Knowledge Management - (Focusing Information in Manufacturing)

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Focusing information in manufacturing: a knowledge

management perspective

Ely Laureano Paiva

Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos/UNISINOS, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil
Aleda V. Roth
Kenan-Flagler Business School, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer
PPGA/Escola de Administração/Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,
Porto Alegre, Brazil

Keywords the last decades. To Bettis and Hitt (1995),

Manufacturing, Management, Introduction the current dynamism in competitive
Knowledge workers,
Strategic information systems The increasing access to and use of environments has led to decreasing
information have led manufacturing to face forecastability and increasing risks. In this
Abstract new managerial challenges. In this context, manner, information and knowledge are
This paper addresses, from a information can be considered as a central becoming the most important competitive
knowledge management
resource for the managers together with resources.
perspective, the following
question: How are companies
other traditional resources like raw As information is becoming a central input
choosing the information that is materials, equipment and people. in current competitive environments,
considered more important for the Furthermore, the increasing environmental companies should identify which
management of the manufacturing dynamism has stressed information as vital information is more important for their
process? We analyze empirically, for the current competitive conditions.
from a strategic approach, how competitiveness. Also, as response time in
different types and sources of
In this research, we are seeking to identify dynamic environments may be a decisive
information may influence how manufacturing companies are searching characteristic, shorter times to find the
information characteristics like for strategic information. Given that
relevant information may decrease the total
accuracy, access, and timing. In currently there is an increasing offer of
addition, we also evaluate how response time. The expression ‘‘economies of
information sources, are the companies
information is related to knowledge’’, proposed by Roth (1996) is in
trying to focus in specific sources? Or is the
manufacturing competencies and point. ‘‘Economies of knowledge’’ occur when
performance. The results indicate search for a greater number of types and
sources of information an increasing trend? ‘‘the firm is able to use its business acumen,
that customer-focused information
and information technologies (IT) Additionally, we may question how combined with skilled people and
are the most important aspects information may influence some experienced with advanced technologies, to
that influence information
competitiveness driving forces. create an organization that consistently
characteristics. identifies, assimilates, and exploits new
Are companies with distinct performance
levels developing closer relationships with knowledge more efficiently and effectively
customers? Or, may different types and than the competition’’ (Roth, 1996, p. 1).
sources of information and information ‘‘Economies of knowledge’’ are required for a
characteristics influence companies’ company to reach strategic timing.
performance? The competitive driving forces in this
This article is structured according to the context are the internal competencies,
Copyright © 2002. Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

following sequence: the first section presents considered for use as an output from
the theoretical background on organizational organizational knowledge. Information
knowledge and information; the next section obtained from suppliers, customers, market
shows the general theoretical premises; the place and internal functions is considered the
last sections present the empirical results main input to organizational knowledge.
and the first conclusions. According to Kogut and Zander (1992), know-
what is a kind of knowledge based on
information, which may be transferred
Conceptual basis without loss of integrity because the
Information and organizational knowledge syntactical rules are known. On the other
Manufacturing companies have been facing hand, know-how is related to how to operate
Industrial Management & efficiently in a knowledge cumulative
Data Systems rapid changes in their environments in
102/7 [2002] 381–389 process. Therefore, information is a
# MCB UP Limited ‘‘precious’’ resource for know-how and know-
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
[ISSN 0263-5577] what. Cornella (1994) stresses that many
[DOI 10.1108/02635570210439472]
companies become frustrated when they
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Ely Laureano Paiva, sometimes fail to access the needed 1990), information provides the inputs for the
Aleda V. Roth and information even with high investments in organizational knowledge to attain internal
Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer information technologies (IT). (as well as external) alignment. Internal
Focusing information in
manufacturing: a knowledge alignment can be the main result from cross-
management perspective The costs of information functional activities. Venkatraman (1990)
Industrial Management & Considering information as input, how easy followed this orientation when he analyzed
Data Systems is it for companies to obtain it? Von Hippel
102/7 [2002] 381–389 the alignment among marketing,
(1994) calls an information ‘‘sticky’’ when it is manufacturing and administrative decisions.
costly to acquire, transfer, and use. In this On the other hand, alliances with suppliers
manner, he does not agree with those who see or customers are examples of external
information as a costless factor because there alignment. Helper and Sako (1995), although
are presently many new information sources. not using explicitly the alignment definition,
Nonaka (1995) argues that in dynamic followed a similar approach when they
environments companies should not only studied supply chain relationships in the
process information efficiently but also automobile industry.
create new information and knowledge. This Thus, when the needed information is
efficiency, however, will certainly have obtained, companies’ functions may (and
implicit costs for the company. should) exchange it internally. This
Besides the cost issue, information is orientation allows knowledge integration
sometimes not easily or directly understood. and consequently internal alignment.
Von Hippel (1994) stresses that the process of
information transfer assumes different Information and knowledge: their influence
codes, some being explicit and being of a tacit on competitiveness
nature. According to him, in a problem- The risks and uncertainties inherent in
solving effort, there is a tendency to carry out dynamic environments have increased the
innovation-related problem-solving activity importance of organizational knowledge.
to the locus of ‘‘sticky’’ information due to the According to Leonard-Barton (1992), factories
information transfer costs. On the other will tend to be ‘‘learning laboratories’’ in
hand, when an information is located in more order to adapt to environmental changes.
than one site, he proposes an iterative action Therefore, organizational knowledge allows
among the sites, often based on trial-and- the companies to better deal with constant
error orientation. external changes and to be able to reorganize
their internal processes when changes occur.
Knowledge integration, alignment and Liebeskind (1996, p. 94) defined knowledge as
sources of information ‘‘... information whose validity has been
The concept of alignment is useful when the established through tests of proof’’. To Cohen
idea of information transfer is related to and Levinthal (1990), information
aspects like cross-functional integration. assimilation is related to pre-existing
Venkatraman (1990) considers that the knowledge. In this manner, learning is a
alignment approach is always present as an cumulative process and there are gains in the
underlying concept in articles on strategy. learning process when the subject is known
Among several definitions for alignment, (Garvin, 1998).
Venkatraman considers that alignment may Ward et al. (1994) considered the
shortly be used as a definition of strategy. In importance of a cross-functional approach for
this approach, he includes researchers who manufacturing management, especially
define strategy as ‘‘pattern of interactions’’, during the strategic process. These authors’
Copyright © 2002. Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

or ‘‘internal consistency’’ among a set of approach may be considered with a similar

important decisions. view to the process of knowledge integration/
In studies on manufacturing strategy, creation. At the same time, cross-
Skinner (1969) based his manufacturing task functionality is the basis for knowledge and
concept on a similar approach. Giffi et al. competencies creation (Grant, 1996). There is
(1990) follow an identical approach when they almost a common sense that when knowledge
characterize the strategic process as a set of is shared throughout the company, it is
choices (structural, infrastructural and continuously created and improved (Brown,
integration-related). Similarly, the product- 1998; Quinn et al., 1998; Grant, 1996;
process matrix (Hayes and Wheelwright, Davenport et al., 1998).
1985) is a well-known framework, which also Information and knowledge may be
can be related to the alignment idea. considered as resources as well as other
Information and knowledge may be overall assets, capabilities, organizational
considered as key aspects in an internal processes, and attributes. Companies control
alignment process. Knowledge being a them in order to improve their efficiency and
cumulative process (Cohen and Levinthal, effectiveness (Daft, 1983). In this paper, we
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Ely Laureano Paiva, consider internal competence from a The propositions advanced here consider
Aleda V. Roth and resource-based view perspective. Based on two fundamental aspects. The first one
Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer concerns how the types of information are
Focusing information in Barney (1991), a company’s competencies
manufacturing: a knowledge should be able to provide an output valuable updated (Figure 1). The types of information
management perspective to customers, based on a rare resource, consist of information from internal
Industrial Management & imperfectly imitable, and without substitutes processes, consumers and marketplace. The
Data Systems
102/7 [2002] 381–389 easily found. second aspect concerns the sources of
information – we consider a set of seven,
Characteristics of information acquired from internal sources to computer-based
Marchand (1996) argues that there are trade- ones (Figure 1). There was no intention to
offs when we consider information and explore the whole possibilities related to
environment conditions. In moderate information sources. We sought to list
conditions, consistence and accuracy are the those that we assume more relevant to
central aspects sought by the companies. The manufacturing management. Finally, we also
first aspect is related to the consistence analyzed three driving factors for
among data from different areas. Accuracy competitiveness, which are relevant in the
has to do with obtaining the correct current competitive conditions –
information. organizational knowledge, cross-
Wilkinson and Cerullo (1997) state that functionality and internal competencies.
information can be considered with quality
when it is relevant, accurate, accessible, Access to information
concise, clear, quantifiable, and consistent. We analyzed to which extent it is easy for
Companies can seek for ‘‘customized’’ manufacturing companies to get the needed
information in order to improve their information. We evaluate if the access to
internal competencies. Marchand (1996) information is influenced by the regularity
exemplifies with chemical industry. While that different types of information are
companies from moderate competition updated. Additionally, we analyzed whether
conditions are seeking for improvements in manufacturing has sought to spread out or to
their supply chain, manufacturing process, focus on specific information sources and
distribution and finance controls, in formulate the following propositions:
situations with a high level of competition, P1a. Manufacturing’s easy access to
‘‘. . . the focus of management information is important information is related to
on creating value primarily by improving the frequency that different types of
information use and quality in customer information are updated.
data, after-sales service, order-fulfillment P1b. Manufacturing’s easy access to
and only secondarily by defining more important information is related to
consistent information for upstream focus on specific information sources.
processes such as financial reporting and
controls’’ (Marchand, 1996, p. 3). Accuracy
Easy access is not the only relevant aspect
when firms are searching for information.
Propositions Considering information as a competitive
resource, the quality of the information
Considering information as a resource with accessed is also a relevant characteristic.
increasing importance for manufacturing Some current pitfalls related to information
management, to what extent is it easy for are caused by a possible inconsistency
Copyright © 2002. Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

manufacturing to get strategic information? between quantity versus quality created

We consider that easy access to the needed by IT:
information is the first step towards the P2a. Consumers’ information accuracy is
creation of organizational knowledge. related to the frequency that different
Second, is the accuracy relevant in the types of information are updated.
process of manufacturing management? P2b. Consumers’ information accuracy is
We expect that not only companies are related to focus on specific
tending to focus on specific information information sources.
sources but they are also seeking the ‘‘right’’
information as well. Complementarily, Timing of information
concerning the importance of the timing of We consider that ‘‘economies of knowledge’’
the information, companies’ access to require ‘‘accelerated enterprise-wide learning’’
strategic information before their (Roth, 1996). At the same time, information
competitors also may be a competitive access is often related to the adoption of new
advantage, especially in more dynamic technologies (Ginsberg and Venkatraman,
environments. 1992). In this manner, technology adoption and
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Ely Laureano Paiva, regularity of information update may guide internal competencies responsiveness,
Aleda V. Roth and the timing to obtain strategic information: which are influenced by information
Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer P3a. Timing to obtain strategic characteristics.
Focusing information in
manufacturing: a knowledge information is related to the
management perspective frequency that different types of
Industrial Management & information are updated. Research design methodology
Data Systems
102/7 [2002] 381–389 P3b. Timing to obtain strategic
This research used a survey methodology to
information is related to focus on
collect the data. We used a five-point scale to
specific information sources.
evaluate managers’ answers. The questions
applied are presented in the Appendix.
Information and competitiveness
The steps followed during this research
In order to evaluate how the information
characteristics influence competitiveness,
1 discussion about the framework with
we consider three central aspects related
other researchers and with two
to information. The first aspect is
organizational knowledge. The second one
2 pilot test with 19 companies (nine
is manufacturing’s cross-functional
responses – 47.36 per cent);
orientation. We based our approach on the
3 first mail of the definitive questionnaire
model of Ward et al. (1994) to manufacturing’s
to the chosen sample; and
integration in the business unit’s strategic
4 second mail to no responder companies.
process. This model is closely related to
knowledge integration and internal Sample
alignment, and suited to the current A total of 243 companies located in the
competitive environment. Finally, internal southern region of Brazil composed the
competencies are the third aspect analyzed sample. These companies were chosen from
within a knowledge-based approach. Even SEBRAE’s (Brazilian Service for Companies
though internal competencies are apparently Support) database. All these companies have
not related to information, they are built on more than 100 employees and belong to the
learning ‘‘from contacts with their markets, food, electronics, transport, and machine
customers and external environment’’ (Zahra industries. Seven companies declined to
and Das, 1993, p. 99): participate. We received answers from CEOs,
P4a. Manufacturing companies’ vice-presidents, manufacturing directors,
competitiveness is directly related to and manufacturing managers.
manufacturing organizational The response rate was 32.10 per cent
knowledge, which is influenced by (78 companies). The analysis of no response
information characteristics. bias was based on a Chi-square test evaluating
P4b. Manufacturing companies’ the rates of response for industry and size.
competitiveness is directly related to There was no identified bias in this analysis.
manufacturing cross-functionality,
which is influenced by information Methodology
characteristics. We analyzed the first six propositions (P1a,
P4c. Manufacturing companies’ P1b, P2a, P2b, P3a and P3b) stated above,
competitiveness is directly related to using a multiple regression analysis. For
these propositions the following factors as
Figure 1 dependent (criterion) and independent
Characteristics of information and types and sources of information (predictors) variables were used:
Copyright © 2002. Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

1 Predictors (independent variables):

. frequency of information update;
. information sources.
2 Criterion (dependent variable) –
information characteristics:
. access to information;
. information accuracy;
. timing of information.
According to Hair et al. (1995), the weights of
the predictor (independent) variables
indicate their contribution to the overall
For the last propositions (P4a-c), a multiple
regression analysis was used with a dummy
variable related to competitiveness. Dummy
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Ely Laureano Paiva, variables are independent variables which Access to information
Aleda V. Roth and are useful when someone is seeking to We asked manufacturing managers how
Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer evaluate the effect of different levels of non-
Focusing information in easily they get important information. The
manufacturing: a knowledge metric variables (competitiveness, in this results show that the main aspect related to
management perspective case) in the prediction of criterion variables access (Q9) is the variable (Q1b) (customers’
Industrial Management & (Hair et al., 1995). We analyzed possible information updated) (Table III). Other types
Data Systems relationships between organizational
102/7 [2002] 381–389 of information had no statistically significant
knowledge, cross-functionality, internal results (internal processes and market data).
competencies, and information
These findings indicate a possible way to
characteristics (Figure 2):
seek reduction in the costs of information in
1 Predictors (independent variables) –
manufacturing management, looking for the
information characteristics:
information that is the most applicable in
. access of information;
. information accuracy; the day-by-day manufacturing activities.
. timing of the information. When we analyze the focus on specific
2 Criterion (dependent variable) – information sources (Table IV), access to
competitiveness factors: information showed a statistically significant
. organizational knowledge; relationship only with computer-based
. cross-functionality; systems for internal data. Surprisingly, JIT
. internal competencies responsiveness. system (Q12) indicated a negative relation.
This result leads to a question related to the
Validity and reliability role of information systems with real-time
‘‘Validity is concerned with how well the information and in an integrated way, which
concept is defined by the measures, while does not happen in the traditional view of
reliability relates to the consistency of the JIT, without electronic kanban for instance.
measures’’ (Hair et al., 1995, p. 9). We used a This finding may be interpreted as an
factor analysis to confirm the three indication of increasing adoption of
constructs analyzed above. The results from computer-based systems for manufacturing
the factor analysis are shown in Table I. We management. These systems provide real-
analyzed the Cronbach’s coefficients in order time information, which is the basis for
to evaluate the degrees of reliability for the quick decisions. Therefore, P1a and P1b were
same constructs. Table II shows that all the confirmed.
constructs present Cronbach’s coefficients
above the value recommended of 0.70 Accuracy
(Nunnaly, 1969). We used the variable Q16 to evaluate the
information accuracy for consumers’ needs.
Also in this case, customers’ information is
Results the type of information that manufacturing
most frequently updates, as we expected
The first analysis present the results related
(Table III). The lack of statistical significance
to the three information characteristics
for marketplace information suggests that
considered – access, accuracy and timing.
focusing in specific customers’ information
The questions included in the questionnaire
instead of general market information is
are identified with a Qi notation, where i is
more relevant for manufacturing processes.
the number of the question. These questions
The statistical significance of the variable Q2
are presented in the Appendix and they are a
selected part of the complete questionnaire. (internal sources for changing internal
Copyright © 2002. Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

We analyzed the first six propositions policies) suggests that decentralized-

(P1a, P1b, P2a, P2b, P3a and P3b) using a participatory processes contribute to
multiple regression analysis (Tables III information accuracy (Table IV). When we
and IV), and a multiple regression analysis analyzed what kind of information sources
with a dummy variable to evaluate the last lead to more accurate information about
three propositions (P4a-c) (Table V). consumers’ needs, the results also indicate
that computer-based systems with customers
Figure 2 (Q7) is statistically significant (Table IV).
How information relates to competitiveness This finding enhances again the importance
of this type of information source and the
role of IT. Therefore, we may state that closer
activities with customers may provide the
most accurate information to support
revenues and consequently manufacturing
management. The results confirm the P2a
and P2b.
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Ely Laureano Paiva, Table I
Aleda V. Roth and Factor analysis related to the competitiveness constructs
Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer
Focusing information in Cross-functional Internal Manufacturing
manufacturing: a knowledge
management perspective orientation competencies knowledge
Industrial Management & Item (Factor 1) (Factor 2) (Factor 3)
Data Systems Q27C – decisions related to the business unit’s strategy of
102/7 [2002] 381–389
growth 0.84 0.08 0.08
Q27B – Cross-functional activities to decide about budget
decisions related to long-term investments 0.77 0.07 0.13
Q10 – Manufacturing participates directly in activities to
choose new business strategies and directions 0.68 0.17 0.11
Q27A – Cross-functional activities to decide about
manufacturing strategies, marketing and R&D 0.56 0.32 0.21
Q34D – Manufacturing decisions related to providing
characteristics in the products, which the customers do not
find similar substitute easily –0.06 0.84 0.07
Q34C – Manufacturing decisions related to creating
resources not easily imitable by the competitors 0.16 0.75 0.27
Q34B – Manufacturing decisions related to seeking
competitive resources, which the competitors do not have 0.42 0.56 0.28
Q34A – Manufacturing decisions related to providing
characteristics in the products that are valued by the
customers 0.33 0.51 0.26
Q29 – Quick change in competitive capabilities if the
competitors threaten the sales 0.20 0.50 0.39
Q28 – Quick ad option of new process technologies
available in the industry 0.20 0.45 0.23
Q19 – Manufacturing clearly knows the performance of main
competitors 0.14 0.30 0.74
Q20 – Manufacturing clearly understands the existing
threats in the marketplace –0.05 0.24 0.71
Q21 – Manufacturing knows how to explore the company’s
internal resources 0.27 0.14 0.56
Q18 – Manufacturing clearly understands the primary
opportunities to be explored in the marketplace 0.38 0.10 0.46

Table II
different sources of information, we found
Cronbach’s coefficient related to the used
statistically significant results (Table IV). In
this aspect, computer-based systems with
Construct Cronbach coefficient
Copyright © 2002. Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

customers (Q7) and alliances with customers

(Q31) are positively related to timing.
1. Organizational knowledge 0.72 Technologies like EDI allows on time
2. Cross-functional orientation 0.81 information, which is a key input for quick
3. Internal competencies 0.90 decisions. Activities related to alliances with
customers are related to knowledge
Timing of information integration Therefore, both aspects lead to
We evaluated the relationship between the quick exchange of new information, which
types of information updated and timing to may allow obtaining important information
obtain strategic information about before the competitors. Surprisingly,
consumers before competitors (Q17) suppliers’ alliances (Q30) have a negative
(Table III). However, no significance was relationship with timing. This finding may
found between the variables related to types indicate a possible lack of integration
of information and timing. On the other between the parts. Shortly, just the P3b was
hand, when we analyzed the timing related to confirmed.
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Ely Laureano Paiva, Competitiveness and information knowledge integration for competitiveness.
Aleda V. Roth and characteristics Access to information presented statistically
Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer
Focusing information in Using a dummy variable for competitiveness, significant results for all the constructs
manufacturing: a knowledge we evaluated how the three key factors for related to competitiveness. This finding
management perspective competitiveness are influenced by suggests that when manufacturing obtain the
Industrial Management & information characteristics (access, needed information, competitiveness is
Data Systems
102/7 [2002] 381–389 accuracy, and timing) (Table IV). The three strengthened. Nevertheless, the results only
aspects are organizational knowledge, cross- confirmed P4a and P4b.
functionality, and internal competencies.
The dummy variable considers whether the
companies are market leaders (equal to one) Managerial implications
or not market leaders (equal to zero). The
The results indicate that at the same time
results indicate that market leaders and non-
that companies are facing an ‘‘information
market leaders have different levels of
age’’, there is a probable search for specific
organizational knowledge and cross- types and sources of information. The first
functionality. This result reinforces the relevant aspect is the importance of
importance of internal alignment and customers’ information for manufacturing
processes. This is a clear trend in the type
of information updated and information
Table III
sources focused by manufacturing managers
Regression of type of information updated on information characteristics
in this study.
Update frequency by type of information Access Accuracy Timing These results may indicate a search for
Q1a – internal data 0.089 –0.082 –0.057 reducing the costs of information, focusing
Q1b – customer data 0.270** 0.302** 0.172 on more relevant ones. Therefore, the idea of
Q1c – market data –0.023 –0.056 0.170 ‘‘focused information’’ is a possible
representation when companies are
R2 0.208*** 0.164** 0.006* searching for strategic information. In this
Notes: *p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001 way, information is not a costless resource
for managers when they are dealing with
their day-by-day and strategic activities.
The second relevant aspect is the influence
Table IV of computer-based systems on the
Regression analysis of information sources on information characteristics
information sources analyzed. These
and competitiveness driving forces
technologies allow real-time and integrated
Information sources Access Accuracy Timing information, which are extremely important
Q3 – internal sources (IS) for strategic planning 0.220 –0.203 –0.228 in dynamic situations as presently
Q2 – IS for changing internal policies 0.005 0.294* 0.218 companies are facing.
Q4 – computer-based systems for internal data 0.301** 0.090 –0.094 Still analyzing the information sources, the
Q7 – computer-based systems with customers 0.066 0.132* 0.272*** higher influence of customers’ information
Q12 – JIT –0.135* –0.059 –0.052 than suppliers’ information may indicate
Q14 – strategic planning –0.031 0.003 –0.005 underlying issues as a possible lack of trust
Q30 – alliances with suppliers 0.067 0.120 –0.222* in the relationship between suppliers and
Q31 – alliances with customers 0.135 0.159 0.443 companies. This finding deserves further
analysis in depth.
R2 0.234*** 0.216** 0.257*** The driving factors for competitiveness
Copyright © 2002. Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

Notes: *p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001 showed distinct results. The most relevant
result is related to organizational knowledge.
Access and accuracy are the information
Table V characteristics with statistically significant
Regression of information characteristics on competitiveness factors using influence over organizational knowledge,
a dummy variable which corroborates several studies that
consider information as the main input for
Cross- Internal
knowledge. The most competitive companies
Information characteristics Knowledge functionality competencies
presented higher levels of organizational
Dummy variable 0.301* 0.379* 0.057 knowledge and cross-functionality. Access
Access (Q9) 0.192** 0.238* 0.295** and timing of information also influence
Accuracy (Q16) 0.330*** –0.101 –0.019 positively cross-functionality and internal
Timing to get information (Q17) 0.040 0.247** 0.313*** competencies. We may state that information
R2 0.402*** 0.110* 0.191** exchange among a company’s functions may
reduce time to get strategic information and,
Notes: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.001; ***p < 0.000 consequently, it leads to faster responses.
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Created from bibliosil-ebooks on 2021-09-09 19:20:58.
Ely Laureano Paiva, Ginsberg, A. and Venkatraman, N. (1992),
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Ely Laureano Paiva, Appendix
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