Karl Fulves The Pallbearers Review Vol 9 10pdf Compress

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RoR AORN ie Pp oat Ce aca cp aliene ma EO erm Haaren) Sra Cae e et sCr rma irmi td acetone eco Re ecenE Cae ey wh Ge SoU ao tee tet Mo EEOC Deluxe Collector's Edition | | | | | INDEX VOLUME 9 REVIEW eieg BETS FLOWS, PROMENS 585,698 706.714, Die Popston 702 a7 740752776 786810 five Quick Bets mm 1 Carats Roger Crabrce ™ Ken Bea's Oden Bet na Main Gatier’ Paty Bet 70 oe Match Puze 78 GLEE Commer ndinprovenets) OSD Me Stover Chess Bet 71,702 710717728, Robt Conelys Say Red” me 758,78,793815 Tree ver Bet ni ©) GR PTE Res ora OA 2 ‘AModem Chinese Marvel 695, 726, 757 ees and Jacks -Stevar judah 796 ‘Aaronson Cups & Balls 70 Hsin Fn aon m ‘ices 70 ro Chine le a Cor Scheme -Osar Weigle m4 Coins Thru Table mL Criss-Cross ~George Sands 816 Cassio fa Double Coincidence Ka ues 86 Impromptu ‘Haunted Deck 780 a ae ee Pam ne My Inthe Minor 712,786 ym and Under Sam Sc James(Coughlin List 786 Educated Envelope -Emil Loew 753 Kenkazze Kos bod Ben Money Word Ron Edards 7s Latest ing Rope m False Cut-Caig ign os Tiging Line ae Fold Card-jin Comes 740 Lin Sears Flo 735 Four Cast-Kal Fates Py lox Ss Impromptu Haunted Deck -Bert Fenn om One Wey Ghost a TK Schmit Fes Version re Phantom Ciaete 5 McDonald Aces-Stewat Judah a7 Ringand Spring 71,720,756 Mental Mate=Arthur il 79 Rise 786 (nce Upon a Tine -Roy Wakon sis Slow Motion ola Vaish fe Peer Harman 734 Random Conceptions - Willan Larsen Se/.. Wight 729 Two +Ace Tks 729 Cars oss 709 Two Color Changes 799,790 Four Ace Vis 750 os (or Separation mm ish Corel pal sue 731-240 oth Fao “Rober Parish 71774 ee eh es Sam Scat sue nism Lae oe Tot Folio -Stvart Judah Prt 795-808 ae TNS ad Osip EY 2nd Tha Jel Busby 146 : 716-Bil Taylor m3 Cup Bal Technique “Ka ules ma gene oe BS Cap Chop Pete Bro ma Spt Second ka Pubes oo a fetamorphic: ‘Sponge Stewart Judah 805 ‘Squeeze Rise -David Drake 155 RE Horace Gold Cup nd Ball Move ais SabconsciousPoerIl-}.K. Schmid sr im Aaronson’s Cups and Balls 778 ‘Substitution Trunk -Stewart Judah 804 ° Sper Rie “Tom Ells ma BETS, PLOYS, PROBLEMS _ S ‘Teaching the Future -Karl Fulves: 699 Bloodleters ‘& Badmen 701 ‘The Sth Jack Harvey Rosenthal. 692 Calculator Trick 74 ‘The Magic Lesson —Roy Walton 699 ‘Checkerboard Bet 701 ‘Thot Echo -Sam Schwartz: ns Yinang-Marin Gardner 70 zhemy with Colns Sam Schwartz {ie Transposition John Benzals ~ psy Coin Joe! Moskowitz diden Persuader Rick Johnsson invisible Downs Palm John Commetius Kamikazee Coins “Rick Johnsson agneti Fork John Comes ney inthe Bank Kar Fulves (kit Bax Notes Karl Fulves Hook Coin Thu the Table Half Shell Modified Boston Box "8 Sleight of Foot 2¢2-John Comelus & )rvot-Foot John Comets lb Motion Vanish John Comets ‘Steve Freemar-Derek Dingle Version sieves & Sheep -Stewart Judah 'n Drop Out” -Marin Gardner 's Delete-ful -Rick Johnsson. RE It's Delete RE Speak Up Tide Rule Trick -HLR. Fisher peak Up ~Karl Fulves, Strange Bedfellows -Mantin Gardner “ ‘ouglin List “ou in the Army Karl Fulves \suliket-Lesie May alls Eye -Ned Rutledge/.G. Thompson, J. Balls Eye Il-Robert Parish ‘ups and Coins -Robert Parish Dauible Vision -Sam Dalal ‘Dynamic Duo-Karl Fulves Great Slate Test-Robert Parish Srifin Envelope Switch ~Al Mann. Mental Opener Robert Parrish Mysterious Casket Robert Parish No Way -}.G. Thompson, I. ‘Octo Paul Swinford Picture ESP Robert Parish Predelection Karl Fulves rophet by Post Jack Potter Remember Isis? Karl Fulves ‘Remembrance of Things Past Kan Fulves ‘Tarot Tick -Wilbur Kattner ‘Tossed -Onville Meyer 817 765 7a 763 764 787 809 70 810 mm ea as 785, 787 G Arik with ¢&__ MISCELLANEOUS 7 Sandpaper Bob Neale all Epilogue to Robert Parish Folio -John Goodrum ™ Five Second Rice -Bob Neale 783 Floating Table “Robert Parish 767 Impromptu Levitation —Ed Balducci 785 Inthe Mirror Fulves-Neale ne Lightning Swikes Thrice -Stewart Judah 798 Needle and Thread -Gene Finnell 75 No Theft-John Comelus 738 Prologue to sth Flio -Oscat Weigle 762 Robert Parish Biographical 782 Stewart Judah Folio Ino ~John Braun 796 ‘Tor Paper Enigma -Robert Parish m SSI __UNCAND KOE [atest Rope & Ring-G.W. Hunter Lightning Link I Sam Schwartz Ring Fit -Sam Schwartz Swindle Ring “Mitchell Dyszet “ff TNGAND SING __ SODA (696, 711,730, 756, 792 t Ring & Spring -Vincent Sabatino Complete Cirle Conrad C. Bush Knot Possible -Milbourne Christopher - Karl Fulves 746 Sam Aaronson Jack Avis Ed Balducct Ken Beale J. Benzais Joe Berg Sye Berson. Lu Brent Bob Bruning Jeff Busby Conrad C. Bush ‘Tony Cole Milbourne Christopher Robert Connelly Stanley Cook John Comelius ‘Noel Coughlin Roger Crabiree Fr. Cyprian Sam Dalal Derek Dingle David Drake Bob Eagle Kenn Eastin Ron Edwards Bob Eliott Ton Elis Bert Fenn Gene Finnel HR Fisher Steve Freeman Jeny Fulton Kaa! Fuhes Marin Gardner John Goodium 1K Haran Ronald Heman Frands Hazon ‘hur Hl John Holland Bob Hummer GW. Hunter Wesley James Mansn Johnson Rick Johnsson Stewart Judah Wilbur Kanner rie Kaufman George Kimery Ken Krenzel Michael Lewis Sid Loraine Emil Loew 1. Vosburgh Lyons AVMann Vicor March fd Marlo leslie May Dan Mayer Craig Migr John Mintz Joel Moskowitz Reinhard Miller Bob Neale Forrest Norman Obie OBrien David Ossip Robert Parish Oscar Pladek Jack Poter Mike Rogers Harvey Rosenthal Vincent Sabatino George Sands Joseph Schmidt ‘Sam Schwartz Howard Schwaraman Tony Siydini Cushing Stout Mel Stover Bil Taylor Dai Vernon, Roy Walton Peter Warlock ‘Oscar Weigle Herb Zarow 1 ) INDEX The VOLUME 10 PALLBEARERS REVIEW £852,888, 895, 900, 907,914, 926,938, 996, 4007, 1018, 1020, 1031, SOLA Ea OND Copy Cat -Roy Walton 30 ESP + Math ery Fulton 840 Further Than That “Cushing Stout 30 Impromptu Haunted Deck -Phll Goldstein 830 Impromptu Levitation -Kena Eastin 864 ‘Subconscious Poker Il-Roy Walton 830 ‘Subconscious Poker II-Cushing Strout 840 To Lie of Tell the Truth -Cushing Strout 340 Sintmini imma ERENCE SHELF ifenes io evo RAR) ‘Aaronson’ €& Balls -Richard Stride 853 ‘Aaronsons C& Balls-Milton Tropp 1053, Bottoms Up -Kari Fuves toss, (Color Blind Michael Ray 1083 Dark Vision +.G, Thompson 864 Hooker Rising Cards -KalFulves 374 JK Spell Joseph K. Sehmide 864 ‘Kruskal Principle Karl Fulves, 985 Lighting Strikes Trice Johnne Mumay 1053 ‘Magician vs. Pickpacket Karl Fules 374 ‘Malis Chinkea-Chink toss, ‘Necronomicron TA, Water/Bob Lyan 864 Paradition Ken Kreael 874 Printe’s Demon -LG. Thompson, 5m Prophet by Post -JackPoter 863 Remote Recovery -Nevi Fields 864 Sexpert Sk Kal Fules 374 Simplex Tiumph -Neal Elias, B54 ‘Something Bright Kari Fuves 3m ‘Super Rise “Wesley James 985 ‘The Red Queens Move -Katl Pubes 864 Tossed I -ery Fulton 985, Tossed II Perr Warlock 863, ‘With Magnets Kat Faves 374 TB) 952,971 Close-up Folio I-Harey Rosenthal ‘Close-Up Folio2-Harvey Rosenthal I ‘Close-Up Folo 3 Harvey Rosenthal Il 901-912 {lose Up Flio« 913924 lose-ip Folios 925-936 {lose-p Folios 937-945 Close-Up Folio 7.Dai Vernon 1 987.998, (Close-Up Folio &-Dai Veron I 999-1010 Close Folio 9-Dat Veron I 1011-1022 (Close-Up Folio 10-ai Vernon 1V 123.1034 Stewar Judah Foo Part It 843-856, Peter Watlock Special Isue 1045-1054 40 ‘AMalini Note 974 Billiards Stewart Judah 352 Cups and Balls-Dai Veron 997 Zero Gee Kal Fulves al Bilin Nest of Envelopes Sevan dah Gaining interest-Harvey Rosenthal Rolling Siver “Harvey Rosenthal Grimoire Karl Fulves| 820 Hyper Card Marin Gardner 102 Something Bright Karl Fulves 820 Tit Poker ~KarFulves 1027 Vernon -S. Leo Horowitz eter from MD. Ovetholse 975, A Tick of Henry Chest, a7 (Card Thru Hank john Seame 857 Card's Rising Card 97 (Color Blind Kar Fulves a2 Colors n Sequence -Phil Galdteln 922 Depth Huson Ci) 1025 Anow/HulVeroe Vicor 1028, 1026 SchwaramarvComelus| 1027 Double Quick Dat Vernon 1008 52 Card Monte -KadlFuves 927 Focal Poin It Jack Avis 977 Follow the Leader -Pecer Warlock 1050 Fone Tix Karl Fulves 951 4 Gis & A anor Si Loraine 28 Future Shock -Roy Walton 835, French Moroccan Card to Walet -Fr. Cyprian 947 Going Karl Fubes 959 Horowitz Ace Routine 1018 Infinitely Ambitious Karl Faves To Jack’s Gone -Stewart Judah $51 Japanese Transpesition-Karl Fulves 992 IkSpell Joseph K. Schmid B61 Kruskal Principle Marin Kruskal 967 ‘eFong Ir. -Roy Walton 869 acky 13 George Sands 1035 ‘Magician Makes Good (Notes) 020 Mirage Michael Canton 104 [Night Leap “Howard Schwaraman 98 Occult Card Karl Fubves, 945 Omega Aces Kar Fulves 933, ‘On the Fan Steal -Tony Sian 96 Progessive Elevator David Bornstein 918 (Quick Thi -Stewar Judah | 855 Draw Poker, Decoy Dice, HallCard Transpo, No-Chie Locetor 855. Choice and Chance 856 ee ‘lative Interchange Pil Goldstein 923 Re-Opened Prediction Marin Johnson 865 Roterberg Excelsior Card Change 315 ‘und Trip-Robest Parish 976 tinklng Card Charles Waller 816 Single Ambition -Dai Veron 989 ‘Sp-Card Stunner Stewart dah aH 2aul Swinfor Version 5 ‘ppery Sevens ~Kari Fules 1062 pecking ot Spel Ching Swot 39 ‘Telephone Card Trick Treatise -Chatles Nyquist & JG. Thompson, J. 952 ve Travellers (Notes) 1021 te Unpublished Add.On Move -Dal Vernon 1027 ‘The Vernon Sip Force a1 ‘Thot in Color “Sam Schwarz 986 son's ll and Water 1029 son's XPress 1009 ‘White Line Problem -Kerl Fulves 365 ‘Tease Harvey Rosenthal 909 1953 Routlne “Harvey Rosenthal 909 1954 Routine Harvey Rosenthal 910 1955, 1956 Routines “Harvey Rosenthal ou 1957 Coins Thru Table Harvey Rosenthal 912 ~anish Harvey Rosenthal 899 >itoms Up -Rick Johnsson 833 “tation Silver -Bob Ello. 1054 Coin Divination Ron Edwards 1083 sins Thru the Hand Table -Derek Dingle 94 top Cop Jon von Gllern 859 laste De Vega 969 Fadeaway Kat Fuves, 93 ‘ve-Coin Routine -Dai Vernon 1001 alf- Dollar Fight “Harvey Rosenthal 392 LHR Tumover Change -Havey Rosenthal 397 Jacket Sleeve Miracle Harvey Rosenthal et sedsPalmsSteals Jack Millearey Rosenthal 504 iracl Cola Ken Krenzel 943 ‘Misdiecton Vanish Harvey Rosenthal 883 rap Harvey Rosenthal 81 lls. RQuarters-Hanvey Rosenal 593 ilo Water Harvey RosenthalKarl Fulves 898 ‘Okito Box Notes ~Kal Falves 870,871, 872,979 (Orient Express -David Borsteln 1037 cenny Tate john Carey 859 ‘use Swindle Harvey Rosenthal soz Derfect Passe-Pasie Harvey Rosenthal 387 Bolling Silver Harvey Rosenthal 39 ‘osenthal Backlip Harvey Rosenthal 908 Ahatter “Kal Fulves 1010 Silver Shadow -Harvey Rosenthal 396 “ippery Silver -Bob Elio 935, ‘mall Change Prediction -Ron Edvards 1083 «pellbound Harvey Rosenthal on Spellround -feff ata 36 “ubtle Coin Steal Harvey Rosenthal 0 imate Okito-Randy Jahier 315, +emon Coin Sitch -Dai Vemon 1019 ‘Wallet Subley “Harvey Rosenthal 286 Abie Opener -F jpn "6 Fred Lowe's Dice tack Lewis Ganson 825 diesen’s Dce Cup -Dan Nilsen 821 ack Judah Dice aT ‘Math Tex -KatlFulves Half Doz. Glasses 1057 ogi Dice 1058, Diff Dice 1059 ‘Ten Card Re-Deal 1059 ‘Things Equal 1058 [Number Affinity Stewart Judah 856 Thinking Machines “AI Mann 832,838, 862 12¢ Solution 1059 Bolton of Ske Wing -Al Mann om Part 1 on Part It 982 Gap inthe Cutan -Peter Watlock 1087 Mind Echo Karl Fuves a9 ‘Numbers Up Arthur Hill an Psych Dice Kael Fulves 930 Ringer “Kal Falves 1038 Smart as Hell-Avthur Hl 969 Sprints Jack Avis 977 ‘Telephone Card Tricks Treatise ~Charles Nyquisf.G. Thompson, J. 952 ‘White Line Problem -Kaal Fulves 865 papal - Hare Reha Biographical -Dai Vernon 877,889, 901 987,999, 1011, 1023 Biogaphical Peter Warlock by Elizabeth Watlock 1036 CCink-a-Chink Notes ~KarlFulves 929 Chop Chop -KatlFulves 939 Juggling Krives -RW. Hull 949 Malint’sChink-a Chink Bn ‘Origa Magic Kal Fulves 957 Hungy Crow 960 ‘Mage Mall Box 962 Silest Thought Transmission 980 He Does Tricks 962 “The Dead Awake 962 ‘The Magic Tipper 961 Penetrating Matches MartinGardner 936 Penta-Match Stewart Judah 853 Pins & Cord Stewart Judah 850, ‘Tick Sugar -foseph Dunninger 369 Tye Joe! Moskowlez 1039 Sin on Colorvision 913 (With Magnets -Marin Gardner 9 Ring Flight “Howard Hamburg 919 “Ring Routine Ken Krenzel 925 Ring and Spring Harvey Rosenthal 905 Berg t Variation Dai Vemon 993 Coloe Changing Si Dat Vernon 104 Silks to Go -Mitehell Dyszel 97 Te Sching Stihl Dye 917 ‘his index was compiled by Joveph K. Schmid. Pallbearers Review concluded at the end of Volume 10. A new publication, "The Chronicle, starts with poge 1065, PALL tant The BEARE REVIEW A Monthly Paper, The Pallbearers Review publishes Tricks and Subtle Magical Creations, for the Professional Conjuror and Apprentice Craftsman alike, that We may Explore and Advance the Art of Magic. Mlusteated with Pictares. Indexed Inmprinted at Teaneck RS Remembrance Of Things Past where one vieita a place for jet has the distinct recol~ prophets and clairvoyants ber" future evente vith uausual clarity of vision. With thie ac back ground, the mentalist offers to denonetrate a ‘imple tect in parannceias cards and try to "reneber® vhieh aynbol the mentalist will chooser Waite the sentaliet turns hie back, sbol on one of the Note ‘that the mentalist and the apectator st opposite eides of the table. The men. ot never approaches the opcctator, never 683. ingle question. This 1s strictly @ one- Spectator can in fect write anything on te; a coon as the mentalist turne s- Found he knows what was written. basic idea is that the nentaliet "scary information from the beck of fhe spectators clate. ‘The slate iteclf Le cone structed 0 as to provide (Cont'd on pes 685 ) QUE WAY GHOST (pg. 42K): Recently I Learned Through Jeff Busby that the one-way deck prow cedure used in the Hartaan trick had an ante- cedent in an Al Baker routine called "The Tvo Gard Location." The trick appeared in a Baker manuscript called Al Baker's Pack. One feature (amoung many) of the Baker pack vas that it had fa one-way back pattern, Briefly, the Baker pro- Cedure for the location of two carde vent an follove, With all backs aligned the same ayy the deck was chuffled, cut and handed to the spectator. With deck in hand the spectator lifte off a packet with hie right hand, Fig. 1, and / ture the packet eo ‘the face Gard, pS hag.2. E> [XR Fig. ‘Then he looks at the face card of the other packet, Fig. 3, and vith the cards in thie position he ie inctracted to place the left-harl Packet onto the face of the right-hand packety Figs be The pack is given a cut, agioian the epreado carte facedown, lookiag fer the point where the one-way pattern changes direction. hic naile down one card, and further on in the deck where the ore-vay pattern changes again,he Will find the second card. CHINESE MIRACLE (pe. 943): The spelling, sequen~ ce in Steps 17, 1b, 19 of this routine is the Guyane Speller'on Pg. 61 of the Socyelopedia OF Gard Tricks. LIGHTNING LINK (pg. 661): This concept appeared Gn an undated iecue of Tenyo magazine, but the Gate of publication is estiaated to be about aid- 1968. T Understand that Richard Durhan sarketed 2 routine based on & aizilar principle but no de. taile are available at this writing. Regarding je routine 61, both Hiteh Dyo- ael end San Swartz hav. 1d excellent varia: Hone on the handling vhich should appear here cerca eerie jer 158, OF the many enninent conjurora of this century, Cardint ‘aerved oo eloquent teetinony that Magic could be elevated toa form of art. Hilliard's vorde, weitten three and a half decades ago, still Stand: "A work of arts, thing #0 cleverly, and thing has to be done, the better he ia not right to be so olever ae thates undoubtedly sany magicians vho can perform Car- ini" tricks, ine vay, but not one of thes can duplicate his'manner of presentation. It takes an artist to present an act Like Cardin'e." "The World Feetival Of Magic & Occult", starring Richtaréi, opens at Madison Square Gar- den Dec. 128 for a'tvo-veek run Last year the Festival grossed over a quarter-million dolla ssesNIG aagicians have arranged a teetinonial dinner for Slydini Nov. 29%.....Eail Loew 46 tale ing registrations for he Magic Carpet Tour of ‘the Caribbean in July.....Martin Gardner vas of the distinguished ap: Magazine erica called "Second Thoughts About Xan.” Ms2bourne Christopher, plugging bio ne Tijustrated Hatory Of Nags ‘stamp should write the Cit. zene Stanp Adviaory Connittee, c/o Postaanter General, Vashington, D.C. 20260. pages a fev yeara agoss-.,And check the Novenber ER for a rare glinpee of Robert Parrish, one of the genuinely creative minde in magic, heard from altogether too rarely thé Fred Kapa days Flip and Albert Goohean vere a~ noung the most talked-about Hargate, and of the acto at a» dealers, Lubor Fiedler's Fy fous cle strange chicanery caused HowMuch DoYou }'3'icsr' nes ue sen te'aighe eens tery ef KnowAbout the sieimate tuisazeaa ESP? Ser afier 2'ctaccee of flawless driving,the DLindfolded driver took a wrong turn, veered off the road, crashed thru a ii el uae fF a pge ebay: ae i tab Ht HE t wy Hi OG (REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST: Cont'd from pg. 689 the mentalist with « carbon copy of the opecta- torte drawing. Referring to sketeh (a) you start vith « piece of posterboard meanuring about 9" by 12". 45" hole is cut from the upper half of the poo- terboard. & piece of black construction paper 9) by 12", with a einilar 5" hole renoved, ie now glued to the back of the poster beard. To a piece of cardboard measuring about 8" by 6" you fasten a piece of carbon paper, carbon olde up, a6 shovn in eketch (b) belows Now place the cardboard over the hole in the poster board, Fasten two 6" pieces of thread to the poster board and the cardboard as shows in eketch (e). On top of the poster board/carbon paper nation place a sheet of white paper 9" by and on top of that a sheet of black construc ‘tion paper 9” by 1: This completes the construction of the Melate surface. All that remaine 1a to mount it im a wooden frame, and for thie the standard slate frane is used, one measuring large enough to take the 9" by 12" poaterboards The function of the alate can nov be des- eribed. Drav a 5" circle with chalk on the black gonstruction paper, directly over the 5* hole an the poster board, With the carbon paper in Place as shown in sketch (c}, drav any standard BSP symbol inside the chalked eirel ©, Yow lift the slate and hold it by the frame on either ide. The carbon paper and ite gardboard backing fe11 or alide down ant out of the way, sketch (4). A'peraon standing opposite you can'therefore see a carbon imprension of the chosen symbol. Sketch (¢) shows the mentalietts view of the slate held by the spectators Presentation Have the prepared slate lying on the table with the carbon paper in place as chown in sketch (e). On the table are five ESP carte, another slate anda box of chalky Waite you turn your back any evectator de- cides on an ESP cynboly drave it in the chalked circle, then, at your instruction, holde the slat upright eo only he(and the audience behing hia) can see the chooen eysbole Turn around, pick up the other slate, and, in the act of reaching for the box of chalky sim ply glinpse the inprecsion now showing at th dack of the spectator's slate. Chalk in thie ayn- bol on your slate, turn the alate to the audience and teke your bow. Etotory Wale in high school I had experimented with a variety of ideas where information wee ob- tained without handling the elate, pad, clip boa or whatever other writing surface the apectater used. One early approach wae a transparent elate, that ie, the elate curface consisted of tuo pie~ ceo of translucent paper vith a sheet of clear plastic sandwiched between them. With a strong Light behind the spectator, any eyebol he dravs VAIL be transnitted through to the other ide of the elate The probles here vas that the spectator could inadvertantly block the cource of light, especially if he holds the elate close to his body. To get around thie T devised an electron- Je slate aa follove: carton impreasion of the chalked symbol wae nade in a manner aisiler to that described above. Then a light source w Built inside the alate, between the slate aur- faces. A few eoconds after the spectator picked up the slate and held St upright, the interior Light ‘cane on, illuminated an isage of the cho- sen cyabol, then extinguiched iteclf after a- Dout 15 seconds. The alate appeared othervice ordinary and the

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