1 - Chemical Reactions & Eqations - 1 To 36.Pmd

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Chemistry is defined as that branch of science which deals with the composition and properties of
matter and the changes that matter undergoes by various interactions.

 Physical and Chemical Changes

Various changes that matter undergoes are of two types :
(a) Physical changes : A physical change is a change of a state only and is not accompanied by
an alteration in the composition or chemical properties of the substance.
Characteristics of physical changes :
(i) No changes occur in chemical composition and chemical properties of the substance
(ii) Only physical property of substance changes.
(iii) Change is temporary and reverts to substance by reversing their conditions.
Example :
Melting of ice, evaporation, condensation, freezing, distillation, sublimation of substances etc.

(b) Chemical changes : A chemical change gives rise to a new substance having composition and
properties altogether different from those of the original substance, which cannot be easily reversed
of their own.
Characteristics of chemical change :
1. A new substance is formed which possesses entirely different properties.
2. There occurs change in composition.
3. Matter undergoes a change which is not easily reversible, it is permanent.
4. Generally in this process energy in the form of heat, light etc. is either absorbed or evolved.
There is no loss and no gain in mass of reactant and product in a chemical reaction
• The process of digestion • Burning of the crackers
• The process of Respiration. • Powdered lime added to water
• Ripening of the Mango
• Exposing iron nails to moisture in air longer period

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(c) Difference between physical and chemical changes :

S.No. Physical Change S.No. Chemical Change

1 Physical properties like state, colour, size, 1 An entirely new substance with
volume etc. changes whereas chemical different properties is formed.
properties remain the same.

2 No alteration in chemical composition of 2 Composition of the substance

the substance. changes.
3 Change is temporary and can be easily 3 Change is permanent and cannot
reversed. be easily reversed.

DPP - 1
1. Which of the following is example of physical change and which one is chemical change.
(a) Boiling of water (b) Rusting of Iron
(c) Mixing of coffee in milk (d) Burning of magnesium ribbon in air
(e) Burning of coal (f) Crystallisation of copper sulphate
2. What are physical and chemical changes ? Explain with example.

A process in which the chemical properties of substances disappear and new substance is formed
with different properties is called a chemical reaction.
• In a chemical reaction only rearrangement of atoms take place.
• A substance which takes part in a reaction is called reactant.
• A new substance produced as a result of chemical reaction is called product.
 Characteristics of chemical reaction :-
The important characteristics of chemical reactions are :
(a) evolution of a gas (b) formation of a precipitate
(c) change in colour (d) change in temperature
(e) change in state
(a) Evolution of a gas – Some chemical reaction are characterised by the evolution of a gas.
Example :
(i) When zinc granules react with dilute sulphuric acid then bubbles of hydrogen gas are
Zn + 2HCl 
 ZnCl2 + H2

(ii) The chemical reaction between sodium carbonate and dilute HCl is characterised by the
evolution of carbondioxide.
Na2CO3 + 2HCl 
 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O

(iii) Heating effect of Sodium Bicarbonate (Evolution of CO2)

2NaHCO3 (s) 
 Na2CO3 (s) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)

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(b) Formation of a precipitate :– In some reaction insoluble product is formed called precipitate
which separates out from the solution during a chemical reaction.
Example :
(i) The chemical reaction between potassium iodide (KI) and lead nitrate Pb(NO3)2 solution is
characterised by formation of a yellow precipitate (ppt.) of lead iodide.
2KI + Pb (NO3)2 
 PbI2  + 2KNO3

(ii) A reaction between H2 SO4 and BaCl2 (barium chloride) solution is characterised by the
formation of a white precipitate (ppt.) of a barium sulphate.
BaCl2 + H2SO4 
 BaSO4  + 2HCl

(c) Change in colour :– Some reaction are characterised by a change in colour.

Example :
(i) The chemical reaction between citric acid and purple coloured KMnO 4 (potassium
permanganate) solution is characterised by change in colour from purple to colourless.

(ii) FeS(s) + H2SO4 

 FeSO 4 + H2S 
Black green

(iii) CuSO 4(aq ) + H2S 

 CB lack
u S  + H SO
2 4

(d) Change in Temperature (energy change) :– Some chemical reactions are characterised by a
change in temperature, energy may be absorbed or evolved in the reaction; on the basis of this we
can classify the chemical reaction in two classes
• Exothermic Reaction : A chemical reaction in which energy is released in the form of heat.
• Endothermic Reaction : A chemical reaction in which energy is absorbed in the form of
Example :
(i) The chemical reaction between quicklime and water to form slaked lime is exothermic reaction
CaO + H2O 
 Ca (OH)2
(ii) Reaction between zinc granules and dilute H2SO4 is exothermic reaction.
Zn + H2SO4 
 ZnSO4 + H2 

(iii) The chemical reaction between barium hydroxide and ammonium chloride to form barium
chloride, ammonium hydroxide is endothermic reaction.
Ba (OH)2 + 2NH4Cl 
 BaCl2 + 2NH4OH
(e) Change in state :– Some chemical reactions are characterised by a change in state.
(i) The combustion reaction of candle wax is characterised by a change in state form solid to
liquid and gas (because wax is a solid, water formed by the combustion of wax is a liquid at
room temp. whereas carbondioxide produced by the combustion of wax is a gas.)

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(ii) Ammonia gas mix with hydrogen chloride gas forming solid ammonium chloride.
NH3(g) + HCl (g) 
 NH4Cl (s)
There are many reactions which can show more than one characteristics :
Example :
(i) evolution of gas & change in temp.
Zn + H2SO4 
 ZnSO4 + H2 

(ii) Change in colour & formation of ppt.

2KI(aq) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) 
 PbI2  + 2KNO3
colourless colourless yellow precipitate

The short-hand method of representing a chemical reaction in terms of symbols and formulae of
the different reactants and products is called a chemical equation.

 Essentials of a Chemical Equation

The essentials or requirements of a chemical equation are as follows :
(i) It must represent an actual chemical reaction. In case a reaction does not take place, it cannot
be represented by a chemical equation.
(ii) It must be balanced. The chemical equation must be balanced which means that the total
number of atoms of various substances involved on both side of the equation must be equal.
The balancing of the chemical equation is necessary so that it may fulfil the law of conservation
of mass.
(iii) It should be molecular. The elementary gases like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine etc.
must be written in the molecular form as H2, O2, N2, Cl2 etc.

 Unbalanced and Balanced Chemical Equations :

In an unbalanced equation, the number of atoms of different elements on both sides of the equation
are not equal. For example, in the equation given above, the number of Mg atoms on both sides of
the equation one (Same). But the number of oxygen atoms are not equal. It is known as unbalanced
Mg + O2 
 MgO (Unbalanced equation)
An unbalanced equation is also called skeletal equation.
In a balanced equation, the number of atoms of different elements on both sides of the equations
are always equal. The balanced equation for the burning of magnesium ribbon in oxygen is written
as -
2Mg + O2 
 2MgO

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 Balancing of Chemical Equations

Balancing of a chemical equation means to equalise the atoms of different elements or compounds
which are involved in it. The balancing of the equation is necessary to fulfil the requirement of the
law of conservation of mass. According to the law, there is no change in mass in a physical change
or chemical reaction. In order to ensure the same, the atoms of the various species involved in the
reaction on both sides of the arrow head must be made equal. The different methods employed for
the balancing of a chemical equation are :
Hit and trial method

Hit and Trial Method

This method, as the name suggests, is not based on any definite procedure. However, the following
guidelines may be helpful.
1. Write the chemical equation in the form of a word equation. Keep the reactants on the left
side and the product on right side. Separate them by an arrow head (  ) pointing from the
reactants towards the products.
2. Write the skeleton equation by mentioning the symbols and formulae of the reactants and
3. Select the formula which contains the maximum number of atoms and start balancing.
4. In case the above method is not convenient, then start balancing the atoms which appear the
least number of times.
5. Do not change the formulae of the substances while balancing the equation.
6. If an elementary gas like H2, O2 or N2 etc. appears on either side of the equation, write the
same in the atomic form. or remain as it is.
7. When the balancing is complete, convert the equation into molecular form.
8. If equation contain ions then we have to balance atom as well as charge on both the side of
Ex. Zinc reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to give zinc sulphate and hydrogen.
Sol. The word equation for the reaction is
Zinc + Sulphuric acid  Zinc sulphate + Hydrogen
The skeletal equation for the same reaction is Zn + H2SO4  ZnSO4 + H2
Let us count the number of atoms of all the elements in the reactants and products on both sides
ol equation.

Element No. of atoms of reactant (L.H.S) No. of atoms of products (R.H.S.)

Zn 1 1
H 2 2
S 1 1
O 4 4

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As the number of atoms of the elements involved in the reactants and products are equal equation
is therefore balanced.

Ex. Acetylene burns in oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water. Write the skeleton equation for the
reaction and balance it.
Sol. The skeleton equation for the reaction is : C2H2 + O2 
 CO2 + H2O
The balancing is complete in the following steps :
(i) Write the oxygen in the atomic state. C2H2 + O 
 CO2 + H2O
(ii) Balance the C atoms. C2H2 + O 
 2CO2 + H2O
(iii) Balance the O atoms C2H2 + 5O 
 2CO2 + H2O
Upon checking, the H atoms are already balanced.
(iv) Make the equation molecular. This means that change O into O2. For this multiply the equation
by the factor 2.
2C2H2 + 5O2 
 4CO2 + 2H2O
The final balanced equation is :
2C2H2 + 5O2 
 4CO2 + 2H2O
Specialities of chemical equation or information Conveyed by a Chemical Equation :
1. It conveys the names of the reactants and products taking part in the reaction.
2. It conveys the actual number of reactant and product species (atoms or molecules) taking
part in the reaction.
3. It tells the relative masses of the reactants and products participating in the reaction.

 Limitations of chemical equations :

1. We do not get information about the physical state of reactants and products. For example
solid, liquid, gas.
2. No information about the concentration of reactant and product is obtained.
3. No information about the speed of reaction and sense of timing can be obtained.
4. Information regarding the favourable conditions of the reactions such as pressure,
temperature, catalyst etc. can’t be obtained during the reaction.
5. We do not get information whether heat is absorbed or evolved during the reaction.
The above limitations are rectified in the following manner or chemical equation can be made
more informative in the following way.
(i) The physical state of reactant and products are represented by writing letters in bracket.
For example
(s) Solid (l) Liquid (g) Gas
(aq) Aqueous solution (when substance is dissolved in water)
Zn(s) + H2SO4(aq.)  ZnSO4 + H2(g) 

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(ii) The precipitate formed in the reaction are represented by () symbol and gaseous substance
by () symbol.
For example - NaCl + AgNO3  NaNO3 + AgCl 
Ca + dil. H2SO4  CaSO4 + H2 
(iii) To express the concentration word dil for dilute or conc. for concentrated solutions before
the formula of acid or base is written below the symbol.
Mg + dil. H2SO4  MgSO4 + H2 

(iv) Favourable conditions like temp. pressure and catalyst required for the completion of reaction
are written above and below the arrow.
500 C, 200atm
N2 + 3H2 
 2NH3
(v) The heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical reaction can be written on the product sides. The
S.I. unit of heat is kJ. For example,
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) 
 CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 393.5 kJ (Heat is evolved)
H2(g) + I2(g) 
 2HI(g) – 93.5 kJ (Heat is absorbed)
In exotermic reactions “+ Heat” is witten alongwith the products.
In endothermic reaction “+ Heat” is written alongwith the reactants or “– Heat” is written
alongwith the products.
(vi) Reversible reaction is represented by ( ) symbol and irrerversible reaction by ()


The substance may interact in various ways to produce new substances. This gives rise to a variety
of chemical reactions. The important of these are :
(A) Combination Reaction (B) Decomposition Reaction
(C) Displacement Reaction (D) Double displacement Reaction
(E) Precipitation Reaction (F) Neutralization Reaction
(G) Oxidation - Reduction (Redox) Reaction
(A) Combination Reaction : “The reaction in which two or more substances combine together to
form a single substance are called combination reaction.” Another name of combination reaction
is synthesis.
A + B 
 AB
Case I : When two elements combine to form a compound, i.e.
Element + element 
 compound
Ex. (a) 2H2(g) + O2(g) 
 2H2O(l) hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.
(b) C(s) + O2(g) 
 CO2(g) carbon burns in air to form carbondioxide.
(c) 2 Mg(s) + O2(g) 
 2MgO(s) Magnesium burns in oxygen to produce magnesium oxides.

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Case II : when two or more compound combine to form a new compound, i.e.
(a) Ammonia and hydrogen chloride combine to form ammonium chloride.

NH 3(g) + HCl(g) NH 4 Cl(s)

ammonia Hydrogen Chloride 
 ammonium Chloride

(b) calcium oxide and carbon dioxide combine together to form calcium carbonate (lime stone)
strongly heating
CaO(s) + CO2(g ) 
 CaCO3(s)
calcium oxi de carbondioxide calciumcarbonate

(c) Calcium oxide (lime) and water combine together to form a new compound calcium hydroxide
(lime water).

CaO(s) + H2O(l) 
 Ca(OH)2(aq)

Case III. When one element and one compound combine to give a new compound.
(a) Oxygen combines with carbon monoxide to form carbon dioxide.

2CO (g)
carbon m ono xide
+ O
 2C O 2 ( g )
2( g ) 
carb on diox ide

(b) oxygen combines with sulphur dioxide to form sulphur trioxide.

2S O 2( g )
Sulphur dio xide
+ O 2( g ) 
 2SO 3 (g )
sulphur triox ide

(c) Oxygen combines with nitric oxide to form a new compound nitrogen dioxide.

2 NO(g ) + O
 2NO 2(g )
Nitric oxide Nitrogen dioxide

(B) Decomposition Reaction : Those reaction in which a compound breaks up or splits up into two
or more simple substances are called as decomposition reaction

AB 
 A+B

These reactions are just opposite of combination reactions.

The decomposition reactions take place only when the energy in the form of heat, electricity or
light is supplied. Thus, there are three types of decomposition reactions possible. These are
(i) Thermal Decomposition
(ii) Photochemical Decomposition (Photolysis)
(iii) Electrical Decomposition (Electrolysis)
(i) Thermal Decomposition – Decomposition reactions which take place by absorption of heat.
Ex. (i) When calcium carbonate is heated, it decomposes into calcium oxide and CO2.

CaCO3(s)   CaO(s) + CO2(g)

(ii) When mercury oxide is heated, it decomposes into mercury & oxygen.

2HgO(s)   2Hg( ) + O 2 (g)

(iii) When lead nitrate is heated strongly, it breaks down into lead monoxide, nitrogen
dioxde and oxygen.

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2 Pb(NO3 )2 (s)   2 PbO + 4 NO 2(g) + O2(g)
lead m on oxide
lead nitrate ( yello w ) Nitrogen dioxide Oxygen
(white) Brown

(iv) When ferrous sulphate is heated strongly, it decomposes into ferric oxide, sulphur
dioxide and sulphur trioxide.

2FeSO 4 .7H 2 O   Fe 2 O 3 + SO 2  + SO 3  + 14 H2O
Ferrous sulphate Ferric oxide S u lph ur d ioxide S ulphur trio xide
(green ) ( brown )

(ii) Photochemical decomposition or Photolysis - Decomposition reaction which take place on

absorption of light.
(i) 2H2O2 h
 2H2O + O2 (ii) 2AgBr   2Ag(s) + Br (g)
yellow grey 2

(iii) 2AgCl   2Ag(s) + Cl2 (g)

In both reactions colour of AgBr & AgCl changes to grey due to the formation of silver metal. The
decomposition of silver bromide is occured by light. This light may be sunlight or bulb light.

(iii) Electrical decomposition – Decomposition by electricity.

(i) When electric current is passed through
acidified water,
it decomposes into H2 & O2.
2H2O 
2H 2 + O2
at cathode anode

reverse reaction is combination reaction 2H2 + O2 

 2H2O

(ii) 2 NaCl  2Na + Cl2 at cathode

(molten ) at anode

This reaction is called electrolysis of molten sodium chloride (common salt) is used to
obtain metal from sodium chloride.

(iii) 2Al2 O3 
 4Al  3O 2
Molten at cathode anode

 Uses of decomposition reaction :–

(i) Many elements like Na, Al extracted from their molten compounds like NaCl and Al2O3
respectively. It is also one of steps in extraction of metals in metallurgy operation.
(ii) Decomposition reaction of AgBr is also used in black & white photography.
(iii) The digestion of food in our body is an example of decomposition reaction. When we
eat food like wheat, rice or potatoes, then the starch present in them decomposes to
give simple sugar like glucose in the body, and proteins decomposes into amino acids
in presence of enzyme

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(C) Displacement Reaction – The reaction in which more reactive element displace the less reactive
element from its salt solution. AB + C 
 AC + B

In general, a more reactive element displace a less reactive element from its compound. Thus,
Displacement reactions are exothermic in nature.
(i) A more reactive metal displace a less reactive metal from its compound.
(ii) Some reactive Non-metals displace less reactive non-metals from its compound.
(iii) Some reactive metals displace non-metals from its compounds.
Reason for different reactivity of metals – When metals react they lose electrons to form positive
ions. Now if a metal atom can lose electron easily to form positive ions, it will react rapidly with
other substances and hence it will be a reactive metal. On the other hand, if a metal atom lose
electrons less readily to form (+) ve ions, it will react slowly with other substances. Such a metal
will be less reactive. For ex. sodium lose electrons readily to form (+) ve ion so Na metal is very
Reactivity Series of metal
Potassium K Most Reactive

Sodium Na

Calcium Ca Metals more

reactive than hydrogen
Magnesium Mg
Aluminium Al
Zinc Zn
Iron Fe
Cobalt Co
Nickel Ni
Tin Sn
lead Pb

Hydrogen H

Copper Cu
Mercury Hg less reactive
Silver Ag

Gold Au

Platinum Pt least reactive

Here K is most reactive metal so it has been placed at the top in the series. As we descend in series,
the chemical reactivity goes on decreasing.

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On the other hand Fe atom lose electrons less easily to form positive ions. so iron metal is less
Ex. Displacement of a less reactive metal by a more reactive metal.

(i) CuSO4(aq) + Mg(s) 

 MgSO4(aq) + Cu(s) because Mg is more reactive than copper.
(ii) CuSO4(aq) + Fe(s) 
 FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s) because Fe is more reactive than copper.
(iii) 2AgNO3(aq) + Cu(s) 
 Cu (NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s) because copper is more reactive than silver.

(iv) CuCl2(aq) + Pb(s) 

 PbCl2(aq) + Cu(s) because Pb is more reactive than copper.

Ex. Displacement of a less active Non-metal by a more active Non-metal

Halogens happen to be the most reactive non metals and among them selves the order of reactivity
is F > Cl > Br > I more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive halogen from its compound.
Ex. (i) 2NaBr(aq) + Cl2(g) 
 2NaCl(aq) + Br2(g)
(ii) 2KI(aq) + Cl2(g) 
 2KCl(aq) + I2(s)

Ex. Displacement of Non-metals by active metal : (liberation of H2(g) from acid)

Zn(s) + dil. 2HCl(aq) 
 ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g) Mg(s) + H2SO4(aq) 
 MgSO4(aq) + H2

Ag(s) + HCl(aq) 
 No reaction Pt(s) + H2SO4(aq) 
 No reaction

(D) Double Displacement Reaction :

“The reaction in which two ionic compounds in solution react to form two new compounds by
mutual exchange of their ions (or radicals) are called double displacement or double
decomposition reactons”.
AB + CD 
 AD + CB

Here, A and C are positive ions while B & D are negative ions. Such reaction are called as
partner exchange or metathesis.
A double displacement reaction may result in formation of a precipitate or exchange in
colour, evolution of a gas
Ex. (i) NaCl (aq)+ AgNO3 (aq) 
 AgCl(s) + NaNO3 (aq.)
(ii) Na2SO4 (aq) + BaCl2 (aq.) 
 BaSO4(s) +2NaCl (aq.)

(E) Precipitation Reaction

The reaction which involve formation of an insoluble product, which separates out as solid (called
precipitate) The precipitate may form when two aqueous solution of compound are mixed or
when gas is passed in aqueous solution .
The precipitation reaction is said to occur because of the strong attraction force between ions.
These ions combine and fall out of solution in the form of solid.

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(i) AgNO3 (aq) + KCl (aq) 

 AgCl  + KNO3(aq) and

(ii) CuSO4 (aq) + H2S (g) 

 CuS  + H2SO4(aq)

Precipitation reactions are always irreversible

(F) Neutralization Reactions :–

The reaction in which an acid and a base or alkali (soluble base) react to produce salt and water
are called neutralization reaction. Such reaction are also called water forming reaction.
Acid + Base 
 Salt + Water

(i) HCl + NaOH 

 NaCl + H2O

(ii) H2SO4 + 2NaOH 

 Na2SO4 + 2H2O

The term oxidation is defined as the addition of oxygen/electronegative element to a substance or

removal of hydrogen/ electropositive element from a substance. It is also known as

The term reduction has been broadened these days to include removal of oxygen/electronegative
element from a substance or addition of hydrogen/ electropositive element to a substance. It is
also known as electronation.

Oxidation : Loss of electron(s) by any species.

Reduction: Gain of electron(s) by any species.
Oxidising agent : Acceptor of electron(s).
Reducing agent : Donor of electron(s).
DPP - 2
1. In the following reaction between lead sulphide and hydrogen peroxide :
PbS (s) + 4H2O2 (aq)  PbSO4 (s) + 4H2O (l)
(a) Which substance is reduced ?
(b) Which substance is oxidised ?

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2. Identify the component oxidised in the following reaction :

H2S + Cl2  S + 2HCl
3. In the reaction represented by the equation :
MnO2 + 4HCl  MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
(a) Name the substance oxidised. (b) Name the oxidising agent.
(c) Name the substance reduced. (d) Name the reducing agent.
4. Can oxidation occur without reduction ? Explain
5. Explain the terms oxdation and reduction with examples.


There are two common effects of oxidation reactions which we observe in daily life. These are :
(i) Corrosion (ii) Rancidity
(i) Corrosion
The process of slow eating up of metal by the gases and water vapours present in air due to
formation of certain chemical compound like oxide, carbonates, sulphide etc.
If iron is involved, then process is known as rusting. Rust is hydrated ferric oxide which is brown
in colour. It may be noted that corrosion or rusting once started continues till the whole of the
metal is consumed.

4Fe  3O 2  2xH 2 O 
 2Fe 2 O 3 .xH 2 O
Iron oxygen water hydrated iron ( III)
oxide ( Rust )

Rusting of iron is a Redox Reaction. Rust is a soft and porous substance which gradually falls off
from a surface of an iron object, and then iron below starts rusting.
Rusting can be prevented by the painting, galvanization, electroplating , alloying, using lubricants
and using chemical.
Formula of rust is Fe2O3.xH2O, Hydrated iron (III) oxide
Rusting of iron is a redox reaction in which iron is oxidized.
(ii) Rancidity – Oxidation also has damaging effect on food containing fats and oils. When the
food materials prepared in fats and oils are kept for a long time they start giving unpleasant smell
& taste. That food is called Rancid food & phenomenon is Rancidity.
The condition produced by oxidation of fats and oil. Rancidity is called “ Vikritgandhita” in
The development of rancidity of food can be prevented or retarded in following ways :
(i) by additing anti-oxidant to foods containing fats & oils.
(ii) by packaging fat and oil containing foods in N2 gas.
(iii) by keeping food in refrigerator.
(iv) by storing food in air tight container.
(v) by storing food away from light.

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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 Chemical Equation: Representation of chemical reaction with the help of chemical formulae is a
chemical equation.

 Balanced equation: When numbers of atoms of elements are same on the LHS and RHS of the
chemical equation, then the equation is said to be balanced equation.

 On the basis of breaking and making of the bonds between the atoms to produce new substance,
chemical equations are classified into four type.

 Combination Reaction: When two or more substance combine ( mixture or compounds) to form
single product, then the reaction is known as combination reaction.

 Decomposition Reaction: A Chemical reaction in which a compound is split up into simple

substances is called a decomposition reaction.

 Displacement Reaction: When A more reactive element remove another element, having less
reactivity, from its compound, these reaction are termed as displacement reactions.

 The reaction in which two ionic compounds in solution react to form two new compounds by
mutual exchange of their ions (or radicals) are called double displacement or double decomposition

 Endothermic Reaction: Reactions accompanied by absorption of heat are called endothermic


 Exothermic Reaction: Reaction where heat is evolved are called exothermic reactions.

 Oxidation Reaction: The chemical reaction in which reactants gain oxygen to form corresponding
oxide is known as an oxidation reaction.

 Reduction Reaction: The chemical reactions in which reactants gain hydrogen are reduction

 Redox Reaction: When Oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously in a given chemical
reaction, it is known as a redox reaction.

 Corrosion: The slow process of decay or destruction of metal due to the effect of air, moisture and
acid on it is known as corrosion.

 Rancidity: When oil or fats are oxidized or even allowed to stand for a long time, the process is
called rancidity.

 Neutralization Reaction: When acid and base react with each other to produce salt and water,
the reaction is called as neutralization reaction.

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 Colours of few compounds

Pb(NO3)2 - White/transparent solution

ZnSO4 - White/transparent solution
AgCl - White
BaSO4 - White
BaCl2 - White
FeSO4.7H2O - Green
AgBr - Yellow
PbI2 - Yellow
CuSO4 - Blue
Cu(NO3)2 - Blue
Cus - Black
Fe2O3 - Brown
NO2 - Brown

 compounds and its formula

quick lime – CaO
Slake lime – Ca(OH)2
chalk (marble), (egg shall) – CaCO3

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(A) CO2 gas : It is a colourless and odourless gas. When passed through lime water, it will initially
become milky. The milkness will disappear on passing the gas in excess.
(B) SO2 gas : It is a colourless but a pungent smelling gas. The gas when passed through an acidified
solution of potassium permanganate (pink) will decolourise it.
Similarly the gas when passed through an acidified solution of potassium dichromate (orange)
will make it light green.
(C) O2 gas : The gas is a supporter of combustion. It can be tested by bringing a burning or smouldering
match-stick near the mouth of the test tube from which the gas escapes. The match-stick will burn
more brighdy.
(D) H2 gas : If the gas itself is combustible it will burn with a pop sound when a burning candle or
match-stick is brought near it.


Give scientific reasons.
1. Grills of doors and windows are always painted before they are used.
Ans. Due to effect of moisture, the surface of iron is deposited by reddish brown color.
The iron metal corroded due to the effect of air and moisture.
Corrosion damages the articles mainly made of iron.
Grills of doors and windows are made of iron.
Hence, to prevent from corrosion and rusting gills of doors and windows are always painted
before they are used
2. Usually energy needs to be supplied to proceed the chemical reaction.
Ans. As the reaction proceeds, there is breaking of chemical bonds between the atoms of reactants
which is followed by the formation of new bonds to give products.
As the breaking of bonds is an endothermic process, energy must be supplied to break the bonds.
As the breaking of bonds is necessary to proceed the reaction, energy must be supplied to proceed
the reaction.
3. Endothermic reaction and Exothermic reaction.
Endothermic reaction Exothermic reaction
1 In endothermic reaction heat is absorbed. 1 In exothermic reaction, heat is evolved.
2 Generally, such a reaction is slow. 2 Generally, such reaction is fast.
3 In this reaction, the temperature of the 3 In this reaction, the temperature of the
solution falls. solution increases.

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4. Decomposition reaction and Displacement reaction.

Decomposition reaction Displacement reaction

1 A chemical reaction in which a 1 When a more reactive element removes
compound is split up into simple another element, having less reactivity,
substance is called a decomposition from its compound, the reactions are
reaction. termed as displacement reaction.

5. What do you mean by a precipitation reaction? Explain by giving examples.

Ans. A reaction in which an insoluble solid (called precipitate) is formed is called a precipitation
For Example: Na2CO3 (aq) + CaCl2 (aq)  CaCO3 (s) + 2NaCl (aq)
In this reaction, calcium carbonate is obtained as a precipitate. Hence, it is a precipitation reaction.
6. Explain the following in terms of gain or loss of oxygen with two examples each,
(a) Oxidation (b) Reduction
Ans. (a) Any process which involves addition of oxygen is termed as oxidation reaction. Following
are the examples of oxidation reactions:
(i) Carbon burns in the presence of oxygen to form carbon dioxide Ibis is an oxidation
reaction because oxygen is added to carbon.
C(s) + O2 (g)  CO2(g)
carbon oxygen
(ii) Magnesium when burnt in the presence of oxygen gives magnesium oxide. This
is an oxidation reaction because oxygen gets added to magnesium.
2Mg(s) + O2 (g)  2MgO(s)
magnesium magnesium oxide
(b) A process which involves removal of oxygen is called reduction reaction.
Reduction is the reverse of oxidation.
Following are the examples of reduction reactions:
(i) When zinc oxide (ZnO) is heated with carbon/coke, it gets reduced to
zinc metal.
ZnO(s) + C    Zn(l) + CO(g)
zinc oxide carbon zinc carbon monoxide
(molten metal)
(ii) When hydrogen gas is passed over heated cupric oxide (CuO), CuO gets reduced
to copper (Cu).
CuO(s) + H2(g)    Cu(s) + H2 O(g)
cupric oxide hydrogen copper water

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7. A shiny brown-coloured element ‘X’ on heating in air becomes black in colour. Name the element
‘X’ and the black coloured compound formed.
Ans. ‘X’ is copper (Cu) and the black-coloured compound formed is copper oxide (CuO). The equation
of the reaction involved on heating copper is given below.

8. Why do we apply paint on iron articles?

Ans. Iron articles are painted because it prevents them from rusting. When painted, the contact of
iron articles from moisture and air is cut off. Hence, rusting is prevented.
9. Oil and fat containing food items are flushed with nitrogen. Why?
Ans. Oil and fat containing food items flushed with nitrogen because nitrogen acts as an antioxidant
and it prevent them from being oxidised.

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1. Which .among the following are physical or chemical changes?

(a) Evaporation of petrol (b) Burning of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
(c) Heating of an iron rod to red hot. (d) Curding of milk
(e) Sublimation of solid ammonium chloride.
2. Complete the missing components/variables given as x and y in the following reactions
(a) Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + 2KI(aq)  Pbl2 (x) + 2KNO3(y)
(b) Cu(s) + 2Ag NO3(aq)  Cu(NO3)2(aq) + x(s)
(c) Zn(s) + H2SO4(aq)  ZnSO4(x) + H2(y)
(d) CaCO3(s) 
 CaO(s) + CO2(g)
3. Which among the following changes are exothermic or endothermic in nature ?
(a) Decomposition of ferrous sulphate
(b) Dilution of sulphuric acid
(c) Dissolution of sodium hydroxide in water
(d) Dissolution of ammonium chloride in water
4. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions and identify the type of reaction
in each case.
(a) Thermit reaction, iron (III) oxide reacts with aluminium and gives molten iron and aluminium
(b) Magnesium ribbon is burnt in an atmosphere of nitrogen gas to form solid magnesium nitride.
(c) Chlorine gas is passed in an aqueous potassium iodide solution to form potassium chloride solution
and solid iodine.
(d) Ethanol is burnt in air to form carbon dioxide, water and releases heat.
5. Identify the oxidising agent (oxidant) in the following reactions
(a) Pb3O4 + 8HCl  3PbCl2 + Cl2 + 4H2O (b) 2Ca + O2  2CaO.
(c) CuSO4 + Zn  Cu + ZnSO4 (d) V2O5 + 5Ca  2V + 5CaO
(e) 3Fe + 4H2O  Fe3O4 + 4H2 (f) ZnO + H2  Zn + H2O
6. Identify the reducing agent in the following reactions
(a) 4NH3 + 5O2  4NO + 6H2O (b) H2O + F2  HF + HOF
(c) Fe2O3 + 3CO  2Fe + 3CO2 (d) 2H2 + O2  2H2O
7. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions
(a) Sodium carbonate on reaction with hydrochloric acid in equal molar concentrations gives
sodium chloride and sodium hydrogencarbnate.
(b) Sodium hydrogencarbonate on reaction with hydrochloric acid gives sodium chloride, water
and liberates carbon dioxide.
(c) Copper sulphate on treatment with potassium iodide precipitates cuprous iodide (Cu2 I2),
liberates iodine gas and also forms potassium sulphate.
8. Why do fire flies glow at night ?
9. Grapes hanging on the plants do not ferment but after being plucked from the plant, can be
fermented. Under what conditions do these grapes ferment? Is it a chemical or a physical change?

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10. During the reaction of some metals with dilute hydrochloric acid, following observations are made.
(a) Silver metal does not show any change
(b) The temperature of the reaction mixture rises when aluminium (Al) is added.
(c) The reaction of sodium metal is found to be highly explosive
(d) Some bubbles of a gas are seen when lead (Pb) is reacted with the acid. Explain these
observations giving suitable reasons.
11. A substance ‘A’, which is an oxide of a group 2 element, is used intensively in the cement industry.
This element is present in bones also. On treatment with water it forms a solution which turns red
litmus blue. Identify ‘A’ and also write the chemical reactions involved.
12. Write a balanced chemical equation for each of the following reactions and also classify them.
(a) Lead acetate solution is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid to form lead chloride and acetic
acid solution.
(b) A piece of sodium metal is added to absolute ethanol to form sodium ethoxide and hydrogen
(c) Iron (III) oxide on heating with carbon monoxide gas reacts to form solid iron and liberates
carbon dioxide gas.
(d) Hydrogen sulphide gas reacts with oxygen gas to form solid sulphur and liquid water.
13. Why do we store silver Chloride in a dark coloured bottle ?
14. A magnesium ribbon is burnt in oxygen to give a white compound ‘X’ accompanied by emission of
light. If burning ribbon is now placed in an atmosphere of nitrogen, it continues to burn and forms
a compound ‘Y’.
(a) Write the chemical formulae of X and Y.
(b) Write a balanced chemical equations when X and Y are dissolved in water.
15. Zinc liberates hydrogen gas when reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid whereas copper does not.
Explain. Why?
16. A silver article generally turns black when kept in the open for a few days. The article when
rubbed with toothpaste again starts shining.
(A) Why do silver articles turn black when kept in the open for a few days ? Name the phenomenon
(B) Name the black substance formed and give its chemical formula.
17. On heating blue coloured powder of copper (II) nitrate in a boiling tube, copper oxide (black),
oxygen gas and a brown gas X is formed
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction.
(b) Identify the brown gas X evolved.
(c) Identify the type of reaction.
(d) What could be the pH range of aqueous solution of the gas X ?
18. What happens when zinc granules are treated with dilute solution of H2SO4, HCl, HNO3, NaCl
and NaOH, also write the chemical equations if reaction occurs.
19. What happens when a piece of
(A) zinc metal is added to coppers sulphate solution?
(B) aluminium metal is added to dilute hydrochloric acid?
(C) silver metal is added to copper sulphate solution ?
Also write the balanced chemical equation if the reaction occurs.

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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MCQ EXERCISE - 1 (a) CaO + CO2  CaCO3

1. Hydrochloric acid reacts with metals to (b) 4Na + O2  2Na2O

produce. (c) SO2 + O2  SO3
(a) Hydrogen (b) Chlorine (d) NH3 + HCl  NH4Cl
(c) Carbon dioxide (d) Oxygen 8. Which of the following is a displacement
2. The reactions favoured by light are called reaction?

(a) Endothermic reactions (a) NaOH + HNO3  NaNO3 + H2O

(b) Exothermic reactions (b) Cu + 2AgNO3  Cu (NO3)2 + 2Ag

(c) Photochemical reactions (c) 2Hg + O2  2HgO

(d) None of the above (d) FeCl3 + 3NaOH  3NaCl + Fe(OH)3

3. When quicklime is reacted with water, the 9. Which of the following reaction will not take
reaction is. place?
(a) An endothermic reaction (a) Zn + FeSO4  ZnSO4 + Fe

(b) A reaction involving reduction (b) 2KI + Cl2  2KCl + I2

(c) An exothermic reaction (c) Zn + MgSO4  ZnSO4 + Mg

(d) A reaction involving oxidation (d) Mg + CuSO4  MgSO4 + Cu

4. Which one of the following chemical equations 10. The reaction in which two compounds
represents a decomposition reaction ? exchange their ions to form two new
compounds is called
(a) CaO + H2O  Ca(OH)2 + heat
(a) a displacement reaction
(b) Ca(OH)2+CO2  CaCO3 + H2O
Heat (b) a decomposition reaction
(c) CaCO3   CaO + CO2
(c) an isomerization reaction
(d) Zn + CuSO4  ZnSO4 + Cu
(d) a metathesis reaction.
5. A chemical reaction that takes place with the
evolution of heat is called a/an: 11. Which of the following does not react with
dilute acids to produce hydrogen gas ?
(a) Reversible reaction
(a) Zn (b) Mg
(b) Endothermic reaction
(c) Iron (d) Cu
(c) Thermal reaction
12. Neutralization reaction is an example of -
(d) Exothermic reaction
(a) Exothermic reaction
6. The reaction 2Na + Cl2  2NaCl is an example
of (b) Endothermic reaction
(a) combination reaction (c) Oxidation

(b) decomposition reaction (d) None of these

(c) displacement reaction 13. Which of the following gases turn lime water
milky ?
(d) double decomposition reaction
(a) H2 (b) CO 2
7. Which of the following reactions in-volves the
combination of two elements? (c) SO 2 (d) both (b) & (c)

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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14. Which of the following equations is not an (d) synthesis reaction

example of single displacement ? 20. The chemical formula of lead sulphate is
(a) 2Al + Fe2O3 
 Al2O3 + 2Fe (a) Pb2 SO 4 (b) Pb(SO4)2
(b) Ca + Cl2 
 CaCl2 (c) PbSO4 (d) Pb2(SO4)3
(c) 2KI + Cl2 
 2KCl + I2 21. Which information is not conveyed by a
(d) 2Na + 2H2O 
 2NaOH + H2 balanced chemical equation?
15. Which of the following is a decomposition (a) Physical states of reactants and products
reaction? (b) Symbols and formulae of all the
(a) 2HgO  2Hg + O2 substances involved in a particular
(b) CaCO3  CaO + CO2 reaction
Electrolys is (c) Number of atoms/molecules of the
(c) 2H2O      H2 + O2
reactants and products formed
(d) All of these
(d) Whether a particular reaction is actually
16. A powdered salt (X) in a dry test tube was
feasible or not
heated that evolves brown fumes of nitrogen
dioxide and a yellow residue of lead oxide is 22. Chemically rust is
also formed. The salt (X) is (a) hydrated ferrous oxide
(a) MgCO3 (b) Pb(NO3 )2 (b) only ferric oxide
(c) (NH4 )SO4 (d) CaCO 3 (c) hydrated ferric oxide
17. AgNO3(aq.) + NaCl(aq.)  AgCl(s) (d) none of these
+ NaNO3(aq.). The given reaction is a 23. Both CO2 and H2 gases are
(a) precipitation reaction (a) heavier than air (b) colourless
(b) double displacement reaction (c) acidic in nature (d) soluble in water
(c) combination reaction 24. Which of the following gases can be used for
storage of fresh sampel of an oil for a long
(d) (a) and (b) both
18. H2SO4 + 2NaOH  Na2SO4 + 2H2O.
(a) Carbon dioxide or oxygen
The given reaction is a
(b) Nitrogen or helium
(i) neutralization reaction
(c) Helium or oxygen
(ii) double displacement reaction
(d) Nitrogen or oxygen
(iii) fast reaction
25. The electrolytic decomposition of water gives
(iv) slow reaction
H2 and O2 in the ratio of
(a) (i) to (iv) all (b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(a) 1 : 2 by volume (b) 2 : 1 by volume
(c) (i) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv)
(c) 8 : 1 by mass (d) 1 : 2 by mass
19. Zn + H2SO4 (dil)  ZnSO4 + H2  .The
26. In the decomposition of lead (II) nitrate to
given equation is a :
give lead (II) oxide, nitrogen dioxide and
(a) decomposition reaction oxygen gas, the coefficient of nitrogen dioxide
(b) single displacement reaction (in the balanced equation) is

(c) combination reaction (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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27. Fatty foods become rancid due to the process 34. In which of the following, heat energy will be
of evolved?
(a) oxidation (b) corrosion (a) Electrolysis of water
(c) reduction (d) hydrogenation (b) Dissolution of NH4Cl in water
28. We store silver chloride in a dark coloured (c) Burning of L.P.G.
bottle because it is
(d) Decomposition of AgBr in the presence of
(a) a white solid sunlight
(b) undergoes redoc reaction 35. Rancidity can be prevented by
(c) to avoid action by sunlight (a) adding antioxidants
(d) none of the above (b) storing food away from light
29. Silver article turns black when kept in the (c) keeping food in refrigerator
open for a few days due to formation of
(d) all of these
(a) H2 S (b) AgS
36. The reaction of H2 gas with oxygen gas to
(c) AgSO4 (d) Ag2S form water is an example of
30. When crystals of lead nitrate are heated (a) combination reaction
strongly in a dry test tube
(b) redox reaction
(a) crystals immediately melt
(c) exothermic reaction
(b) a brown residue is left
(d) all of these reactions
(c) white fumes appear in the tube
37. The reaction in which two compound
(d) a yellow residue is left exchange their ions to form two new
31. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to compounds is called
granulated zinc taken in a test tube. The (a) displacement reaction
following observations are recorded. Point
(b) combination reaction
out the correct observation.
(c) double displacement reaction
(a) The surface of metal becomes shining
(d) redox reaction
(b) The reaction mixture turns milky
38. On immersing an iron nail in CuSO4 solution
(c) Odour of a pungent smelling gas is
for few minutes, you will observe
(a) no reaction takes place
(d) A colourless and odourless gas is evolved
(b) the colour of solution fades away
32. When carbon dioxide is passed through lime
(c) the surface of iron nails acquire a black
(a) calcium hydroxide is formed
(d) the colour of solution changes to green
(b) white precipitate of CaO is formed
39. An element X on exposure to moist air turns
(c) lime water turns milky
reddish-brown and a new compound Y is
(d) colour of lime water disappears. formed. The substance X and Y are
33. When a magnesium ribbon is burnt in air, the (a) X = Fe, Y = Fe2O3
ash formed is
(b) X = Ag, Y = Ag2S
(a) black (b) white
(c) X = Cu, Y = CuO
(c) yellow (d) pink
(d) X = Al, Y = Al2O3

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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MCQ EXERCISE - 2 (c) a catalyst

1. The gain of electrons is (d) providing an inert medium.
(a) Electrolysis (b) Oxidation 9. Which is not a redox change?
(c) Decomposition (d) Reduction (a) CaCO3  CaO+CO2
2. Oxidation is a process which involves: (b) 2H2 +O2  2H2O
(a) De-electronation (c) Na + H2O2  NaOH + H2
1 2
(b) Electronation (d) MnCl3  MnCl2 + Cl2
(c) Addition of hydrogen 10. In C + H2O  CO + H2; H2O acts as:
(d) Addition of metal (a) Oxidant (b) Reductant
3. Reduction is a process which involves: (c)Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
(a) Electronation 11. In which of the following processes nitrogen
(b) Addition of hydrogen or removal of is oxidised?
oxygen (a) NH4  N2 (b) NO3  NO
(c) Addition of metal or removal of non-metal (c) NO2  NO2 (d) NO3  NH4
(d) All of the above 12. In the reaction Mg + Cl2  MgCl2
4. When Fe metal is rusted then Fe is: Chlorine may be regarded as :
(a) Oxidised (b) Reduced (a) an oxidising agent
(c) Hydrolysed (d) Precipitated (b) a reducing agent
5. The missing term in following equation is: (c) a catalyst
2Fe3+ (aq) + Sn2+ (aq)  2Fe2+ (aq) + ? (d) providing an inert medium
(a) Sn4+ (b) Sn2+ 13. When Cl2 gas reacts with H2 it forms HCl, Cl2
(c) Sn (d) None of these is

6. Respiration is: (a) an oxidising agent

(a) Oxidation (b) Reduction (b) a reducing agent

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (c) a dehydrating agent

7. When the gases sulphur dioxide and hydrogen (d) a catalyst

sulphide mix in the presence of water, the 14. Which of the following statements is false for
reaction SO2 + 2H2S  2H2O + 3S, occurs. oxidation reaction ?
Here hydrogen sulphide is acting as (a) Gain or addition of electronegative
(a) an oxidising agent radical

(b) a reducing agent (b) Removal of hydrogen atom

(c) a dehydrating agent (c) Removal or loss of electropositive radical

or element
(d) a catalyst
(d) Gain of electron
8. In the reaction: 2 FeCl 2 + Cl 2  2FeCl 3 ,
Chlorine may be regarded as
(a) an oxidising agent
(b) a reducing agent

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15. In the process of burning of magnesium in air,

18. In which of the following reaction H2O2 is a
magnesium undergoes –
reducing agent?
(a) Reduction (b) Sublimation
(a) 2FeCl2 +2HCl + H2O2  2FeCl3 +2H2O
(c) Oxidation (d) All of these
(b) Cl2 + H2O2  2HCl + O2
16. In the reaction PbO + C  Pb + CO.
(c) 2HI + H2O2  2H2O + I2
(a) PbO is oxidised
(d) H2SO3 + H2O2  H2SO4 + H2O
(b) C acts as oxidising agent
19. In the reaction, 2Ag + 2H2SO4  Ag 2SO4 +
(c) C acts as a reducing agent 2H2O + SO2
(d) This reaction does not represent redox the sulphuric acid acts as
(a) Oxidising agent
17. A redox reaction is one in which
(b) Reducing agent
(a) both the substances are reduced
(c) Catalyst
(b) both the substances are oxidised
(d) Acid as well as oxidant.
(c) an acid is neutralised by the base
(d) one substance is oxidised while the other
is reduced.

1. a 2. c 3. c 4. c 5. d 6. a 7. b
8. b 9. c 10. d 11. d 12. a 13. d 14. b
15. d 16. b 17. d 18. b 19. b 20. c 21. d
22. c 23. b 24. b 25. b 26. d 27. a 28. c
29. d 30. b 31. d 32. c 33. b 34. c 35. d
36. a 37. c 38. d 39. a

1. d 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. b
8. a 9. a 10. a 11. a 12. a 13. a 14. d
15. c 16. c 17. d 18. b 19. d

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given by the correspond-
ing statement of Reason. Of the statements, mark the correct answer as
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Asser-
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of
(c) If Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
(d) If Assertion is false, but Reason is true.
(e) If both Assertion and Reason are false.

1. Assertion Chemical reaction changes the physical and chemical state of a substance.
Reason When electric current is passed through water (liquid), it decomposes to
produce hydrogen and oxygen gases.
2H 2 O 
 2H 2  O 2

2. Assertion In a balanced chemical equation, total mass of the each element towards
reactant side = total mass of the same element towards product side.
Reason Mass can neither be created nor destroyed during a chemical change.
3. Assertion The following chemical equation is an example of thermal decomposition
2KClO 3 (s) 
 2KCl(s)  3O 2 (g)

Reason Heat gets released in the decomposition reactions.

4. Assertion 2Na  H 2 
 2NaH

In the above chemical equal, sodium is getting oxidised and H2 is getting reduced.
Reason The chemical reaction in which oxidation and reduction take place simulta-
neously, are called redox reactions.

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1. Balance the given chemical reaction : FeSO4 (s)   Fe2 O3 (s)  SO 2 (g)  SO3 (g)
2. What happens chemically when quick lime is added to water?
3. How will you test for the gas which is laberated when hydrochloric acid reacts with an active
4. Why is hydrogen peroxide kept in coloured bottles?
5. On what basis is a chemical equation balanced?
6. Balance the following chemical equation :

MnO 2  HCl  MnCl 2  Cl 2  H 2 O

7. Why is respiration considered an exothermic reaction? Explain.

8. Write one equation each for decompostion reactions where energy is supplied in the form of heat,
light or electricity.
9. In the refining of silver, the recovery of silver from silver nitrate solution involves displacement by
copper metal. Write down the reaction involved.
10. What are combination reactions? Give two examples
11. What are decomposition reactions? Explain with two examples.
12. Translate the following statement into chemical equation and then balance the equation : Sodium
metal reacts with water to give sodium hydroxide and hydrogen.
13. What information do we get from a chemical equation? Explain with the help of examples.
14. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions.
(i) Calcium hydroxide + Carbon dioxide  Calcium carbonate + Water.
(ii) Zinc + Silver nitrate  Zinc nitrate + Silver.
(iii) Aluminium + Copper (II) chloride  Aluminium chloride + Copper.
15. Write the balanced equation for the following chemical reaction
(i) Hydrogen + Chlorine  Hydrogen chloride
(ii) Barium chloride + Aluminium sulphate  Barium sulphate + Aluminium chloride
(iii) Sodium + Water  Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen.
16. Write a balanced chemical equation with state symbols for the following reactions :
(i) Solutions of barium chloride and sodium sulphate in water react to give insoluble barium
sulphate and the solution of sodium chloride.
(ii) Sodium hydroxide solution (in water) reacts with hydrochloric acid solution (in water) to
produce sodium chloride solution and water.

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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1. Copper sulphate solution is blue in colour. Name one metal which when placed in copper sul-
phate solution discharges its colour.
2. From among the reactants of the following chemical equation, name the oxidising agent and the
reducing agent : 2Mg + O2  2MgO.
3. Rewrite the following equation in a balanced form and show in it that Al(OH)3 is an insoluble
Al2(SO4)3 + NaOH  Al(OH)3 + Na2SO4
4. Why is lime water slightly milky?
5. Identify the compound which is oxidised in the following reaction
H2S + Br2  2HBr + S
6. A silver-grey coloured rod is placed in a blue solution. The blue colour of the solution fades away
gradually and after a few days, the rod appears etched. Answer the following:
(a) Name the silver-grey material of the rod.
(b) Name and write the formula of the substance present in blue solution.
(c) Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved.
(d) What is the type of reaction?
7. On heating blue coloured powder of copper (II) nitrate in a boiling tube, copper oxide (black),
oxygen gas and a brown gas X is formed
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction.
(b) Identify the brown gas X evolved.
(c) Identify the type of reaction
(d) What could be the pH range of aqueous solution of the gas X?
8. A shiny brown coloured element ‘X’ on heating in air becomes black in colour. Name the element
‘X’ and the black coloured compound formed.
9. Why is the amount of gas collected in one of the test tubes during the electrolysis of water double
of the amount collected in the other? Name this gas.
10. A small quantity of light-green coloured substance is heated. In the beginning, it loses some water
and then suffocating gas is evolved and a red residue is left behind. Answer the following:
(a) Name the red residue and write its formula.
(b) Name the suffocating gas or gases and write its formula.
(c) Name the light-green coloured substance and write its formula.
(d) What is the type of reaction that takes place during heating?
11. When a limited quantity of water is sprinkled over a dirty-white stone-like substance, a lot of heat
and steam is evolved with hissing sound. After some time, the stone-like substance changes into
white amorphous powder. Answer the following:
(a) Name and chemical formula of the stone-like substance.
(b) Name and chemical formula of the white amorphous powder.

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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(c) Chemical equation for the reaction that takes place.

(d) What is the type of the reaction?
(e) One use of the white amorphous powder.
12. A magnesium ribbon is burnt in oxygen to give a white compound X accompanied by emission of
light. If the burning ribbon in now placed in a atmosphere of nitrogen, it continues to burn and
forms a compound Y.
(a) Write the chemical formulae of X and Y.
(b) Write a balanced chemical equation, when X is dissolved in water.
13. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions:
(a) Sodium carbonate on reaction with hydrochloric acid in equal molar concentrations gives
sodium chloride and sodium hydrogencarbonate.
(b) Sodium hydrogencarbonate on reaction with hydrochloric acid gives sodium chloride, water
and liberates carbon dioxide.
(c) Copper sulphate on treatment with potassium iodide precipitates cuprous iodide (Cu2I2),
liberates iodine gas and also forms potassium sulphate.

1. Why do we apply paint on iron articles?
2. Oil and fat containing food items are flushed with nitrogen. Why?
3. In the reaction :
PbS(s) + 4H2O2(aq)  PbSO4(s) + 4H2O(l)
Which is oxidising agent and which is reducing agent?
4. Consider the following reaction :
Fe3O4 + 4H2  3Fe + 4H2O
Identify :
(i) the substance oxidised (ii) the substance reduced
(iii) the oxidising agent (iv) the reducing agent.
5. Explain the following in terms of gain or loss of oxygen with two examples each:
(i) oxidation (ii) reduction
6. When SO2 gas is passed through a saturated aqueous solution of H2S, the following reaction
occurs :
SO2 + 2H2S  2H2O + 3S
In this reaction name :
(i) the oxidising agent (ii) the reducing agent.
7. Identify the substances that are oxidised and the substances that are reduced in the following
reactions :
(i) 4Na(s) + O2(g)  2Na2O(s) (ii) CuO(s) + H2(g)  Cu(s) + H2O(l)

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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8. When a zinc rod is placed in an aqueous solution of copper sulphate, the following redox reaction
takes place :
Zn(s) + CuSO4 (aq)  ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
Identify :
(i) the component oxidised (ii) the component reduced
(iii) the oxidising agent (iv) the reducing agent.
9. Can a displacement reaction be a redox reaction? Explain with the help of an example.
10. On adding dilute HCl to copper oxide powder, the solution formed is blue-green. Predict the new
compound formed which imparts a blue-green colour to the solution.

1. The oxidation number and covalency of sulphur in sulphur molecule (S8) are
(a) 0 and 2 (b) +6 (c) 0 and 8 (d) +6 and 2.
2. The oxidation states of phosphorous vary from
(a) –3 to + 5 (b) –1 to + 1 (c) –3 to + 3 (d) –5 to + 1

3. The oxidation number of nitrogen in NO 3 is

(a) –1 (b) +2 (c) +3 (d) +5
4. Chlorine is in + 1 oxidation state in
(a) HCl (b) HClO4 (c) ICl (d) Cl 2 O
5. The oxidation number of carbon in CH2O is
(a) – 2 (b) +2 (c) 0 (d) + 4
6. HNO3 acts as
(a) acid (b) oxidising agent (c) reducing (d) Both (a) and (b).
7. Rusting of iron represents
(a) Phenomena of oxidation (b) Phenomena of galvanisation
(c) Redox reaction (d) Change in physical state
8. A reducing agent in a redox reaction undergoes
(a) a decrease in oxidation number (b) n increase in oxidation number
(c) loss of electrons (d) both (b) and (c)
9. Which of the following act both as an oxidising as well as reducing agent ?
(a) H2 O 2 (b) H2 S (c) SO 2 (d) HNO2

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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10. Solution X is taken into test tube1 and made to react with dilute HCl. Gas Y is evolved in the
reaction which is made to pass through the delivery tube into test tube2 having solution Z and a
milky solution is obtained. What are X, Y and Z respectively ?

(a) NaOH, CO2 , Na2CO3 (b) Ca(OH)2 , H2 , Ca(HCO3)2

(c) Ca(OH)2 , CO2 , CaCO3 (d) CaCO3 , CO2 , Ca(OH)2
11. In the given figure, the red-brown gas Evolved is

(a) oxygen (b) carbon dioxide (c) Nitrogen dioxide (d) Carbon monoxide
12. Which of the following processes does not involve either oxidation or reduction?
(a) Formation of slaked lime from quick lime
(b) Heating mercuric oxide
(c) Formation of manganese chloride from manganese oxide
(d) Formation of zinc from zinc blende
13. A large volume of copper(II) sulphate solution is left in an iron container overnight. Identify the
correct statement for above reaction.
(a) The solution evaporates completely and some copper(II) sulphate crystals are left behind.
(b) The part of the container in contact with the solution is coated with copper.
(c) Some fine iron particles are formed in the solution.
(d) Atmospheric oxygen reacts with the copper(II) sulphate to give black copper(II) oxide.

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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14. The correct chemical formulae of the given compounds:

(i) Aluminium phosphate,
(ii) Potassium permanganate and
(iii) Ammonium carbonate are
(A) (i) Al2PO4 , (ii) K2MnO4 , (iii) NH4CO3
(B) (i) AlPO4, (ii) KMnO4, (iii) (NH4)2CO3
(C) (i) Al(PO4)3 , (ii) KMnO4, (iii) NH4CO3
(D) (i) Al3PO4 , (ii) KMnO, (iii) NH4CO
15. The given diagram shows the electrolysis of a concentrated aqueous solution containing both cop-
per (II ) ions and sodium ions. Which metal is deposited at the negative electrode and why?

Metal deposited Reason

(A) Copper Copper is less reactive than sodium
(B) Copper Copper is more reactive than hydrogen
(C) Sodium Copper is less reactive than hydrogen
(D) Sodium Copper is more reactive than sodium
16. Which of the following equation best describes the formation of rust ?
(a) 4Fe  3O 2  xH2 O  2Fe 2 O 3  xH 2 O (b) Fe  H2 SO 4  2FeSO 4  H 2

(c) 2Fe 3 O 4  H 2 O  3FeSO 3  H 2 (d) 2FeSO 4  Fe 2 O 3  SO 2  SO 3

17. Study the given reaction.
HNO 3  I 2  HIO 3  NO 2  H 2 O
Which of the following statements is correct regarding the given reaction?
(a) I2 is oxidant (b) I2 is reduced (c) HNO3 is oxidized (d) HNO3 is reduced

18. The reaction Na 2 SO 4aq   BaCl 2 

 BaSO 4 s   2NaCl aq 

belongs to which kind of chemical reaction ?

(a) Combination reaction (b) Decomposition reaction
(c) Displacement reaction (d) Double displacement reaction
19. Which of the following is not a decomposition reaction ?
(a) CaCO 3  CaO  CO 2 (b) 2 KClO3  2 KCl  3O 2

(c) 2NaNO 3  2NaNO 2  O 2 (d) H 2  Cl2  2 HCl

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20. Study given reaction below.

2Pb  NO3 2  2PbO  nA  O2

In the above reaction, what is nA?

(a) 4NO2 (b) 2NO2 (c) 2PbNO2 (d) NO2
21. In which reaction do two compounds exchange ions or radicals mutually to form two new
compounds ?
(a) Displacement reaction (b) Double displacement reaction
(c) Synthesis reaction (d) Decomposition reaction
22. Which of the following reactions involves oxidation and reduction ?

(a) NaBr  HCl  NaCl  HBr (b) HBr  AgNO3  AgBr  HNO3

(c) H 2  Br2  2 HBr (d) Na2 O  H 2 SO4  Na2 SO4  H 2 O

23. Identify the characteristics of a chemical reaction.
(a) Change in state, colour and temperature (b) Evolution of a gas
(c) Formation of a precipitate (d) All of the above
24. Study the changes given in the box.
(i) The ripening of fruits (ii) The fermentation of molasses
(iii) The magnetization of iron
Identify the chemical changes.
(a) Only (i) and (ii) (b) Only (ii) and (iii)
(c) Only (i) and (iii) (d) (i) (ii) and (iii)
25. When sodium hydroxide solution is added to copper sulphate solution, a blue precipitate of copper
hydroxide is formed along with sodium sulphate solution. What kind of chemical reaction takes
place between them ?
(a) Chemical combination reaction (b) Chemical decomposition reaction
(c) Chemical displacement reaction (d) Chemical double decomposition reaction
26. Identify an element – element combination reaction from the following ?

(a) 2Pb  NO 3 2  2PbO  4NO 2  O 2 (b) 2Al 2 O 3  4Al  3O 2

(c) S  O2  SO2 (d) 2CO  O 2  2CO 2

27. Identify the chemical reaction in the given chemical equation

A  B   C  D   A  D  C  B 
(a) Decomposition reaction (b) Double decomposition reaction
(c) Displacement reaction (d) Combination reaction
28. What is the nature of product AgCl in the given chemical equation ?
AgNO3  NaCl  AgCl  NaNO3
(a) Non-metallic salt (b) Metallic element
(c) Metallic salt (d) Non-metallic compound

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29. Study the two reactions given in the box.

(i) Reaction between calcium oxide and water
(ii) Reaction of mercuric oxide on strong heating
Identify the type of reactions (i) and (ii) from the following.
(i) (ii)
(a) Decomposition Combination
(b) Combination Combination
(c) Combination Decomposition
(d) Decomposition Decomposition
30. Compound A on strong heating in a boiling tube gives off reddish brown fumes and a yellow
residue. When the aqueous solution of A is treated with a few drops of sodium hydroxide solution,
a white precipitate appeared. Identify the cation and anion present in the compound A.
(a) Copper (II) and nitrate (b) Lead (ll) and chloride
(c) Zinc and sulphate (d) Lead (II) and nitrate

1. According to classical concept, oxidation involves
(a) Addition of oxygen
(b) Addition of electronegative radical
(c) Removal of either hydrogen or some electropositive radical
(d) All of these
2. According to modern concept, oxidation is
(a) Electronation (b) Deelectronation
(c) Addition of oxygen (d) Addition of electronegative element
3. Oxidation takes place with -
(a) Gain of electrons (b) Loss of electrons
(c) Increase in the valency of negative part(d) Decrease in the valency of positive part
4. The reaction,
2K2 MnO4 + Cl2  2KMnO4 + 2KCl is an example of
(a) Oxidation (b) Reduction (c) Redox (d) Chlorination
5. In the reaction,
3Br2 + 6CO3 2– + 3H2O  5Br– + BrO3–+ 6HCO3
(a) Bromine is oxidised and carbonate is reduced
(b) Bromine is oxidised as well as reduced
(c) Bromine is reduced and water is oxidised
(d) Br2 is neither oxidised nor reduced
6. Oxidation state of hydrogen in CaH2 is -
(a) +1 (b) –1 (c) + 2 (d) 0

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7. Oxidation number of C in CH2Cl2 is

(a) +2 (b) + 4 (c) – 4 (d) 0
8. The oxidation number of P is + 3 in -
(a) H3 PO3 (b) H3 PO4 (c) HPO3 (d) H4 P2 O7
9. Which one of the following is a redox reaction ?
(a) H2 + Br2  2HBr (b) 2NaCl + H2SO4  Na2SO4 + 2HCl
(c) HCl + AgNO3  AgCl + HNO3 (d) NaOH + HCl  NaCl + H2 O
10. Fluorine does not show positive oxidation state due to the -
(a) Absence of s-orbitals (b) Absence of p-orbitals
(c) Absence of d-orbitals (d) Highest electronegativity
11. The oxidation number of carbon in C12 H22O11 is
(a) 0 (b) –6 (c) + 6 (d) + 2
12. When SO2 is passed through acidified K2Cr2O7 solution, Cr2(SO4)3 is formed. The change in
valency of Cr is –
(a) + 4 to + 2 (b) + 5 to + 3 (c) + 6 to + 3 (d) + 7 to + 1
13. In the reaction
2Na2S2 O3 + I 2  Na2S4O6 + 2NaI, the oxidation state of S is
(a) Increased (b) Decreased (c) Remains same (d) None
14. White P reacts with caustic soda forming PH3 and NaH2 PO2. The reaction is -
(a) Redox (b) Oxidation (c) Reduction (d) Neutralisation
15. The reaction
Co(s) + Cu2+(aq)  Co2+(aq) + Cu(s) is
(a) Oxidation (b) Reduction (c) Redox (d) Hydrolysis
16. A redox reaction is -
(a) Proton transfer reaction (b) Electron transfer reaction
(c) Ion combination reaction (d) A reaction in a solution
17. In the rusting of iron, iron has been-
(a) Oxidised (b) Reduced (c) Vapourised (d) Decomposed
18. The conversion of sugar C12H22O11  CO2 is-
(a) Oxidation (b) Reduction
(c) Neither oxidation nor reduction (d) Both oxidation and reduction
19. Oxidation is defined as-
(a) Gain of electrons (b) Decrease in positive valency
(c) Loss of electrons (d) None

20. The oxidation state of iodine in H 4 IO6 is:

(a) +7 (b) –1 (c) +5 (d) +1
21. In acidic medium, reaction MnO4– Mn2+ is an example of
(a) Oxidation by three electrons (b) Reduction by three electrons
(c) Oxidation by five electrons (d) Reduction by five electrons

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22. In the reaction MnO4 – + SO32– + H+  SO42– + Mn2+ + H2 O

(a) MnO4– and H+ both are reduced (b) MnO4– is reduced and H+ is oxidised
(c) MnO4– is reduced and SO32– is oxidised
(d) MnO4– is oxidised and SO32– is reduced
23. In a reaction between zinc and iodine, zinc iodide is formed, what is being oxidised
(a) Zinc ions (b) Iodide ions (c) Zinc atom (d) Iodine
24. The charge on cobalt in [Co(CN)6]3– is-
(a) – 6 (b) – 3 (c) +3 (d) +6
25. Which of following is not a redox change ?
(a) 2H2S + SO2  2H2O + 3S (b) 2BaO + O2  2BaO2
(c) BaO2 + H2SO4  BaSO4 + H2 O (d) 2KClO3  2KCl + 3O2
26. Which of the following halogens always shows only one oxidation state
(a) Cl (b) F (c) Br (d) I

1. a 2. a 3. d 4. d 5. c 6. d
7. a 8. d 9. a 10. d
11. c 12. a 13. b 14. b 15. c 16. a
17. d 18. d 19. d 20. a 21. b 22. c
23. d 24. a 25. d 26. c 27. b 28. c
29. c 30. d

1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B
7. D 8. A 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. C
13. A 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. A
19. C 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. C 24. C
25. C 26. B

IIT ASHRAM UG–1 & 2, Concorde Complex, Above OBC Bank. R.C. Dutt Road., Alkapuri Baroda.
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