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as. facebook: Hodine O8O228.57 - = Topic 1. What kinds of cultural performance are popular in China? Well, this is a really tricky question because I rarely watch any kind of cultural performance, but as far as I know, Xiangsheng is probably the most popular type of cultural performance in China nowadays 1s a traditional Chinese comedy form!. I's like a Chinese version of a talk show, but consists of two performers telling stories and jokes together. This old art declined in the 1990s but revived? in the recent decade because of the excellent performance of some outstanding Xiangsheng performers. It’s hardly an exaggeration to say that’ now there are millions of Xiangsheng lovers in China. 2. Do more and more people usé TY to wateh cultural performances? What's the difference between watching a performance live and watching it on TV? Yeah, I think more and more people are using TV to watch cultural performances. Those types of shows just aren’t that accessible’. You know, decent tickets can cost an arm and a leg. And not a lot of people have that kind of money. So watching those performances on TV is way easier. But there's definitely a difference between a TV broadcast and a live performance. When you see something live, there’s a lot more energy in the room. You miss out on that when you wateh it on TV. 3. How can traditional performances be promoted? It seems to me that traditional performances can be promoted through lots of advertising, including word-of-mouth, If the performance group can develop a good social media following, then they can reach lots of people and inform them about the performances. They can also post some videos of the performances online. That way, people can geta'sampling of them and try to see them live afterwards. A lot of promotion comes through people making recommendations to their friends. So that’s important as well, * g traitional Chinese comedy’ form revived “Tes handy an exaggeration (0 say that “arent that accessible S word-of-mouth as. facebook: —— - Hotiins O888.288.572, 4. Should the government provide financial support to promote traditional performances? Yeah, that would be a great idea. If the government provided financial support to promote traditional performances, that art would grow® and impact more people. I guess one of the problems surrounding traditional performances’ is that performers don't have funds for marketing*, which keeps people from knowing about those traditional performances, So I believe financial support from the government can help them do better at advertising themselves. Besides, tickets can cost an_arm and a leg’. So if traditional performances had financial support from the government, maybe they could lower the cost © and attract bigger audiences of tickets! 5. Is learning drama or dancing helpful for children? Yes, I think learning drama or dancing,is'feally helpful forichildren. Activities like that give kids a creative outlet, Instead of getting Stressed from school; they ean blow-off some steam by dancing or acting. It may sound a little unusual, but the arts are really good for kids, They give them a way of expressing themselves, That’s important even at a young age. Kids ean find their passions and pursue them through these activities, grow * problems surrounding traditional performances, ave funds for marketing ° cost an arm and a leg Jower the cost oF tickets as. facebook: =hts - Hotiins O888.288.572, 1. Do you think it is necessary to have laws for the use of mobile phones? Topic 2 Well, I think that there could be some laws for the use of mobile phones, depending on where they're being used. To be specific, I don’t think that the government should control how much people use their mobile phones when they’ re in the privacy of their own homes!, But they should make it illegal to use your phone while you're driving, After all, distracted driving can end up hurting a lot of people. It’s dangerous to you and to everyone around you 2. At what age should children have mobile phones? 1 don’t think children should have mobile phones until they're thirteen, Before that age, they're too young and irresponsible!’ to have a phone. They:might.Jose it when they go outside to play with other kids. Or they might get addicted to itand waste all theintime on it When kids become teenagers, they're a little more responsible and independent, and have better self-control’. So | think that’s an okay age'> for them to have mobile phones. 3. Should parents set rules for chil Iren for using cellphones? Yeah, I suppose that it'S within parents’ Fights to! set rules for children when it comes to using cellphones, Afterall, it’s their job to help discipline their kids! If they let them use their cellphones too much, they aren’t doing a good job as parents. Plus, most children have low self-control so they are more likely to get addicted to their phones. So parents should probably-set time limits on their kids’ jimit what their kids can access!*, They should make sure their kids aren't cellphones. They should also seeing inappropriate things. nthe privacy oftheir own homes istracted driving ° iesponsible have better self-control 55 {nats an okay age «t's within parents" rights to 4. What kinds of behaviours are considered as breaking etiquette rules? ‘Well, pushing and shoving" is the first one that comes to mind. You know, it happens a lot when people are in line and they're trying to get on the bus or subway. It’s super rude to touch other people like that. Another bad behaviour is yelling in public. You should respect others and keep the noise down. In terms of personal relationships, you shouldn’t make messes” at a friend’s house, ot forget to return something that doesn’t belong to you 5. Do you think people are politer now than in the past? Yeah, I guess in general people are politer now than they were in the past. Back then, it was more of a dog-eat-dog world”, People were more concerned about looking out for themselves”, But nowadays, the young generations are more educated than the older generations. They focus more on having good traits” and care more about social etiquette“, So young people focus more on being polite to others. A lot of people I know really want to raise their kids to be nice and well-mannered” change. I hope future generations follow our lead” I think it’s a great ° pushing and shoving make messes 2! dog-eatdog world * fooking out for themselves * having good traits social etiquette ® well-mannered follow our lead Topic 3 1. Why do people get bored? I suppose that people get bored when they have nothing to do. When a schedule remains wide open””, the person doesn’t have any hobbies they want to pursue, and no distraction is working, then boredom sets in**. Or, a person could get bored if they are doing something really repetitive, like filing the same set of forms a million times, or if there’s just no change in their lifestyle. It can cause a lot of discomfort because then the person feels unsatisfied and suffocated by their routine 2. What do people usually do when they feel bored? If the person has time and the energy, usually they shake things up in their schedule, They might go meet a friend or do something unexpected like off and go out somewhere with family. On the other hand, someone who is bored might just play video games or switch the TV on and distract themselves with TV shows ormovies™. Pursuing a hobby is another easy way to get rid of boredom. 3. Do you think boring jobs will be replaced by robots? Wall, if by boring we are referring to jobs like factory line jobs, then yes, I do think that those jobs will be replaced by fobots, Infact, those jobs aré already being replaced by robots, Machinery like rollers are now taking the place of! factory line workers who would previously have to hand-roll.dough™? or prints, There are now machines that make bricks, which are replacing thousand3 of jobs that used to belong to people a schedule remains wide open ™ satin © shake things up distract with * take the place of = hand-oll dough: 4. Does technology have a positive influence or negative influence on people's lives? think it’s a mix of both®’. On the one hand, technology allows people to become connected globally. For the first time, we are able to get news from across the world and actually participate in it. Connecting with family has never been easier. Even if you're across the world, you can connect with them literally in seconds. On the other hand, technology can be addictive, and can also isolate you from the rest of the world. For example, lots of young guys can’t put down their phone. Some of them avoid or are even afraid of social interactions"® 5, What kind of jobs do you think are boring? It seems to me that jobs that are really repetitive, like factory lines or office work, can be really boring. It’s the mindless*, unchallenging tasks that'Gan really catisélboredom because you don’t have to even think about what you're doing: Itean make time pass by really slowly: Ailot of the time, doing the same task over and over again can make you feel unsatisfied or as if you're wasting your potential Siva mix ofboth in seconds: * social interactions * mindless Topic4 1. Do Chinese people talk about weather when they meet for the 1¢?/ Do Chinese people care about weather? Well, Chinese people do care about weather, but I don’t really think our first talk"? is of the weather when we meet, It’s just awkward because we don’t have those kinds of traits like they do in the UK. But we talk about weather with family, friends or coworkers all the time, especially when there is a special weather condition coming. Besides, we discuss how the weather might affect our planned activities. So when we schedule a day we take the weather into account™ 2. Do you think weather forecasts are reliable? Yes, I think that weather forecasts are usually reliable..L_mean, they are definitely wrong sometimes. But I tend to trust them because thereare professionals putting those forecasts out”. So they must know what they’re doing to some extent". One time I cancelled my plans for a hiking because the weather forecast said it was going 10 rain that day. And the forecast actually turned oui to be right. 3. How does weather influence different jobs? 1 suppose that Weather Feally affects jobs tha are done outdoors, For example, Farmers depend a lot on the weather for their jobs, If it doesn’t rain, their crops won't get watered, Then they won't make as much money. It can affect their lives really badly. People who fish for a living" also depend on the ‘weather. Ifthe weather is too stormy, they won’t catch that many fish. It’s definitely risky to have those kinds of | 4, Does weather have any impact on people's daily activities? Yeah, I think weather can impact peoples daily activities, A good éxample is driving to and from work If there’s a really bad storm, you might not be able to make it to*? work on time, Or if it’s a beautiful day out, you might decide to have some time off from work or study and enjoy the weather outside, So that sense", the weather can affect daily activities in lots of different ways. > fist, take the weather into account putting thse forecasts out “to some extent “fish fora living © make itto in that sense 5, Do people do different kinds of sports in different weather? Could you say some examples? Yeah, people definitely do different kinds of sports in different weather. For example, people go swimming and kayaking" in the summer when it’s warm out. They need sunshine so that the water isn’t too cold, But in the winter when it’s snowy, they go snowboarding and skiing, In those cases, it has to be really cold outside. So those types of sports really depend on the temperature outside. OF course, for indoor sports the weather doesn’t matter at all. 6. What kind of weather do people in your country like? I think people really like warm and sunny days. Of course, they don’t want it to be too hot. Otherwise people get grumpy because they’ re sweating a lot. But the perfect weather is when it’s nice enough to stay outside without overheating. You can g6 for a walk, havea picnic, or just hang out in the outdoors. There are lots of options on daysilike that'”. Personally, I love that weather the most, kayaking “ snowboarding! * grumpy “There ae lots of options on das like that Topic 5 1. How do people usually go travelling? I think most people travel by boat or plane. Cruises" are super popular, especially for older people. It’s a very convenient way of travelling. And cruise ships are just like cities on the water, which is amazing, Plus, many people travel to places by plane, which is a pretty fast way to get around“. I personally love *? see the world from a bird’s eve view*! going on flights. It’s a real treat to 2. What kind of travel do most people choose in China? Why do a lot of people like travelling in a group? In China, most people choose to take trains when they travel somewhere far away. It's definitely the most popular choice for a long trip in China. Lknow a lot of people prefer trains over airplanes because train tickets are usually way cheaper than flight tickets. And many Chinese people, especially older people, do have a preference for® traveling in groups rather than being a lone wolf* in their journey. It’s good to have companions to share the experience during the trip, and most importantly, the cost can be cut’ by sharing with members in the group. 3. In what ways can traffic conditions in a city be improved? 1 think that-traffie conditions in a city can be improved through better infrastructure If the city ‘government creates more roads, then they might not have as many traffic jams. Another solution is to have really good public transportation. If the buses and subways are ali-fastand don’t break down®* so often, then more people will travel that way instead of driving their own ears;"That ean cut down on traffic® as well Cruises © get around "1's eal weatto froma binds eye view havea preterence for ® being alone wolr the cost can be cut break down “ent down on talc 4. What difficulties do people usually have during travels? 1 think a big challenge people face when travelling is getting lost. When you're in a new and strange place, it can be very confusing, If you don’t speak the language there, it’s even worse, So a lot of tourists can get lost on their travels”, Another issue is losing belongings, Some people lose their luggage when they go on planes or trains, Or they can get robbed on their trips. 5. What are the ways to solve travel problems? Well, the way I see it, it depends on what specific travel problem we're talking about here. But of course, no matter what itis, you should stay calm and think hard to find the best solution to the problem. For example, getting lost during the trip is probably the number one travel problem. When you are lost in a strange place, the most important thing’#s to not paniGelf your smartphone has data reception’, check for directions using an online map; Or you can simply ask the locals on the street for directions. You'll be amazed how kind and helpful strangers are 6. Do you think travel experiences in the past are more comfortable than travel experiences now? No, I think travel:experiences in the present are way more comfortable than they Were in the past. A ong time ago, people had limited options when it came to getting around. They had to sail in old ships that could sink very easily. Or they had to travel by slow trains that broke down a lot. Nowadays, there are so many ways to travel. There are high-speed trains, planes, and even emuise ships. Those are all very comfortable modes of transportation. lost on their uavels the way Ise has data reception Topic 6 1. How do you usually deliver important messages in China? Well, this is a million-dollar question. As far as I'm concemed, it totally depends on the level of portance of the message. I mean, if it’s huge, like a matter of life or death, people normally prefer telling it face-to-face. You know, it’s not only about giving it a personal touch; you can make sure the recipient understands the full message accurately and getting an instant response“! by being there it person, But when a face-to-face conversation isn’t an option, Chinese people prefer to deliver the message by having a phone call. 2. What are the changes brought by technology? ‘Well, technology has brought about tons of changes.-The first one that comes to mind is convenience. Now, instead of having to send letters (or use old-fashioned phones) people can just text or even message conline®? in order to communicate. Orif they don’t feel like going shopping in a brick and mortar store’, they can order products online. They can even get things shipped from across the world. Things are so much faster and easier nowadays, 3. Does technological development havé a negative impact on communication among people? Yeah, I think the development of technology ean definitely have « negative impact on communication Even though it’s so much easier fo talk to people than it used to be, some people get so wrapped up in their phones that they forget to notice the world around them. You can spend all your time talking to strangers on the intemet and negiect your own family members, So in that way, communication can be acchallenge with the presence of technology. © this sa million-dollar question © getting an instant response © message online © brick and mortar store © get so wrapped up in their phones withthe presence of technology 4. Why do people make phone calls instead of sending messages when there is something important? 1 think the biggest reason is that they don’t want any miscommunication. You know, when you send texts, alot of stuff can get lost in translation®®. People might read messages the wrong way. So to avoid all that confusion, people just make phone calls instead. That way, the other person can hear the tone and not get confused as easily. Plus, sometimes texts can’t capture a lot of important information. So calls are just better. 5. Do you think traditional letters are a good way to send messages? ‘Well, I guess it depends on the message. I think traditional letters can be really sweet to receive in the mail. You know, it makes you feel special when you get ait Old-fashioned message like that. So it seems to me that traditional letters area’ Zood way to\send nice messages. Love letters are a great example, ‘You know, a handw1 ‘en love letter is way more romantic than an email, But if it’s something important, or urgent, texts and calls are way better, They get information out" a lot faster get ost in translation © get information out Topic 7 1. What color do people usually choose when decorating their houses? People tend to go with more neutral colours like white, tan, or grey when decorating their house Choosing neutral colours allows for timeless flexibility”® when it comes to redecorating, matching walls to furniture, and feeling at home. If the colour was too outlandish and strong”, it would quickly get tiring to look at, and only specific items would match with it. Besides, neutral colours are much easier on the eyes”, and everyone generally agrees that they look good. 2. Do men and women have different preferences for colors? Generally, I do think that men and women have different colour preferences, Men usually like “mé colours” like blue, green, and brown, and women like. more feminine colours” like pink, purple, and red because that is what we were tauight to like at @'young age’ Humans labeled and defined certain colours as feminine and masculine”, and Ithink its effects are still seen today. For example, in fashion, menswear tends to use more masculine colours. The use of pink or purple in menswear makes the outfit subconsciously” look more feminine 3. Do people's preferences for colors change with age? 1 think that they do. I mean, everyone changes with age, and that includes personality andthe way a person thinks. Asa result, I don’t think it’s far-fetched to say that”” a person’s colour preferences also change with age. For example, a girl might be obsessed with bright colors like pink when she’s younger, and then when she grows up, she might be in love with grey orblack. I suppose that it’s a natural process of life to outgrow your preferences”, because it shows that you've lived through many different experiences neutral colours timeless esibility 1 outlandish and stong: much easier on the eyes > mance” colours > more feminine colour °S masculine ~ subconsciously it's far-fetched to say that outgrow your preferences 4. Do you think the color of a company’s dress code represents the image of the company? ‘Yes, the colour of a company’s dress code can play a part in representing the image of the company. don’t think it’s the sole, defining characteristic” of the company, but yes, there is some influence there, ‘Companies that have darker colours in their dress code tend to give off a cooler, more refined and professional vibe", Companies with bright, neon*!, or bold colours in their dress code are usually associated with a laid-back image”. > the le defining characteristic © more reine and profesional vibe Ind-back image Topic8 1. What personal events do people usually celebrate? I think people usually celebrate the big moments in life'* like birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. My mom always loves throwing a big birthday party, even though most people her age don’t care that much about birthdays anymore. I guess weddings and anniversaries are the more exciting ones. Oh, and graduation is also an event that a lot of people celebrate. These big milestones* are basically just an excuse to get together and have a party®. 2. How do people celebrate their personal events? People usually celebrate personal events by having a party or a small get-together”, For example, when people have their birthday, they invite friends and family over» Usually, they have a nice meal together and just spend hours shootingithe breeze", Sometimes people go out t0’a nice restaurant to celebrate. That’s what most Chinese people do when they celebrate something, And to most of us, celebration means sharing happiness with our loved ones, 3. How much time do people need to prepare for celebrations? 1 guess it depends on the type of celebration, For something like a birthday party, you usually only need a couple weeks, or maybe a month at most", But big celebrations like weddings can take months to prepare for. My sister spent nine months planning her wedding, If you’ te/planning some big, elaborate” ceremony, then it’s no surprise that a lot of thought goes into it’', It can be very time-consuming”? to plan something. big moments in ite © thnowing big birthday party © big milestones an excuse to get together and havea party © small get-together * shooting the breeze © atmost © elaborate % alot of thought goes into it time-consuming 4. Do you think it is necessary to spend much money on celebrations? ‘Well, it depends on what celebration it is. If it’s a normal celebration, like a birthday, it’s not necessary to make a fuss” and spend a fortune on it™. You get to celebrate your birthday every year. Its just a waste of money to push the boat out”, But if it’s a celebration for a milestone in life, like a wedding, it might call for a splurge®, After all, you don't normally want to have a cheap budget”? for such a once- in-a-lifetime ceremony. 5. Why do companies sponsor public events? 1 suppose that companies sponsor public events because it’s great marketing. You know, it would be nice to think that the people in charge sponsor events out of the goodness of their hearts”*. But the fact is that they're running a business. And when you can attach your company’s name to the event, then it works as good publicity”. So it’s actually”@ very smart business tactic. Ultimately, promoting the company is the end goal!” 6. What kinds of local public events do you have? There are lots of fundraisers!! and sports events that come to mind, A good example is a marathon There’s one every year where I live. People basically run from one end of the city torthe other. I think it’s for charity, and the charity changes from year to year. That way, the event supports lots of different P've never run in the marathon, but I like going out to cheer the runners on. It’s very cool to causes!”? see © make a fuss % spend a fortune on it © push the boat out a splurge © have a cheap budget out ofthe goodness of their heats © works good publicity 5 the end goal 2 fundraisers Topic 1. Which places are crowded in your country? The major cities are always pretty crowded. People flock" there because there are a lot of job opportunities in big cities, Plus, they tend to have lots of tourist attractions. So there are lots of visitors ‘who want to check out those famous places. During peak travel seasons! people can be packed in like ls sardines! on local transit, 2. Do people like to go to crowded places? How do they feel when they’ré crowded places? No, I don’t think that people like going to crowded places. It can be really stressful to be in those spaces. So I think that people feel really overwhelmed when they're in that kind of situation. If they have claustrophobia'*, they might even panic or freak out. One time my mom and I were in a really crowded mall, People were brushing up against us! and my mom hated it, She felt really stressed 3. Why do some people enjoy staying in crowded places? 1 suppose that some people like being in crowded places because it usually means something exciting is happening. For example, concerts draw in'"* tons of people. So when you’re in the audience, you're usually shoved up against!” thousands of strangers, But the draw of the concert is enough to make up for it. I guess another reason would be that crowded places make you feel pretty anonymous. You can blend in with everyone else!” 4. Do you think there are too many people in cities? How can this problem be solved? ‘After living in a city for a while; would say that yeah, there are probably too many people there. In ‘general, cities are overcrowded. Everyone flocks there for jobs and settles in the downtown area. Then, because those areas are $o popular, the cost of housing skyroekets'"'. So I think a solution would be creating good infrastructure, like «better metro system that extends to the rbs!!?, That way people can access good jobs in the city without having to live there How can the problem of traffic congestion be solved? "Nock peak travel seasons 5 he packod in ke sardines claustrophobia: Kasse Faubia brushing up against us 2 draw in 2 shove up against "Ho blend in with everyone else 5 the cost of housing skyrockets "metro system that extends tothe suburbs It seems to me that the solution to traffic congestion is improving public transportation and having better infrastructure. Firstly, it’s good to have fast and accessible!" public transportation. That way, people ina big way'"* 1y!7 Secondly, having well-designed''° roads can help traffic move smoothly", I think that can really help will choose to take a bus or subway instead of driving. That cuts down on road traffic! reduce the number of traffic jams. 6. Why do people still like to live in big cities even though there are severe traffic jams? As far as I know, a lot of people are drawn to big cities because they have a lot going on. You know, there are tons of job opportunities in cities. And there are always exciting things going on in the world of art and literature. So there’s something interesting for pretty much every kind of person''®. If you listen to a lot of music, tons of singers have concerts in big cities. If you want to know more about finance, you can 85 a financial institution easily near the neighbourhood, 7. What public faci My city has a ton of publie facilities, It has a few top-notch gyms! for people to work out. And it has lots of museums and att galleries, So people can feel really cultured! when they visit those types of ies does your city have? Do you think recreational facilities are important? places. There are also a couple stadiums that host concerts and sports games. Thoséevents are always so exciting. Plus, there are a lot of libraries to browse at. I think recreational facilities are really important, They offer opportunities for citizens to blow off some steam and keep them engaged. 3 accessible 54 cuts down on road trafic in abig way He welllesigned 1 move smoothly 5 for petty much every kind of person, top-notch gyms = cultured Topic10 1. What are the pros and cons of public transportation? One pro is that public transport nis often cheap. Compared to owning a car, it’s way cheaper to get around by bus or subway. Another benefit is that 's convenient. You can avoid heavy traffic by going on the subway. It’s amazing how fast you can travel underground, But a con is that there are sometimes long delays"?! with public transportation, It might cost you a lot of time waiting for your ride. And sometimes buses and subways can be very crowded. In my city, people often have to be packed like 22 on buses during rush hour, 2. Do the prices of public transportation vary? ‘Yeah, in my experience! the prices of public transportation vary a lot. Buses and subways are usually the cheapest. I don’t think the cost changes that much within a city. But if you look at different cities, or even different countries, the price can go up or down. And sometimes even in the same city, the prices can change depending on the city’s budget. If there aren’t enough funds to keep transportation cheap, then the price of fare!™ might go up 3. What are the differences between public transportation and private transportation? Well, public transportation is cheaper compared to private transportation, Taking the bus or subway is ‘way less expensive than buying a car and paying for gas and insurance. It can also be a lot faster. When you're in a car on the road, you can get stuck in traffic. But when you're on the subway, you speed past all that!?. However, private transportation can be more convenient. You don’t have to go to a bunch of different stops. You can just go straight to your destination. Jong delays be packed like sardines in my experience the price offre you speed past all that 4. What kinds of public transportation do people like to take? Which one is the most convenient? It seems to me that most people like taking buses and subways. They're probably the cheapest. And they come the most often, But I think out of the two of them!*, subways are the most convenient, They don’t have as many delays as buses do. It’s because they go underground. So they don’t get stuck in traffic the way buses do, Personally, I definitely prefer taking the subway. It’s really fast and easy to navigate 5. If public transportation is free, will people still drive? Yeah, I think people would still drive if public transportation was free. I mean, it would definitely make people more interested in public transportation, After all, everyone likes free stuff. But a lot of people prefer driving anyways. They like having control over wheF€ they go. When you take a subway or a bus, you have to go to all the different Stops before the one you want: So driving is more convenient in that way. out ofthe two of them Topict1 1. How do people communicate with each other in your community? Where do people in a community usu: ly have social gatherings? Inmy community, people usually communicate with each other over WeChat. We have a WeChat group chat'2? for our neighbors where people can talk and share info!*. And it’s pretty much the same for'2? most neighborhoods I know. It’s probably the easiest and most convenient way of talking, After all, basically everyone in China uses WeChat, And people usually have social gatherings at the community center. Or they might meet up in a public place like a park or a square. 2. Are there any disadvantages if people in a small community know each other well? ‘Well, one disadvantage I can think of is that people might be nosy'*°. You know, when people are close, they might intrude on each other’ personal lives" It can bélhard to have any secrecy or privacy. And int be really annoying. But I/suppose that for'the most par, it’s a po situation. It’s good to have alot of support in a small community. for some people, that 3. What are the differences between the way people communicate with each other in the past and now? Well, i the past, like before the 1990s, other than talking face-to-face, people usually communicated with those who were far away in old-fashioned ways, like phone calls or letters. Back then, they didn’t have the internet or even cell phones to text. So they had to call people over home phones!"? Or they had to send letters. Nowadays, it’s super easy to talk to someone through’cellphones or the intemet. I think in China, the most common way of communication would be sending texts or voice messages'** on WeChat. © group chat nf information ° pretty much the same for = poy 51 jntrude on each other's personal lives home phones 4. Which is better? The old ways of communicat in or the new ways? Well, the new ways of communication are definitely better. In the past, people had to send letters or telegrams, They didn’t have the internet or cell phones. So communication was really slow and inconvenient. It was also pretty expensive. But nowadays, people can call or text. They can also chat cover the internet". So it makes things a lot easier. I would hate to have to communicate like they did in the past 5, How do people make friends? As far as I know, people usually make friends by going to parties or social events. They just introduce themselves and then they go from there!’ Or they make friends with the people who are naturally around them! For instance, they might become friends with’ their coworkers. Or if they're at school, they can become friends with their classmates, Some people vehi make friends online. It sounds funny, but it’s very common nowadays: 6. What are popular activities in a community? I suppose that some popular activities are square dances and other types of group exercise, like group tai-chi, People, especially aged people, like spending time together in public places. And square dances are good opportunities to relax and have fun with each other. Sometimes, a square dance group could even consist of hundreds of people. You can dance to the music and just have a good time, Besides, tai- chi and mahejong are also popular activities in Chinese communitiés/ Those types of activities are usually well-attended". They're a great way to socialize in the neighbourhood 7. Do people like living in a community? Yeah, I think that people like living in-a- community. Humans aren’t really meant to live alone. It can make them go crazy. So it’s really good for people tobe around others. A community lets people develop ‘good relationships. It keeps them from feeling lonely. When you have a bond with other people, you can feel more fulfilled in life. Everyone needs a chance to make friends. And communities are perfect for that "4 chat over the internet go fom there "the people who are naturally around them © wellattended

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