BRM Assignment

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Brm assignment

Firm’s situation symptoms Probable problem Decision statement

Situation A business of  Decrease  The feritilizers  What can be

organic farming in sales used are done to
seeks research  Complaint effecting the increase the
help. s regarding quality of the sales and
the quality vegeatbles and improve the
 Increased fruits. quality of the
customers  the local farmers product that
in switch to the is being
businesses product which supplied.
with are non  to create a
innovative perishable. standard
farming reputation of
methods. the business.
 Working on
Research innovative
objectives Research Research hypothesis methods for
questions better
The find out  To use higher quality and
the reasons How does the and good quality healthy
why the quality and fertilizers for the produces.
Local farmers farming methods product to be
and other affect the non perishable
customers preferences of the and good
choose other customers and quality.
organic farming local farmer.
brands.  To use farming
methods that
produce good
quality and
vegetables and

 to address the
complaints of
the customers
to build a
Brm assignment

1) The primary survey of the data is to find the exactly what shoes size has more
2) The secondary survey of the data would be distributing the leaflets or
pamphlets to the population in their respective mother tongue language.
3) People of Mumbai
4) Sample can be various groups of people mumbai.

5) Attributes can shoe size,

6) Variables in the data could be shoe size,


Q.1 ) what are the basic issues and problems in the case of sesame street

Ans : the main issue or problem that was observed was that children from poorer section of the
population did not have many resources to actually learn about what is being taught at school or
basic things that could be taught which could help them grow and succeed at school and were less

prepared for schooling.

Q 2) instances when research was used in the case study

Ans : 1st instance was the informal research , when ms. Cooney was encouraged from the carenegie
foundation to come up with something to help theses children, and that’s when ms. Cooney started
with an informal research by observing the children from different backgrounds , the market for the
shoe who would the sample and population in the research.

Like in the case study the sample are the parents who would approve it and second would be the
young children.

2nd instance : she did a proper experimental research, for 3yrs by testing experimenting thinking ,
coming with different ideas ,taking opinions of psychologist , musicians writers and artists and many

3rd instance : after the show was aired and with the successful completion of 1 year. An extensive
research was done to see if the objective of bringng up the show was fulfilled or not. Research was
done on the a sample of children who watched the show daily and those who did not watch the
show daily. Whose results where something which proved that the objective was fulfilled, the
critisicim of the show came down when the it was proven with research the children who watched
the show daily had gains with two and half times more than those who did not watch the show.

4th instance : researching upon the content and topics that are covered in episodes and segments to
add more to the learning as well as entertainment value. So that content that gives away good
values and is help to children to learn not just upon the topics covered in school but the small small
things that they learn in their day to day life.

5th instance : And the content which put a wrong impact on children are to be removed. It was
researched on the content, and found out that the

Therefour the the entorr show is successful on research it self first be the informal or a rough
research about the target audience and how shouls things be out into place to make a show that
would be helpful for children


Name (optional):____________________________
Age (in years):
o Below 20
o 21-30
o 31-40
o Above 40

o Male
o Female
o transgender

1) do you prefer purchasing packaged drinking water ?

o Yes
o No

2) When was the last time u purchased packaged drinking water

o Yesterday
o Few days ago
o Last month
o I do not purchase packaged drinking water

3) Do you agree that bottled water is more healthier than tap water ?
o Agree
o Disagree
4) Which type of water do you prefer to drink?
o Bottled water.
o Tap water that has been filtered.
o Water from a borehole
o Others (Please be specific

5) Do you know about the mineral water brand ‘rainbow seven’?

o Yes
o No

6) How did you become familiar with our brand and product?
o Newspaper.
o Television.
o Radio.
o Magazine.
o Banners
o social media posts

7) Which type of water do you like to drink when it comes to bottled water?
o Still water o Sparkling water
o Flavoured water
o Others (Please be specific)

8) What brand do you usually prefer to purchase ?

o Aqua fina
o Kinley
o Bisleri

9) Does the change in price of mineral drinking water matter to you ?

o Yes, it does
o No, it doesn’t

10) How much are you prepared to spend for a 500ml bottle of water?
o Between Rs 5 – 10 o Rs 10 - 20
o Rs 20 - 4000
o Rs 50 or more
o I do not consume bottled water.

11) What is important to you while purchasing a mineral water ?

o Price
o Quality
o Brand position in the market
o Packaging
12) Is advertising an important factor to you ?
o Yes
o No
o Partially yes

13) Do you use home delivery service of any mineral water brand ?
o Yes
o No
o Frequently

14) Do you believe our packaging is effective?

o NO

15) Rate your rainbow seven experience and degree of satisfaction.

o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
Shalaka Phatak

Roll no.: 170

Div: C

Q1) You have received a business research report done by a consultant for your firm, a life insurance
company. The study is a survey of customer satisfaction based on a sample of 600. You are asked to
comment on its quality. What will you look for?

ANS: The things I would look for in a business research report would be the following:

 Firstly, the problem definition, why the study being conducted and what is the need or
purpose of the study should be clear in the report.
 Whether the objective of the research is clear or not.
 Proper and thorough research statement or hypothesis is conducted or not.
 Whether assigned consultant has included the proper literature review by reading through
numerous research articles, journals and papers.
 To check whether what type pf research method is used by the consultant and is it suitable
to the problem statement or not.
 To check whether the consultant has included the locational details of the research,
sampling design in the research design.
 Whether the consultant has applied proper scale in the questionnaire design.
 Lastly, to check whether the conclusion includes the solution and whether it can be
implemented or not.

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