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Bharat ratna has been awarded to only 2 foreigners so far :-1.

mandela 2. Khan abdul ghaffar khan

Science questions
1. Diode is used for- Purification
2. Who developed tech. Of underground nuclear explosion- Dr. Homi J Bhabha
3. Which coal produces most heat per unit- Anthracite
Layer of coal under earth 's surface:
a. First layer- Peat(60% c)
b. Lignite (70%c)
c. Bituminous (80% c)
d. Anthracite (90% c)
4. Communication by artificial satellite which wave is used- microwaves
5. Frequency modulation- fixed frequency
6. If speed is doubled then the breaking force will be 4 times.
7. Impulse = change in momentum
8. Ring of metal is heated - its hole will expand
9. Diameter of a capillary is doubled then the rise of water will be HALF
10. Why does an iron needle swims on water surface when kept gently- due to surface
11. Mass of a star is two times the mass of the sun. how it will come to an end-neutron star
12. Rain drops fall from great heights- they fall with that ultimate velocity, and are different
for different droplets.
13. Tech. of photostat machine works- Electrostatic image making
14. 1 kilowatt hour = 3.6 megajoule
15. Minimum escape velocity of rocket to be launched into space= 11.2 km/sec
16. Statements for rainbow= Sun remains behind us and we face raindrops
17. Calorie of energy released by boiled egg-77
18. Splitting of different colours of light in prism- Dispersion of light
19. Boat will submerge when it displaces water equal to its own Weight (archimedes princ)
20. Surface tension in liquid is due to- Cohesive force between molecules
21. Circular plate, sphere, cube all made of the same material and having the same mass
are heated at 300 c and left in room to cold- sphere will have the slowest rate
22. Optic fibres are used in = Endoscopy (determine internal disorders of gastrointestinal
tract) depends on TIR
23. Snow at mt. not melt all at once when heated by sun - it reflects most of the heat from
the sun
24. Person standing on a railway platform listens to the whistles of arriving and departing
trains. The whistle heard is= of higher pitch when train arrives
25. Holography tech. = recording a permanent 3d photograph of a given single color or a
multicolor.(monochrome and multichrome)
26. Velocity of sound in moist air is more than in dry air because moist air has = less
density than dry air
27. Ice block with a piece of lead embedded in it floats in water. If ice melts the water level
remains the same (archimedes principle)
28. Velocity of heat radiation in vacuum is: equal to that of light

Defence questions:-
1. Nag missile range- 4km (anti-tank), helena, dhurvastra - 10km
2. Ins vikramaditya -only aircraft carrier we are using presently
ins vikrant and ins viraat decommissioned (not indigenous)
ins vishal indigenous aircraft carrier built by cochin shipyard
Ins vikrant (IAC-1) indigenous constructed by cochin shipyard, kochi
3. Shaurya missile- surface to surface

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