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Eos. facebook: =f s Modine: 0898.298.57, Describe a performance or a show you watched recently ‘You should say’ What it was; When and where you watched it; Who the performer was; And explain why you watched it The first one that EBMESLOMNM is the time AIBUREHORMEHUS! and I watched HMAgepIAys. It happened one year ago during the national day holidays. I remember the English name of this play is Never Say Die®, which is BOdy SWAP StONE about a BOX and female journalist. This was the first and the only time I saw a play at a theatre, so itreally ehuaumark On ME. ‘TP emir SEHVES | COEREEHHY, the play was performed in the biggest theatre in my hometown. It’s like a movie theatre without the sereen but the actors perform on the'stage. There are two small screens beside the stage that show notes to the audience, Honestly, it Gt iy fiiehigs aidan Aleman AEB to buy HFOREROW TEREST. We hoped to see the actors’ performance elearly and luckily, the whole play didn’t disappoint Us, The performers were really beyondy@XCGGH. We and the other audience members were HOORGU® by their limes!” movements, and even facial expressions. When the one-and-a-half-hour play finished, I was still longing for more oft!" As for how I feel about it, well, it was literally @lf@astifor theleVeSan@leasl, Compared with watching a movie or a TV show, we were closer to the actors and I felt like the story was just apps SpentancoUsy? in Font of me {wil definitely Bose mone AGE Pays Tan swing * a bunch of friends * stage play Never Say Die 4 a ody swap story Shoxer * cost my fiends and Ian arm and a leg 7 front row tickets beyond excellent hooked ines " Tonging for more of it a feat for the eyes and ears happening spontaneously gt ean swing it Eos facebook: s al Hotiine OSAAE.STI, Describe a time you were not allowed to use a mobile phone. ‘You should say: What you did When and where it was Why you could not use your phone ‘And explain how you felt about it Speaking of a time I couldn’t use my cellphone, the first one I can think of is the time {Bumeh (GEFRERGS and I watched M$Agelplay. It happened one year ago during the national day holidays. ‘IPimemory Serves! correctly, the play was performed in the biggest theatre in my hometown. I's like a movie theatre without the sereen but the actors perform on the stage. There are two small screens beside the stage that show reminders to the audience. One of them is that filidieniee members are not allowed to turn on theif cellphones or use a camera to take photos or record the play So I turned off my cellphone 10 minutes before the play. Maybe because ourcellphones were ‘Giff Sight a#@ ONO Mid", the whole play didn’t disappoint us, The performers were really BeVOHd ‘BRERA We and the other audience members were HOOKEA by their HHH€8, movements, and even facial expressions. There were a few times I was f@iiptedy{6Y turn on my cellphone and record Help ‘SPRRIHOW", but 1 RESFARNEME myself If I tumed it on, an employee standing by would’ve come over to stop me, and that would've been super embarrassing, I definitely agree with the theatre’s rules about phones. It not only protects the plays’ ‘SOpYFIBHE?, but also prevent the audience from being disturbed by FingtOnes! or MASHNBHE. In this way we can fiaiVela feast forthe eves and ears ° andience members: ‘out of sight and out of ming "tempted to ™ aclip ofthe show * yestmined ® copyright ringtones: % flahtights: Eos facebook: s al Hotiine OSAAE.STI, Describe an experience when you got bored when you were others ‘You should say’ When it was Who you were with What you did And explain why you were bored 3. Td like to talk about a time I traveled with my parents. We didn't SebthelMOSHOULOE our journey that time. IEMEMORISEHVESEOFFECEY, it was last national holiday and I went to Hunan fora trip with my family. Since the city where I live isn’t too far from Hunan, my dad SfOpOsed tO rent a car and go on a road trip. We had never had a road trip, and {iSOuAded TIRE A HOLNBIASELS go on a short vacation with a car. So my mom and I both agreed to this PrOpOSal right away ‘The road trip was terrific on the first day. However, the next day, WE Were Supposed t8 drive to Yuelu Mountain National Park, The destination was really far from the hotel, so it cost us 4 hours to get there. WHSEMAS GVEHIMOFSNGHFIbIE WASTER when we arrived at the entrance, we found the road was closed because of a rainstorm a few days before. So we couldn’t get in for a tour. You know, it was almost dinner time. So it WaSHRAllya bumm@l@eifat we had to fUMMIBAER to the hotel. Inthe end, we §8URG EB spending another four hours to get back to the hotel. Basically, we spent our whole day in the car driving BaGk and\fOHRS. There was no view, no food, just traffic jams on the road. The whole travel was SSUMM aS WaichINgIpAINEMFY”. It's literally the least interesting experience I've shared with my family. el the most out of 2 eas rally a bummer that ‘wound up end up, ® back and forth as fn as watching paint dey Eos facebook: s al Hotiine OSAAE.STI, Describe an occasion when the weather prevented your activity. ‘You should say’ When it was; What you did; What the weather was like; And explain how was your feeling 4. I'd like to talk about a time I traveled with my parents. But because of the bad weather, we didn't GeOUHENMOSTGUEEF our journey that time, [PMEMORy SEFVES COFFEETIY, it was last national holiday and I went to Hunan for a trip with my family, Since the city where I live isn’t too far from Hunan, my dad pROpOSed16 rent a car/and go on@road trip We had never had a road trip, so my mom and I both agreed to this BROpOSal right away, ‘Anyway, the road trip was terrific on the first day. However, the next day, We Were Supposed {6 drive to Yuelu Mountain National Park. Right after we MiGGhG 000% it started Faining Galan 6g. Traffic was moving so slowly that it took us 4 hours to get to the destination. TO add iMSuletO injury, when we arrived at the entrance, we found the park was closed because it was too risky for visitors to walk and drive in the park due to slippery roads. So if Was Kealljua bumiMEREHal we had to {GARBER to the hotel. HAERGEAG, we MEETUP spending another four hours getting back to the hotel. Basically, we spent our whole day in the car driving B&Gk andWOHH. We only got to enjoy the downpour and endless traffic jams. The whole trip was SSHfililas Watch NEPA I definitely will double-check the weather report before M€Adin@ OUR! next time. ® pit the oad: 2 raining cats and dogs °® To ad insult to injury ® heading out: Eos facebook: s al Hotiine OSAAE.STI, Describe an important journey that was delayed. ‘You should say’ When and where it happened What caused the delay; Why the journey was important; And explain what happened after it was delayed and how you felt about it Pd like to talk about time I traveled with my parents. But because of the bad weather, our travel was delayed and went from three days totwo. So we didn't Gebihe most OULOF our journey that time. ‘TPinieiGiy/ SEAVES COFFEY, it was last national holiday and I was going to Hunan for a trip with my family. You know, siée Loo a WSENUSGAG, 1 ton't usually have time to spend with them, So thetip SESUNIINIIIE even) important EEITEAREERER for me and my family. However, when we were H@adi@) Gill from our hotel to the first destination, Yuelu Mountain National Park, it started filling eats and/@6g8. And a text message poppediup Onlmyleellphone from the National Park's office. It said that the park was closed for the day because it was too risky for visitors to walk and drive in the park due to Slippery roads. You know, it was raining like crazy and other tourist destinations were even further, so ifiWaseal jualbummer tat we had to stay at the hotel the first day instead of starting our trip. Fortunately, the weather Was-a-lot better thenext day, which saved our plans from completely ‘SGINGUSWATREIAIT?. But we still missed some ifiteresting places since we had only two days left. It was the only family trip I enjoyed with my family in recent years. So {@SSUCHWSHAMERHEES we couldn't have too much fun, ® going down the drain 2 jes such a shame tat

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