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Health Promotion, Restoration, and Preservation through Patient Education.

Lilly Sterner

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Norquest College

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NFDN 1002 – A01

rs e Allison McFadden-Squire
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Assignment #2: Teaching Plan
February 4th, 2021
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The client, Mrs. Rosenshine, is 64 years old, and lives independently in a condo. She has

a history of diabetes, managed with Metformin 500 mg twice daily, and after a spike in her

Hemoglobin A1C results, patient was prescribed a long-acting basal insulin pen. Mrs. R also has

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), is on oxygen, and uses a Ventolin Inhaler as

needed. She has smoked 3 cigarettes a day for the past 10 years. She requires glasses to read

however does not have the correct prescription. She lives alone, except for her dog that barks a

lot. With an achievable, specific plan, instructions on medication, knowledge of health promoting

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ideologies, and a focus on how to integrate knowledge of health education relating to her

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diabetes, COPD and vision impairment, Mrs. Rosenshine will have the opportunity to improve

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her general quality of health and life.
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Assessment Data and Learning Needs
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Learning Need 1: The client has just been prescribed new insulin medication. Teaching her
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about the way the medication works, its importance of maintaining her blood sugar levels, her

responsibility in recording and monitoring her blood glucose level more frequently, resources to
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ensure her impaired vision does not pose a challenge in relation to medication self-management,

and safety checks in insulin medication and pen use are essential for her to keep her diabetes

managed and balance the state of her health.


Learning Need 2: Mrs. R would benefit from learning strategies on how to cut down on her use

of tobacco and begin using some “healthier” alternatives, as well as how the cessation of

smoking will improve negative side effects and potentially reverse some of the damage that

diabetes and COPD have done to her body, and in-turn, possibly reduce the amount of

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medication and oxygen needed for comfort, improve her overall health, wellness, and prolong

her life.

Priority Learning Need and Diagnosis

Nursing Diagnosis: Knowledge deficit related to client increasing risk of complications

accompanied by her diseases, as evidenced by patient’s continuation of smoking, and naivety to

the detriment diabetes and COPD could have on her if not properly and fully comprehended,

treated, and attended to.

Goal: Provide Mrs. Rosenshine clear, thorough, and understandable explanations and

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demonstrations to assist patient in integrating knowledge into daily life while encouraging her

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approach learning activities from her priority needs.
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Expected Outcome (SMART Criteria) Patient will demonstrate how to use Basal Insulin Pen

in a way that is most easily understood by her, identify and record blood glucose reading, and
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verbalize why she should, and how she can attempt the cessation of smoking, and the benefits of
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quitting by the end of our meeting. In a months’ time, A1C will be lowered from 10% to 7%,
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recorded blood sugar levels will show a decrease over the month, and an attempt to stop smoking
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and intermittent use a low dose nicotine patch will have initiated.

Domains of Learning: As Mrs. Rosenshine does have some vison impairment, focusing on her

cognitive and psychomotor learning domains would be most effective. Allowing her watch and

perform a demonstration and practice using her new medication in a safe setting with a nurse

present also promotes the cognitive learning domain, in which if she has questions, requires

some more information, and promote her analysis of the new skills and information. (Potter &

Perry, 2014.)

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Client Barriers: Having a visual impairment as well as some auditory distraction from her dog

barking adds difficulty to keeping the client focused. As well, the client may not express any

drive or a positive attitude to quit smoking, but by ensuring the incorporation of simple teaching

in laymen’s terms that is interesting and engaging, there is higher chance of success. If the client

perceives the research as too complicated, too scholarly, or excessively statistical, it may come

across as irrelevant, judgmental, or even demeaning. Highlighting the benefits of the education

will assist in the breakdown of such barriers. (R.Wingard, Nephrology Nursing Journal, 2015.)

Teaching Plan

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Educational Content: Specific concepts to be covered for Mrs. Rosenshine would be reviewing

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the “How” and the “Why” regarding her basal insulin use, monitoring blood glucose, and their

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combined effect on her diabetes. Also providing her with knowledge on the benefits of smoking
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cessation related to the longevity and quality of her life, as well as her COPD and diabetes.

Relating to the Nursing Process, (Potter & Perry, 2014.), this is the time to introduce the patient
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to their priority needs based off of their diagnosis, and then collaborate with them while

including their needs and wants when it comes to caring for themselves.
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Teaching Methods: It is pertinent that the client is not dealing with any distractions, so the

setting for education must be calm, quiet, and comfortable for Mrs. R. Some teaching strategies

for this age group, according to Critical Thinking in Nursing (Lipe, K.S, & Beasley, S., 2004),

specifically with visual decline, are using areas with adequate light and no glare to teach. It is

also suggested to use documents to enhance that psychomotor learning domain, that have large

font and black print on plain white paper that include written instructions are provided on a

calendar-based information sheet, along with medication instructions and reminder check boxes.

Using clear demonstration and formal instruction, integrated into conversation, games,

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questionnaires, or inquiring about personal experiences with her health will incorporate her

cognitive learning and hopefully promote motivation to succeed. Weekly phone calls with Mrs. R

will reinforce with verbal instruction and provide feedback for a better chance of behavior

modification again as needed. This will assist in establishing and maintain her independence and

reiterate that this is her choice, and she is making to progress to a healthier life.

Teaching Resources: Presenting Mrs. R with brochures, audio visual material, and posters

containing facts and information about the detrimental affects her choices could have on her life

has a high possibility of sparking her motivation to change and learn. (Potter & Perry, 2014). For

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example, The American Journal of Public Health (2011) stated that “those who quit at age 65 had

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an expected increase in life span of 3.7 years for women relative to persons aged 65 years who

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continued to smoke, showing that cessation at any age yields substantial increases in life
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expectancy.” When teaching about diabetes and insulin pen administration, an assessment of

what the client knows about their illness, as well as an easy video tutorial and sheet of clear,
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bold, instructions to make it appear less daunting will hopefully offer the patient confidence and

promote their desire to keep her disease under control.

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Evaluation of learning
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Evaluation of Mrs. Rosenshine’s personal feelings of wellbeing will be measured weekly using

the scale 1- 10. Wellbeing referring to the client’s perception of her overall health, if she has

noticed any changes in her blood sugar decreasing, as she will be recording that daily, and if that

is having any effect on her attitude and mentality towards her health. An evaluation of her

shortness of breath, need for inhalers, and other COPD related symptoms using the scale 1 -10

will be attempted weekly to further promote the health benefits her cessation of smoking will

have. This is to be completed weekly on the phone to encourage ease and client’s freedom, so

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there is high chance of Mrs. R completing her goals. Also, she will have a visual reminder for her

to help with cognitive and psychomotor aspects. A large print fridge calendar to keep track of her

blood glucose and days without a cigarette, with easy instructions related to her medication and

tips for smoking cravings, are anticipated to work well for this client, as it is daily reminder for

medication, willpower, understanding, motivation displayed, using large visual cues and ease of

use. Evaluation of her understanding will also include her demonstrating the skill and verbalizing

how success can be attainable before the end of the first meeting. (Potter & Perry, 2014.)

Analysis of the Teaching process

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Why Teaching is Important: Teaching the client of the health implications of certain products

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and choices is extremely valuable to them for them to make what can be a life changing decision.

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Providing teaching allows them to comprehend and absorb new knowledge and facts, and in a lot
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of instances can allow clients more independence, dignity, control, and strength when facing

uncertainties involving their health, and give them confidence in performing their self-care.
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(R.Wingard, Nephrology Nursing Journal, 2015.)

Strengths and Challenges: As it really is the client’s choice whether they would like to follow
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the information provided to them, of course there will be a chance of failure in the participation

on the client’s behalf, which would still leave them with declining health. Though a strength of a

teaching plan is to lay out education and inform clients in a way that is truthful and understood

by their health literacy, (Potter & Perry, 2014.), it can most definitely be a struggle when it comes

to having the client feel optimistic and have a positive attitude about their journey, truly want to

make a change, or find the value and significance of what you are teaching. It is entirely their

decision whether they implement the education into their life.

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Benefits: Being faced with cold, hard facts from an individual who is educating you out of care

for your wellness is a very effective way to have the client appreciate the nurse’s insight, and

what they are offering the client. Knowledge is power, so having an organized, measurable,

achievable goal, and resources available and set up for the client through a teaching plan is

immensely beneficial for their health. Education, specifically through a teaching plan offering

many resources, are effective when integrated through metacognition. According to the Journal

of Academic Medicine (2019), “self-reflection on the process of thinking and self-regulation in

monitoring decision making involves purposeful engagement of problem solving through

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reflection and deliberative examination of one’s own reasoning”, which is provided to the patient

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according to their learning needs and domains through via a teaching plan. Having someone else

provide the client with what they need to do to succeed in their health journey also can offer the
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client a sense of hope and motivation to pursue their goals.

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Success for Mrs. Rosenshine would be achieved if she were able to understand her diseases

better, acknowledge how to slow their effects on her body, was comfortable attempting to
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manage her symptoms, appreciated this new knowledge, tried to apply her new knowledge to her
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lifestyle, and eventually physically feel the betterment of her health and decrease of her

symptoms, ultimately “rewarding” the client on their journey. Challenges are present through her

compromised vision and possible attitude of unwillingness, but in this case, it is pertinent to

reiterate to Mrs. R that she is capable enough, deserving enough, and would make quite a

significant change in the longevity, restoration, and promotion of her health. When providing her

education, it is vital that she recognizes that she is not being shamed or judged for her choices

but remaining naïve about controlling her diseases will only harm her overall wellness and cause

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further deterioration of her body. The encouraging, reassuring, concerned, but helpful style of

communication and resources are a substantial element in this interaction as this determines her

level of success from the get-go. She must feel supported and uplifted, so that excitement and

motivation are her primary feelings toward this journey, and she knows that she will never be

alone when attempting to take care of herself.

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Potter & Perry (2014). Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing. Fifth Edition, pp. 291-299.
Elsevier Canada.

Wingard. R. (2015). Patient Education and the Nursing Process: Meeting the Patient's
Needs. Nephrology Nursing Journal 32(2), p. 211, Anthony J. Jannetti (2005).

Lipe, K.S, & Beasley, S. (2004). Critical Thinking in Nursing: A Cognitive Skills
Workbook, pp. 171-183. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Wolters Kluwer Health.

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Taylor, D.H., Hasselblad.V,, (2011) Benefits of Smoking Cessation for Longevity.

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The American Journal of Public Health.

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Celeste, S.R, Hayes, M.M,, (2019) Teaching Critical Thinking: A Case for
Instruction in Cognitive Biases to Reduce Diagnostic Errors and Improve Patient Safety. Journal
of Academic Medicine 94(2), pp. 187-194.

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