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Construction Management and Economics

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The advantages of information management

through building information modelling

Peter Demian & David Walters

To cite this article: Peter Demian & David Walters (2014) The advantages of information
management through building information modelling, Construction Management and Economics,
32:12, 1153-1165, DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2013.777754

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Published online: 08 Apr 2013.

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Construction Management and Economics, 2014
Vol. 32, No. 12, 1153–1165,

The advantages of information management through

building information modelling
School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK

Received 9 November 2011; accepted 15 February 2013

As building information modelling (BIM) is positioned by governments and construction professionals as a

solution to the problems in the construction industry, research is needed into the benefits BIM actually con-
fers. The focus here is on the effectiveness of BIM as a medium for communicating information within a
construction team. A case study of an offsite precast concrete fabrication facility was conducted. At the time
of the study, the facility was supplying precast units for four public sector projects, and using four informa-
tion management systems: e-mail, a construction project extranet tool, an Enterprise Resource Planning
system and a new BIM-based system. The flow of information through the four media was measured and
visualized as the projects progressed. This quantitative measurement of information flow was combined with
qualitative data from interviews with facility staff. It was found that the introduction of the BIM-based
system diverted information flow through the building model and away from the extranet system. The use
of e-mail was largely unaffected. BIM allowed considerably more accurate, on-time and appropriate
exchange of information. It is concluded it is possible to quantify some of the benefits of BIM to information
management. This research paves the way for future research into the management of more construction
project information linked more closely to building models.

Keywords: Building information modelling, construction information, information management.

Introduction BIM are facilitating productivity gains in offsite (more

than in onsite) construction.
The emergence of building information modelling While there is a consensus that construction is a
(BIM) warrants a fresh look at information flows and low-performing sector in terms of innovation (Pries
communication in building design and construction. and Janszen, 1995; Slaughter, 1998; Sexton and
A review of historical data (Teicholz et al., 2001) Barrett, 2003), the reasons for this remain unclear;
showed that while productivity in all non-farming Reichstein et al. (2005) identify six factors, unique to
industries had more than doubled over a 40-year per- the industry, affecting the UK construction industry’s
iod, construction productivity had fallen by around ability to innovate:
5%. Another study suggests that communication and
data handling accounts for between 75% and 90% of • Liability of projects
a project manager’s time in the construction industry • Liability of immobility
(Fisher and Yin, 1992). Although comparisons across • Liability of uncertain demand
different industrial sectors are difficult to make and • Liability of smallness
interpret, such published findings suggest that the • Liability of separation
recent innovations in information management and • Liability of assembly
the level of collaboration seen in other industries have
not yet been fully realized in construction. Even These liabilities go some way to explaining why
within construction, a more recent study (Eastman concepts from mass production and lean thinking
and Sacks, 2008) implies that innovations such as have never been particularly relevant to construction

*Author for correspondence. E-mail:

Ó 2013 Taylor & Francis

1154 Demian and Walters

(Winch, 2003), but ideas centred on information 2008). This leads to wasted time and cost through
management systems bear significantly more relevance data loss when information is exchanged or converted,
to the project-driven nature of construction. In inefficiencies through rework, further wasted time
particular, recent and ongoing developments in BIM spent identifying the useful information in a document
hold the potential to bring significant benefits to the (Anumba et al., 2008), and the late, incomplete, unco-
transfer, storage and access of construction project ordinated and/or inappropriate exchange of informa-
information (Eastman et al., 2008; Huang et al., tion. The fragmented nature of the construction
2009). industry frequently leads to incompatibilities in
The aim is to measure the benefits and challenges semantics, process and software between collaborating
involved in the application of a BIM-based system for organizations (clients, designers, contractors, suppli-
construction information management, through ers, and so on), amplifying the waste mentioned above
analysis of primary data collected at an offsite precast (Abukhder and Munns, 2003; Anumba et al., 2008).
concrete fabrication facility. This is achieved by mea- Taken cumulatively, it is therefore clear that the
suring the volumes of information and workflow rates key requirement in any improved information man-
through BIM and other media. The offsite precast agement system is the coordination of information
concrete fabrication facility was a subsidiary of the exchange. Dawood et al. (2002, p. 559) discuss the
large general contractor, but was run autonomously. challenges involved in creating a system that will
The two organizations had independent information ‘meet the different views and needs of the multiple
management platforms, but the close relationship professional disciplines involved in the construction
between the two facilitated some degree of coordina- process’. BIM is well positioned to meet these needs
tion between the various information systems, and in construction. Sacks et al. (2010) have identified the
allowed measurements to be taken for the purpose of synergies between the principles of BIM and lean
this research. construction, and observed that information can be
managed according to lean principles. However little
work is published specifically on measuring informa-
Literature review tion flows through BIM to evaluate its impact on the
Construction information management challenge of information exchange and coordination.
A number of studies have highlighted both the extent
What is building information modelling?
(Hendrickson and Au, 2003) and importance
(Howell, 1999) of information management activities BIM means different things to different people and in
in construction. Despite significant research and different contexts. BIM is generally ‘a modelling tech-
investment, studies formulating and applying new nology and associated set of processes to produce,
financial models to large-scale construction projects in communicate and analyse building models’ (Eastman
the US have shown that construction organizations et al., 2008, p.16). BIM builds upon the concepts of
are largely dissatisfied with their IT investments 3D modelling by incorporating non-graphical object
(Pena-Mora et al., 1999), from the perspective of data into the model. Many studies define BIM
managers monitoring return on investment. Jacobsson through the benefits it confers, including parametric
and Linderoth (2010) find in a Swedish case study modelling (Huang et al., 2009), detailed building
that the transient nature of project teams (‘temporary analysis (Krygiel et al., 2008), 4D programming
organizations’) limits the drive to deploy information whereby the construction programme is linked into
management technologies. They report (2012) that the building model (Mahalingam et al., 2010), 5D
the end users of these technologies are generally ‘fairly modelling, whereby cost data are also integrated into
satisfied’. Those studies seem to lean more towards the building model (Goedert and Meadati, 2008) and
qualitative data and user perceptions as a research more generally nD modelling (Marshall-Ponting and
approach, in contrast to the research presented here Aouad, 2005). For the purposes of the research pre-
which favours quantitative data and numerical mea- sented here, BIM is defined as a comprehensive accu-
surement of information flow. mulation of information (including documents) about
In trying to propose new technologies and frame- the design, construction and operation of a building,
works for information management, researchers have anchored to a geometric (2D/3D) model of the build-
found that information management and exchange ing (as such a model emerges). The fundamental sub-
within construction typically still take place manually, tlety that makes a building model a BIM model
with individuals or organizations reformatting and (rather than, say, a CAD model) is the object orienta-
manually distributing information (Dawood et al., tion and the symbolic information linked to the geom-
2002), normally on a document level (Anumba et al., etry. A 3D shape might have the symbol ‘column’
Information management 1155

labelling it, enabling other information systems as well Attempts to measure information flow
as human users to use that geometric information as a
Despite numerous research efforts identifying the
building object more effectively.
benefits and barriers to the use of BIM, relatively few
BIM now constitutes a set of maturing technologies
studies have attempted to measure these in use. This
and work processes. BIM research has been widely
study adapts the measurement techniques built by
published in Construction Management and Economics
Tribelsky and Sacks (2010), who took the concepts of
(Fox and Hietanen, 2007; Li et al., 2011) and else-
lean thinking (Womack et al., 1990) and leveraged
where. BIM technology has already delivered benefits
them as a system of measuring and quantifying infor-
in building construction (Aranda-Mena et al., 2008;
mation flow in the detailed design phase of construc-
Leicht and Messner, 2008; Giel et al., 2010; Lee
tion projects. Based on Hicks’ (2007) definition of
et al., 2012). However no studies could be found
waste within information management, the study ana-
which attempt to measure the volume of information
lysed information flow during the design development
flowing through a BIM model as a communication
phase of 14 construction projects, utilizing seven indi-
medium, compared to other media.
ces: action rate, package size, work in process, batch
size, development velocity, bottlenecks, and rework.
Barriers to BIM adoption
While the documented benefits are widespread and
significant, sizeable research effort has also been
expended identifying the current barriers to imple- Methodology
menting BIM more extensively. Eastman et al. This research spans construction management and
(2008, p. xi) highlight that ‘BIM is not a thing or information management, a young field deserving
a type of software but a human activity that ulti- careful choice of research method(s) to address a
mately involves broad process changes in construc- particular type of research question. Fitzgerald and
tion’. In order to gain the full benefits of BIM, Howcroft (1998) use humorous allegorical scenarios
these changes must be made gradually and within to highlight the tension between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’
multiple collaborating organizations, with decisions research in information science research. Standard
regarding the implementation made on a project-by- texts on construction research methods (e.g. Fellows
project basis. and Liu, 2003) often implicitly map the friction
A broad category of process changes relates to the between hard and soft research to the distinction
significant volume of training required. A relatively between collecting and analysing quantitative versus
steep learning curve is associated with a switch to qualitative data. As part of measuring the benefits and
BIM technologies, with the first employees to challenges of applying BIM, the research reported
undergo training likely to be unproductive, especially here attempts to quantify information flows through
as they will need to customize tools for the company’s BIM and other systems. This suggests taking a quan-
own uses (Krygiel et al., 2008). titative, positivist approach and is reflected in the
From a contractual standpoint, the increased col- method adopted of measuring and visualizing infor-
laboration between organizations employing BIM mation flows. Still, it is recognized that such quanti-
means an increased entwining of fortunes. Current ties are context dependent; the world is sometimes
contract terms do not allow for this collective best understood through an interpretivist lens,
responsibility, nor do current tools provide enough whereby reality is socially constructed. The measure-
support for tracking and monitoring changes. The ments of information flow were therefore accompa-
closer collaborative working facilitated by BIM also nied by interviews with staff from the fabrication
highlights the problem of interoperability. In an facility to allow a holistic consideration of the projects
evaluation of the interoperability issue in BIM, studied, the systems used for information manage-
Grilo and Jardim-Goncalves (2010) identify interop- ment and the relationship between the fabrication
erability as a major barrier to BIM adoption. In the facility and the other project stakeholders.
US, studies suggest that inadequate interoperability
within the capital facilities industry costs $15.8 bil- Primary data
lion each year (Gallaher et al., 2004). Standards are
common throughout the construction industry A mixed methods approach was adopted, combining
already (Björk and Laakso, 2010), but the imple- quantitative measurement of actual information flows
mentation of BIM requires the development of new with qualitative recordings of perceptions of the
standards, particularly those specifically for quality of information flow. Measurement data con-
construction. sisted of information flow logs exported from the four
1156 Demian and Walters

primary information systems used by an offsite form the foundation for the majority of information
fabrication facility in the UK. These quantitative data exchange, and as such provide as near to a
were supplemented with interviews with five employ- comprehensive view of the information workflows as
ees from the business. Four case study building con- is possible. A comprehensive study would quantita-
struction projects were selected: tively analyse the entire information flow through the
facility, through all channels, but time and resourcing
(1) Project 1——a university project in the South- constraints made this unrealistic.
East of England, requiring the fabrication and E-mail remains a popular medium, despite the
delivery of 795 units. appearance of new technologies for information and
(2) Project 2——a Building Schools for the Future document exchange in construction. Many construc-
scheme project in the South-East of England, tion projects use an extranet to address the problems
requiring the fabrication and delivery of 695 of version control and coordination inherent in
units. e-mail. Asite is such an extranet system, whereby
(3) Project 3——a Building Schools for the Future project participants have controlled access to a central
scheme project in the South-East of England, repository of project documents and project workflow
requiring the fabrication and delivery of 369 forms over the internet. SAP is an enterprise applica-
units. tion software package used to manage enterprise infor-
(4) Project 4——a small hospital project in the mation internally; in the projects studied for this
South-West of England, requiring the fabrica- research, SAP was used primarily to manage commer-
tion and delivery of 72 units. cial information such as cost estimates, formal price
quotations, commercial approval documents and for-
These four projects were selected because they mal order forms. PPManager (Precast Part Manager)
spanned the rollout of a new BIM-based workflow is an object-oriented system which allows all building
system, and as such would provide a good opportu- information (such as cost data, production and deliv-
nity for comparison, since Projects 1 and 2 would not ery dates) to be linked to objects in the graphical
be utilizing the new BIM-based workflow, while Pro- model, driven by an underlying database system. The
jects 3 and 4 would. The window during which data database operates using a client-server software archi-
were collected was just after Project 1 was completed, tecture, allowing views of the central model to be
with all units prefabricated and delivered. Projects 2, retrieved over the internet. In this sense, PPManager
3 and 4 were ‘live’ during data collection, with pro- fits within the working definition of BIM adopted here
duction and delivery ongoing as weekly information as it is designed specifically to facilitate information
flow logs were exported. The figures for precast units flow though models of precast concrete components.
quoted above give an indication of the scale and com- The interaction between the four systems (e-mail,
plexity of the four projects: all four were public sector Asite, SAP and PPManager) was only possible through
projects of moderate complexity and stakeholder team documents. Report documents could be exported from
sizes, with Project 4 significantly smaller than Projects SAP, PPManager and Asite; these documents could be
1, 2 and 3. The four projects selected form only a circulated through e-mail and Asite, or linked to par-
part of the total operational activity of the facility. ticular components in the PPManager model.
Four primary information systems were analysed:
Visualizing and measuring information flows
(1) e-mail——general communications;
(2) Asite——storage and transfer of design, commer- In order to analyse the information flow measurement
cial and planning information; data in a structured way, a hierarchical information
(3) SAP——for transfer and storage of commercial paradigm was utilized (Tribelsky and Sacks, 2010,
information, used internally only; 2011), in which the fundamental units for measure-
(4) PPManager——new BIM-based information ment are defined. As illustrated in Figure 1, these are:
management and coordination tool under
continuing development by Nemetschek (1) Information object——a component or constituent
(2010), for the management and transfer of part of a building or facility, about which infor-
design and planning information through the mation is being conveyed (e.g. a wall).
building model. (2) Information attribute——‘a technical, engineering
or management attribute of an information
While other information flows were present within object such as its dimensions, material type,
the facility (telephone calls, printed documents and supplier name, colour, price, etc. The value of
face-to-face discussion), the four primary flows above an information attribute may appear in any
Information management 1157

Information attributes
Information object Cost, price, value
E.g. wall, door, Material, finish\components
column, floor, Order date, production date, delivery date
window Dimensions, area, volume, weight
Status, contract clauses, customer

……… Information package
2D Drawing
3D Model
……… E-mail discussion
……… Spread sheet
Text document

TILE Information batch
……… TILE
……… ………
……… ………
Information system
Project action Asite, E-mail, PPManager, SAP
………………… Team member communicates
LOGO ………
… or requests information

Figure 1 Illustration of the defined terms

number of information packages’ (Tribelsky tion flow over time, and at numerous levels of
and Sacks, 2010, p. 196). detail.
(3) Information package——a document used for the Table 1 summarizes the information flow mea-
communication and transfer of information surement metrics developed. The action rate allows
attributes. Such documents include 2D draw- analysis of the total quantity of information being
ings, spreadsheets, text documents or e-mail transferred whether over the whole project, between
exchanges, and ‘are the basic units that are two project events, or between two arbitrary dates.
transferred between project team members’ To calculate the action rate between dates t1 and
(Tribelsky and Sacks, 2010, p. 195). t2:
(4) Information batch——a collection of information
packages transferred by a project participant ðNAt1  NAt2 Þ
Action Rate ¼
simultaneously. ðTt1  Tt2 Þ
(5) Project action——a project participant performs
an action in order to communicate informa-
tion, either specifically to an individual or gen- where NAt1 represents the cumulative number of pro-
erally to the entire project. ject actions up to date t1, and Tt1 represents the pro-
ject week number at date t1.
These definitions were then used to formulate The revision rate is a further extension of the action
a number of visualization and measurement rate, and expresses the rate at which revised informa-
tools, allowing characteristic analysis of informa- tion packages are transferred between two dates:

Table 1 Information flow measurement metrics

Metric Description Units

Action rate Rate of information transfer Actions/Time
Revision rate Rate of revision transfer Revisions/Time
Information iteration Proportion of revised information Percentage
Systems utilization Proportion of packages transferred through each information system Percentage
Information inventory The number of available but unused information packages Information packages
Batching The average number of packages transferred simultaneously Information packages
1158 Demian and Walters

ðNRt1  NRt2 Þ package j has not been downloaded or viewed by

Revision Rate ¼
ðTt1  Tt2 Þ team member k; Uj ¼ 0 if the package has been
viewed or downloaded.
where NRt1 represents the cumulative number of The final metric, batching, measures the average
revised information packages transferred up to date t1, size of information batches as defined above. While
and Tt1 represents the project day number at date t1. batching of information is commonplace within the
The information iteration metric is a measure of industry, high levels of batching can indicate particu-
the quantity of revised information packages, in rela- larly poor flow, as well as the appearance of bottle-
tion to the total number of information packages necks. For information system k:
transferred: P
t2 Batchingk;t ¼ P
nRPi nPAk
Information Iteration ¼  100
where nIPk indicates the total number of information
i¼t1 packages transferred through system k, and nPAk rep-
resents the total number of project actions carried out
through system k.
where nRPi represents the number of revised pack- These metrics form the basis for the measurement
ages transferred on day i, and nTPi denotes the total of information flows across the four primary informa-
number of information packages transferred on day i. tion systems and the four projects. Alongside the visu-
It should be noted that this metric includes multiple alization measurements described above, they allow
revisions of the same package; if a revision is issued of comparison between projects as well as assessment of
a previously revised package, both revised packages the impact of implementing the PPManager model-
are included in the summation. based information management system.
The systems utilization metric looks at the relative
proportions of information attributes transferred
Results: analysis of information flows
through the four primary information systems:

t2 Semi-structured interviews were conducted in parallel
nPi;k with quantitative data collection and analysis, allow-
Systems Utilization ¼  100 ing one to inform the other. Four primary themes
nPi; all emerged, under which headings the subsequent analy-
i¼t1 sis is presented:

(1) Information transfer (especially using e-mail)

where nPi;k denotes the number of information pack- (2) Information storage
ages transferred on the ith day through system k, (3) Accessibility of information
and nPi; all indicates the number of information pack- (4) Information redundancy
ages transferred on the ith day through all systems.
The information inventory metric measures the
time taken for information packages to be used when Information transfer
issued to a team member; it measures the delay in In Figure 2, information flow for Project 2 (which did
information usage, whereby a higher result indicates not use PPManager) is visualized at three levels of
poorer flow. This can be measured overall for a pro- detail: at the project action level, the information
ject or in relation to a particular team member, package level and the information attribute level (as
whereby the information inventory metric for team defined above), whereby a project action includes one
member k at time t is: or more information packages, and an information
nIPj package conveys one or more information attributes.
Information Inventoryk;t ¼ ðt  Tupj Þ  Uj On each chart, the x-axis represents time, against the
j¼1 number of items transferred on the primary y-axis.
Information items are aggregated for the SAP, Asite
and PPManager and are categorized as planning,
where nIPj denotes the number of information pack- design or commercial. Categorization was manual,
ages uploaded by time t, Tupj denotes the time at with a small subset re-categorized by a second
which package t was uploaded, and Uj is equal to 1 if researcher to ensure validity of categorization. A
Information management 1159

E-mail Commercial Design Planning

50 180
45 160

No. of project actions


No. of e-mails sent

15 60
10 40
5 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Project week number

E-mail Commercial Design Planning

No. of project information atttributes

80000 180
70000 160

No. of e-mails sent

20000 40
10000 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Project week number

E-mail Commercial Design Planning

No. of information packages

700 180

600 160
No. of e-mails sent

400 100
300 80
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Project week number

Figure 2 Information flows for Project 2 (without PPManager) measured by project actions (top), project packages
(middle) and information attributes (bottom)

secondary bar chart illustrates the number of project be a practically impossible task because of the volume
e-mails, providing further context to the information of e-mails and the complexity of their contents.)
transfer data. (Categorization of e-mails transpired to Interviews suggested that these measurements are in
1160 Demian and Walters

line with the perceived flows, but also highlight a metric reflects this, with a value of 11.2 planning
number of undesirable phenomena. packages transferred per week during the production
It is evident that the programme is being used as a phase. This practice was corroborated through the
‘live’ tracking tool. Planning actions took the form of interviews, and creates challenges in access and inter-
updating the project programme document and circu- pretation of information, since large quantities of
lating it using Asite. The planning line in the project information are repeatedly transferred; this is mani-
actions chart in Figure 2 suggests that the project pro- fested in an increase in e-mail traffic to aid interpreta-
gramme document was revised 10 times a week dur- tion.
ing the production phase, involving the repeated Further data analysis demonstrates how the use of
transfer of one information package, containing a PPManager militates against this undesirable informa-
large number of information attributes. Analysis of tion transfer process. Figure 3 compares the transfer
Asite data shows that the project programme has seen of planning information attributes during the produc-
129 revisions and 199 downloads. The action rate

Project 1 (without PPManager)

100000 120
No. of planning information attributes


No. of e-mails sent

50000 60
0 0
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Project 1 week number

Project 3 (without PPManager)

2000 70
No. of planning information attributes

Planning 60
No. of e-mails sent

1400 50

600 20
0 0
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Project 3 week number

Figure 3 Planning information attributes transferred during the production phase——Projects 1 and 3
Information management 1161


Percentage of information packages processed

by each system

Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4

Figure 4 Information systems utilization in Projects 1, 2, 3 and 4

E-mail for information transfer

tion phases of Project 1 (without PPManager) and
Project 3 (with PPManager). Contradicting impressions of e-mail were inferred
Project 1 shows a dumbbell curve of i transfer from the qualitative and quantitative data. Intervie-
over the production phase; at its peak, the project wees felt that e-mail was incorrectly and over-used,
participants were transferring nearly 90000 informa- but measurement data suggest it is a highly relied
tion attributes in a week, with a weekly action rate upon tool; a total of 3322 e-mails were recorded
for planning packages of 9.65. This suggests that across four projects, with a peak of 160 e-mails for
for Project 1, the programme was being revised one project within a week.
twice a day. Such huge data transfer is both largely It is hypothesized that the use of PPManager on a
redundant and difficult to access. There seems to project increases the ease with which information is
be a rough correlation between the flow of planning transferred, thereby causing a drop in the use of and
information through e-mail and that through the reliance on e-mail. This hypothesis was supported by
other information systems (for Project 1, this was the interviews, and theoretically manifests itself
predominantly Asite, but also included nominally through a reduction in the systems utilization metric
SAP). This implies that uploading an updated pro- for e-mail, and a corresponding drop in the number
gramme to Asite lacked richness, and necessitated of planning-related e-mails.
supplemental e-mail communication to provide con- Figure 4 displays the systems utilization metric cal-
text and rationale to this exchange of information culated using the equation given above, for the four
attributes. projects and systems. Projects 3 and 4 see a signifi-
Project 3 used PPManager to distribute the majority cant drop in the use of Asite, as the majority of the
of its planning data; after an initial large generation of planning and design information previously trans-
data, day-to-day changes were reflected within a ‘live’ ferred through Asite is now maintained in PPManag-
planning view of the PPManager model accessible by er; but a drop of between 1% and 6% can be seen in
all users. This greatly improves information visibility, the use of e-mail between those projects using
and drastically reduces the amount of redundant infor- PPManager, and those that did not. Analysis of e-
mation flow, and hence the amount of time spent mail data showed there was no discernible change in
searching for and retrieving information. In Project 3, the number of planning-related e-mails transferred,
the absolute quantities of information flow (through thereby not supporting the hypothesis. This is possi-
both PPManager and e-mail) are much smaller, and bly caused by a ‘legacy effect’ of the recent implemen-
there is a weaker correlation between the two. When tation of PPManager, since users were not yet entirely
comparing absolute values of information flow, it must comfortable with the new system.
be noted that the projects differed slightly in scale The average size (in megabytes) of e-mail messages
(with Project 1 requiring delivery of 795 precast units, dropped by 30% in those projects utilizing PPManag-
compared to 369 units for Project 3). er. This could be a reflection of reduced reliance on
1162 Demian and Walters

Table 2 Metrics related to information redundancy

Project Project Project Project

Metric Description Units 1 2 3 4
Action rate Rate of information transfer Actions/Time 62.3 75.1 25.0 16.5
Revision rate Rate of revision transfer Revisions/Time 6.9 13.5 0.8 2.4
Information Proportion of revised information Percentage 11% 18% 3% 14%
Information The average number of available but unused Information 5.2 21.0 N/A N/A
inventory information packages Packages
The average number of days taken to complete Days 3.1 2.3 N/A N/A
an action

e-mail to transfer large files, but could equally reflect times, by up to 16 different project participants, there
differences in project size and scope; it cannot there- is a reasonable chance that a project participant made
fore confirm or disprove the above hypothesis. use of incorrect or outdated information. The key
problem with this practice however, is the difficulties
Information storage involved in accessing and interpreting a package con-
The quantitative data indicated a significant shift taining up to 5000 information attributes. By con-
away from Asite and towards PPManager, as shown trast, all interviewees praised the interface employed
in Figure 4. Interviewees noted a number of benefits by PPManager as a significant improvement com-
associated with this change, most notably including a pared to document-based information management.
reduction in the ‘significant amount of administration’ PPManager utilizes the building and unit models to
associated with using Asite for information storage, as convey all information. A further benefit noted by
well as an easing of document control-related prob- interviewees was the depth of available information.
lems. Interviewees noted that Asite ‘can only cope While the document-based system only allows access
with quite a small number of file types’, inhibiting its to those information attributes stored within each
use for storage of files of certain proprietary formats. document, the model-based system utilized by
Interviewees noted document control as a central PPManager means that all design and planning infor-
benefit of PPManager. A significant difference mation attributes related to a particular unit are
between PPManager and Asite as information man- accessible within a single view.
agement tools is the storage structure they each
employ. While Asite uses a folder and file metaphor, Information redundancy
all PPManager data are linked to the building model. Table 2 shows the metrics relevant to information
Since many issues relating to use of incorrect or out- redundancy calculated for the four projects. The
dated information stem from information storage projects showed comparable action rates, with the
problems, the fact that PPManager minimizes the relative differences in action rate corresponding
opportunity for human error helps to reduce these roughly to the differences in scale between the four
problems. Interviewees noted that the current use of projects (i.e. the number of precast units to be
spreadsheets for planning information is ‘prone to delivered for each project). With regard to project
human error’, suggesting that PPManager could take revision rates data, while all projects showed a simi-
away half of all spreadsheet-based work. lar information iteration metric, Projects 1 and 2
Accessibility of information showed a higher revision rate during the production
phase. This observation could be caused by the
Interviewees observed that the greatest benefits of change in process associated with PPManager; inter-
PPManager pertained to issues of accessibility. Analy- viewees noted a contrast between the ‘hand to
sis of planning data for Projects 1 and 2 showed that mouth’ approach used before PPManager and the
a total of 28 hours and 15 minutes had been spent more timely access to data possible when using
editing the two programme spreadsheets, with PPManager. Interviewees discussed the increased
between 22 and 33 minutes spent on each revision. emphasis on earlier and accurate project data
During this time, other project participants could not brought about by PPManager. This observation is
view the latest project information; considering that manifested in the reduced in revision rates during
the documents were viewed a combined total of 453 the later stages of Projects 3 and 4.
Information management 1163

Calculation of the information inventory metrics ure 3 and the observed practice of updating the
using Asite data allows inferences to be drawn regard- project programme by revising and circulating
ing the speed and demand for information flow within the project programme document.
a project. The data suggest that information did not • The construction extranet stands to benefit the
flow fast enough for downstream receivers, particu- most from aligning information management to
larly within the production project phase; this obser- the building model. From Figure 4, the intro-
vation was corroborated through interviews. Since duction of PPManager reduced the use of Asite.
Projects 3 and 4 did not make use of Asite in such a
way, it was not possible to draw conclusions regarding Many of the benefits identified here aligned with
the benefits PPManager confers within this area. those reported in literature, notably including accessi-
A final interpretation of information redundancy bility and interpretation of large volumes of construc-
concerns ‘positive redundancy’, or backup systems. It tion information. Taken in unison, the measurement
was noted by an interviewee that the extent and avail- of information flows highlighted a number of key
ability of the data stored on PPManager would cause underlying trends. The BIM-based solution helped to
significant problems if the system became unavailable, foster more accurate, on-time and appropriate
and the quality and availability of backup systems are exchange of information between project participants,
in no way clear. as well as promoting earlier creation of critical infor-
mation relating to design detailing, programming,
logistics and coordination that help to generate signifi-
Comparability of project case studies cant value during the later production phases. These
The level of comparison between the four case study underlying trends were noted by the interviewees, and
projects is constrained by the relative scope and size highlight the core potential of BIM as a mechanism
of each; while the total quantity of information pack- by which to foster significantly greater collaboration
ages increases with the number of units to be fabri- between project participants, thus placing consider-
cated, the core process requirements applied to each able emphasis on its role in ‘a human activity that
project also lead to the generation of a significant ultimately involves broad process changes in construc-
quantity of information packages unrelated to the pro- tion’ (Eastman et al., 2008, p. xi).
ject’s size. Therefore the number of information attri- Of course caution must be exercised when inter-
butes only loosely correlates to the project size, with preting and generalizing the results reported here.
additional influences such as the wider project nature The four construction projects studied represent a
and complexity also contributing to the information particular type and scale of project: medium scale,
flow characteristics. public sector projects. The volume of information
traffic would be greater in larger scale projects, as
would the importance of systems to manage this
Conclusions information. The results presented here imply that
BIM (in the form of PPManager) is appropriate for
The problems found in typical information manage- projects of a relatively small scale, and this agrees
ment systems applied to building construction pro- with some other research (Sebastian, 2010); how-
jects have been pinpointed through measurement and ever, it is to be expected that the information man-
visualization of information flow, and correlated with agement advantages might be more significant for
interview data. While the benefits and challenges of larger scale projects (Aranda-Mena et al., 2008).
implementing a BIM-based solution in such projects PPManager is only applicable to precast concrete
have been identified qualitatively, it was only possible construction. The developers of that system do not
to measure some (but not all) of these benefits and prominently label it as a ‘BIM’ platform, even
challenges. The following conclusions can be drawn: though it clearly appears to strive for integrated
information management.
• For the time being, e-mail is irreplaceable (from The use of PPManager was championed by the
the data presented in Figures 2–4). Given the fabrication facility; the use of Asite and SAP was sup-
documented shortcomings of e-mail, more ported by the general contractor. The use of e-mail
research is needed to identify the flaws in alter- was of course universal. The combined use of the dif-
native information systems which prevent them ferent media, and the changes in information flow
from replacing e-mail. reported here, were only possible because of the close
• A document (as an information package) is too relationship between the general contractor and its
coarse a grain of information to be exchanged, subsidiary, the fabrication facility. Considered collec-
actioned and revised. This is evident from Fig- tively, the four systems monitored for information
1164 Demian and Walters

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