides, my parents also rooted for’ me to go there as they believe four years of study there would be a big help for my future career 4. Is it good (0 study in the morning or in the afternoon? I think it’s good to study in the morning, You have to wake up earlier, but when you get through the work®, you have the rest of the day off, And the afternoon is usually a better time of day to enjoy yourself, So I think it’s best to get studying over with” as early as possible 5. Do you enjoy studying or not? No, I don’t really enjoy studying I'mean, I know it’s really important to get a good grade. But it's hard for me to focus on something for a long time. So usually when I study, I end up getting distracted by my phone or computer. It’s a hard habit for me to break® * study 2 so close to being rejected ® subpar [sab/p] * Computer Science S ole for somebody © get through the work eet something over with: ® ahhard habit for me to break as facebook: in Hodiine O888.298.572 6. What are the most important qual of a teacher? I think the most important qualities of a teacher are patience, kindness, and discipline, They have to treat their students well, and that begins with not losing their temper at? them. They should also be approachable" and easy to talk to. Plus, they need to work hard to make sure their students are getting the best education possible. 7. Who is more important for you at school, teachers or student Ithink the students are more important. I mean, the teachers are obviously playing akey roleat school. But who you're in a class with makes a world of difference''. It’s much easier to be excited about school if you're friends with the other students. You should at least be able to get along with them, 8. Who helped you more at school, teachers or students? I think the teachers probably helped me more at school. I really loved hanging out with the other students, But when it came to learning and growing as an individual, the teachers played an important role. They taught me new things about the world and showed me how I could apply them to real life!? ‘9, What do you do when you are not studying? Whenever P'm not studying, I’m usually surfing the internet or hanging out with friends. It's nice to take a break by scrolling through social media'* or having lunch with a close friend. It’s a great way for me to blow off some steam. After all, if you're too stressed out, you Won’t study that well 10. Do you like your school? Yes, I do like my school-Lmean, even though I’m often swamped with all the assignments and exams", | often have a blast'S studying theré~The teachers are all nice and cool. None of them have ever given me a hard time. And most importantly, I have some really awesome friends at school who Thang out with all the time. ° losing thei temper at ' approachable: ' mnakes work of difference "2 apply them to real lifes "scrolling though social media: "often swamped with all the assignments and exams: "havea bast dis facebook: ‘ oe Podiine 0898.298.573, = 11. Which part of your school do you like? I really like meeting new people. The classes at school are fun because I'm leaning new things, but it’s great to be able to make friends with the other students. Some of my closest friends are people I met in class, we just happened to hit it off'® and now we're as close as peas in a pod”. 12, How many hours do you spend on study every week? I probably spend about ten or twelve hours studying every week. I have a lot of different classes and they all have different assignments, so they keep me on my toes"®. I should probably be studying ‘more, to be honest, but I get distracted pretty easily 13. How do you improve your study efficiency? When it comes to studying efficiently, I try to make Sure there aren't any major distractions around ‘me. For example, I turn off my phone and I avoid listening to music. It helps me focus on my study so that I stay on track!” and avoid wasting all my time, 14. Which part of your study do you like the most? 1 like writing the most. Even if it's just writing essays, I think it’s really fun to express my thoughts through the written word”. I've always enjoyed those kinds of classes the most. I think it’s good practice for the real world, where you have to be able to express yourself clearly. 15, Which part do you hope your school to change? /Which part of your school needs an improvement? Well, off the top of my head, the most urgent part of my schoo! that needs to be improved is the gym in our campus. I mean, the whole place shouldbe flipped” because everything in the gym is literally wom 0} 2. ‘The basketball court doesn't even have a hoop. It's ridiculous, isn’t it? I really hope our school can do something about it “pititomt " asclose as peas in a pods "8 keep me on my toes © stay om track 2 express my thoughts through the writen word: © the whole place should be flipped ® yom out: as. facebook: 7 Hiodlins: O888.228.573, Topic 2 Work® - 1, Do you work or study? I'm currently working fulltime as a programmer at Baidu; I've been working there for 5 years. 2. Do you like your job? Yes, Lam really happy with what I do, Most of the time, it’s very rewarding to be able to help people every day. Besides, it’s a really good company to work for. The pay is good and they even hand out bonuses™ twice a year! 3. Js it better to work in the morning or in the afternoon? I think it’s better to work in the morning.-Even’though:you have to wake up early, when you get through the work” you have the rést of the day Off. Ahd the aftemiOon is usually a better time of day to enjoy yourself, So I think it’s best to get work over with®® as early as possible 4, Do you prefer several short breaks or along break during the work day? I prefer having a long break When you have a bunch of short breaks, it can make the day go by a bit faster, but it also interrupts your work. When I get focused, I feel like I'm in the zone”, I don’t want to ruin that with a lot of short breaks. 5. What is the most interesting part of your job? I work at a coffee shop, so I think the most interesting part of my job is the people. I get to meet so many people during my shift”. Some of them have fascinating personalities. Sometimes I even strike up a chat with” them and leam something random. One time a customer showed me photos of his cat, york 2 hand out bonuses 2 get through the work 2% get something over with inthezone 2 doring my shit 2 suike up achat with:

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