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Dispersal: Biogeography Secondary article

David M Wilkinson, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK Article Contents

. Introduction
Dispersal is one of the fundamental processes in biogeography crucial to understanding . Processes of Dispersal, from Passive to Active
the distribution of organisms and important in understanding the impact of climate . Dispersal, Migration, Vagrancy and Nomadism
change on distributions. . Spatial Patterns of Dispersal; Diffusion and Jump
. The Power of Dispersal, Examining the Tail of the
Introduction Distribution
. Centres of Dispersal or Vicariance Biogeography?
Biogeography is the area of science at the interface between . Implications of Dispersal Limitation for Biogeography
ecology and geography that attempts to describe and
explain spatial patterns in the distribution of organisms. It
has often proved much easier to describe these patterns
than to explain how they were formed. However, at the Some organisms can use a mix of passive and active
most basic level there are three fundamental processes in dispersal; for example, a species of mammal could arrive on
biogeography: evolution, extinction and dispersal (Brown an island either by swimming or by floating on a raft of
and Lomolino, 1998). Combinations of these three vegetation. A range of different technical terms is applied
processes explain the presence or absence of a species at to different mechanisms of dispersal (Table 1), but in most
any given location (Figure 1). Dispersal is therefore one of cases they fail to add any precision to discussions of
the key processes in biogeography and is best defined as dispersal and as such are best avoided, although they have
‘the movement of organisms away from their point of been widely used in the past.
origin’ (Brown and Lomolino, 1998). The term can be
applied to individuals, species or higher taxa, so that one
can write of the dispersal of an individual seed or the
Passive dispersal
dispersal (or lack of dispersal) of a whole family of plants. Much of biodiversity is microscopic; for example, approxi-
As well as its central role in biogeography, dispersal is of mately half of all phyla are composed of microscopic
importance in other areas of ecology including metapopu- species; organisms this size can easily be dispersed by air or
lation dynamics (Hanski, 1998) and population ecology, water currents. This has given rise to the controversial
for example, as a possible mechanism for synchronizing suggestion that microbial biodiversity is likely to be low
fluctuations in local populations (Sherratt et al., 2000). because widespread dispersal leads to limited geographical
isolation and so a low rate of speciation. There is some
limited evidence in favour of this view, mainly from work
Processes of Dispersal, from Passive to on ciliate protists (Finlay and Fenchel, 1999).
Active Macroscopic species may also have propagules that are
small enough to be widely dispersed without requiring
The most basic distinction between types of dispersal is adaptations other than small size. Examples include many
between organisms that disperse using their own energy bryophyte (e.g. moss) spores; this is strikingly illustrated by
(active dispersal) and those that use energy from the some geothermally heated volcanic soils in the Antarctic
environment (passive dispersal). Passive dispersal can that support bryophyte species from warmer areas of
make use of energy from both the abiotic environment, South America (Smith, 1993).
such as wind and water, or energy from the biotic Larger diaspores require specific adaptations to allow
environment, an example being seed dispersal by birds. them to float in water (e.g. coconut palm, Cocos mucifera)

Organism present at site Organism absent from site

either either

Evolved at the site Became extinct at the site

or or

Dispersed to the site Was never at the site (for evolutionary and/or dispersal reasons)

Figure 1 Role of the three fundamental processes in biogeography.

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Dispersal: Biogeography

Table 1 Technical terms often applied to the different applied to both individuals and taxa. The term ‘migration’
mechanisms of dispersal. In most cases they fail to add any is often used as a synonym for dispersal (e.g. Baker, 1982;
precision to discussions of these topics; for example, ‘wind Huntley and Webb, 1989), while other workers restrict its
dispersal’ is as precise as ‘anemochory’ and is to be preferred use to the often annual return migrations typical of the
because it is likely to be understood by a wider range of Arctic tern, Sterna paradisaea, or the monarch butterfly,
readers. Definitions follow Van der Pijl (1969) Danaus plexippus. The least confusing use of these terms is
probably to consider dispersal and migration as synonyms
Endozoochory Dispersal within animals (e.g. and use ‘return migration’ for the more restricted definition
within the gut)
of migration in which the individual makes migrations in
Epizoochory Dispersal on the outside of animals both directions during the course of its life. Huntley and
(e.g. in fur or feathers) Webb (1989) argued that there are strong analogies
Myrmechory Ant dispersal between the annual return migrations of birds and the
Anemochory Wind dispersal movement of plants over a glacial/interglacial cycle, both
Hydrochory Water dispersal
being driven by orbital forcing albeit on very different time
Autochory Dispersal by the organism itself, scales. They argue that this makes migration an appro-
active dispersal
priate term to use in both cases.
Individual organisms can sometimes appear at a
or on air currents (e.g. dandelions, Taraxacum spp.). Even location well outside their normal range. For example,
with such adaptations, many wind-dispersed plants do not birds or butterflies may be blown large distances by storms,
move very far. This is illustrated by a sample (n 5 25) of or floating seeds may sometimes cross an entire ocean.
wind-dispersed herbs of open habitats, which had a median Such individuals are referred to as vagrants (sometimes
maximum dispersal distance of 12 m (Cain et al., 1998). called accidentals) and are of biogeographical interest
An alternative adaptation for passive dispersal is to because of the possibility that they could lead to the
make use of actively dispersing animals. In a study of colonization of a new site and so produce an increase in a
waterfowl in a salt marsh in North America, over 75% of species range. Such events, although presumably rare, are
the birds examined had plant seeds attached to their likely to be very important in the colonization of islands.
feathers or feet (Vivian-Smith and Stiles, 1994). Some The concept of vagrant may be restricted to multicellular
plants have diaspores with hooks specifically adapted for organisms. If the idea that most microbes are so small that
transport on fur or feathers (e.g. cleavers, Galium aparine); they can disperse anywhere is correct, then establishment,
however, even seeds without such adaptations can be rather than dispersal, will be the key mechanism control-
dispersed by this method (Fischer et al., 1996). ling whether a population can develop at a given location.
This idea is encapsulated in an old maxim of microbiology
‘everything is everywhere, the environment selects’.
Active dispersal Even when an organism is capable of active dispersal,
Many larger animals are capable of dispersal under their there are large differences in the probability of long-
own power. Because of their ability to fly, the greatest distance dispersal. Some organisms move very little during
potential dispersals are seen by birds and bats. For their life, while others cover large distances, sometimes
example, wandering albatrosses, Diomedia exulans, can appearing to wander at random. Such behaviour is called
move over 8000 km from their breeding sites during the nomadism and the wandering albatross has been consid-
course of a nonbreeding year (Weimerskirch and Wilson, ered a classic example. It has long been assumed that
2000). This gives considerable potential for range expan- during nonbreeding periods these birds wander aimlessly,
sion; for example, the collared dove, Streptopelia decaocto, circumnavigating the southern ocean. Recent work sug-
expanded its range into Western Europe from the eastern gests that this is not the case and individual birds return to
Mediterranean around 1950, but the reasons for this favourite nonbreeding areas (Weimerskirch and Wilson,
dramatic range expansion are unclear. 2000). This raises the question, are other ‘nomadic’ species
so classified because of lack of knowledge rather than
because they have a random dispersal pattern?
Dispersal, Migration, Vagrancy and
Nomadism Spatial Patterns of Dispersal; Diffusion
In addition to defining types of dispersal according to and Jump Dispersal
mechanisms (active or passive), a range of other terms have
been used to describe different kinds of dispersal. As There are two main patterns of range expansion. Either a
described above, dispersal can be defined as the movement population can slowly expand from the margins of its
of organisms away from their point of origin and can be geographical range (diffusion, the analogy is with a

2 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Macmillan Publishers Ltd, Nature Publishing Group /
Dispersal: Biogeography

diffusing chemical) or a small number of individuals can The Power of Dispersal, Examining the
disperse to a new location some distance from the current
edge of the species range (jump dispersal); or a combina-
Tail of the Distribution
tion of these two processes can occur (Figure 2). Clearly
Diffusion as an explanation for many range expansions
jump dispersal is by definition important in island
experiences serious problems when compared to data from
biogeography; a classic example is given by the volcanic
Quaternary geology. As pointed out by Clement Reid at
islands of Hawaii, which were never connected to any
the end of the nineteenth century, there has not been
continental land mass but have a diverse flora and fauna
enough time since the last glaciation for plants spreading
(Carlquist, 1981). Jump dispersal is also likely to allow
slowly by diffusion to return to Britain from their refugia in
faster range expansion than would be possible with pure
southern Europe. This result was confirmed by more
formal modelling in a classic paper by Skellam (1951); the
Some organisms are more likely to show jump dispersal
problem is now sometimes called Reid’s Paradox (Clark
than others; for example, birds tend to be more likely
et al., 1998). Most plant seeds disperse only a small distance
candidates than flightless (nonvolant) mammals. Many
from the parent plant (e.g. Cain et al., 1998), so if a statistic
plant species also show evidence of jump dispersal; while
such as mean dispersal distance is used in a model of range
factors such as wind dispersal undoubtedly contribute to
expansion then speeds much slower than those in the
this, several people have stressed the central role of birds
Quaternary fossil record are often obtained. The problem
transporting seeds in plant jump dispersal (Carlquist, 1981;
is that speed of range expansion is largely controlled by a
Wilkinson, 1997). The implication of this is that plant jump
few seeds that move much farther than the mean dispersal
dispersal (and so speed of migration) would have been less
distance, i.e. the extreme right hand of the distribution of
prior to the evolution of birds.
dispersal distances (Figure 3). Because such events are rare,
Many cases of range expansion probably involve both
they are very difficult to quantify. Recent modelling has
diffusion and jump dispersal. A classic example is the
demonstrated the great importance of these rare extreme
spread of the cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis, in the Americas.
dispersal events in determining the rate of migration of a
This bird, a native of Africa, colonized northeastern South
population such as oak, Quercus sp., in Europe at the end
America by jump dispersal towards the end of the
of the last glaciation (Clark et al., 1998). Both Reid and
nineteenth century. It subsequently spread over much of
Skellan implicated birds in these rapid plant migration
South America and also spread north into the southern
events, but for a full understanding more data is required
United States. Maps of this spread (e.g. Brown and
on these rare jump dispersal events.
Lomolino, 1998) suggest a pattern similar to Figure 2a.
Range expansion as a steadily expanding front, albeit with
some additional jump dispersal events, such as the
colonization of many Caribbean islands. In most cases of
range expansion the correct question is not ‘is it diffusion or Centres of Dispersal or Vicariance
jump dispersal?’ but ‘what are the relative contributions of Biogeography?
these two processes?’. The big problem with jump dispersal
is that by its nature it is a rare event and so difficult to study. The reliance of dispersal biogeography on chance events
has been seen as undesirable by some biologists as they
view the resulting explanations as untestable ‘just so

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2 Types of range expansion. (a) Diffusion. Range expansion as a steady expanding front. (b) Jump dispersal. Founding a new population well
outside the species current range. (c) Combination of diffusion and jump dispersal. Over time the new population founded by a jump dispersal event may
merge with the main population as both expand by diffusion.

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Dispersal: Biogeography

Implications of Dispersal Limitation for

It is a common observation that different species are found
in different parts of the world. One explanation for this is

that species are found where the environmental conditions

are suitable for them. This could be true for many free-
living microbes, which are small enough to easily disperse.
However for many larger organisms it is clear that the
distribution of suitable habitats is not the only factor
limiting their distribution. This is demonstrated by the
example of the cattle egret, which after managing to cross
Dispersal distance
the Atlantic colonized large areas of the Americas. Clearly
Figure 3 Distribution of seed dispersal distances for many organisms has a
suitable habitat was available in America; the limiting
very long tail with a few diaspores or individuals dispersing much further factor was dispersal from Africa. The same point is
than the average distance. The shape of the curve illustrated is typical for underlined by the success of many species that have been
plant species as different as the herb Asarum canadense and the tree Picea introduced to Britain and survived to produce self-
sp. sustaining populations; these include birds such as the
Canada goose, Branta canadensis, and ruddy duck, Oxyura
stories’. Vicariance biogeography attempted to address jamaicensis, as well as mammals such as the brown rat,
this problem by downplaying the importance of dispersal Rattus norvegicus. When humans solved these animals’
and replacing it with the idea that a taxon’s range can be dispersal problems they were able to expand their ranges to
divided by the formation of physical barriers. For example, include Britain. Humans now play a major role in the
if closely related taxa are found on both sides on an ocean, dispersal of many organisms; for example, they have
dispersal biogeography would point to a dispersal event as introduced over 1000 plant species to the British country-
the explanation (as in the cattle egret example), while side, of which around 70 have been widely naturalized
vicariance biogeographers would suggest that a formerly (Crawley, 1997).
continuous distribution of an ancestral taxon had been
divided by the formation of the ocean. The advantage in
the vicariant position is that the physical division of the Past dispersal limitation
taxon’s range is open to independent geological verifica-
tion. These different traditions can be traced back to the The idea of movement out from a centre of dispersal is
nineteenth century when Charles Darwin emphasized nicely illustrated by our own species, Homo sapiens. It
dispersal and the importance of ‘occasional means of appears to have originated in Africa in excess of 100 000 yr
distribution’, while his close friend Joseph Dalton Hooker ago; by approximately 50 000 yr ago, they were in Asia and
emphasized the physical dissection of previously contin- even Australia and arrived in the Americas some time later,
uous distributions. Wilson (1991) tabulated the differences although the exact time is still controversial. However,
between dispersal (migration) biogeography and vicar- remote islands such as Hawaii and Easter Island were not
iance, along with the closely related ideas of panbiogeo- reached until around AD 500 because of dispersal
graphy, in detail. The problems with the vicariance problems.
approach include the assumption that all speciation is In the case of humans on Hawaii, it appears that the
due to geographical isolation (the alternative, sympatric difficulties in dispersal, rather than environmental condi-
speciation, is increasingly the subject of much active tions on the island, were the rate-determine step in the
research) and the refusal to consider long-distance colonization process. But this is not always the case and
dispersal, despite the many cases described in the literature. migration rates can be constrained by environmental
Most modern biogeographers work within the Darwinian factors such as rate of climate change, rather than by the
dispersal tradition while allowing that vicariant events (e.g. potential dispersal rate. Consider the migration rate of
due to plate tectonics) can sometimes be important. The European trees after the end of the last glaciation (Table 2):
central paradigm of dispersal biogeography is that taxa the speeds reconstructed from analysis of fossil pollen
usually originate at a single location (a centre of dispersal) preserved in peat and lake sediments rule out diffusion
and may then expand their range to produce their present (Reid’s paradox discussed above), and modelling by Clark
distribution (Wilson, 1991). (1998) suggests that these migration velocities may not
have reached their maximum, ‘being stalled by rates of
climate change, geography or both’. This has implications
for future migration rates in response to climate change
(discussed below).

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Dispersal: Biogeography

Table 2 Maximum rate of migration of some European tree organisms around the world. A historical example of this
taxa during the past 10 000 yr effect is the Polynesian colonization of Henderson Island,
in the Pitcairn group of islands in the South Pacific. At least
Maximum migration rate
three species of snails first appear in the Polynesian
Taxa (m per yr) occupation horizons. At the same time at least five native
Hazel, Corylus 1500 snail species became extinct, probably through habitat
Beech, Fagus 300 destruction caused by humans, although competition with
Ash, Fraxinus 500 the introduced snails cannot be ruled out (Preece, 1998). A
Oak, Quercus 500 study of the current British flora by Hodkinson and
Lime, Tilia 500 Thompson (1997) found that many species were now
Elm, Ulmus 1000 dispersed by soil carried by motor cars, or as topsoil and by
other human-based dispersal mechanisms. In the marine
On a larger geological time scale, a major constraint on environment, transport on the hulls of ships is now a major
dispersal has been the changing patterns of the continents dispersal mechanism for some types of bryozoa (Watts
due to plate tectonics. For example, the formation of the et al., 1998). When a species is dispersed to another part of
Himalayas as a result of collisions between continental the world by human actions, its main parasites and
plates isolated many species on either side of the barrier, predators can be left behind; occasionally this can cause
while creating a habitat for others such as the cold-adapted a dramatic increase in its population at the new site and the
snow leopard, Panthera uncia. introduced organism can become a pest species. A
dramatic illustration of the effects of such a release from
Future dispersal limitations natural enemies is rubber, Hevea brasiliensis, which cannot
be grown as a plantation crop in its native Brazil but is a
There is now great concern over climate change caused by major plantation crop in South East Asia where it has been
factors such as the increase in greenhouse gases. One of the introduced without many of the species that feed on it in
main insights from the study of past dispersal events is that South America (Crawley, 1997). If an introduced species
most species have responded to past climatic changes by becomes a major problem, one possibility is to introduce
migration rather than by in situ adaptation to the new some of its natural enemies. This was done to control the
conditions (Huntley, 1994). Thus a key question is whether cactus Opuntia ficus-indica, introduced to South Africa
organisms will be able to disperse at a speed that will allow from the Americas. which at one point infested 900 000 ha
them to track the changing climate. of South Africa (Nobel, 1994). Increasingly, human
The fact that immobile organisms, such as plants, can actions are reducing the effect of barriers to dispersal; this
migrate at rates well in excess of those predicted from their can confront species of restricted range with new compe-
average dispersal distance could hold promise for popula- titors that are often widespread successful species (such as
tions in the face of future global changes (Clark, 1998). Opuntia) that can outcompete them, leading to a decline of
However, the future changes are unlikely to be identical to biodiversity.
those in the past. For example, it is possible that the rate of
climate change could be greater than any seen in the last 2.4 References
million yr (Huntley, 1994). In addition, the nature of the
Baker RR (1982) Migration, Paths Through Time and Space. London:
landscape through which organisms disperse has now Hodder and Stoughton.
changed through agriculture and urban development. It is Brown JH and Lomolino MV (1998) Biogeography. Sunderland, MA:
clearly vital to preserve the countryside in a state that Sinauer.
allows organisms to migrate through it unimpeded in Cain ML, Damman H and Muir A (1998) Seed dispersal and the
response to climate change. This may no longer be the case Holocene migration of woodland herbs. Ecological Monographs 68:
in many parts of the world, so that the optimism based on 325–347.
Carlquist S (1981) Chance dispersal. American Scientist 69: 509–516.
past migration rates may be misplaced. Modelling studies
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by Dyer (1995) have illustrated the way different species dispersal biology and the paleorecord. American Naturalist 152: 204–
may show variations in rates of response to climate change. 224.
In his model the fastest migration rate observed for wind- Clark JS, Fastie C, Hurtt G C et al. (1998) Reid’s paradox of rapid plant
dispersed plants was over 1.5 times slower than that for migration. Bioscience 48: 13–24.
bird-dispersed species. However, Wilkinson (1997) has Crawley MJ (1997) Plant Ecology, (chap. 19). Oxford: Blackwell.
argued that, at the temporal and spatial scales of interest in Dyer JM (1995) Assessment of climatic warming using a model of forest
species migration. Ecological Modelling 79: 199–219.
biogeography, such simple classifications of dispersal types
Finlay BJ and Fenchel T (1999) Divergent perspectives on protist species
(as listed in Table 1) can break down, so that, for example, richness. Protist 150: 229–233.
wind-dispersed seeds can be dispersed by birds. Fischer SF, Poschlod P and Beinlich B (1996) Experimental studies on
Human influence has had another effect on dispersal, the dispersal of plants and animals on sheep in calcareous grassland.
namely reducing the effects of dispersal barriers by moving Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 1206–1222.

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Dispersal: Biogeography

Hanski I (1998) Metapopulation dynamics. Nature 396: 41–49. Watts PC, Thorpe JP and Taylor PD (1998) Natural and anthropogenic
Hodkinson DJ and Thompson K (1997) Plant dispersal: the role of man. dispersal mechanisms in the marine environment a study using
Journal of Applied Ecology 34: 1484–1496. cheilostome bryozoa. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
Huntley B (1994) Plant species response to climate change: implications of London B 353: 453–464.
for the conservation of European birds. Ibis 137: s127–s138. Weimerskirch H and Wilson RP (2000) Oceanic respite for wandering
Huntley B and Birks HJB (1983) An Atlas of Past and Present Pollen albatrosses. Nature 406: 955–956.
Maps for Europe 0 – 13000 BP. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Wilkinson DM (1997) Plant colonization: are wind dispersed seeds really
University Press. dispersed by birds at larger spatial and temporal scales? Journal of
Huntley B and Webb T (1989) Migration: species response to climatic Biogeography 24: 61–65.
variations caused by changes in the Earth’s orbit. Journal of Wilson JB (1991) A comparison of biogeographic models: migration,
Biogeography 16: 5–19. vicariance and panbiogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Nobel PS (1994) Remarkable Agaves and Cacti. Oxford: Oxford Letters 1: 84–87.
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Preece RC (1998) Impact of early Polynesian occupation on the land
snail fauna of Henderson Island, Pitcairn Group (South Pacific).
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 353: 347–
368. Further Reading
Sherratt TN, Lambin X, Petty SJ et al. (2000) Use of coupled oscillator
models to understand synchrony and travelling waves in populations Baker RR (1978) The Evolutionary Ecology of Animal Migration.
of the Field Vole Microtus agrestis in Northern England. Journal of London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Applied Ecology 37(supplement 1): 148–158. Cox CB and Moore PD (2000) Biogeography, 6th edn. Oxford:
Skellam JG (1951) Random dispersal in theoretical populations. Blackwell.
Biometrika 38: 196–218. Pitelka LF, Garden RH, Ash J et al. (1997) Plant migration and climate
Smith RIL (1993) The role of bryophyte propagule banks in primary change. American Scientist 85: 464–473.
succession: case study of an Antarctic fellfeild soil. In: Miles J and Thornton I (1996) Krakatau. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Walton DWH (eds) Primary Succession on Land. Oxford: Blackwell. Press.
Van der Pijl L (1969) Principles of Dispersal in Higher Plants. Berlin: Whittaker RJ (1998) Island Biogeography. Oxford: Oxford University
Springer-Verlag. Press.
Vivian-Smith G and Stiles EW (1994) Dispersal of salt marsh seeds on Wilkinson DM (1999) Plants on the move. New Scientist 2178(suppl.):
the feet and feathers of waterfowl. Wetlands 14: 316–319. S1–S4.

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