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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D.
PE, PEng, PME, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, ASEANEng, ACPE, IntPE, CEMgr, CHCMgr, MPM, CIPM, Plumbing Engineer

MEPF & Environmental Consultancy

Journal of Engineering Design & Construction Studies
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS | May 20, 2019 (ResearchGate / Academia) – r1, 21-03-2020
Corresponding Author: /

Photo-01, Ecological Green Design Perception (image credit; World Earth Day-Eco Exposition)
This article paper is an excerpt topic and edited from "Sustainable Energy and Engineering
Design" approved AIU's Master Subject Curriculum Course of a research thesis submitted to the
Atlantic International University School of Science and Engineering (AIU SSE USA) earned the Master
of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2010-2012 with 3.78 GPA. However, this thesis write-up is
one of the sources in the preparation and finalizing of his first book to be published leading to
Sustainable Engineering Design, Construction, and Management concerning AIUs Curriculum Master
of Science in Mechanical Engineering requirement.
Also, this article paper is one of the “Most Read” in the LinkedIn Publishing platform, which has been
made and provides a course background based on hands-on experiences with the requirement of
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor
All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been
secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS 9 Pages of page | 1
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS

Green Building System Design and Analysis as part of the building built design and construction
involving any facilities, which is an environmental design process and management from start to
finish methodology. Moreover, this article talked about the ecological aspect of sustainable design,
our green building application today, and the related business case for ecological green building
practices, and hence, Ecological into Sustainable Energy, an Engineering Design within Environment.

Table of Contents
Title Page.............................................................................................................. page 01
Abstract……........................................................................................................... page 01
Table of Contents.................................................................................................. page 02
Acknowledgment................................................................................................... page 02
1. Section 1.0, Ecological Aspect of Sustainable Environmental................................ page 03
2. Section 2.0, Green Building Today..................................................................... page 03
3. Section 3.0, What is Green Building to the Environment?.................................... page 04
4. Section 4.0, The Business Case for Green Building............................................. page 05
5. Section 5.0, Justification on Ecological Sustainable Environment.......................... page 06
6. Section 6.0, General Analysis, Recommendation, and Conclusion......................... page 07
7. Section 7.0, Message from the Author............................................................... page 08
8. Section 8.0, Statement of Authorship............................................................... page 08
9. Section 9.0, Write-Up References can be Read from this Links............................ page 08
10. About the 09

The author would like to thank and dedicate this work to his beloved wife (Jennifer VA), his
beloved daughters, and sons (Weng, Aje, Jenjen. Jonjon and Rheion), who cheer and
inspired him every time he is down with frustrations, and most especially to our God (Almighty
God), who gave wisdom and protecting the whole family all the time (The author owe his life to
Thank you, and Happy Reading!
God Bless!
Ronald Gomeseria y Valledor

Keywords: Environment, Business Case, Management, Ecological, Engineering, Sustainability

Energy, Green Building, Project, Models, Ecology, Principles, Ecosystem, LEED

To cite this paper: Gomeseria, R. V. (2019, May 20). Ecological into Sustainable Energy.

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been
secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS 9 Pages of page | 2
Ecological into Sustainable Energy, an Engineering Design within Environment

Section 1.0
Ecological Aspect of Sustainable Environmental
Green buildings with sustainable design have been the significant movements in the design,
development, and construction industry since about 2000, with an accelerating interest since 2005
and up to the present. The revolution is about green building that becomes mandatory today, and its
aim is nothing less than to fundamentally change the built environment by creating energy-efficient,
healthy, productive buildings that reduce or minimize the significant impacts of buildings on urban life
and on the local, regional and global contexts for saving mother earth and its ecological system.
Before we proceed to the subject, let us understand what Sustainability Engineering is in the first
place. It is an ecological aspect that includes green building design or a high-performance building
environment that considers and then reduces its impact on the environment and human health. A
green building uses considerably less energy and water than a conventional building we have had in
traditional practice, has fewer site impacts, and generally higher levels of indoor air quality, and with
the green building functioned sustainable design within the building environment. It also accounts for
some measure of the life-cycle impact like what we can find in the building materials, furniture, and
furnishing. Moreover, for further details and applications will be discussed in Section 2 hereof, and
other comprehensive outlines can visit the USGBC (United States Green Building Council) website.

Section 2.0
Green Building Today
The green building revolution is sweeping across the whole world for global warming impact, which
inspired individuals in preventing it as well as making these challenges. However, the revolution is
fuelled by the knowledge that the world has little time to respond to the growing dangers of climate
change especially global warming whereas the buildings play a huge role in causing carbon dioxide
emissions that drive global climate change too. Accordingly and based from the researchers and
studies through measuring with a zero or negative net life-cycle cost, the green building design
formulates and saves carbon emissions during the operation as well as construction budget through
the use of effective building insulation, architectural glazing, services domestic water heating, air
conditioning system equipment, building lighting & illuminations, & other energy efficiency measures
that applies into the building-built environment as a part of a paradigm shift towards sustainability.
The revolutions originated in many cases until the Montreal Protocol meeting in the last 1980s in
limiting the use of chlorinated fluorocarbons that were harmful to the ozone layer, and hence, this is
vital for human life. However, the group of farsighted architects formed the Committee on the
Environment within the American Institute of Architects toward sustainable design.
In 1987, the United Nations’ World Commission on the Environment and Development, aka the
Brundtland Commission, was the first to define sustainability for the sake of future generations.
Through the initiative, that was influenced in the creation of the U.S. Green Building Council in the
1990s, which is a consensus-based group consisting solely of other organizations such private
companies, government agencies, colleges & universities, primary and secondary schools, nonprofits,
environmental group and trade associations that lead in the implementation of LEED Green Building
Rating System for sustainability implementation in the prevention of global warming.
Accordingly, the same year was the establishment of the Kyoto Protocol that had been the
representative in presenting the first attempt to regulate greenhouse emissions on a worldwide scale.
And that was unveiled in 2000 of their first rating system in the United States and followed
throughout the whole world as it became on the process whereas LEED has been defined what it
means for a building as a sustainable environment and how the architects, engineers, builders,
owners, and developers in creating green buildings as a remarkable achievement for nonprofit
organizations. Thus, USBC popularity tremendously grows and becomes successful up to the present.
Because of compelling information about climate change, people around the world are on the fence in
deciding that green building has the only solution to save Mother Earth. The market for green
building has been starting and rapidly growing to visualize the connection between the global

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been
secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS 9 Pages of page | 3
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS

environmental impacts and the possible costs of their operations, potential immediate operational
savings, marketing savings and design savings that include commercial, institutional, residential,
public, educational buildings as well as the nonprofit and corporate owners. With the government
leadership, political will and private initiative are the essential mandatory groups in driving
sustainability for green building projects that will make dramatic changes on how the buildings
conceived, produced, and operated accordingly, and after all, is to save Mother Earth.

Section 3.0
What is Green Building to the Environment?
Green building or sustainability becomes popular throughout the world as a principle in saving mother
earth through an individual’s initiative and as mandated by the authorities having jurisdiction.
Following the statement, a green building is a high-performance property that considers and reduces
its impact on the environment and human health. A green building is designed to use less energy and
water and to reduce the life-cycle environmental effects of the materials used. Accordingly, it will
achieve through better sitting, design, material selection, construction, maintenance, removal, and
possible reuse. Nowadays, it has been exercised, and also, the author did the initiative in
implementing the same in one of his design projects in Qatar. However, sustainability is a good
engineering practice as well as a value engineering principle being performed in following USGBC
guidelines to sustain the required energy savings and challenges in the prevention of global warming.
However, this section will discuss the structurally developed rating systems, and keeping it updated
and improving over time for the development of the LEED Green Building Rating System in assessing
projects for sustainable design requirements. This is not only for USGBC alone, but even other
reputable organizations also have made a Green Building Standards for design guidelines like
ASHRAE, ICC, ASPE, IAPMO, and CIBSE as well as in other parts of the world. Accordingly, assessing
projects will simplify the use of LEED for buildings and environmental projects.
The USGBC LEED rating systems have been developed in four categories with the followings:
1. LEED for New Construction (LEED-NC), which has six major categories to comply such
sustainable sites, water conservation, energy efficiency and atmospheric protection, materials
and resource conservation, indoor environmental quality and innovation, and integrated design.
2. LEED for Core and Shell (LEED-CS), it is precertification using a system very similar to LEED-NC
rating system who controls less than 50% of building’s improvements out their interior spaces
ratings to prospective tenants as marketed.
3. LEED for Commercial Interiors (LEED-CI), is designed mainly for situations in which the base
building systems are not changed instead of the ability to affect energy and water use for 50%
and 40% respectively has to be reduced and recycled 98% of its construction waste.
4. LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB), is designed to be a method for assuring ongoing
accountability of LEED-NC buildings that have a stand-alone rating system to benchmark the
operations against a nationally recognized standard.
With this study, the essence of LEED is a genius wise point-based rating system that allows vastly
different green buildings to be compared in the aggregate and it is a form of “eco-label” that
describes the environmental attributes of the project. And because LEED is an amalgamation of best
practices from a wide variety of disciplines including architecture, engineering, interior design,
landscape architecture, and construction environment. A mixture of performance standards and
prescriptive standards is a weighted scale toward the performance side being applied.
However, the LEED rating system has a rewarding achievement point in such will be awarded as
identified by USGBC with their Green Building Certifications. To satisfy with the development of the
projects, understanding the green building measures will help a lot in accomplishing sustainability
such employing solar photovoltaic systems, high-efficiency ventilation and underfloor air distribution
systems, operable window and greater control over thermal comfort by occupants, native plants to
restore sites, certified wood products, and rapidly renewable materials such as cork and bamboo

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been
secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS 9 Pages of page | 4
Ecological into Sustainable Energy, an Engineering Design within Environment

flooring. With the use of principles and other green building rating systems that exists as mentioned
and today’s practice, LEED is a concluded and preferred system for the government and private use
sectors not only in the U.S. but in the whole world and within the competitive landscape in preventing
global warming by saving mother earth. Moreover, in the author’s article, “Helping Future
Environmental Movement with Strategies,” published in the CEAI ViewPoint Journal and
ResearchGate (January 25, 2019) explained and discussed environmental conservation that needs to
be done in today's generation, whereas energy conservation is an essential task in sustaining a
sustainable environment and mitigating climate change because of environmental movement
throughout the world. However, greening ideology for utilities identifies the importance of Treated
Sewage Treatment System, Renewable Energy, Chilled Water Plant, as well as the importance of the
Building Information Modeling (BIM) within the Energy Conservation and Sustainability platform.

Section 4.0
The Business Case for Green Building
It becomes tremendously required by the government authorities throughout the world, especially in
Qatar. With all the cases studies, these become accessible not only in terms of LEED rating but to
secure energy savings for the benefit of the building owner using green buildings or a sustainability
building application. Indeed, and because of this, it was echoed around the world about the Green
Building aspect within the mainstream that would render properties nowadays which becomes
obsolete. However, the incentives that you can get with the green building that contributes to
occupant’s health and well-being, building value, worker productivity, and the return on investment.
That is seen with the benefits when you derive the equation from it — barriers when you don’t care
enough for them and to the mother earth. Overcoming barriers to green building is a big challenge in
the society whereas careful analysis and working hard for a specific job is essential for the conditions
and terms of the following benefits as follows;

1. Strengthening on integrated design approaches with a net positive cost-reduction,

2. Communication and marketing strategies in demonstrating the benefits of green building,
3. Energy-efficiency and renewable-energy investments,
4. Documenting the full range of green building benefits that motivates to build high-performance
buildings, and
5. Use of good project management and cost management software to show the benefits of green
building in real-time measures instead of losing into strictly financial considerations.
With the LEED credit, the tool combines soft cost design, consulting, engineering, a hard-cost
component in construction and life cycle benefit structure shows that green buildings are the only
kind of building that can produce more revenue to the clients as opposed to the traditional building
cost will overcome the barriers. The business case for green development is based on the framework
benefits with the followings;
1. Economic benefits whereas reducing operating costs, reducing maintenance costs, increased
building value and tax benefits,
2. Productivity benefits whereas the productivity gains for healthier indoor space and easily equal
or exceed the entire energy cost of operating a building,
3. Risk-management benefits whereas green building certification provide some measure of
protection against future lawsuits, faster permitting or special permit assistance, faster sale, and
leasing tend to be easier to rent and sell. Because of more educated tenants increasingly,
understand it.
4. Health benefits whereas focusing on measures to improve indoor environmental quality such as
increased ventilation, daylighting, views to the outdoors, and low-toxicity finishes and furniture.
5. Public relations and marketing benefits whereas, having stakeholder relations and occupant
satisfaction, environmental stewardship, and more competitive product in the marketplace.
6. Recruitment and retention benefits whereas the effect on people’s interest in joining or staying
with an organization because of the green building aspect.
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor
All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been
secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS 9 Pages of page | 5
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS

7. Financing green projects whereas green buildings are wiser investments because they are
cheaper to operate, lease-up faster, and attract better tenants.
Accordingly, the business case benefit of green buildings as discussed is an outline to understand the
whole scenario and concepts of sustainability for the interests of individuals, stakeholders as well as
for the environmentalists in saving Mother Earth to sustain the equi-balance of the ecosystem.

Section 5.0
Justification on Ecological Sustainable Environment
An Internet search for the definition of sustainability will provide a wide variety of links. There are
over thirty definitions of the word as it is currently used. However, one of the most common (World
Commission on Environment and Development, 1987) defined sustainability as "meeting the needs of
the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs."
Mihelcic et al (2003) who elaborated on this definition by defining sustainability as "a condition in
which the use of natural resources and cycles in human and industrial systems does not lead to
diminished quality of life due either to losses in future economic opportunities or to adverse impacts
on social conditions, human health, and the environment."
Many organizations look at sustainability as a union of three distinct areas: environmental
sustainability, economic sustainability, and social or ethical sustainability. This concept has often been
referred to as "the triple bottom line" which was first defined by John Elkington (1994) and also
referred to as "the three E's: environment, economics, and ethics" or the "three P's: people, planet,
and profit." However, in the past, many organizations have used the word "or" as in environmental
sustainability or economic viability, ecological sustainability, or social (ethical) progress, social
progress, or commercial viability. Current sustainability concepts typically replace the "or" with "and."

5.1 Being Sustainable

There are many benefits associated with operating a sustainable organization. Some of these include:
 Reduced energy, wastes, and costs
 Differentiating sustainable organizations from others
 Sidestepping future regulations
 Creating innovative processes and products
 Opening new markets
 Attracting/retaining the best employees
 Reduced improper labeling of products
 Reduced legal risks and insurance costs
 Providing a higher quality of life
 Reduced liability for pollutants
 Being closed out of certain markets
 Reduced attacks on an organization’s image
 Improving the organization’s public and shareholder image
 Reducing supply problems due to raw materials and energy
There are many reasons why sustainability is becoming a strategic issue for many organizations.
Some of the major reasons include the followings:
 It’s a natural extension of other organizational changes
 Natural resources are becoming a limiting factor
 Environmental issues now involve global consequences
 Health concerns are gaining importance
 Being sustainable produces many unintended benefits
 Energy supplies pose a significant threat
 Associated with these problems are new opportunities
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor
All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been
secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS 9 Pages of page | 6
Ecological into Sustainable Energy, an Engineering Design within Environment

A genuinely sustainable organization can be compared to a wheel. The spokes of the wheel represent
various parts of the organization including its employees, the products it promotes, the revenue it
generates, the raw materials it uses, the natural resources it uses, and the byproducts it creates. The
rim of the wheel represents the various constituencies it affects. These might include the
environment, its customers, suppliers, stockholders, the community in which it operates, and the
numerous competitors and other industries it interacts with. In a sustainable world, all of this is in
balance, and as the wheel rotates appropriately. If anyone of the spokes or rim constituencies is out
of balance, the wheel might wobble or collapse.

5.2 Sustainability Principle Models

There are several sets of principles that describe the attributes of a truly sustainable organization.
The Permaculture Principles developed by Mollison and Holgrem (1978) represent one of the early
developments. Several other sets of principles have been established since 1995. A very original set
of laws is the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) proposed Guidance on Social
Responsibility (ISO 26000) that is due to be published in draft form in October 2009. Edwards (2005)
summarizes the various sets of sustainability principles. Typically, these sets differ in their scope
(local, regional, national, international) and by sectors (government, business, industry, or society) to
which they apply within the context towards a sustainable environment.

Section 6.0
General Analysis, Recommendation, and Conclusion
Because of the green building revolution around the world, it becomes the talk of the town, design,
and construction firms enjoying such. Ten (10) years back, green building was introduced since the
author came to attend a seminar conducted by the Institution of Engineers India (IEI) followed by the
ASHRAE Qatar Chapter for how many times to present. Until one of the speakers that time from
Qatar Professional Engineering Commission pronouncement that Green Building or Sustainability has
been included in the Qatar Construction Specification Standards and hence, became mandatory
throughout design and construction. The regulation of standards has been monitored and assessed
by QSAS. The assessment and guidelines are the adaptation from the USGBC rating system for the
building environment. However, the author concludes that the preparation of this research becomes
awareness for the development of technological innovation within the Sustainability Energy, and
Engineering Design in various aspects of building services and ecological perspective of environmental
engineering, planning, and architectural designs are essentials in the sense of optimization and
precision. It is an excellent advantage to the satisfaction and recognition of the Clients.
Ecological Aspect of Sustainability Energy and Engineering Design is gaining momentum as the
technology evolves, and higher interoperability possibility that is coupled with the rapidly emerging
goals of green building/sustainable design and net-zero energy buildings and carbon dioxide
emissions reduction that will require "whole building" fully integrated design, construction, operation,
and maintenance. Beyond these objectives are the traditional cost, quality, safety, and productivity
goals not just for individual buildings but for the facilities, communities, and cities. And with the
innovation nowadays, more importantly, these provide process enhancements that save money,
enhances ROI (return on investment), and allows money that would have been wasted to be
reinvested upfront toward a better building. Moreover, in the author’s article, “Urban Greening Policy,
a Proposal,” published in the ResearchGate (January 08, 2020) explained and discussed the Urban
Greening as policy and one of the principles of UNDP Sustainable Goals #11, Sustainable Cities and
Communities, which is being transformed on the way the building build and managing the spaces for
sustainable built-up areas from the design works and project implementation into a reality for a
common good for public use and mitigating Climate Change with the phenomenon we are facing.
Much more work must be done to enable the technology to be fully applied on a day to day basis,
and the industry is still far from having an interoperable, federated system that can allow fully
integrated parametric building and system design. The most exceptional opportunity lies with fully
integrated, multidisciplinary Architectural-Engineering practices where CAE and BIM integration is
being done as a continuum of the design process. There are also tremendous opportunities for
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor
All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been
secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS 9 Pages of page | 7
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS

improved efficiency in the overall design and construction process. These efficiencies, coupled with
the building owner/developer seeing the economic advantages that are now highly recommended by
the Local Authorities following the USGBC Rules and Regulation concerning the Codes and Standards
of Practices in sustainability engineering design and construction applications. Additionally, in the
author’s article, “Facts on Adopting Building Information Modelling,” published in the CEAI ViewPoint
Journal and ResearchGate (February 25, 2019) explained and discussed the observation of
technological innovation required in the building science as tools in the Architectural and Engineering
Consulting Firm as well as in the construction industry to simplify all construction and design issues
that we have had experienced conventionally, however, in the said article paper will discuss the
benefits that can be achieved using BIM (Building Information Modelling).
Section 7.0
Message from the Author
Moreover, it is the author's wish that the reader will appreciate the full context of this article,
"Ecological into Sustainable Energy (Engineering Design within Environment)," which is a subject
course excerpt from my "Sustainable Energy and Engineering Design." An approved AIUs
Master Subject Curriculum Course of a research thesis submitted to the Atlantic International
University (AIU USA) that has been provided in 2011. However, it will be a useful reference for future
engineering research studies concerning Ecological Aspect on Sustainable Design in a simple manner
and believes that there are still areas that would need enhancement; hence, any suggestion that
could further improve is highly appreciated.
Section 8.0
Statement of Authorship
The author has developed and conducted all necessary literature research in completing this article
composition with the prepared conceptual framework, identifying thematic points on all cases,
formulated recommendations, and undertook the write-up as a part-time work to complete.
Section 9.0
Write-Up References can be Read from this Links
Gomeseria, RV; (2012); "Building Services Engineering Management;" A Thesis compliance
with the MSME Approved Curricula Subject Course, AIU SSE USA; ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (December 2018); “Engineering Consultancy in the World's Environmental
Movement;” CEAI ViewPoint Journal; Quarterly Magazine December 2018 Edition; Consulting
Engineers Association of India; ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (06 April 2019); “Building Built Construction (Environmental Process and
Management);” ResearchGate; Retrieved from,
Gomeseria, RV; (March 2018); “Environmental Possibilism;” ViewPoint Journal; Consulting
Engineers India March 2018 Quarterly Edition; ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (Jan 08, 2020); “Urban Greening Policy, a Proposal;" ResearchGate; Retr from;
Gomeseria, RV; (September 2018); “Energy Conservation for Utilities Means Sustainability"
ViewPoint Journal; Consulting Engineers India March 2018 Quarterly Edition; Retrieved from;

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been
secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS 9 Pages of page | 8
Ecological into Sustainable Energy, an Engineering Design within Environment

Gomeseria, RV; (December 2018); “Engineering Consultancy in the World's Environmental

Movement;" ViewPoint Journal; Consulting Engineers India March 2018 Quarterly Edition;
ResearchGate; Retrieved from;'s_En
Gomeseria, RV; (25 January 2019); "Helping Future Environmental Movement with
Strategies;" ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (01 January 2020); "Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment;" Journal
of Management and Development Studies; University of the Philippines (UPOU); Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (25 February 2019); “Facts on Adopting Building Information Modelling;”
ResearchGate; Retrieved from,

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About the Author

With 27,770+ LinkedIn Followers Connections

Er. Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D. ME/PME, PE, PEng, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, APEC (IntPE), ACPE, ASEANEng
Professional Engineer (Philippines, Qatar, India, UK); Chartered Engineer (India, UK); Chartered Environmentalist (India);
Chartered Engineering Manager (USA); Chartered Health Care Manager (USA); Specialized Engineering Manager (UK);
Specialized Project Manager (UK); Master Project Manager (USA); Chartered Building Engineer (UK); ASEAN Engineer;
ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer; APEC Engineer (IntPE); Mechanical Engineer (Phils); Plumbing Engineer / Master
Plumber (Phils); Master Electrician (Phils); Certified International Project Manager (USA)
Book & Article Author/Writer – CEAI ViewPoint Journal | Durresamin Journal | Top 1% Author of Academia and
eCommerce Graduate Course (99.34 GWA-High Distinction Award); New Enterprise Planning Grad Course (94.6 GWA Distinction Award)
RCRANRM / CCA&DRM / PED Graduate Courses – UPOU CEP Courses Topnotch | SAfE Course (2020 – Ongoing)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management Maj in Upland Resources Management (DENRM-URM, 1.78 GWA)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management major in Coastal Resources Management (DENRM-CRM) - Ongoing
University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
Master of Science in Construction Management (36 Credit Units / 2016-2018, 1.14 GWA / 4.0 US GPA, Topnotch)
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
Master of Mechanical Engineering (48 Credit Units / 2010-2013, 3.78 US GPA, Magna Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering (65 Credit Units / 2016-2019, 4.0 US GPA, Summa Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering (Ongoing)
Atlantic International University, USA
Master of Arts in Teaching major in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology | EARIST Manila, Philippines (1.12 GPA, 2002-2004)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | Bicol University, Legazpi City, Philippines

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been
secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/H5NXS 9 Pages of page | 9

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