Covington County Fiscal Year 2022 Budget

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ovingen Court, Missa Combined Bucoet for Pusietion Forthe Fiscal Year Ending Sperber 20,2022 Governmental Fund Types ——FrentetaryFundTypee ‘Special Capa Deb nen —Sansral___Revenve _projects__Service__pormanent Enterprise Seren ota Revenues. ‘Avourt necessary tobe ready txery ae ramaee oir eed eee tet ee greece “Tees anda vtter ah fa a ny ‘2000 . 7 7 : ‘2000, Road and bidge viene exes ~ 268,600 7 i : ‘ : zac LUeense,conmisions and thr revenue zam000 “24.300, : : 2030 Fines andforenzes, 240000 : : t 240000 Spociaatsoremants 600 : 3 : 7 Intergovernmenta revenues: Federal Sources 38000 : 7 33000 ‘Sia Sources eonsco—5708,60 : ‘ : 2591 880 Local Souree "2400 : : 200 Charges fr vovios secco ——_s9o600 5 : : 20000 Iroretieome acco eons : anes Miscetaoous evenses wena 33300, 2482600 : : : 875720 Cenibutons te permenant inde . - 2 7 : 2 (the franongsoucoe| soeco0st4.655, S _ 7 e205 Special tems (give cescrpton) : : : : : : Exrecrdnary ters (ve csepon) ‘ 3 7 : : Tota rovenuee Se 3 = Begining Cath Balance osszeco setae = 80000 s = tearasre Total Revenues and Begining Cash Balance p2ss08 $ s6ss0268 = $ srg ¢ $s seer7z74 EXPENDITURES. General government Pubic sty Pubte wore Heath and wears (Cure ana ecreaton Esveston ‘Genseraton of nati eeoieae [Econome develpmert rd sretnce Destseres ner expences ‘Sher fnancing uae ‘Speci tem give descptor) ‘Beraoraary ome eso) Total Expenatures Ending Cash Balance ‘otal Expenditures and Ending Cath Balance Covington County, Mssissipp! combined Budget or Pubication For the Fae! Your Enaing September 30,2022 Governmental Fund Type Proprietary Fund Types Spocisl Capa ——=—abk nr Lcenerai___Revonve_Projects_Serdca_ Permanent _Entrpiso__Sevice Tosa $ somo s mess sf 8 8 8 Bratton S7095s0 ase. : 7 senses 87000 4.187277 ¢ ; 3 ezrazrr z24ta 91889 é , 3 2 2 2042833 5 228 00 S . : 3 : 228800 s21970 = : 7 : : 121970 56 : : : 7 38642 : : 2 es2000 i ‘ 682000 : 10300 zs a : : 0200 025000 154.288 3 - - : : 4070255 5a Soya ss aes ss 9.183976 6859670 : 2.000 : = s80ar806 2 Reef eT a z isa

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