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•An object at rest will remain at rest unless
acted on by an unbalanced force
• An object in motion will continue in
motion acted on a net unbalanced force
• Force is proportional to mass and acceleration
• Mass and acceleration are inversely related
when the force applied is constant
• F = ma
F= force (N)
m= mass (kg)
a= acceleration (m/s²) a = Vf – Vi
• “The acceleration of an object is directly
proportional to the net force applied on the
object and inversely proportional to the object’s
mass and is in the same direction of the force”.
• For every action there’s an equal and
opposite reaction
• Action- reaction pair
• FA = - FB

• A rifle recoils when fired.

• A truck has more powerful engine than a
small compact car.
• A rocket lifts off from space- shuttle system.
• A follow through is needed when a player
hits the baseball with a bat.
• Pushing a cart causing it to move
• Sitting on the chair.
• A driver steps on the brake causing him to
move forward
• Paddling a boat to move forward.
• A runner who reaches the finish line must
continue running for some time.
1. A force of 200 N is applied on a 10 kg box across a frictionless
surface (a) What is the acceleration of the box? (b) If the box
accelerates from rest, what will its final speed be after 8 seconds?
(c) How long will it take the box to reach a speed of 500 m/s if it
continues to accelerate at this rate?
a = 200 kg m/s²
200 N a=F a = 200 N 10 kg
10 kg
m 10 kg
a = Vf – Vi a = 20 m/s²
t Vf = Vi + at
Vf = Vi + at
500 = 0 + 20(t) t = 25 s
Vf = 0 + 20 (8)
500 = 20(t)
Vf = 160 m/s 20 20
2. A car travels on a road with a constant velocity. What is
the horizontal net force acting on the car? What is the
acceleration of the car? If the frictional force acting on
the car is 1500 N, what is the net applied to the car by the
Fnet = 0, since the car is traveling at a constant velocity

Since your Fnet is 0, therefore your a is equal to 0

Ff = 1500 N FA = -1500 N
3. A force of 300 N is applied across a 20 kg box. The frictional
force acting on the box is 200 N (a) What is net horizontal force
on the box? (b) Calculate the acceleration of the box?

300 N
20 kg
200 N a = F a = 100 N a = 5m/s²
m 20 kg
Fnet = 100 N
4. A 8kg object speeds up from 20 m/s to 50 m/s in 6
seconds. (a) What is the acceleration? (b) What is the net
horizontal force acting on the object? (c) If the frictional
force is 35 N, what is the applied force on the object?

a = Vf – Vi F = ma

F = 8 (5) Fnet= 40 N
a = 50 – 20 FA=75 N Ff= 35 N
F = 40 N
a = 5 m/s²

F = ma
100 N
-100 N 2kg
a = -100N
60kg a = 100N
60 kg 2kg
= -1.67 m/s²
= 50 m/s²
6. An 80 kg astronaut in space throws a 2 kg package
with an acceleration of 4 m/s² (a) What force did the
astronaut exert on the package? (b) What force does
the package exert on the astronaut? (c) What is the
acceleration of the astronaut?
FP = ma aP = Fp aA = FA
m m
FP = 2(4)
aP = 8
aA = -8
FP = 8 N 2
80 kg 80
FA = -8 N aP = 4 m/s² aA = - 0.1 m/s²
7. A 120 kg skater pushes against an 80 kg skater. After
contact, the 80 kg skater was given an acceleration if
1.5 m/s² (a) What is the acceleration of the 120 kg
skater? (b) What force was exerted on each skater?

FA= -FB F1 = ma F2 = ma

m1a1= -m2a2 F1 = 120(-1) F2 = 80(1.5)

120(a1)= -80(1.5) F1 = -120 N F2 = 120 N

a1= -1m/s²

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