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WOSC, Nursing 1119

Study Guide for Final Exam

1. Skin hygiene
 How do you perform a bed bath?
 How do you assist with oral care?
 How do provide oral hygiene for a patient with dentures?
 What are nursing interventions for dry skin? What would you want to teach a
patient regarding dry skin?
 What changes occur with the integument as a patient grows older? What is
normal and abnormal?
 What would you teach a patient with diabetes about foot care?
 What are nursing interventions to prevent decubitus ulcers and other
2. Patients and body mechanics: How can you keep the patient safe and keep yourself safe
when performing mobility activities?
 What are the specific steps of moving a patient in bed?
 What are the specific steps of moving a patient from the bed to a chair?
 What body mechanics are necessary to keep the staff safe?
 How do you prevent shearing?
3. Vital Signs
 Know all normal ranges for all vital signs.
 What causes low BP? High BP? What are the terms for this?
 What is orthostatic hypotension? What are nursing interventions for this?
 What causes patients to breath more slowly? What causes increased
respirations? What are nursing interventions?
 How do you measure these vital signs?
 How does the body control temperature? What are the terms afebrile, febrile?
How can you measure body temperature?
 What are medical interventions for increased body temperature?
4. Infection Prevention
 Know how to practice standard precautions.
 Know how and when to also practice different isolation precautions.
 What is the chain of infection? What is the best way to BREAK the chain of
 Understand: C-dif, MRSA, tuberculosis, Covid-19. What types of isolation are
break these principles (of course, these should be avoided).
 Know the steps of placing a Foley catheter.
 What are differences between clean technique and sterile technique? What is
transient flora?
5. Medications
 Understand the following medications. Understand the action of the drug, the
normal dosages for the drugs, s/s of side effects and adverse effects, nursing and
patient teaching considerations.
i. Coumadin (warfarin)
ii. Lasix (furosemide) (What electrolyte must be monitored?)
iii. Spironolactone
iv. Demerol (meperidine)
v. Morphine sulfate
vi. Lopressor (metoprolol)
vii. Coumadin (warfarin) (How is the PT with INR related to this?)
viii. Heparin
ix. Lovenox
x. Medications for GERD
xi. Aspirin
xii. Tylenol (what is the max dose in 24 hours?)
xiii. Lisinopril
xiv. Nitroglycerin
xv. Xanax
xvi. Librium
xvii. Phenergan
xviii. Zofran
xix. Insulins: Lispro, regular insulin, Humalog, NPH, Lantus. Know the times
of onset and peak for these insulins.
 What are the steps to take to be sure to administer medications correctly?
 What is your responsibility as a nurse in medication administration?
 How do you administer subcutaneous injections? Injections sites?
 How do you administer IM injections? Injections sites?
 Dosage calculation: Simple calculations for final.
 Routes—understand the different routes.
 NKA? NKDA? What does this mean?
6. Physical assessment
 Know the steps of how to do a physical assessment.
 Understand observation, inspection, auscultation, palpation.
 What are different types of assessments? Reasons for the assessments? Head-
to-toe assessment, focused assessments, emergency assessments.
 Where do you assess the apical pulse?
 Terms: alert, lethargic, obtunded, comatose, drowsy, PERRLA
 Terms: Aphasia, dysphasia, dysphagia
 Lung sound terms
 Pulse points, S1S2, edema, JVD
 How to do neuro assessment.
 Terms: Cyanosis, pale, pallor, capillary refill, weak and thready, bounding,
diaphoresis. (There are more important terms…)
 Terms: Hypoxia, hypoxemia
 What tools are needed for a physical assessment?
7. Lab values
 Know lab values, reasons for abnormal values for:
i. WBC
ii. Hgb
iii. Hct
iv. Platelets
v. Glucose
vi. BUN
vii. Creatinine
viii. Sodium
ix. Potassium
x. ABGs—pH, PaO2, PaCO2, HCO3
xi. HGB A1c (related to diabetes mellitus)
 What causes respiratory acidosis? What would the pH, PaO2, PaCO2, and HCO3
be for respiratory acidosis?
 What are signs of hypoglycemia? What is emergency treatment for this?
 What are signs of hyperglycemia?
8. Culture and Communication
 Review therapeutic communication. Be able to recognize positive therapeutic
communication and poor therapeutic communication.
 Culture: What are different nursing considerations for caring for patients of
different cultures? Different religious beliefs?
 Be aware of the client’s cultural differences.
 Know your beliefs.
 Be willing to do education on a patient who has different beliefs.
 Remember, communication is so important!
9. Other important areas:
 Signs of shock. Early signs of shock. Late signs of shock.
 Rapid assessment and CPR: Where do you assess the pulse in the adult? In the
child? In the infant?
 Cardiovascular: What is a DVT?
 What is a pulmonary embolus?
 Nursing interventions to prevent DVTs…
 What is an MI? What are risk factors for an MI? For cardiovascular disease?
 What is heart failure? CHF? Right-sided vs Left-sided failure? Pulmonary
edema? What is a thrombosis?
 How do you prevent atelectasis?
10. Primary prevention, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention
11. Collaboration
 What are the roles of:
i. Physical Therapy
ii. Occupation Therapy
iii. Speech Therapy
iv. Respiratory Therapy
12. Review your notes on the nursing process.
 Understand the difference between subjective data and objective data.
 Understand how to prioritize.
 Know the specific order of the nursing process.
 Know how to make outcomes. Know how to select correct nursing
13. Review your notes on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
14. Review your notes on Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development.
15. Review your notes on care of the patient who is dying.
16. How do you do post-mortem care? When is it necessary to leave in tubes (Foley
catheter, IV, catheters, etc…) after a patient passes away?
17. Review your notes on stages of grief. (Kubler-Ross’s stages…)
18. Review your notes on charting.
19. Review notes on CHF. Understand that this is a chronic disease and medications are
needed for long-term.
20. Differences between acute illnesses and long-term illnesses.
21. Review your notes on diabetes mellitus, compare/contrast DM type 1 and type 2. Who
are patients who are at higher risk for diabetes mellitus? For cardiovascular diseases?
22. What is asthma? What are triggers in relation to this disease?
23. What is COPD? What is pneumonia?
24. How do you administer O2 safely? How can you
26. Review notes on living will, advance directives.
27. For surgical patients, who is responsible to obtain informed consent.
28. What does it mean to be a patient advocate?
29. Diets: High fiber diet, what foods to eat, why is this important?
30. Causes of constipation.
31. Clear liquid, full liquid diets; NPO…what does this mean?
32. Medical interventions and non-medical interventions for dealing with pain, dealing with
chronic pain, dealing with arthritis pain.
33. S/S of bleeding, intestinal bleeding.
34. Please keep in mind that this is a thorough but not complete review. You are
responsible for all materials presented in this program.

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